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原创 How to Debug and Detect Deadlocks

Deadlocks in 2 minutesDeadlocks are software bugs where multiple threads (typically one of them being the main thread) wait indefinitely on common synchronization primitives (locks) beca...

2010-12-01 15:04:14 191

原创 Run FindBugs from your Eclipse RCP headless build

Running FindBugs from Eclipse RCP headless build is pretty much simple:1. Add the following target to your customTargets.xml (replace "com.yourcompany" with your package/plug-in prefix): cl...

2010-12-01 14:53:24 210

原创 Markers and Annotations in Eclipse for Error Feedback(forward)

Motto: Ninety per cent of most magic merely consists of knowing one extra fact.Terry Pratchett, Night WatchDevelopment in Eclipse keeps fascinating me, as there are a lot of very tho...

2010-12-01 14:39:28 189

原创 Testing declarative Eclipse expressions(forward)

Our Eclipse-based product plugs into the platform debug support. And we have a large number of launch shortcuts which have enablement expressions specified in plugin.xml. And they are a huge pain ...

2010-11-19 08:32:11 100

原创 Release engineer vs dependency management: Basing RCP Product and headless build


2010-11-02 23:32:54 114

原创 eclipse headless

java -jar <eclipse-installation-path>\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_<version><qualifier>.jar -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -buildfile <eclipse-workspace...

2010-06-16 17:37:35 262

原创 Generating p2 meta data from command line

Many times when working with Eclipse RCP I had to generate ad-hoc updatesites (usually containing some 3rd party plug-ins). What I usually did to achieve this (with Eclipse IDE):create new fe...

2010-06-11 12:08:49 107

原创 Opening files in Eclipse from the command line(转发)

I ran a query to see all the bugs fixed in the Eclipse Platform in 3.6; it is a long list (4309 and counting). Felipe gets credit for the oldest bug fixed (raised in 2001), but in a close se...

2010-06-11 12:08:07 165

SWT: Drop an Outlook Email(转发)

I wanted to drop an outlook email to my RCP application and as always I asked google to help me. You don't find much on this, an older post washttp://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php?t=msg&&am...

2010-03-18 14:43:56 275



2010-03-16 16:33:07 498

原创 source. and output.

The source and output properties in build.properties control the folders to be compiled and where to place the resulting output. The eclipse help briefly talks about it. * source.<lib...

2009-11-23 09:11:02 248

原创 Default launch configuration for Eclipse plugin / RCP development

Eclipse shows errors during a launch via the log views in both the host and the target system and on the file system. In addition the developer can specify the flag “-consoleLog” in the launch c...

2009-11-23 08:52:39 91

原创 dltk & php

dltk code Completionorg.eclipse.dltk.ui.text.completion.ScriptCompletionProposalComputer#computeCompletionProposalsthe Language specific proposals is on top of Template proposals  if want to c...

2009-10-16 13:09:10 379

原创 Remember the State

As a rule of thumb, your application should try to remember thestate across sessions. So when a user hits the close button and thenopens it after few mins/days, it should present exactly in the sa...

2009-09-16 12:32:32 150

原创 some basic conceptions

Every Eclipse plugin developer has to deal with Shell and Window, butsometimes doesn't understand the difference between these two. In thistip, I'm trying to explain the basic things: Display, S...

2009-09-16 11:35:19 101

原创 about action

   <extension         point="org.eclipse.ui.actionSets">         <action               definitionId="org.eclipse.dltk.ui.edit.text.script.open.type.hierarchy"               label="%Op...

2009-09-15 19:39:16 138

原创 关于gmf copy/paste 的解决方案

代码都是从bmpn那里复制过来的,删除了一些代码,在我这里运行是好用的,所以就把代码传上来了。 因为看到gmf新闻组里很多人遇到这个问题,而且都没有很好的解决...

2009-07-27 12:05:23 151

原创 gmf特殊connection删除的问题

昨天一哥们碰到一个问题,他用gmf做的编辑器有个connection,这个connection很特殊,它的source和target都是connection,这个connection删除的时候只是不显示了,下次打开diagram的时候还是存在的,经观察,点击右键的时候有两个删除选项分别是:delete From Diagram(别的点完之后这个是disable的)和delete From ...

