


import java.text.DateFormat;

import java.text.ParseException;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import java.util.Calendar;

import java.util.Date;

import java.util.GregorianCalendar;

import java.util.TimeZone;


* 日期类型与字符串类型相互转换


public class DateUtil



     * Base ISO 8601 Date format yyyyMMdd i.e., 20021225 for the 25th day of December in the year 2002


    public static final String ISO_DATE_FORMAT = "yyyyMMdd";


     * Expanded ISO 8601 Date format yyyy-MM-dd i.e., 2002-12-25 for the 25th day of December in the year 2002


    public static final String ISO_EXPANDED_DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd";


     * yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss


    public static String DATETIME_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss";


     * Default lenient setting for getDate.


    private static boolean LENIENT_DATE = false;


     * 暂时不用

     * @param JD

     * @return


    protected static final float normalizedJulian(float JD)


        float f = Math.round(JD + 0.5f) - 0.5f;

        return f;



     * 浮点值转换成日期格式<br>

     * 暂时不用

     * Returns the Date from a julian. The Julian date will be converted to noon GMT,

     * such that it matches the nearest half-integer (i.e., a julian date of 1.4 gets

     * changed to 1.5, and 0.9 gets changed to 0.5.)


     * @param JD the Julian date

     * @return the Gregorian date


    public static final Date toDate(float JD)


        /* To convert a Julian Day Number to a Gregorian date, assume that it is for 0 hours, Greenwich time (so

         * that it ends in 0.5). Do the following calculations, again dropping the fractional part of all

         * multiplicatons and divisions. Note: This method will not give dates accurately on the

         * Gregorian Proleptic Calendar, i.e., the calendar you get by extending the Gregorian

         * calendar backwards to years earlier than 1582. using the Gregorian leap year

         * rules. In particular, the method fails if Y<400. */

        float Z = (normalizedJulian(JD)) + 0.5f;

        float W = (int) ( (Z - 1867216.25f) / 36524.25f);

        float X = (int) (W / 4f);

        float A = Z + 1 + W - X;

        float B = A + 1524;

        float C = (int) ( (B - 122.1) / 365.25);

        float D = (int) (365.25f * C);

        float E = (int) ( (B - D) / 30.6001);

        float F = (int) (30.6001f * E);

        int day = (int) (B - D - F);

        int month = (int) (E - 1);

        if (month > 12)


            month = month - 12;


        int year = (int) (C - 4715); //(if Month is January or February) or C-4716 (otherwise)

        if (month > 2)




        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();

        c.set(Calendar.YEAR, year);

        c.set(Calendar.MONTH, month - 1); // damn 0 offsets

        c.set(Calendar.DATE, day);

        return c.getTime();



     * Returns the days between two dates. Positive values indicate that

     * the second date is after the first, and negative values indicate, well,

     * the opposite. Relying on specific times is problematic.


     * @param early the "first date"

     * @param late the "second date"

     * @return the days between the two dates


    public static final int daysBetween(Date early, Date late)


        Calendar c1 = Calendar.getInstance();

        Calendar c2 = Calendar.getInstance();



        return daysBetween(c1, c2);



     * Returns the days between two dates. Positive values indicate that

     * the second date is after the first, and negative values indicate, well,

     * the opposite.


     * @param early

     * @param late

     * @return the days between two dates.


    public static final int daysBetween(Calendar early, Calendar late)


        return (int) (toJulian(late) - toJulian(early));



     * Return a Julian date based on the input parameter. This is

     * based from calculations found at

     * <a href="">Julian Day Calculations

     * (Gregorian Calendar)</a>, provided by Bill Jeffrys.

     * @param c a calendar instance

     * @return the julian day number


    public static final float toJulian(Calendar c)


        int Y = c.get(Calendar.YEAR);

        int M = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);

        int D = c.get(Calendar.DATE);

        int A = Y / 100;

        int B = A / 4;

        int C = 2 - A + B;

        float E = (int) (365.25f * (Y + 4716));

        float F = (int) (30.6001f * (M + 1));

        float JD = C + D + E + F - 1524.5f;

        return JD;



     * 暂时不用

     * Return a Julian date based on the input parameter. This is

     * based from calculations found at

     * <a href="">Julian Day Calculations

     * (Gregorian Calendar)</a>, provided by Bill Jeffrys.

     * @param date

     * @return the julian day number


    public static final float toJulian(Date date)


        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();


        return toJulian(c);



     * 日期增加

     * @param isoString 日期字符串

     * @param fmt 格式

     * @param field 年/月/日 Calendar.YEAR/Calendar.MONTH/Calendar.DATE

     * @param amount 增加数量

     * @return

     * @throws ParseException


    public static final String dateIncrease(String isoString, String fmt, int field, int amount)




            Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone(


            cal.setTime(stringToDate(isoString, fmt, true));

            cal.add(field, amount);

            return dateToString(cal.getTime(), fmt);


        catch (Exception ex)


            return null;




     * Time Field Rolling function.

