Git - 初步

github 使用:
1 新建项目
2 执行页面上的配置命令

global setup               *          # 全局配置

# 全局配置,在本机所有项目有效 (若项目有显示配置,则以项目配置为准)
git config --global "my name"               #  ./gitconfig  -->git 根目录下
git config --global    #./gitconfig  -->git 根目录下
/* 形如
email = ""
email = "name"

# 局部(单个项目)配置 , 若全局配置过,则不必配置
git config "my name"               #  ./git/config  -->git 根目录下
git config    #./git/config  -->git 根目录下

add your public key               #
ssh-keygen                # 生成公钥 - 默认全部回车即可
 # c:/Users/admin/.ssh/id_rsa
next steps                 *      # 这两项直接执行命令即可
mkdir first-proj
cd first-proj
touch README
git add README
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
-- 取回服务器信息
git fetch origin
git rebase origin/master
git push
-- 冲突
git fetch origin
git rebase origin/master
vim xxx.file
git add .
git rebase --continue
git push

-- 删除文件后,取回
git checkout -f HEAD
find .git/objects/ -type f
git show -s --pretty=raw <hash>
-- 查看对象类型
git cat-file -t <hash>
-- tag     commit tag 标签
git tag v1.0                                                      -- 这是指针类型的 tag
cat .git/refs/tags/v1.0
git tag -a milestone1.0 -m "This is the first stable version"     -- 对象型的 tag
-- 从 tag 提供源码,打包  < proj 为项目
git archive --format=tar --prefix=proj/ v1.0 | gzip > /tmp/proj1.0.tar.gz
-- 从 tag 检出
git checkout v1.0  # .git/refs/tags/v1.0
-- 分支 master | testing
- 合并分支
git branch
git checkout master
git merge testing
- 删除分支
git branch -D testing
- 合并分支 冲突
-- rename
- 事先在磁盘上 rename a.c to b.c
git rm a.c
git add b.c
git status
git mv a.c b.c
git status
git add x.c -s  # -s means split
git diff --color-words x.c
git checkout -- dirName/
git checkout -- xx.c    # -- 表示在当前分支检出修改
-- unstage one file/directory - 在 stage index 进行
git reset HEAD xxx.c
-- 修改最近一个commit,将本commit附加到最近的commit
git commit --amend -m "update info" -- 可以在这里修改commit信息
git commit --amend -m "changed info"
-- git diff --staged
git log
git checkout <SHA> -- xxx.c
git status
git diff --staged
git reset HEAD xxx.c   # reset xxx.c from SHA - HEAD
git checkout --
-- revert
git log  # get the latest commit SHA
git revert <SHA>   # pop up a commit message
git log
-- git reset --soft    # does not change staging index or working directory
git log # get SHA
cat .git/HEAD # in master branch
cat .git/refs/heads/master
git reset --soft <SHA>    # the history <SHA>
cat .git/refs/heads/master
- something changed
git status
git diff --staged
get reset --soft <SHA>   # get back to the latest history
git status
-- git reset --mixed
git reset --mixed <SHA>   # changes staging index to match repository,
 # does not change workiing directory.
-- reset --hard           # changes staging index and working directory to
                          # match repository.
git log
git reset --hard <SHA>    #
git log
git status # nothing to commit
git reset --hard <SHA>    # 回到丢失的 commit, 如果还能记住或找到之前的 SHA,在 repository 中并没有将其删除
-- git clean    # remove files which untracked, so it would not exist in working space,stage index and repository
git status   # some file is untracked
git clean
git clean -n
git add aFileToDelete.c
git clean -f
git status
-- ignore file
·very basic regular expressions
  * ? [aeiou] [0-9]
·negate expressions with!
·ignore all files in a directory with trailing slah
·comment lines gegin with #, blank lines are skipped

- in the working directory
vim .gitignore
# Comment
# question: would log/archive/access.log be ignored? No.

