Crystal Reports 10 and .NET部署办法.

Deploying an ASP.NET Application

The following procedures assume that you already have a Web application or Web services application ready for deployment.  To deploy a Web application using the Crystal Reports merge modules:

1. In Visual Studio .NET, open your Web application, go to the View menu, and select Solution Explorer.  Right-click your Web application solution and from the pop-up menu, select Add then click New Project.

2. The Add New Project dialog box appears. Select Setup and Deployment Projects in the left pane and select Web Setup Project in the right pane. Click OK.

3. In the Solution Explorer, right click the Web Setup Project and select Add then click Project Output.

4. The Add Project Output Group dialog box appears. Select Primary Output and Content Files to add to your Web Setup project. 


When the Primary Output is added to the project, several Crystal Reports detected dependencies will be added. 

Select all of the Crystal Reports dependencies and right-click on the highlighted files and select ‘Exclude’ so that these files are not installed on the target machine.


5. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the Web Setup project and select Add then click Merge Module.

6. The Add Modules dialog box appears.  Select the appropriate merge modules (See section above titled Crystal Reports 10 Merge Modules) and add them to your project.  Click OK.

*** Steps 7 and 8 are for CrystalReports10_NET_EmbeddedReporting.msm only ***


7. From your Setup project, select the Crystal Reports merge module (you just added) to display the properties.

8. Expand the MergeModuleProperties and enter a valid license key the in Keycode Properties box.

The license key is the alphanumeric string you receive when registering Crystal Reports. This is mandatory when you deploy a Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET application using CrystalReports10_NET_EmbeddedReporting.msm.

For a description of the other configuration options, please see the section above titled
Customizing the Database Driver Installation. 



A license key will be given to you once you have registered Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET. 

You can also find the license key by opening VS .NET and going to the 'Help' menu and selecting 'About…'.  Under the 'Installed application list' is the license key for Crystal Reports 10 for Visual Studio .NET.



9. To build your Web Setup project, highlight your deployment package (websetup1) in the Solution Explorer, right-click and select Build. You are now ready to deploy your ASP.NET Web application.


Deploying a Windows Application

The following procedures assume that you already have a Windows application ready for deployment.  To deploy a Windows application using the Crystal Reports merge modules:

1. In VS .NET, open your Windows application and go to the View menu and select Solution Explorer.  Right click your Windows application solution and from the pop up menu, select Add then click New Project

2. The Add New Project dialog box appears.  Select Setup and Deployment Projects in the left pane and select Setup Project in the right pane.   Click OK.

3. In the Solution Explorer, right click the new setup project and select Add then click Project Output

4. The Add Project Output Group dialog box appears.  Select Primary Output to be added to your Setup project. 


When the Primary Output is added to the project, several Crystal Reports detected dependencies will be added.  Select all of the Crystal Reports dependencies and right-click on the highlighted files and select ‘Exclude’ so that these files are not installed on the target machine.


5. In the Solution Explorer, right click the Setup project and select Add then click Merge Module

6. The Add Modules dialog box appears.  Select the appropriate merge modules (See section above titled Crystal Reports 10Merge Modules ) and add them to your project.  Click OK

*** Steps 7 and 8 are for CrystalReports10_NET_EmbeddedReporting.msm only ***


7. From your Setup project, select the Crystal Reports merge module you just added to display the properties.

8. Expand the MergeModuleProperties  and enter a valid license key the in Keycode Properties box. The license key is the alphanumeric string you receive when registering Crystal Reports. Please note that this is not the 10-digit registration number.  This is mandatory whenever you deploy a Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET application using CrystalReports10_NET_EmbeddedReporting.msm.  

For a description of the other configuration options, please see the section above titled
Customizing the Database Driver Installation.





A license key will be given to you once you have registered Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET. 

You can also find the license key by opening VS .NET and going to the 'Help' menu and selecting 'About…'.  Under the 'Installed application list' is the license key for Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET.



9. To build your Setup project, right-click your deployment package (setup1) in the Solution Explorer, and select Build. You are now ready to deploy your Windows application.

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### 回答1: Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 2.0是一款用于.Net Framework 2.0的报表设计和生成工具。它是由SAP公司推出的一种灵活易用的报表工具,可用于生成高质量的企业级报表。 要下载Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 2.0,可以按照以下步骤进行: 1. 打开您的Web浏览器,并在搜索引擎中搜索Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 2.0下载。 2. 找到SAP官方网站或其它可信赖的软件下载网站。 3. 在搜索框中输入“Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 2.0”进行搜索。 4. 在搜索结果中找到适用于.Net Framework 2.0的Crystal Reports版本,通常会标明支持的软件版本。 5. 点击下载链接,将会开始下载安装程序到您的计算机中。 6. 下载完成后,双击安装程序并按照指示进行安装。 7. 在安装过程中,您可能需要接受软件许可协议和选择安装选项。 8. 等待安装完成后,您将能够在您的计算机上找到Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 2.0的程序图标。 9. 点击该图标启动Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 2.0。 Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 2.0提供了一套强大的工具和功能,使您能够轻松设计、生成和分发各种类型的报表。它支持多种数据源,包括数据库、Excel文件和Web服务。它还具有丰富的报表设计功能,如图表、子报表、条件格式化和参数等。此外,它还可以将报表导出为PDF、Word和Excel文件格式,方便与他人共享和打印。 总之,通过按照上述步骤下载和安装Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 2.0,您将能够轻松使用这款强大的报表工具来满足您的报表设计和生成需求。 ### 回答2: Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 2.0是一款强大的报表生成工具,可以与.NET Framework 2.0一起使用。通过使用Crystal Reports,开发人员可以轻松地在应用程序中创建、编辑和展示专业的报表。 要下载Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 2.0,您可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 打开您的Web浏览器,并访问SAP官方网站。 2. 在网站的搜索栏中输入"Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 2.0下载",然后点击搜索按钮。 3. 在搜索结果中,找到官方的Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 2.0下载页面,并点击进入。 4. 在下载页面中,您会看到不同版本的Crystal Reports。请确保选择适用于.NET Framework 2.0的版本。 5. 单击下载链接,然后选择保存文件的位置。 6. 下载完成后,找到保存的文件,并双击运行安装程序。 7. 按照安装向导中的指示,完成Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 2.0的安装过程。 安装完成后,您就可以在.NET Framework 2.0的开发环境中使用Crystal Reports了。它提供了丰富的功能和工具,让您能够灵活地设计和生成各种类型的报表。 总之,Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 2.0是一款非常实用的报表生成工具,可以帮助开发人员快速创建专业的报表。通过按照上述步骤下载和安装,您可以轻松地开始使用它。


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