Work and Life: 15 Ways to Strike a Balance

Work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls - family, health, friends, and spirit are made of glass. If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged, or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for balance in your life.”

- Brian Dyson, CEO of Coca Cola Enterprises from 1959-1994

Work life balanceFinding work-life balance in today’s crazy-paced world is no simple task. Spend more time at work than at home and you miss out on a rewarding personal life. Then again, if you’re facing challenges in your personal life such as caring for an aging parent or coping with matrimonial or financial problems, concentrating on your job can be difficult.

Whether the problem is too much focus on work or too little, when your work life and your personal life feel unbalanced, stress is the result.

Here are fifteen tips that can help you achieve the balance — or at least let go and stop worrying about it. Take a moment to read and reflect — and then get your life in balance!

1. Don’t overbook.

This may seem abnormal to people who try to crowbar as much as possible into every workday. The point is: Things rarely go according to a prearranged agenda. That means a lot of time falling through the cracks chasing down appointments, unreturned phone calls and other items that simply aren’t going to happen. Don’t try to plan on doing too many things. Assume that only 50 percent of the things you plan on doing today will actually get done. If you don’t, you’ll just waste valuable time trying to find out why things didn’t happen.

2. Prioritize ruthlessly.

The secret to booking your time efficiently boils down to knowing what’s important and what can wait. But it’s crucial to use the sharpest knife possible in trimming the essential from the secondary. Learn to ask questions that help you determine the level of urgency. Negotiate longer lead times whenever you can and don’t give into the “instant-and-immediate answer” syndrome. Treating everything as top priority is draining and depleting.

3. Keep a log.

Track everything you do for one week. Include work-related and non-work-related activities. Decide what’s significant and satisfies you the most. Cut or delegate activities you don’t enjoy, don’t have time for or do only out of guilt. If you don’t have the authority to make certain decisions, talk to your supervisor.

4. Take advantage of your options.

Flexible working arrangements may cut down on your stress as well as free up some of your time. Telecommuting, job-sharing, flex hours or a compressed work week are all potential options.

5. Manage your time.

Organizing your household chores and running errands in one trip are just two ways you can save time to pursue more fulfilling activities. Also try having a weekly family calendar of important dates and a daily list of to-dos, this will help you avoid deadline panic. And if your employer offers a course in time management, sign up for it.

6. Learn how to say no.

One of the biggest land mines to efficient time management is recognizing you don’t have to agree to everything and with everyone. Use your priority criteria to identify demands that simply aren’t worth your time. You’ll learn that saying no to one thing opens the door to saying yes to something else. That can mean anything from cleaning your desk to getting a quick power nap.

7. Organize it.

Bringing your time into line isn’t just a matter of scheduling. The mechanics of how you operate can be every bit as decisive. That means organizing most every element to allow as smooth a work flow as possible. Everything in your business should be set up using logical systems so anyone needing anything can find it when they need it. Eliminating clutter and the chaos it causes will give you a gift of 240 to 288 hours every year.

8. Use technology.

Although personal habits and practices can do wonders for time management, don’t overlook technology as yet another weapon to make the most effective use of your workday. For instance, some software lets you organize a wide array of customer and product particulars, allowing quick and easy access. Sticky notes are one of the worst things in the world. You should live by your database. That way, nothing is ever forgotten.

9. …but don’t overdo it.

Many individuals are gun shy about using technology out of fear that they’ll remain too much in touch — that their time will be consumed by intrusive e-mails and cell phone calls. Fair enough. Part of effective time management is knowing when to shut things down. Turning off a cell phone or other wireless means of communication establishes boundaries. In short, it helps you balance your personal and professional time.

10. Slow down.

Life is simply too short, so don’t let things pass you in a blur. Take steps to stop and enjoy the things and people around you. Set aside one night weekly for active recreation; take time daily for you, whether it’s a long shower or listening to Mozart; and schedule routine chores on weekdays so weekends are free.

11. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

A common stress is feeling like you’re out of control. Let it go! It’s simpler said than done, but learn to let things go once in a while. So what if the dishes don’t washed everyday or that the house doesn’t get vacuumed every week. Learn to recognize the things that don’t really have much impact in your life and allow yourself to let them go — and then not beat yourself up for doing so.

12. Know it won’t always be perfect.

Try as we all may, time management isn’t an exact science. Don’t stress out — and waste time in the process — by obsessing over every second of time. Stop trying to be perfect! There’s very little in life that has to be done to the point of perfection. Do what you can and enjoy whatever time you spend more pleasantly or productively. Be grateful for what goes right and learn from your mistakes. Act as if they were scenes in a movie that you get to retake.

13. Get enough sleep.

There’s nothing as stressful and potentially dangerous as working when you’re sleep-deprived. Not only is your productivity affected, but you can also make catastrophic mistakes. You may then have to work even more hours to make up for these mistakes.

14. Bolster your support system.

Give yourself the gift of a trusted friend or colleague to talk with during times of stress or hardship. Just make sure you have trusted friends and relatives who can assist you when you need to work overtime or travel for your job.

15. Seek professional help.

Everyone needs help from time to time. If you feel your life has gotten too chaotic to manage and you’re spinning your wheels worrying about it, talk with a professional such as your doctor, a psychologist or a counselor recommended by your employee assistance program (EAP).

In the end, the key word is balance. You need to find the right balance that works for you. Applaud your successes and don’t dwell on your failures. Life is a process, and so is striving for balance in your life.

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