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原创 JNDI 是什么

JNDI是 Java 命名与目录接口(Java Naming and Directory Interface),在J2EE规范中是重要的规范之一,不少专家认为,没有透彻理解JNDI的意义和作用,就没有真正掌握J2EE特别是EJB的知识。那么,JNDI到底起什么作用?要了解JNDI的作用,我们可以从“如果不用JNDI我们怎样做?用了JNDI后我们又将怎样做?”这个问题来探讨。没有JNDI的做

2011-06-15 16:37:00 352

原创 JNDI 是什么

JNDI是 Java 命名与目录接口(Java Naming and Directory Interface),在J2EE规范中是重要的规范之一,不少专家认为,没有透彻理解JNDI的意义和作用,就没有真正掌握J2EE特别是EJB的知识。那么,JNDI到底起什么作用?要了解JNDI的作用,我们可以从“如果不用JNDI我们怎样做?用了JNDI后我们又将怎样做?”这个问题来探讨。没有JNDI的做

2011-06-15 16:37:00 298

原创 User Account Management

User Account Management <br />When a user connects to your Red Hat Directory Server (Directory Server), first the user is authenticated. Then, the directory can grant access rights and resource limits to the user depending upon the identity established dur

2011-01-17 18:01:00 486

转载 User Account Management

User Account Management <br />When a user connects to your Red Hat Directory Server (Directory Server), first the user is authenticated. Then, the directory can grant access rights and resource limits to the user depending upon the identity established dur

2011-01-17 18:00:00 756

原创 User Account Management

User Account Management <br />When a user connects to your Red Hat Directory Server (Directory Server), first the user is authenticated. Then, the directory can grant access rights and resource limits to the user depending upon the identity established dur

2011-01-17 17:59:00 1382

原创 User Account Management

User Account Management <br />When a user connects to your Red Hat Directory Server (Directory Server), first the user is authenticated. Then, the directory can grant access rights and resource limits to the user depending upon the identity established dur

2011-01-17 17:58:00 665

原创 User Account Management

User Account Management <br />When a user connects to your Red Hat Directory Server (Directory Server), first the user is authenticated. Then, the directory can grant access rights and resource limits to the user depending upon the identity established dur

2011-01-17 17:57:00 1264

原创 the Ulr of openldap research

<br />openldap costemplate cosattribute<br /> <br />http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Directory_Server/8.1/html-single/Schema_Reference/index.html#cosSpecifier<br /> <br /> <br />http://www.opendocs.net/redhat/dir-server/ag/7.1/password.html

2011-01-17 17:54:00 297

原创 OpenLDAPAdminGuide/QuickStartGuide

<br />A Quick-Start Guide(快速入门指南) <br />The following is a quick start guide to OpenLDAP Software 2.3, including the stand-alone LDAP daemon, slapd(8).<br />以下是 OpenLDAP2.3 的一个快速入门指南,包括独立的LDAP 守护程序,slapd(8)。 <br />It is meant to walk you through the basic

2011-01-10 13:32:00 509

原创 About Weblogic

<br />Those days,seeven just work with weblogic,and thanks for Danny's help very much!<br /> <br />BTW,thanks for my English teachers all of my life!<br /> <br />May it's hard to start, but when you get the way, you konw that just so so...<br /> <br />I wi

2011-01-07 18:14:00 300

原创 how to offical

<br />I write this today, and how could I make the words very offical?<br /> <br /> <br />BEASystems' WebLogic is a server software application that runs on a middle tier, between back-end databases and related applications and browser-based thin clients.<

2011-01-05 19:07:00 324

原创 随机数字、正则表达式替换文件指定位置的数据(遍历的方法)

<br />虽然方法有点土,不过还好结果是正确的,希望以后能写出一些出色的Shell。<br />记录下来,这个N个指令不懂而且走了N多弯路的成为历史的我<br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> #!/bin/bash<br />#脚本开始<br />function randomnum {<br />#脚本开始<br />#初

2010-12-30 00:53:00 771

原创 Shell 变量赋值的小问题

<br />首先结果就是类似这个:<br />random=`echo ${array[*]}|sed -e 's/ //g'|sed 's/.$//'`<br /> <br />然后说明一点就是最外边的符号不是引号,是F1下面下个。。。。<br /> <br />就这个小问题一下午搞的我郁闷着,看来这么久不些Shell已经完全忘记了>_<

2010-12-29 21:05:00 302

原创 today work Roll

<br />#1.get seeven_test<br />--------------------------<br />grep ^attributeTypes= ctbkUat3.schema | grep "X-ORIGIN 'user defined'" >>ctbkUat3.schema.udf<br />grep ^attributeTypes= ctbkUat3.schema | grep "X-ORIGIN ( ' ' 'user defined' )" >>ctbkUat3.schema

2010-12-29 19:20:00 328

原创 生成随即组合的方法

<br />#!/bin/bash<br />#脚本开始<br />#初始化空数组array.<br />set -A array<br />#初始化数组下标.<br />i=0<br />#开始主循环.<br />while true;do<br />#产生随机数.<br />        rand=$(perl -e "print int rand($(($1+1)))")<br />        [[ $rand -eq 0 ]] && continue<br />#向数组array中添加不重复的

2010-12-29 19:17:00 392

原创 Eclipse中警告信息和拼写错误提示设置方法

<br />在使用eclipse的时候,有很多种情况下都会出现警告信息,特别是JAVA5出来后,对于泛型的支持,总是出现警告,让人很不爽,我们可以通过以下设置,来去掉这些警告:<br /><br />将用红线框住的两项改为Ignore,就搞定了很多不必要的警告信息了。<br />    对于eclipse3.3的拼写检测错误提示去掉的方法:<br /><br /><br />将上图中用红色框标示的那个选项去掉,就可以解决拼写检测提示问题。

2010-06-07 16:43:00 2075





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