1 创建表的时候写注释
create table test1
field_name int comment '字段的注释'
2 修改表的注释
alter table test1 comment '修改后的表的注释';
3 修改字段的注释
alter table test1 modify column field_name int comment '修改后的字段注释';
--注意:字段名和字段类型照写就行,如果之前有规定长度 这里也要指定一下
alter table t_cal_res_channel MODIFY column resume_channel varchar(30) COMMENT '渠道'
4 查看表注释的方法
show create table test1;
use information_schema;
select * from TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='my_db' and TABLE_NAME='test1'
5 查看字段注释的方法
show full columns from test1;
select * from COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA='my_db' and TABLE_NAME='test1'
6 查询当前表的结构信息
"show full fields from `test1`
7 查询当前数据库里的所有的表
select TABLE_NAME as tableName,TABLE_COMMENT as tableColumnComment from information_schema.tables where table_schema='databases'
8 查询当前表里的所有的字段
select TABLE_NAME as tableName ,COLUMN_NAME as columnName ,COLUMN_COMMENT as columnComment
where table_schema = 'databases' and table_name = '".$v['tableName']."' order by ORDINAL_POSITION asc