A JNI interface pointer (JNIEnv*) is passed as an argument for each native function mapped to a Java method, allowing for interaction with the JNI environment within the native method.This JNI interface pointer can be stored, but remains valid only in the current thread. Other threads must first call AttachCurrentThread()to attach themselves to the VM and obtain a JNI interface pointer. Once attached, a native thread works like a regular Java thread running within a native method. The native thread remains attached to the VM until it callsDetachCurrentThread() to detach itself.[3]
1 保存全局 JavaVM
2 保存全局 jobject
3 退出线程必须调用 DetachCurrentThread
返回结果为 JNI_OK 表示当前线程已经绑定到 VM 中 ,如果未绑定再调用 AttachCurrentThread
该方法可以不调用 DeleteLocalRef, openJdk中的例程使用也不需要释放,不过释放相对较好
#include "jni_main.h"
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
static const char* ClassPathName = "com/example/hellojni/JniClass";
static JavaVM *ms2_vm = NULL;
static jobject g_obj;
static JNINativeMethod JnidecgMethods[] = {
{"jni_debug_test1","()V",(void *) jni_debug_test1},
bool get_env(JNIEnv ** env) {
int status = ms2_vm->GetEnv((void**) env, JNI_VERSION_1_4);
if (status != JNI_OK) {
status = ms2_vm->AttachCurrentThread(env, NULL);
if(status != JNI_OK){
ehome_printf("[%s]FAILED\n", __FUNCTION__);
return false;
ehome_printf("[%s]SUCCESS\n", __FUNCTION__);
ehome_printf("[%s]Attach aready\n", __FUNCTION__);
return true;
void release_env(void) {
JNIEnv *env ;
int status = ms2_vm->GetEnv((void**)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_4);
if (status == JNI_OK) {
ehome_printf("[%s]getpid=%d, gettid=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, getpid(),gettid());
ehome_printf("[%s]NEED NOT DETACH\n", __FUNCTION__);
jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved) {
JNIEnv* env = NULL;
if (vm->GetEnv((void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK) {
return -1;
jclass clazz = env->FindClass(ClassPathName);
if (clazz == NULL) {
ehome_printf("[%s]cannot find class '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__,
return -1;
if (env->RegisterNatives(clazz, JnidecgMethods,
sizeof(JnidecgMethods) / sizeof(JnidecgMethods[0])) < 0) {
ehome_printf("[%s]failed for '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__,
return (-1);
ms2_vm = vm;
return JNI_VERSION_1_4;
static void* thread_debug1(void* argv){
JNIEnv *env ;
if (!get_env(&env)) {
ehome_printf("[%s]get_env error!\n", __FUNCTION__);
return NULL;
ehome_printf("[%s]GetVersion=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, env->GetVersion());
jclass clazz = env->GetObjectClass(g_obj);
if (clazz == NULL) {
ehome_printf("[%s]unable to find class '%s'\n",
__FUNCTION__, ClassPathName);
return NULL;
jmethodID CallBackid = env->GetMethodID(clazz,
for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
env->CallVoidMethod(g_obj, CallBackid, 1001+i);
return NULL;
static void* thread_debug2(void* argv){
JNIEnv *env ;
if (!get_env(&env)) {
ehome_printf("[%s]get_env error!\n", __FUNCTION__);
return NULL;
ehome_printf("[%s]GetVersion=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, env->GetVersion());
jclass clazz = env->GetObjectClass(g_obj);
if (clazz == NULL) {
ehome_printf("[%s]unable to find class '%s'\n",
__FUNCTION__, ClassPathName);
return NULL;
jmethodID CallBackid = env->GetMethodID(clazz,
for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
env->CallVoidMethod(g_obj, CallBackid, 2001+i);
return NULL;
static void* thread_debug3(void* argv){
JNIEnv *env ;
