有时想将一个mp3文件中的某一段截取出来,在Linux可以选择使用mp3splt这个工具。该工具其实还支持对ogg格式文件的分割。 下面以mp3为例简要介绍一下它的使用: (1) 安装 可以从源里直接安装:sudo aptitude install mp3splt (2) 分割 假如有一个待分割的test.mp3文件,如果想截取其中的2分15秒~2分45秒这一段,则最简单的命令是:
关于该工具的更多、高级用法,请参阅它的man手册及其中的示例: mp3splt album.mp3 54.32.19 67.32 -o out mp3splt album.ogg 54.32.19 67.32 -o out This is the standard use of mp3splt for constant bitrate mp3 or for any ogg.You specify a begin time (which in this case uses hundredths, 54.32.19), an end time and an output file. mp3splt -f -d newdir album.mp3 album2.mp3 145.59 234.2 This is frame mode for variable bitrate mp3 and multiple files.You can see that time format uses min.sec even if minutes are over 60.Output files in this case will be: album_145m_59s_0h__234m_2s_0h.mp3 and album2_145m_59s_0h__234m_2s_0h.mp3because user didn't specify it and they will be in the directory named newdir. mp3splt -nf album.mp3 0.12 21.34.7 25.3 30.40 38.58 This is the use of -n option and multiple splitpoints. Four files will be createdand will not contain ID3 informations. mp3splt -w album_MP3WRAP.mp3 This is Wrap mode. You can use this when mp3 is a file wrapped with Mp3Wrap or AlbumWrap.You can specify an output directory with the -d option. mp3splt -lq album.mp3 This is List mode. You can use this when you want to list all tracks of a wrapped file without extracting them.With quiet option (-q), program will not calculate CRC! mp3splt -s f.mp3 or mp3splt -s -p th=-50,nt=10 f.mp3 This is silence option. Mp3splt will try to automatically detect splitpoints with silence detection and in the first casewill split all tracks found with default parameters, while in the second 10 tracks (or less if too much) with the mostprobable silence points at a threshold of -50 dB. mp3splt -c file.cddb album.mp3 This is CDDB mode with a local file. Filenames and splitpoints will be taken from file.cddb. mp3splt -c query album.mp3 This is CDDB mode with internet query. Will ask you the keyword to search and you will selectthe wanted cd. mp3splt -a -c file.cddb album.mp3 This is CDDB mode with auto-adjust option (default parameters). Splitpoints will beadjusted with silence detection in a range of 30 seconds before and after cddb splitpoints. mp3splt -a -p gap=15,th=-23,rm -c file.cddb album.mp3 This is CDDB mode with auto-adjust option. Splitpoints will be adjusted with silencedetection in a range of 15 seconds before and after cddb splitpoints, with a threshold of -23 dB,and silence will be removed. mp3splt -c query album.mp3 -n -o @n_@t This is CDDB mode with internet query with Frame mode, NoID3 and Output format.Output filenames will be named like: 01_Title.mp3 mp3splt -t 10.00 album.mp3 This is -t option. It will split album.mp3 in many files of 10 minutes each. |