图表使用Xamarin.Forms - Microcharts App,问题点注意使用的版本0.6.0或者0.6.1 转载https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/...

Xamarin.Forms - Microcharts App

In this article, we are going to learn how to display micro-charts in single line code for Xamarin.Forms.


Displaying charts in mobile apps has always been a great way to offer users a clear overview of numerical data. I want this task to be as easy as writing a few lines of code, but I couldn't find a straight-forward way to achieve this. This is why I started exploring SkiaSharp and created Microcharts.
nuGet package : Xamarin.Forms = search "Microcharts.Forms"
This simple plugin can display microcharts in Xamarin.Forms.

Available charts Microcharts.Forms Plugin
  • Barchart
  • PointChart
  • LineChart
  • DonutChart
  • RadialGaugeChart
  • RadarChart

Chart Types

  1.  Chartview.Chart =  new BarChart(){Entries = entries}; 
  1. Chartview.Chart =  new PointChart(){Entries = entries}; 
  1. Chartview.Chart =  new LineChart(){Entries = entries}; 

  1. Chartview.Chart =  new DonutChart(){Entries = entries}; 

  1. Chartview.Chart =  new RadialGaugeChart(){Entries = entries}; 

  1. Chartview.Chart =  new RadartChart(){Entries = entries}; 
Step 1

You can create Xamarin.Forms app by going to File >> New >> Visual C# >> Cross Platform >> Cross Platform App (Xamarin.Native or Xamarin.Forms), give the application name and press OK.

(Project name: MicrochartsApp)
Step 2

Now, add the following NuGet Package for your projects.
  • Microcharts.Forms

    For that, go to Solution Explorer and select your solution. Right-click and select "Manage NuGet Packages for the Solution". Now, select the following NuGet Package, select your project, and install it.
  • Microcharts.Forms

Step 3

To display a chart, we'll need to host it in a ChartView.
After installing NuGet packages, add a ChartView control to your project. For that, go to Solution Explorer >> MicrochartsApp(PCL) >>> Double-click on MainPage.xaml. After opening this, you can add assembly and XAML code to your project. Here is the code for this page.
  1. xmlns:forms="clr-namespace:Microcharts.Forms;assembly=Microcharts.Forms"   
XAML code
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>  
  2. <ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"  
  3.              xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml"  
  4.              xmlns:local="clr-namespace:MicrochartsApp"  
  5.              x:Class="MicrochartsApp.MainPage"  
  6.              xmlns:forms="clr-namespace:Microcharts.Forms;assembly=Microcharts.Forms">  
  7.     <ScrollView>   
  8.         <StackLayout Orientation="Vertical">  
  10.         <forms:ChartView x:Name="Chart1"  
  11.                                HeightRequest="150"/>  
  12.         <forms:ChartView x:Name="Chart2"  
  13.                                HeightRequest="150"  
  14.                              />  
  15.         <forms:ChartView x:Name="Chart3"  
  16.                              HeightRequest="150"/>  
  17.         <forms:ChartView x:Name="Chart4"  
  18.                              HeightRequest="150"/>  
  19.         <forms:ChartView x:Name="Chart5"  
  20.                              HeightRequest="150"/>  
  21.         <forms:ChartView x:Name="Chart6"  
  22.                          HeightRequest="160"/>  
  23.         </StackLayout>  
  24.     </ScrollView>  
  28. </ContentPage>   
Step 4

In this step, add data entries. For that, open Solution Explorer >> MicrochartsApp(PCL) >>click open MainPage.xaml.cs. This class code is given below.