2009-07-23 09:48:43 148

原创 template

   <extension         point="org.eclipse.ui.editors.templates">      <contextType            name="java"            class="org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.template.java.JavaContextType"      ...

2009-05-22 18:11:04 97

原创 eclipse debug

JDIModelPresentationIDebugModelPresentation#getEditorInput方法得到editinput org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.sourcelookup.SourceLookupFacility#lookup方法里通过 if (presentation != null) {     edit...

2009-05-15 16:53:29 154

原创 org.eclipse.core.expressions.propertyTesters

   <extension point="org.eclipse.core.expressions.propertyTesters">      <propertyTester        id="org.eclipse.jdt.core.javaElementPropertyTester"        class="org.eclipse.jdt.interna...

2009-05-13 23:17:21 394

原创 给control加右键菜单

首先让某个类实现 IMenuListener 接口,这个是向邮件事件里加action可以采用如下实现    public void menuAboutToShow(IMenuManager menu) {        RemoveSelectColumnAction removeColumnAction = new RemoveSelectColumnAction(this);       ...

2009-04-08 09:15:15 321

原创 CellEditor


2009-04-02 16:43:32 293

原创 emf生成代码类型

同事上周问我个问题说为什么别的ecore文件生成的代码返回的是List,而他自己写的却生成EList,我也不知道为什么,今天debug一下代码生成那部分,在GenTypedElementImpl的public String getType(GenClass context)方法里设了断点,跟进去后发现GenModelImpl的isSuppressEMFTypes方法返回值觉得是返回List还是EL...

2009-03-27 16:13:39 143

原创 一些问题

下面都是从新闻组看到的一些东西,留作以后查看 1.could not creat linkOk. If "true" is returned from XXXCreateCommand.canExecute() then you can try placing a breakpont into XXXViewProvider.createEdge()(in past this meth...

2009-03-12 12:19:20 92

原创 自己好笨


2009-01-09 17:10:37 152


在rcp中(我的环境是eclipse3.4),有的时候需要建立工程,但是默认情况下建立的工程的图片显示不出来(包视图里出现这种情况,别的视图不清楚),这里拿新建java工程举例。 在获得图片的时候,程序会调用到org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.viewsupport.JavaElementImageProvider类的getBaseImageDescriptor方法,在2...

2008-12-27 22:05:42 174

原创 删除java文件


2008-12-25 18:10:16 164

用java mail发送包含图片的html

代码都是复制粘贴的,东拼西凑,自己有小小加点东西一下,也不知道为啥就好使了. 因为一个同事做了件好事,天天通过邮件给大家发天气预报,不过图片不能正常显示,都是小红叉那种,所以心血来潮google了一下,真找到了一个例子,不过就是不好用,连邮件服务器都连不上.因为以前从来没弄过javamail,所以从官网上下个zip,里面有jar,还有doc和demo,所以直接把它里面的smtpsend搞出来,...

2008-12-12 19:32:03 113


今天要用到点右键的时候弹出一个向导窗口(WizardDialog),向导窗口的构造函数里有需要传个Shell,而在action里我不知道怎么得到Shell,所以小小研究一下.先把我的扩展点贴出来   <extension point="org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus">       <objectContribution          id="com....

2008-11-24 11:36:39 220


前几天一个朋友说想把eclipse里的某些特殊文件夹图标换一下,不想用默认的.这里我就说一下怎么做,方法说出来很简单,在plugin.xml里实现org.eclipse.ui.decorators扩展点,如下 <extension point="org.eclipse.ui.decorators">         <decorator            id="com.x...

2008-11-20 14:13:36 830


昨天由于回去的早(晚上9点半到家),打开qq,一个网友问我他基于gef的编辑器里的label上的汉字移动之后汉字显示不全,而他又不给我看它所有的代码只给我一个类,然后我就搭建环境试了一下,然后我一试,在我这直接写里的汉字都显示不全,后来发现是需要在editpart里的refreshFont方法会调用setFont(FontData fontData),这里设置FontData的name为"宋体"就...

2008-11-14 08:45:34 118



2008-08-19 13:39:32 196



2008-08-16 12:46:48 70



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