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原创 dbms_output can not put the zero
2011-08-25 09:29:26 129
原创 what is the difference between object_id and data_object_id?
[b]The object_id is the primary key, the data_object_id is the foreign key to the data segment.You can find the DDL operation against the object (for instance,Truncate,Move etc.)by querying th...
2011-08-24 09:17:21 141
原创 oracle EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ora-00911
I get an error when I try to execute this procedure, which is part of a package :ERROR at line 1:ORA-00911: invalid characterORA-06512: at "SA.GET_PBS", line 41ORA-06512: at line 1line 41 is...
2011-08-14 10:15:59 690
原创 Will the valid status of index impact dml operation?
[code="java"]DROP TABLE tab01;SELECT * FROM tab01;CREATE TABLE tab01(ID NUMBER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,NAME VARCHAR2(50));SELECT index_name,a.status FROM User_Indexes aWHERE index_name ...
2011-08-05 10:34:02 115
原创 where can i find the job number of those jobs defined in dba_scheduler_jobs?
[size=medium][b]Question:[/b][/size]Hello, could anybody tell me where can i find the job number of those jobs defined in dba_scheduler_jobs? either whose owner is EXFSYS or a created owner.I se...
2011-08-01 10:41:20 115
原创 关于VMware virtual disk file文件太大的解决方法
利用虚拟机产生的VMware virtual disk file文件不断增大,即使你已经在虚拟机上将文件删除,在Widows系统中,.vmdk文件也不会相应的变小,这是一个很让人头疼的问题。其原因是虚拟机上的Linux等系统认为.vmdk是一个硬盘,将文件删除后其可用空间可以恢复,重新利用;而对windos系统来说.vmdk是一个文件其变大后是不可能自动变小的。针对以上原理,已变大的.vm...
2011-06-27 17:31:38 1966
原创 Finding out Weblogic Version
Finding out Weblogic VersionBy PvjPavanKumar on Sep 03, 2010It would be good if we have a file that contain the version and the component versions of WL server like OC4J (ias.properties in $OH...
2011-06-22 17:51:17 118
原创 裸设备
[code="java"]求证了一下,是可以加的,不报错,但没有意义,裸设备还在[root@sfrac02 ~]# vxassist -g oradg make lv_oradata_test 20M[root@sfrac02 ~]# vxedit -g oradg set user=oracle group=dba mode=644 lv_oradata_test[roo...
2011-06-21 17:52:45 109
Listener HPUX Error: 242: No route to host
现象:[quote]LSNRCTL> statusConnecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error TNS-00530: Protocol adapter error HPUX Error: 242: No route to host[...
2011-05-17 14:55:46 134
原创 一进程阻塞问题解决
同事反映,删除一条数据总是没有反应,请求协助解决.问题非常明显,肯定是有某个session在block他的session,导致一直在等待资源的释放.于是很快将问题定位,得到如下数据:[code="java"]SESS ID1 ID2 LMODE REQUEST TYPE CTIME BLOCKHolder: 389 17267 0 3 0 TM 8758 1Waiter...
2011-05-12 16:38:43 738
原创 Apache 有一个问题,中文名字的文件不能Download
2011-05-12 16:23:01 294
2011-05-09 19:39:11 106
open database with ORA-00704 and ORA-39700
1,Error1)alter.log[code="java"]Fri May 6 14:50:01 2011Errors in file /opt/oracle/app/oracle/admin/bks/udump/bks_ora_5111.trc:ORA-00704: bootstrap process failureORA-39700: database must...
2011-05-06 16:13:59 146
oracle text index create and use
[b][size=medium]一、Install Text Index[/size][/b]1,The steps of context install on Oracle 10g. [code="java"]1, create tablespace drsys2, run @?/ctx/admin/catctx.sql ctxsys drsys temp01 noloc...
2011-05-06 13:41:19 147
offline datafile and offline tablespace
1)offline datafileOFFLINE Specify OFFLINE to take the datafile offline. If the database is open, you must perform media recovery on the datafile before bringing it back online, because a checkpoin...
2011-05-04 11:43:10 157
oracle three type of block size
Tools:[quote][oracle@node oracle]$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbfsizeUsage: /u01/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/dbfsize: database-file[/quote]1)redo[quote][oracle@node oracle]$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbfs...
2011-04-28 17:35:15 102
原创 bbed一(安装)
bbed-----------------------block brows editer是oracle提供的块编辑工具但这个工具是内部使用的一旦使用oracle将不再支持这个工具没有windows版本linux/unix版本需要编译后才可以使用编译后的工具也可以对windows下数据库文件进行编辑-----------------------bbed编辑...
2011-04-26 14:54:01 103
原创 Strategies for RAC inter-instance parallelized queries
I recently had to sit down and think about how I would spread workloads across nodes in a RAC data warehouse configuration. The challenge was quite interesting, here were the specifications: •...
2011-04-25 14:14:11 208
原创 Enable Row Movement in Partitioning and Overhead
[b]Question 1:[/b]Hi,I am partitioning few huge tables, regarding The feature of Enable Row movement i need some clarifications :First QuestionDoes partitioning column should not be ...
