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原创 nginx简单配置反向代理和负载均衡
1.先从Neginx官网下载 最新的nginx zip包;2.解压到本地 全英文目录下3.修改 nginx-1.20.1\conf\nginx.conf 文件worker_processes 1;events {worker_connections 1024;}http {include mime.types;default_type application/octet-stream;sendfile on;***upstream hxdServer
2021-07-06 23:30:45 169 2
原创 连接MySQL: Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database
项目场景:ssm项目连接mysql 8.0 报错:Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database!问题描述:### Error querying database. Cause: org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException: Failed to obtain JDBC Connection; nested exception is java.sql.S
2021-07-04 20:17:17 354
原创 windows10安装压缩包mysql 8.0.25 Can‘t create test file问题
项目场景:windows10安装压缩包mysql 8.0.25解压后,用管理员在mysql的bin目录下,执行命令:mysqld --install提示Service successfully installed.再继续执行 启动命令net start mysql结果报如下错误:PS F:\Environment\mysql-8.0.25-winx64\bin> net start mysqlMySQL 服务正在启动 .MySQL 服务无法启动。...
2021-07-03 15:51:37 1504
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