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转载 Entity Framework学习(二) - Entity Framework Automatic Detect Changes
When using most POCO entities the determination of how an entity has changed (and therefore which updates need to be sent to the database) is handled by the Detect Changes algorithm. Detect Chang...
2017-03-27 22:54:00 95
转载 Entity Framework学习(一) - Entity Framework Add and Attach and Entity States
Entity Framework Add and Attach and Entity StatesEntity Framewokr 新增、附加、实体状态This topic will cover how to add and attach entities to a context and how Entity Framework processes these duri...
2017-03-27 22:53:00 198
转载 Ninject学习(一) - Dependency Injection By Hand
大体上是把官网上的翻译下而已。http://www.ninject.90iogjkdcrorg/wiki.htmlDependency Injection By HandSo what’s Ninject all about? First, let’s examine the idea of dependency injection by walking through a ...
2016-12-04 11:45:00 92
好久没配置.NET+IIS+MSSQL了,跟以前不大一样了。总结下吧。环境:Windows Server 2012 标准版 x64SQL Server Express 2014一、HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error错误提示:HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error,...
2016-10-01 20:54:00 184
转载 浅谈HTTP中Get与Post的区别
2016-09-01 18:35:00 72
转载 C# 中的委托和事件
觉得这篇文章写的非常好,大神之作,由简入繁,对我这种初学者来说帮忙很大,特此留存下。摘自:http://tracefact.net/CSharp-Programming/Delegates-and-Events-in-CSharp.aspx引言委托 和 事件在 .Net Framework中的应用非常广泛,然而,较好地理解委托和事件对很多接触C#时间不长的人来说并不容易。它们...
2016-08-02 15:32:00 85
转载 C#操作Excel文件
2016-07-13 20:49:00 106
转载 Coding List
2016-06-17 16:07:00 123
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