2011-04-24 14:03:03 149
原创 Row Movement in Oracle
One of the relatively newer features in Oracle concerns the moving of rows. Why would a row move and who or what controls that movement? Furthermore, by “move,” what exactly does move mean? Does a row...
2011-04-23 22:23:49 150
原创 ORA-14402 updating partition key column
2011-04-23 19:48:28 620
原创 有道词典不能发音
一直困扰很久的问题就是,有道词典不知道什么时候不能发音了。只要点击发音按钮就会报错,说是dll文件没有注册。1)首先想到既然没有注册成功,那手工去注册下是不是可以呢?遇到了C:\Program Files\Youdao\Dict4目录下,利用Microsoft提高的regsvr32.exe工具手工去注册这些.dll文件,但是总是注册不成功:was loaded, but the D...
2011-04-23 19:41:53 832
原创 How To Configure Apache With SSL Certificates To Forward Requests To WebLogic Se
Applies to:Oracle Weblogic Server – Version: 8.1 to 10.3.3Information in this document applies to any platform.GoalDetailed steps to configure Apache with SSL in a WLS environment.This p...
2011-04-22 09:51:11 122
DSI是Data Server Internals的缩写,是Oracle公司内部用来培训Oracle售后工程师使用的教材.由于某种原因流落江湖, 受到众多Oracle爱好者的追捧, 不过要是功力不到, 阅读反而无益. DSI3是Oracle 8系列的, DSI4是Oracle 9系列的. 这样的文档上通常都印着:Oracle Confidential:For internal Use Only....
2011-04-19 18:33:57 279
原创 Oracle / Buffer cache
[quote]8.7 Tuning the Operating System Buffer CacheTo take full advantage of raw devices, adjust the size of Oracle Database buffer cache. If memory is limited, then adjust the operating system buff...
2011-04-19 17:18:31 106
原创 SSL
一、SSL单双向验证原理[quote]为了便于更好的认识和理解 SSL 协议,这里着重介绍 SSL 协议的握手协议。SSL 协议既用到了公钥加密技术又用到了对称加密技术,对称加密技术虽然比公钥加密技术的速度快,可是公钥加密技术提供了更好的身份认证技术。SSL 的握手协议非常有效的让客户和服务器之间完成相互之间的身份认证,其主要过程如下: ① 客户端的浏览器向服务器传送客户端 SSL 协议...
2011-04-15 23:31:41 233
Apache 问题汇总
对Apache不是很了解,但是凭着对问题定位,总是能帮助同事解决Apache的问题。1)Apache性能问题2)Apache时区问题3)Apache SSL认证问题
2011-04-15 23:24:43 144 1
User+Apache+Weblogic SSL 认证
这几天帮助同事解决了一个SSL证书过期的问题,在解决过程中,也学习了不少知识,也锻炼了自己的思维能力。一、产生Weblogic Server的证书命令如下[code="java"]keytool -genkey -alias weblogic -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -dname "CN=,OU=testing,O=mingtian,L...
2011-04-15 23:08:11 217
1,Viewing Histograms[code="java"]Column statistics may be stored as histograms. These histograms provide accurate estimates of the distribution of column data. Histograms provide improved selectivit...
2011-04-07 23:39:44 157
1,创建审计信息的Table[code="java"]create table login_log( session_id int not null, SID INT, login_on_time date, login_off_time date, user_in_db varchar2(100), ...
2011-04-07 21:27:58 227
CursorsA cursor is a handle or name for a private SQL area—an area in memory in which a parsed statement and other information for processing the statement are kept.Although most Oracle users ...
2011-04-07 17:26:56 167
2011-04-07 16:49:32 112
一、区分概念1)连接(connection) 连接是客户到oracle实例的一条物理路径。连接可以在网络上建立或者通过IPC机制建立。通常会在客户进程与一个服务器进程或一个调度器之间建立。2)会话(session) 会话是实例中存在的一个逻辑实体.在一个连接上可以建立0,1个或多个会话,各个会话是单独而且独立存在的,即使他们共享同一条数据库物理连接。一个会话中的提交不会影响其他...
2011-04-05 21:33:56 210
原创 一条update语句的优化
接到开发人员的求助,说一条update 语句很奇怪,拆开很快,然后联合在一起执行很慢,不知道为什么? 请帮忙分析? 具体语句如下:UPDATE provice_maintain_data a SET (townbusiness) = (SELECT townbusiness FROM (SELECT province, COUNT (0...
2011-04-03 23:17:28 586
My Today`s Task
2011-04-03 09:51:50 84
原创 让oracle客户端sqlplus支持命令记录功能(rlwrap)
在Linux下面使用sqlplus很不爽,上下键,退格键都不能用,严重降低生产效率。为了解决这个问题,只需在linux下安装rlwrap tool,再设置环境变量即可。1,环境介绍[code="java"][oracle@node ~]$ uname -aLinux node 2.6.9-78.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Jul 9 15:39:47 EDT 2008...
2011-04-03 08:41:00 114
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