- globally ignore files
vim .gitignore_blobal
git config --global core.excludesfile ...\.gitignore_global     # 在git 的根目录执行 / 其目录下有 .gitconfig 文件
cat .gitconfig

- ignore tracking files
# add a.c to repository, "git add a.c | git commit"
# remove it, and keep it in working space
git rm --cached a.c
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "remove a.c from index"
git status
-- Tracking empty directories
touch .gitkeep   # 在空目录下建空文件
git status
git add <./...>
git commit -m "add 'empty' directory with .gitkeep file in it"
-- navigating the commit tree
-- refrencing commits
git help ls-tree
git ls-tree HEAD
git ls-tree master
git ls-tree master assets/
git ls-tree master^ assets/   # parent commit
git ls-tree <SHA>
git log --oneline
git log --oneloine -3
git log --since="2012-10-23"
git log --until="2012-10-23"
git log --since="3 weeks ago" --until="2 days ago"
git log --since=3.weeks --until=2.days
git log --author="Kevin"
git log 332983..acf8750 --oneline  # two SHA
git log c4913e.. index.html        # view the log of a file up to now
git log -p c4913e.. index.html     # show changes
git log --start --summary
git log --format=oneline
git log --format=short
git log --format=full
git log --format=midum
git log --format=raw
git log --format=email
git log --graph
git log --oneline --graph --all --decorate
git log --oneline
git show SHA
git show --format=oneline HEAD
git show --format=oneline HEAD^
git show --format=oneline HEAD^^
git show --format=oneline HEAD~3
git help show
git show SHA
git diff       # return the changes that between working directory and stage index
git diff --staged
git diff --cached
git log --oneline
git diff SHA   # SHA reference to commit
               # return differences between the directory at that point 
  # in time and my current working directory.
git diff SHA tours.html          # show the changes of one file
git diff SHA..SHA
git diff SHA..SHA tours.html     # show the changes of one file
git diff SHA..HEAD
git diff SHA..HEAD^^
git diff --stat --summary SHA..HEAD
git diff -b SHA..HEAD                       # 等效于下一条命令
git diff --ignore-space-change SHA..HEAD
git diff --ignore-all-space SHA..HEAD
git diff -w SHA..HEAD                        # 等效于上一条命令
-- create branch
git branch
cat .git/HEAD
ls -la .git/refs/heads
cat .git/resfs/heads/master
git log --oneline
git branch new_feature
git branch
cat .git/HEAD
git checkout new_feature
git branch
cat .git/HEAD
# change a file
git status
git commit -am "message"
git log --oneline
git checkout master
git log --oneline
- git checkout new_feature
git show HEAD
it log --graph --oneline --decorate --all
export PS1='\W$(__git_ps1 "(%s)") > '
source ~/.bashprofile   # execute the script
-- merging code  # merge different branchs in
- merge the changes into the master branch
git branch
git diff master..seo_title
git checkout master
git merge seo_title # fast forward
git log
git diff master..seo_title
git branch --merged
-- use fast-forward merge
git log seo_title --oneline -3
git log master --oneline -3
git merge --no-ff branch   # no-ff option forces Git to create a merge commit anyway
git merge --ff-only branch # only do the fast-forward merge, otherwise abort
-- merging conflicts
git checkout seo_title # update the a.file
git commit -am "update the a.file"
git checkout master # update the a.file too
git commit -am "update the a.file too"
git merge seo_title # CONFLICT
git merge --abort
git status
git log --oneline
git merge seo_title # abort merge

