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原创 Caffe转Pytorch模型系列教程 概述
2019-03-22 17:13:41 5343 1
原创 Qt入门系列教程
Qt不是一门新的语言,本质上就是一个C++库(这样说或许不太准确,因为还包含IDE等等),所以大家不必觉得害怕。掌握基础的C++知识,就可以编写Qt程序。本着兴趣写博客,不知道能写多少,写多少算多少吧本篇博客是目录Qt入门教程系列之一 安装Qt Qt入门教程系列之二 Hello Qt Qt入门教程系列之三 第一个Qt项目:记事本 Qt入门教程系列之四 信号槽机制详解 Qt入...
2018-08-10 21:18:18 10817
原创 OpenCV+CUDA入门教程之一---概览
一、简介CUDA是NVIDIA的并行计算库。OpenCV包含GPU(CUDA)模块,可以理解为一些OpenCV函数实现了CUDA版本,使用GPU加速,执行速度更快。二、系列教程目录OpenCV+CUDA入门教程之一---概览 OpenCV+CUDA入门教程之二---GPU模块简介 OpenCV+CUDA入门教程之三---初始化和设备信息 OpenCV+CUDA入门教程之四---数...
2018-07-18 20:58:58 12253
原创 A+D net:Training a shadow detector with adversarial shadow attenuation
A+D net:Training a shadow detector with adversarial shadow attenuation阴影检测 Shadow Detection
2020-04-26 12:21:38 866
原创 Distraction-Aware Shadow Detection
Distraction-Aware Shadow Detection基本信息摘要目前最先进的阴影检测论文的翻译总结
2020-04-26 12:21:28 2309 1
原创 Direction-aware Spatial Context Features for Shadow Detection and Removal
Direction-aware Spatial Context Features for Shadow Detection and Removal
2020-04-26 12:21:13 1755
原创 Stacked Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Jointly Learning Shadow Detection and Shadow
Stacked Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Jointly Learning Shadow Detection and Shadow Removal基本信息Abstract1. Introduction2. Related Work3. A new Dataset with Image Shadow Triplets– ISTD4...
2020-04-26 12:20:58 920 1
原创 Direction-aware Spatial Context Features for Shadow Detection and Removal
Direction-aware Spatial Context Features for Shadow Detection and Removal
2020-04-26 12:20:11 909
原创 Bidirectional Feature Pyramid Network with Recurrent Attention Residual Modules for Shadow Detection
Bidirectional Feature Pyramid Network with Recurrent Attention Residual Modules for Shadow Detection基本信息值得学习的地方摘要1 Introduction2 Related Work3 Methodology3.1 Recurrent Attention Residual Module3.2 Our...
2020-04-26 12:19:56 1912
翻译 Matlab k-means
K-means 聚类算法SyntaxDescriptionExamplesTrain a k-Means Clustering AlgorithmPartition Data into Two ClustersCluster Data Using Parallel Computing全文翻译自Matlab官方文档kmeansSyntaxidx = kmeans(X,k)idx = kmea...
2020-04-01 16:01:58 5652
翻译 Matlab 离散优化: Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Basics: Solver-Based
Matlab 离散优化: Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Basics: Solver-Based
2020-03-27 17:10:34 2617
翻译 Matlab离散优化: Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Basics: Problem-Based
2020-03-27 15:50:21 1490
转载 COCO_train2014_000000167126.jpg
2020-03-24 13:53:31 1568
原创 windows 安装pycocotools
参考链接:https://github.com/philferriere/cocoapi安装VS2015 Build Tools点解下面的链接下载setup.exe,然后安装。安装完重启。https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=691126编译安装首先尝试如下命令:pip3 install git+https://github.com/phil...
2020-03-20 15:22:50 348
原创 keras split tensor/slice tensor/分割tensor
keras split tensorkeras 分割tensorkeras slice tensorException: You tried to call layer "conv1". This layer has no information about its expected input shape, and thus cannot be built. You can build it manually via: `layer.build(batch_input_shape)`
2020-03-19 22:26:28 1998 1
翻译 Paying More Attention to Saliency: Image Captioning with Saliency and Context Attention
Paying More Attention to Saliency: Image Captioning with Saliency and Context Attention1 INTRODUCTION2 RELATED WORK2.1 Visual saliency prediction2.2 Image captioning近年来,由于深层字幕架构将卷积神经网络提取图像表示,再利用递归神经网...