Every chart displays via Microcharts and consumes a set of data entries. They will always have the same structure regardless of the chart type that you want to display.
Each entry
  •  Floating number representing it's value is required.
  •  Label - what your entry is associated with.
  •  ValueLabel - format your value
  •  Color - entry
  1. using Microcharts;  
  2. using SkiaSharp;  
  3. using Microcharts.Forms;  
  4. using System;  
  5. using System.Collections.Generic;  
  6. using System.Linq;  
  7. using System.Text;  
  8. using System.Threading.Tasks;  
  9. using Xamarin.Forms;  
  10. using Entry = Microcharts.Entry;  
  13. namespace MicrochartsApp  
  14. {  
  15.     public partial class MainPage : ContentPage  
  16.     {  
  17.         List<Entry> entries = new List<Entry>  
  18.         {  
  19.             new Entry(200)  
  20.             {  
  21.                 Color=SKColor.Parse("#FF1943"),  
  22.                 Label ="January",  
  23.                 ValueLabel = "200"  
  24.             },  
  25.             new Entry(400)  
  26.             {  
  27.                 Color = SKColor.Parse("00BFFF"),  
  28.                 Label = "March",  
  29.                 ValueLabel = "400"  
  30.             },  
  31.             new Entry(-100)  
  32.             {  
  33.                 Color =  SKColor.Parse("#00CED1"),  
  34.                 Label = "Octobar",  
  35.                 ValueLabel = "-100"  
  36.             },  
  37.             };  
  38.         public MainPage()  
  39.         {  
  40.             InitializeComponent();  
  43.             Chart1.Chart = new RadialGaugeChart() { Entries = entries };  
  44.             Chart2.Chart = new LineChart() { Entries = entries };  
  45.             Chart3.Chart = new DonutChart() { Entries = entries };  
  46.             Chart4.Chart = new BarChart() { Entries = entries };  
  47.             Chart5.Chart = new PointChart() { Entries = entries };  
  48.             //Chart6.Chart = new RadarChart() { Entries = entries };  
  49.         }  
  50.     }  

Step 5

Now, go to "Build" menu and configure your startup project. After configuring, run your project. You will have the result like below.

Finally, we have successfully created Xamarin.Forms Microcharts application.

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florent SERFAS
Hi all, is it possible with microchart to do a real time chart ?
May 31, 2019 florent SERFAS
1805 7 0
Logesh Palani
Sure. Just Bind the real time data, its works
Jun 02, 2019 Logesh Palani
278 6.8k 669.7k
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divya morampudi
Hi all,how to get label value by clicking on that.i mean do we have any click event for label?.i need to navigate to another page when i click on that valuelabel
Feb 13, 2019 divya morampudi
1805 7 0
Logesh Palani
You just use Tapped gesture event to navigate or perform operations
May 22, 2019 Logesh Palani
278 6.8k 669.7k
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Ajithkumar J
Copied from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmymWdmf1y4&list=PLpbcUe4chE794tJySgk0EiqSWp4o2yFdY&index=6 :)
Jan 14, 2019 Ajithkumar J
280 6.7k 392.6k
satya m
Is it possible in Visual studio 2017 professional
Jan 04, 2019 satya m
1657 155 1.5k
Logesh Palani
You can use any version of visual studio but need to want your Xamarin.Forms version
May 22, 2019 Logesh Palani
278 6.8k 669.7k
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Terry Chen
Hi, can this charts do live updates?
Dec 05, 2018 Terry Chen
1810 2 0
Sandeep Kumar
Yes It can
Jan 24, 2019 Sandeep Kumar
415 4.3k 522.8k
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I did try already, but this didnt work buddy
Aug 22, 2018 SHRUTI SHARMA
1797 15 0
Sandeep Kumar
What the problem you are facing ? Can you please describe here regarding the problem which you are facing. For reference regarding the problem u can refer the below link
Jan 24, 2019 Sandeep Kumar
415 4.3k 522.8k
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Sandeep Kumar
Jan 24, 2019 Sandeep Kumar
415 4.3k 522.8k
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Hi can you let us know how to reduce diameter of pie chart
Aug 21, 2018 SHRUTI SHARMA
1797 15 0
Logesh Palani
Edit your height and width request <forms:ChartView x:Name="Chart6" HeightRequest="160"/>
Aug 22, 2018 Logesh Palani
278 6.8k 669.7k
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Maitri Palkhiwala
Hi, Can u pls suggest how to implement two bar chart?
Aug 21, 2018 Maitri Palkhiwala
1802 10 0
Logesh Palani
Maitri Palkhiwala you can use various values to use no.of Bar Chart's [Code ] - Chart.Chart = new BarChart() { Entries = entries };
Aug 21, 2018 Logesh Palani
278 6.8k 669.7k
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Maitri Palkhiwala
Thanks for Reply.. But I have a need for dual bar chart(two series..)
Aug 22, 2018 Maitri Palkhiwala
1802 10 0
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Sandeep Kumar
Hi, Can u explain how to implement tap event in microcharts and how to work with dynamic data too
Dec 25, 2017 Sandeep Kumar
415 4.3k 522.8k
Logesh Palani
Dec 25, 2017 Logesh Palani
278 6.8k 669.7k
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Sandeep Kumar
They have not used the tap event at all...
Jan 24, 2019 Sandeep Kumar
415 4.3k 522.8k
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Ravishankar Velladurai
Wow nice article bro..
Dec 11, 2017 Ravishankar Velladurai
259 7.2k 500.6k


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