
A connector in the REST architecture style is a software element that manages network communication for a component, typically by implementing a network protocol (e.g. HTTP).

A client connector initiates communication with a server (of any kind) by creating a request.

A server connector listens for connections (from clients of any kind), transmits the request to the component that performs the request processing, creates the response and sends it to the client.

Add a connector to your application

All connectors and their dependencies are shipped with the Restlet distribution by the way of jar files. Adding a connector to your application is as simple as adding the archives of the chosen connector and its dependencies to the classpath.


Each connector looks for its configuration from its context. The latter provides a list of modifiable parameters, which is the right place to set up the connector's configuration. Some parameters are defined by the Restlet engine and thus are shared by all clients (in the ClientHelper hierarchy) and server connectors (in the ServerHelper hierarchy), and most of them by the connector's ClientHelper or ServerHelper subclasses.

The list of all parameters are available in the javadocs. Pleaser refer to the rest of this document for references to these documentation. Here are the commons parameters dedicated to internal connectors.

commons parameters:

Parameter nameValue typeDefault valueDescription
controllerDaemonbooleantrue (client), false (server)Indicates if the controller thread should be a daemon (not blocking JVM exit).
controllerSleepTimeMsint60 000Time for the controller thread to sleep between each control. A value strictly superior to 0 is required.
minThreadsint1Minimum number of worker threads waiting to service calls, even if they are idle. Technically speaking, this is a core number of threads that are pre-started.
lowThreadsint8Number of worker threads determining when the connector is considered overloaded. This triggers some protection actions such as not accepting new connections.
maxThreadsint10Maximum number of worker threads that can service calls. If this number is reached then additional calls are queued if the "maxQueued" value hasn't been reached.
maxQueuedint0Maximum number of calls that can be queued if there aren't any worker thread available to service them. If the value is '0', then no queue is used and calls are rejected if no worker thread is immediately available. If the value is '-1', then an unbounded queue is used and calls are never rejected.

Note: make sure that this value is consistent with getMinThreads() and the behavior of the ThreadPoolExecutor configured internally.
maxIoIdleTimeMsint60 000Maximum time for an idle IO connection or request to wait for an operation before being closed. For an unlimited wait, use '0' as value.
maxThreadIdleTimeMsint300 000Time for an idle thread to wait for an operation before being collected.
tracingbooleanfalseIndicates if all messages should be printed on the standard console.
workerThreadsbooleantrueIndicates if the processing of calls should be done via threads provided by a worker service (i.e. a pool of worker threads). Note that if set to false, calls will be processed a single IO selector thread, which should never block, otherwise the other connections would hang.
inboundBufferSizeint16 * 1024Size of the content buffer for receiving messages.
outboundBufferSizeint32 * 1024Size of the content buffer for sending messages.
directBuffersbooleanfalseIndicates if direct NIO buffers should be allocated instead of regular buffers. See NIO's ByteBuffer Javadocs. Note that tracing must be disabled to use direct buffers.
throttleTimeMsint0Time to wait between socket write operations in milliseconds. Can prevent TCP buffer overflows.
transportStringTCPIndicates the transport protocol such as TCP or UDP.

Server connectors

Here are the commons parameters dedicated to non-internal HTTP server connectors.

Parameter nameValue typeDefault valueDescription
useForwardedForHeaderbooleanfalseLookup the "X-Forwarded-For" header supported by popular proxies and caches and uses it to populate the Request.getClientAddresses() method result. This information is only safe for intermediary components within your local network. Other addresses could easily be changed by setting a fake header and should not be trusted for serious security checks.
adapterStringorg.restlet.engine.adapter.ServerAdapterClass name of the adapter of low-level HTTP calls into high level requests and responses.

Here are the  commons parameters  dedicated to internal HTTP server connectors.

Parameter nameValue typeDefault valueDescription
useForwardedForHeaderbooleanfalseLookup the "X-Forwarded-For" header supported by popular proxies and caches and uses it to populate the Request.getClientAddresses() method result. This information is only safe for intermediary components within your local network. Other addresses could easily be changed by setting a fake header and should not be trusted for serious security checks.
reuseAddressbooleantrueEnable/disable the SO_REUSEADDR socket option. See property for additional details.

Here is a sample code showing how to set such a parameter on a component's server connector.

// Create the HTTP server and listen on port 8182
Component c = new Component();
Server server = c.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 8182);
server.getContext().getParameters().add("useForwardedForHeader", "true");

Client connectors

Here are the commons parameters dedicated to non-internal HTTP client connectors.

Parameter nameValue typeDefault valueDescription
adapterStringorg.restlet.engine.adapter.ClientAdapterClass name of the adapter of low-level HTTP calls into high level requests and responses.

Here are the commons parameters dedicated to internal HTTP client connectors.

Parameter nameValue typeDefault valueDescription
proxyHostStringSystem property "http.proxyHost"The host name of the HTTP proxy.
proxyPortintSystem property "http.proxyPort"The port of the HTTP proxy.
socketConnectTimeoutMsint0The socket connection timeout or 0 for unlimited wait.

Here is a sample code showing how to set such a parameter.

Client client = new Client(new Context(), Protocol.HTTP);

Here is a sample code showing how to set such a parameter on a component's client connector.

// Create the HTTP server and listen on port 8182
Component c = new Component();
Client client = c.getClients().add(Protocol.HTTP);
client.getContext().getParameters().add("useForwardedForHeader", "false");

If you want to configure the client connector used by a ClientResource, there are several cases. When your ClientResource instances are created in the context of an application hosted by a Component, the client connector of the component is used for all requests. Thus, just configure the component's client connector as shown just above. If not, just set it:

// Instantiate the client connector, and configure it.
Client client = new Client(new Context(), Protocol.HTTP);

// Instantiate the ClientResource, and set it's client connector.
ClientResource cr = new ClientResource("");

List of available connectors
Server connectors
Internal2.2HTTP, HTTPS, RIAPYesRecommended for development
Jetty7.0HTTP, HTTPS, AJPNoRecommended for robust and scalable deployments
Simple4.1HTTP, HTTPSNoRecommended for lightweight deployments
Servlet2.5HTTP, HTTPS, AJPNoRecommended for deployments inside Java EE servers
Client connectors
Internal2.2HTTP, HTTPS, CLAP, FILE, FTP, RIAPYesNoStable but HTTP connectors are recommended for development only
Apache HTTP Client4.0HTTP, HTTPSNoYesRecommended for robust and scalable deployments
JavaMail1.4SMTP, SMTPS, POP, POPSNoNoStable
Lucene Solr2.9SOLRNoNoStable
NIO2.2HTTP, HTTPSNoYesFully asynchronous, preview mode

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