2020-03-14 22:39:27 721
翻译 Top-down Visual Saliency Guided by Captions
Top-down Visual Saliency Guided by Captions
2020-03-14 12:49:23 625
翻译 A Taxonomy of Deep Convolutional Neural Nets for Computer Vision
A Taxonomy of Deep Convolutional Neural Nets for Computer Vision基本信息摘要1. Introduction2. Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks2.1. Building Blocks of CNNs2.1.1. Why Convolutions?2.1.2. Max-Pool...
2020-01-14 18:29:35 862
翻译 Deep learning
Deep learning说明摘要引言Supervised learningBackpropagation to train multilayer architecturesConvolutional neural networksImage understanding with deep convolutional networksDistributed representations and ...
2020-01-08 17:32:21 943
翻译 MySQL的存储引擎
目录主要的数据库引擎特性对比Federated主要的数据库引擎https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/storage-engines.htmlInnoDBMySQL 8.0中的默认存储引擎。 InnoDB是一种适用于MySQL的事务安全(ACID兼容)存储引擎,具有提交,回滚和崩溃恢复功能,可保护用户数据。 InnoDB支持行级锁定和Oracle...
2019-09-02 15:21:13 291
原创 Windows配置GSL简明教程
Windows安装GSLVS2015安装GSL“错误 LNK2001 无法解析的外部符号 gsl_multiroot_fsolver_hybrids”,类似的错误还有“错误 LNK2001 无法解析的外部符号 gsl_multiroot_fsolver_dnewton”、“错误 LNK2001 无法解析的外部符号 gsl_multiroot_fsolver_broyden”、“错误 LNK2001 无法解析的外部符号 gsl_multiroot_fsolver_hybrid”。
2019-07-04 17:11:16 8406 5
原创 Ubuntu 安装显卡驱动 CUDA10 cuDNN详细教程
Ubuntu安装显卡驱动Ubuntu安装CUDAUbuntu安装CUDA 10Ubuntu安装CUDA cuDNN
2019-06-25 18:33:32 3948
原创 Python OpenCV 写入视频
Python OpenCV 写入视频Python OpenCV 写入MP4Python OpenCV 写入视频失败
2019-06-16 15:15:09 9851 2
原创 使用Pytorch来拟合函数
使用Pytorch拟合函数使用Pytorch来拟合函数raise ValueError("can't optimize a non-leaf Tensor")
2019-06-10 16:57:05 6555 2
原创 Ubuntu系统监视器只能看到“程序名(Pocess Name)”栏
Ubuntu系统监视器“程序名”太宽Ubuntu gnome-system-monitor process name 太宽
2019-05-15 10:43:01 672
原创 NOTFOUND CUDA_cublas_device_LIBRARY
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.CUDA_cublas_device_LIBRARY (ADVANCED)fatal error: nvcuvid.h: No such file or directory
2019-04-28 20:03:04 12975 1
原创 3rdparty/libwebp/src/enc/picture_csp_enc.c:211:29: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault
编译OpenCV时遇到的一个非常奇怪的错误。解决方案:在执行cmake命令时, 加上-D WITH_WEBP=OFF的选项,也就是不编译libwebp。webp是一种图像格式,类似于jpeg什么的。可以不使用,不会对使用OpenCV造成什么影响,就是不能读取保存webp格式的图像而已。...
2019-04-21 20:50:17 1988
原创 完美解决Pytorch在Pycharm没有代码提示的问题
Pytorch在pycharm中没有代码提示完美解决Pytorch在Pycharm没有代码提示的问题Can't find reference 'sum' in '__init__.py'Can't find reference 'ones' in '__init__.py'Can't find reference 'zeros' in '__init__.py'
2019-04-13 20:28:03 7715 4
原创 调试从Caffe模型转换过来的Pytorch模型
2019-03-22 17:20:23 2808 2
原创 从.caffemodel/.caffemodel.h5提取Caffe模型的参数
2019-03-22 17:17:34 3990 1
原创 把Caffe的模型转换为Pytorch模型
2019-03-22 17:14:16 13637 8
原创 C++ 智能指针shared_ptr/unique_ptr自定义删除器
2019-03-16 16:42:56 11259
原创 C++ 使用智能指针shared_ptr/unique_ptr管理数组
关于shared_ptr/unique_ptr的基础,我不在本篇博客中赘述。本篇博客主要关注如何安全地使用智能指针来管数组。零、要管理的类Connection是一个管理连接的类。class Connection{public: explicit Connection(string name):_name(name){ } string get_name() cons...
2019-03-16 16:41:46 10064 1
Tenda U1 rtl8192eu 网卡驱动
QT TCP通讯无法收到数据的解决方案
QT TcpServer和TcpSokect的通讯示例
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