# resolve the conflicts manually
# use a merge tool
git status
git add a.file
git status
git commit
gti status
git log --oneline -4
git branch --merged # --> seo_title
git log --graph --oneline --all --decorate
# git mergetool --tool=xxx
git mergetool
-- reduce merge conflicts
# keep lines short
# keep commits small and focused
# beware stray edits to whitespace
  - spaces,tabs,line returns
# merge often
# track changes to master
-- saving changes in the stash
# Let's try making a change,and then we can store it in the stash
git checkout shorten_title
git branch --merged
# change b.file
git status
git checkout master # error
# commit changes or stash them
git stash save "changed b.file"
git status # nothing to commit
git log --oneline -3
git stash list # stash@{0}:
git checkout master
git stash list # stash@{0}: 
  # it is available
git stash show stash@{0}
git stash show -p stash@{0}
git stash pop   # - put stash in the work directory  - remove it from the stash
git stash apply # /                                  - keep the copy in the stash
git stash pop stash@{0}
git stash list
git stash save "save stash again"
git checkout shorten_title
git status
git stash list
git stash apply
git stash list
-- deleting stashed changes
git stash list
git stash drop stash@{0}  #
git stash list
# change c.file
git status
git stash save "change c.file"
git stash list
git status
# change d.file
git status
git stash save "change d.file"
git stash list
git stash clear # clear all of the stahs
git stash list
-- using local and remote respositories
# pull
# fetch
git remote
git remote add <name> <url>
git remote
git remote -v
cat .git/config
git remote rm origin
cat .git/config
# git push -u origin # push to remote
git branch
git push -u origin master
cat .git/config
ls -la .git/refs/remotes
ls -la .git/refs/remotes/origin
cat .git/refs/remotes/origin/master
git branch
git branch -r # remote
git branch -a # all
--    从服务器检出源码
git clone lynda_version
# tracking remote branches
-- fetching changes from remote
git branch
git branch -r
git fetch # It is'n  hrmful
git log --oneline -5 origin/master
git branch
git branch -r
git log --oneline -5 master
-- merging in fetched changes
git branch -a
git diff origin/master..master
git merge origin/master
git log --oneline -3 master

# git pull = git fetch + git merge

-- checking out remote branches
git branch
git branch -r
git branch non_tracking origin/non_tracking
cat .git/config
git branch -d non_tracking # -d : delete
gir branch -r
git checkout -b non_tracking origin/non_tracking
git branch
git checkout master
git branch
-- pushing to an updated remote branch
# 本地与远程在某一个commit 不一致
# fetch - merge - push
git branch -a
git push origin :non_tracking # delete一个远程分支,本地仍然保存有这个分支
git branch -r
git push origin non_tracking:non_tracking   # non_tracking --> non_tracking  =>  local branch --> remote branch
# push to origin my local branch non_tracking, to remote branch
# :non_tracking   => it means to delete the remote branch 'non_tracking'
git push oring non_tracking
git push oring --delete non_tracking # delete a branch from local and remote
git branch -r
-- my work
git checkout master
git fetch
git merge origin/master
git checkout -b feedback_form
git add feedback.html
git commit -m "Add customer feedback form"
git fetch
git push -u origin feedback_form
-- a collaboration workflow
the coworker
git checkout master
git fetch
git merge origin/master
git checkout -b feedbakc_form origin/feedback_form
git log
git show 8387f0
git commit -am "Add tour selector to feedback form"
git fetch # make sure there is no new changes come in
git push
-- my work
git fetch
git log -p feedback_form..origin/feedback_form
git merge origin/feedback_form
git checkout master
git fetch
git merge origin/master
git merge feedback_form
git push
-- setting up aliases form common commands
git config --global "status"  # ~/.config
git config --global checkout
git config --global commit
git config --global branch
git config --global alias.df diff
git config --global alias.dfs "diff --staged"
git config --global alias.logg "log --graph --decorate --oneline --abbrev-commit --all"
git logg  #
graphical user interface for mac

graphical user interface for windows
git extensions
git hosting companies
git self-hosting

<================= finished   : : git essential training
git help <log>

sc create
svn 地址: svn://localhost/proj_name
anon-access = none
auth-access = write
password-db = passwd
authz-db = authz
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