if (!get_env(&env)) {
ehome_printf("[%s]get_env error!\n", __FUNCTION__);
return NULL;
ehome_printf("[%s]GetVersion=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, env->GetVersion());
//jclass clazz = env->GetObjectClass(g_obj);
jclass clazz = env->FindClass("android/util/Log");
if (clazz == NULL) {
ehome_printf("[%s]unable to find class '%s'\n",
__FUNCTION__, ClassPathName);
return NULL;
jmethodID CallBackid = env->GetStaticMethodID(clazz,
jstring jstr1;
jstring jstr2;
char text[32] = {0};
for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
sprintf(text, "%s.%d", __FUNCTION__, i);
jstr1 = env->NewStringUTF("JNI_TAG");
jstr2 = env->NewStringUTF(text);
env->CallStaticIntMethod(clazz, CallBackid, jstr1, jstr2);
return NULL;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL jni_debug_test1(JNIEnv *jenv, jobject thiz){
ehome_printf("[%s]start\n", __FUNCTION__);
g_obj = jenv->NewGlobalRef(thiz);
pthread_t tid1;
pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, thread_debug1, NULL);
pthread_t tid2;
pthread_create(&tid2, NULL, thread_debug2, NULL);
pthread_t tid3;
pthread_create(&tid3, NULL, thread_debug3, NULL);
头文件 jni_main.h
#ifndef _JNI_MAIN_H_
#define _JNI_MAIN_H_
#include <jni.h>
#include <android/log.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define ehome_printf(format, ...) \
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "jni_debug", format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL jni_debug_test1(JNIEnv *jenv, jobject thiz);
#ifdef __cplusplus
01-01 01:25:11.925: D/jni_debug(11967): [jni_debug_test1]start
01-01 01:25:11.929: D/jni_debug(11967): [get_env]SUCCESS
01-01 01:25:11.929: D/jni_debug(11967): [thread_debug2]GetVersion=65542
01-01 01:25:11.929: I/JniClass(11967): on_post_from_jni: number=2001
01-01 01:25:11.929: D/jni_debug(11967): [get_env]Attach aready
01-01 01:25:11.934: D/jni_debug(11967): [get_env]SUCCESS
01-01 01:25:11.934: D/jni_debug(11967): [thread_debug1]GetVersion=65542
01-01 01:25:11.934: I/JniClass(11967): on_post_from_jni: number=1001
01-01 01:25:11.938: D/jni_debug(11967): [get_env]SUCCESS
01-01 01:25:11.938: D/jni_debug(11967): [thread_debug3]GetVersion=65542
01-01 01:25:11.938: W/JNI_TAG(11967): thread_debug3.0
01-01 01:25:12.929: I/JniClass(11967): on_post_from_jni: number=2002
01-01 01:25:12.929: D/jni_debug(11967): [get_env]Attach aready
01-01 01:25:12.934: I/JniClass(11967): on_post_from_jni: number=1002
01-01 01:25:12.939: W/JNI_TAG(11967): thread_debug3.1
01-01 01:25:13.929: I/JniClass(11967): on_post_from_jni: number=2003
01-01 01:25:13.930: D/jni_debug(11967): [get_env]Attach aready
01-01 01:25:13.934: I/JniClass(11967): on_post_from_jni: number=1003
01-01 01:25:13.939: W/JNI_TAG(11967): thread_debug3.2
01-01 01:25:14.930: I/JniClass(11967): on_post_from_jni: number=2004
01-01 01:25:14.930: D/jni_debug(11967): [get_env]Attach aready
01-01 01:25:14.935: I/JniClass(11967): on_post_from_jni: number=1004
01-01 01:25:14.939: W/JNI_TAG(11967): thread_debug3.3
01-01 01:25:15.930: I/JniClass(11967): on_post_from_jni: number=2005
01-01 01:25:15.930: D/jni_debug(11967): [get_env]Attach aready
01-01 01:25:15.935: I/JniClass(11967): on_post_from_jni: number=1005
01-01 01:25:15.940: W/JNI_TAG(11967): thread_debug3.4
01-01 01:25:16.930: D/jni_debug(11967): [release_env]getpid=11967, gettid=11999
01-01 01:25:16.935: D/jni_debug(11967): [release_env]getpid=11967, gettid=11997
01-01 01:25:16.940: D/jni_debug(11967): [release_env]getpid=11967, gettid=12000