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转载 The template you have chosen is invalid or cannot be found.

Site template is great when migrating site, you can just save an existing site as a template and then upload it to any sites you want. Most of time, it works just as well as it should be. But occ...

2008-11-06 18:57:00 548

转载 CSS trick : text-transform

Syntax:text-transform: capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inheritExample:Uppercases the first letter of every word. Uppercases the first letterAll text in the section is forced to up...

2006-08-03 13:10:00 199

转载 Site Definition KickStart Project

I just saw a good resource about customing SharePoint 2007 on Mike Fitzmaurice's blog, if you are insterested in how to create site definitions in MOSS 2007, you probably don't want to miss it.Yo...

2006-07-31 14:09:00 202

转载 Transform between Hex and Dec in Javascript


2006-07-28 17:26:00 91

转载 Visual Studio 2005 Web Application Projects Template

Web Application Projects provide a companion web project model that can be used as an alternative to the built-in Web Site Project in Visual Studio 2005. This new model is ideal for web site deve...

2006-07-26 17:38:00 81

转载 Overcome limitation of activate ActiveX control in IE

After installing the ActiveX update patch, some webpages which contain some ActiveX controls (such as media player) will require users to manually activatesuch controls by clicking on it or usin...

2006-07-12 14:17:00 123

转载 "Suggested Web Parts" in SharePoint 2007 Web Part picker page.

When we click the "Add a Web Part" button in page design mode, it will open a Web Part picker page. By default, this page will display as two groups, one is "Lists and Libraries" group, and the o...

2006-07-05 17:20:00 67

转载 Extend toolbar of HtmlEditor in SharePoint 2007

In SharePoint 2007, there is a handy WYSIWYG editor you can use to format html content stored in MOSS 2007(text, images, tables etc). By default, it provide many features (Showed in below screens...

2006-07-05 15:09:00 81

转载 Expand querystring in URL with JavaScript

Used to add your querystring to an URL, it can judge if the querystring you try to add is exist in the URL, if so, replace it with new value, or expand the URL.functionExpandQS(queryStringName...

2006-06-12 10:02:00 79

转载 Create a AJAX enabled WebPart for SharePoint2007 by using ASP.NET 2.0 client callback feature

I tried to integrate Atlas into WebPart a couple of days ago but failed. Atlas is a great AJAX framework from Microsoft, but it isn't compatible with SharePoint 2007 for now, what a pity. But y...

2006-05-26 15:14:00 103

转载 Code view is missing in SharePoint Designer Beta 2 when you try to edit a WSS v3 site.

When you open up SharePoint Designer Beta 2 and try to edit a site, you will find that the code view is not there as usual even though you have full permissions of this site.By default, SharePoin...

2006-05-24 13:24:00 75

转载 MOSS2007(Beta) SDK is online.

It's very excited to know that Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007(Beta) SDK is available. You can get the downloadable version or just browse it online on MSDN.Install version: SharePoint Se...

2006-05-24 11:06:00 72

转载 .Net Framework v2.0 built-in tools

You can find all these tools in the following table under \SDK\v2.0\Bin directory. You'd better run sdkvars.bat in the directory first to make these tools work properly. Tool Descri...

2006-05-23 14:14:00 144

转载 StringBuilder in Javascript


2006-05-16 23:39:00 74

转载 Remove duplicate rows from a table

Here is thething, if we have a table with the following structure, there are thousands of records in this table, and probably some of which is duplicated.Now weneed todelete those duplication...

2006-05-12 15:28:00 104

转载 Remove duplicate items from collection


2006-05-12 13:14:00 83

转载 Programatically download file from document library.

You probably have this kind of scenario, you have developed a document library system base on theWSS object model, users of this system need to download files from backend WSS site, but sometime...

2005-12-03 20:53:00 71

转载 Reset VSS Admin Password

Open the um.dat in /data dir in ultraedit, reset the bytes from offset 800:80 55 55 bc 7f 41 64 6d 69 6e 00 00 00 00 00 00 000:90 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000:a0 00 00 00 00 9...

2005-11-29 23:06:00 123

转载 Html entity encoder/decoder

Detail refer to http://andrewu.co.uk/clj/entityencode/.functionTextToEntities(strPlainText,blnPartialEncodeOnly){varstrPartial=[];varstrFull=[];varintP=0;...

2005-11-25 16:48:00 150

转载 A nice piece of javascript to simulate Adodb Recordset.

Get from http://cwashington.netreach.net/depo/view.asp?Index=812&ScriptType=jscript: functionRecordset(arrFieldNames,arrData){this.Columns=arrFieldNames;this.Data=arrData;...

2005-10-10 16:59:00 90

转载 Order of Events in WebPart

Quoted from SPDiary."Regular" mode"ToolPane" modeNewNewOn InitOn InitOn LoadCreateChildControlsCreateChildControlsOn LoadGetToolPartsOn PreRenderOn P...

2005-08-22 10:30:00 75

转载 "401: Access Denied" when you call webservice in your webpart.