     * Rolls (up/down) a single unit of time on the given time field.


     * @param isoString

     * @param field the time field.

     * @param up Indicates if rolling up or rolling down the field value.

     * @param expanded use formating char's

     * @exception ParseException if an unknown field value is given.


    public static final String roll(String isoString, String fmt, int field, boolean up)

        throws ParseException


        Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone(


        cal.setTime(stringToDate(isoString, fmt));

        cal.roll(field, up);

        return dateToString(cal.getTime(), fmt);



     * Time Field Rolling function.

     * Rolls (up/down) a single unit of time on the given time field.


     * @param isoString

     * @param field the time field.

     * @param up Indicates if rolling up or rolling down the field value.

     * @exception ParseException if an unknown field value is given.


    public static final String roll(String isoString, int field, boolean up)

        throws ParseException


        return roll(isoString, DATETIME_PATTERN, field, up);



     * 字符串转换为日期java.util.Date

     * @param dateText 字符串

     * @param format 日期格式

     * @param lenient 日期越界标志

     * @return


    public static Date stringToDate(String dateText, String format, boolean lenient)


        if (dateText == null)


            return null;


        DateFormat df = null;



            if (format == null)


                df = new SimpleDateFormat();




                df = new SimpleDateFormat(format);


            // setLenient avoids allowing dates like 9/32/2001

            // which would otherwise parse to 10/2/2001


            return df.parse(dateText);


        catch (ParseException e)


            return null;




     * 字符串转换为日期java.util.Date

     * @param dateText 字符串

     * @param format 日期格式

     * @return


    public static Date stringToDate(String dateString, String format)


        return stringToDate(dateString, format, LENIENT_DATE);



     * 字符串转换为日期java.util.Date

     * @param dateText 字符串


    public static Date stringToDate(String dateString)


        return stringToDate(dateString, ISO_EXPANDED_DATE_FORMAT, LENIENT_DATE);


    /** 根据时间变量返回时间字符串

     * @return 返回时间字符串

     * @param pattern 时间字符串样式

     * @param date 时间变量


    public static String dateToString(Date date, String pattern)


        if (date == null)


            return null;




            SimpleDateFormat sfDate = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);


            return sfDate.format(date);


        catch (Exception e)


            return null;




     * 根据时间变量返回时间字符串 yyyy-MM-dd

     * @param date

     * @return


    public static String dateToString(Date date)


        return dateToString(date, ISO_EXPANDED_DATE_FORMAT);


    /** 返回当前时间

     * @return 返回当前时间


    public static Date getCurrentDateTime()


        java.util.Calendar calNow = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();

        java.util.Date dtNow = calNow.getTime();

        return dtNow;



     * 返回当前日期字符串

     * @param pattern 日期字符串样式

     * @return


    public static String getCurrentDateString(String pattern)


        return dateToString(getCurrentDateTime(), pattern);



     * 返回当前日期字符串 yyyy-MM-dd

     * @return


    public static String getCurrentDateString()


        return dateToString(getCurrentDateTime(), ISO_EXPANDED_DATE_FORMAT);



     * 返回当前日期+时间字符串 yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss

     * @param date

     * @return


    public static String dateToStringWithTime(Date date)


        return dateToString(date, DATETIME_PATTERN);



     * 日期增加-按日增加

     * @param date

     * @param days

     * @return java.util.Date


    public static Date dateIncreaseByDay(Date date, int days)


        Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone(



        cal.add(Calendar.DATE, days);

        return cal.getTime();



     * 日期增加-按月增加

     * @param date

     * @param days

     * @return java.util.Date


    public static Date dateIncreaseByMonth(Date date, int mnt)


        Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone(



        cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, mnt);

        return cal.getTime();



     * 日期增加-按年增加

     * @param date

     * @param mnt

     * @return java.util.Date


    public static Date dateIncreaseByYear(Date date, int mnt)


        Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone(



        cal.add(Calendar.YEAR, mnt);

        return cal.getTime();



     * 日期增加

     * @param date 日期字符串 yyyy-MM-dd

     * @param days

     * @return 日期字符串 yyyy-MM-dd


    public static String dateIncreaseByDay(String date, int days)


        return dateIncreaseByDay(date, ISO_DATE_FORMAT, days);



     * 日期增加

     * @param date 日期字符串

     * @param fmt 日期格式

     * @param days

     * @return


    public static String dateIncreaseByDay(String date, String fmt, int days)


        return dateIncrease(date, fmt, Calendar.DATE, days);



     * 日期字符串格式转换

     * @param src 日期字符串

     * @param srcfmt 源日期格式

     * @param desfmt 目标日期格式

     * @return


    public static String stringToString(String src, String srcfmt, String desfmt)


        return dateToString(stringToDate(src, srcfmt), desfmt);





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