在Xcode中整合iPhone SDK和iPhone ToolChain

在官方提供的iPhone SDK下,我们可能无法访问很多iPhone底层的API接口。但ToolChain开发的程序无法发布到App Store里,鉴于国内大iPhone机器都为jailbreak的。所以如果我们是面对国内iPhone用户开发应用程序,那么可以使用ToolChain,如果应用程序需要发布到App Store,那么就要使用iPhone SDK。




  • 首先确认你的机器上安装了bison和flex,这两个是yacc和lex的增强开源版本,分别为语法分析器和词法分析器,如下:

$ bison --version 
Bison version 1.28 
$ flex
flex version

  • 从LLVM SVN服务器上下载LLVM并build它,当前的版本是42498,如下:

$ svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk llvm-svn -r 42498 
$ pushd llvm
./configure --enable-optimized 
$ sudo make install 
$ popd

  • 从iphone-dev SVN服务器上获取iphone-dev并编译,如下:

$ svn checkout http://iphone-dev.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ iphone-dev 
$ pushd iphone

  • Make a directory to hold the toolchain.
    $ sudo mkdir /usr/local/arm-apple-darwin
  • Build odcctools.
    $ mkdir -p build/odcctools 
    $ pushd build/odcctools 
    $ ../../odcctools/configure --target=arm-apple-darwin --disable-ld64 
    $ make 
    $ sudo make install 
    $ popd
  • Get a copy of the iPhone root filesystem. This is usually obtained by decrypting and extracting the iPhone restore software using these tools, but there are many other methods to obtain this, including simply using scp to download all the files from the iPhone over Wi-Fi. Unpack the root filesystem somewhere, and set the environment variable $HEAVENLY to its path.
    $ HEAVENLY=/usr/local/share/iphone-filesystem
  • Install the iPhone headers to the appropriate place. If you aren't on Mac OS X, replace the /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk path with the full path to the unpacked Mac OS X 10.4 Universal SDK. If you don't have a copy of this, see below.
    $ pushd include 
    $ ./configure --with-macosx-sdk=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk 
    $ sudo bash install-headers.sh 
    $ popd
  • Install csu, which includes crt1.o, dylib1.o, and bundle1.o. Don't rebuild them from source, as this requires a working cross-GCC, which you don't have yet (and the build-from-source process for csu is broken right now anyway). Binaries are provided for this reason.
    $ mkdir -p build/csu 
    $ pushd build/csu 
    $ ../../csu/configure --host=arm-apple-darwin 
    $ sudo make install 
    $ popd
  • Only if you are compiling on leopard 10.5. This is an ugly workaround and compiling with the resulting toolchain will give you a warning.
    $ mv llvm-gcc-4.0-iphone/configure llvm-gcc-4.0-iphone/configure.old 
    llvm-gcc-4.0-iphone/configure.old > llvm-gcc-4.0-iphone/configure 
    $ export FLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-mmacosx-version-min=10.1" 
    $ sudo ln -s /usr/local/arm-apple-darwin/lib/crt1.o / 
  • Configure and make LLVM-GCC. Make sure that $LLVMOBJDIR and $HEAVENLY are set per the instructions above.
    $ mkdir -p build/llvm-gcc-4.0-iphone 
    $ pushd build/llvm-gcc-4.0-iphone 
    $ ../../llvm-gcc-4.0-iphone/configure --enable-llvm=`llvm-config --obj-root` / 
    --enable-languages=c,c++,objc,obj-c++ --target=arm-apple-darwin --enable-sjlj-exceptions / 
    --with-heavenly=$HEAVENLY --with-as=/usr/local/bin/arm-apple-darwin-as / 
    --with-ld=/usr/local/bin/arm-apple-darwin-ld --enable-wchar_t=no 
    $ make LLVM_VERSION_INFO=2.0-svn-iphone-dev-0.3-svn  
    $ sudo make install 
    $ popd 
    $ popd
  • You're done. Have fun!

HOWTO obtain the Mac OS X headers on Linux or WindowsApple's Developer Tools download page. It is free, but you will need to register with them. It is also huge (~924 MB).

  • Install the cpio utility using your distribution's standard package management system. All the major Linux distributions, as well as Cygwin, should have this utility.
  • Download the Xcode DMG from
  • Extract the Packages/MacOSX10.4.Universal.pkg directory from the Xcode DMG. Do not use the Linux kernel's HFS+ loopback mount: it does not support the format used by this DMG, and your files will be corrupted. One program that is known to work is PowerISO, although it isn't free.
  • Extract the pax archive inside the Mac OS X 10.4 SDK package.
    mkdir MacOSX10.4-Universal-SDK 
    pushd MacOSX10.4-Universal-SDK 
    gunzip -c ../MacOSX10.4.Universal.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax.gz | cpio -i 
  • The SDK files should now live in MacOSX10.4-Universal-SDK/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk in the current directory. You'll pass the path to this directory to the configure script in the include directory. Feel free to get rid of the Xcode DMG and the package directory now.


  • Make sure that there are no spaces in any of the directory names that you use. GCC does not build if there are spaces in the directory names, and the shell scripts will not work. This is most often a problem on Windows.
  • Make sure that /usr/local/bin is in your PATH. This is not the case out of the box on Mac OS X, although chances are if you've installed things from source before you've added it already.
  • If LLVM failed to compile because of missing bison and/or flex (evidence that this was the case is a failed compile on utils/TableGen/FileLexer.l), you must make clean and delete utils/TableGen/FileParser.h before trying again with bison and flex installed. LLVM's make clean script does not always properly clean up after a failed build.
  • Make sure that $HEAVENLY points to a copy of the full iPhone root filesystem, not just the unpacked update DMG. If you get errors about being unable to find -lc, then your $HEAVENLY is set incorrectly, you mistyped the --with-heavenly option to configure, or your copy of the root partition is incomplete. Your copy of the iPhone root filesystem must include a usr/lib/libc.dylib file.



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