I recently ran into a big problem when I work on my ListAggregation webpart, the webpart need to pull some lists data from remote Wss site into my local Wss site, these two servers are not in...

2005-08-03 19:54:00 86

转载 Using Explorer to get files in the GAC

Last year, I mentioned a trick about how to copy dll from GAC, but the approach is very inconvenient. Today I saw a really awesome artile Using Explorer to get to physical files in the GAC fr...

2005-07-18 14:11:00 132

转载 Auto get input in batch script.

One day, I need to write a batch script to help me with my work, and there are some interactive yes/no prompt, just like this: "Do you want to continue?[Y/N]" This need to user make a c...

2005-06-22 16:15:00 76

转载 Backup or Restore SQL Server Database to another server.

When you try to backup or restore your database to another network server in the SQL Server Enterprise Manager, you will get following error:Cannot open backup device "\\networkserver\c$\xx.b...

2005-06-22 14:51:00 88

转载 Microsoft's online virtual lab

Microsoft has createdmany training environments for applications like RMS, SPS, SMS, LCS, Exchange and so on, through this you can take a quick tour of these applications even though you hav...

2005-05-25 17:35:00 84

转载 配置Firefox支持NTLM验证

Firefox是免费与开源的小型Web浏览器,凭借其优越的性能和其出色的功能,更多的用户加入了Firefox的阵营,其市场份额也在不断的攀升。 Sharepoint是与AD紧密集成的,如果你是Firefox的爱好者,想在Firefox上使用Sharepoint,而你又是依赖NTLM授权,你就需要解决在Firefox中配置使用NTLM的问题。也许你已经有了解决方法,但Pat...

2004-12-26 16:24:00 136

转载 javascript中parseInt的问题


2004-12-24 15:32:00 106

转载 解决用FP2003编辑Portal首页default.aspx时出现的SoapServerException异常

今天在用FrontPage2003编辑门户首页时遇到一个问题,就是当我用FP2003打开default.aspx时,提示如下错误信息: 点击详细信息,可以看到错误的详细信息: 突然遇到这个问题,有点让我措手不及,以前一直用的好好的,怎么今天就出问题了呢?很快通过google我找到了微软的一篇KB:http://support.microsoft.com/def...

2004-12-20 18:00:00 291

转载 Microsoft treeview background problem.

I have atreeview in a my asp.net page, it works fine when the page has a background color, but when i set a background-image(which is defined in the <body> tag) on the page, a terrible...

2004-10-14 17:04:00 97

转载 Get your gmail...

I have some (6) invites laying around, If you are interested, leave your email in thecomments. All gone!转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/fengzhimei/archive/2004/09/07/40780.html

2004-09-07 17:38:00 221

转载 Great Addins for Reflector

Jonathan de Halleuxcreated Some usefuladdins for Lutz Roeder's excellent Reflector tool. Looks pretty cool转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/fengzhimei/archive/2004/08/26/36661.html...

2004-08-26 10:42:00 47

转载 SQL Tip of the day: get a specific range of results

I Have a table with 60 rows data, But now I just want toget ten rows starting from the twentieth row, for example: give me records between21 and 30. Is there a way can do it? yes, here is t...

2004-08-10 00:01:00 61

转载 How to prevent multiple clicks of a submit button in ASP.NET

Update (3 August 2004, 10:20) A simple but effectiveapproach supplied by mike , check it out .Many of the bugs reported against ASP.NET applications have to do with unexpected user input. One ...

2004-08-03 00:46:00 78

转载 Will you use cursor, loop or ???

I have a following Question to ask allof you: Suppose you have a table named tblRoles with column named "RoleName". Now, construct a query that will select all the role names into a singl...

2004-07-04 14:55:00 54

转载 SQL Server Performance Tip : Row-by-Row Operations Without Cursors

In general, SQL Cursors are very useful and powerful because they offer a high degree of row-level data manipulation, but this power comes at a price: negative performance. So sometimes we ne...

2004-07-04 14:18:00 51

转载 Code snippet of the day : persist the scroll position of an ASP.NET page

Sometimeswe need to persist the scroll position of a page after a post back and not reset to the top, In ASP.NET 2.0, you can use the SmartNavigation feature. However, setting SmartNavigatio...

2004-07-04 12:30:00 97

转载 Use of attributes

Attributes are classes that allow you to add additional information to elements of your class structure(types, methods, properties, and so forth).This sample demonstrates the creation and use...

2004-06-25 01:29:00 60

转载 Convert a string to an enum.

I encountered a problem when coding where I wanted to convert a string to an enum last night, First, I generated a long list of switch and case statements to handle this problem. But it is ve...

2004-06-22 03:53:00 93

转载 Interview questions : Advanced C# questions

1. What's the advantage of using System.Text.StringBuilder over System.String? StringBuilder is more efficient in the cases, where a lot of manipulation is done to the text. Strings are immut...

2004-06-20 01:32:00 135



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