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原创 Codeforces Round #357 (Div. 2)

Codeforces Round #357 (Div. 2)A. A Good Contesttime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputCodefo

2016-06-28 17:24:03 482

原创 Codeforces Round #358 (Div. 2)

Codeforces Round #358 (Div. 2)A. Alyona and Numberstime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputAf

2016-06-28 17:20:34 594

原创 Codeforces Round #359 (Div. 2)

Codeforces Round #359 (Div. 2)A. Free Ice Creamtime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputAfter t

2016-06-28 17:11:49 338

原创 UVa 10935 queue教学

Throwing cards away IGiven is an ordered deck of  n  cards numbered 1 to  n with card 1 at the top and card  n  at the bottom. The following operation is performed as long as there are at le

2016-06-28 09:25:33 382

原创 Uva 1594 模拟

Ducci SequenceDescriptionA Ducci sequence is a sequence of n-tuples of integers. Given ann-tuple of integers (a1,a2, ... , an), the nextn-tuple in the sequence is formed by taking the abso

2016-06-28 09:21:21 297

原创 ACdream 1412 DP

2-3 TreesTime Limit: 6000/3000MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 128000/64000KB (Java/Others)Submit Statistic Next ProblemProblem Description      2-3 tree is an elegant data structure i

2016-06-28 09:14:55 269

原创 ACdream 1213 简单数学

ACdream 1213Matrix MultiplicationTime Limit: 2000/1000MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 128000/64000KB (Java/Others)Submit Statistic Next ProblemProblem Description      Let us co

2016-06-28 09:10:27 266

原创 Uva 1595 暴力枚举

Uva 1595Symmetry题目描述:给出平面上N(N则左边的图形有对称轴,右边没有。找出中间轴,枚举验证是否有对称点即可#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;struct Nod

2016-06-28 09:03:39 429

原创 Uva 514 (模拟stack)

Uva 514RailsThere is a famous railway station in PopPush City. Country there is incredibly hilly. The station was built in last century. Unfortunately, funds were extremely limited that

2016-06-28 08:58:44 485

原创 积分表


2016-06-26 14:00:13 768

原创 (练手小项目)销售管理系


2016-06-13 19:04:46 914

原创 Codeforces Round #356 (Div. 2)

空降坐标:http://codeforces.com/contest/680A. Bear and Five Cardstime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

2016-06-11 16:18:04 363

原创 UVa 10763

A - Foreign ExchangeTime Limit:3000MS     Memory Limit:0KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %lluDescriptionYour non-profit organization (iCORE - international Confederation of Revolver

2016-06-07 17:23:53 443

原创 UVa 10391 复合词

Problem E: Compound WordsYou are to find all the two-word compound words in a dictionary. A two-word compound word is a word in the dictionary that is theconcatenation of exactly two other words i

2016-06-07 17:21:51 387

转载 string字符截取

原址:http://www.cnblogs.com/luqingsong/archive/2011/02/16/1956458.html几个经常用到的字符串的截取string str="123abc456";int i=3;1 取字符串的前i个字符   str=str.Substring(0,i); // or  str=str.Remove(i,str.L

2016-06-07 11:08:22 399

转载 [C/C++]map自定义比较函数

源地址在C++中用到map时,如果KEY是自定义的struct,那么需要自己定义比较函数。因为只有基本类型有默认的比较方法。定义的方法有两种,一是在作为key的struct中,重载操作符less(//自定义map的keytypedef struct UrlKey{ uint64_t dwBussID; uint64_t dwVersion; ui

2016-06-06 18:32:03 1155

原创 Codeforces Beta Round #3

A - Tic-tac-toeTime Limit:1000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64uSubmit Status Practice CodeForces 3CAppoint description: System Crawler  (2016-06-04)De

2016-06-05 11:06:58 344

转载 POJ分类?

一.基本算法: ­     (1)枚举. (poj1753,poj2965) ­     (2)贪心(poj1328,poj2109,poj2586) ­     (3)递归和分治法. ­     (4)递推. ��     (5)构造法.(poj3295) ­     (6)模拟法.(poj1068,poj2632,poj1573,poj2993,

2016-06-04 20:04:53 596

原创 UVa 400 打印列优先表

Unix lsTime Limit: 3000MS Memory Limit: Unknown 64bit IO Format: %lld & %lluSubmit StatusDescriptionThe computer company you work for is introducing a brand

2016-06-04 19:43:32 418

原创 UVa 221 Urban Elevations (区间覆盖问题)

uva 221 - Urban ElevationsAn elevation of a collection of buildings is an orthogonal projection of the buildings onto a vertical plane. An external elevation of a city would show the sky

2016-06-04 12:14:01 398

转载 STL-priority_queue用法(重点: 升序,小根堆)

博客原址:http://www.cnblogs.com/mfryf/archive/2012/09/05/2671883.htmlSTL-priority_queue用法(重点: 升序,小根堆)   #include using namespace std; (记得包含头文件噢) 1.  priority_queue在STL内部定义的原型是:

2016-06-04 09:29:27 3760

翻译 Codeforces Beta Round #7

注意:只有B题码,深坑待填。Codeforces Beta Round #7A. Kalevitch and Chesstime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test64 megabytesinputstandard inputoutput

2016-06-03 18:22:28 413

原创 POJ 3984 迷宫问题(初识BFS)

迷宫问题Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 14472 Accepted: 8642Description定义一个二维数组: int maze[5][5] = { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0,

2016-06-03 13:00:22 237

原创 ACdream 1188 switch教学

ACdream 1188Read Phone NumberTime Limit: 2000/1000MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 128000/64000KB (Java/Others)Submit Statistic Next ProblemProblem DescriptionDo you know h

2016-06-02 11:31:35 317

原创 ACdream 1195 判断数独棋盘是否合法

ACdream1195Sudoku CheckerTime Limit: 2000/1000MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 128000/64000KB (Java/Others)Submit Statistic Next ProblemProblem DescriptionSudoku is a popular sin

2016-06-02 10:39:11 475

原创 Codeforces Round #355 (Div. 2)

Codeforces Round #355 (Div. 2)A. Vanya and Fencetime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outpu

2016-06-02 07:24:26 421

原创 HDU 2717||POJ 3278 BFS入门(理解原理)

HDU 2717Catch That CowTime Limit: 5000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 11677    Accepted Submission(s): 3617Problem Description

2016-06-01 16:37:29 396





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