【中英双语】Java Persistence Hibernate 和 JPA 基础教程

【中英双语】Java Persistence Hibernate 和 JPA 基础教程

关于 Java Persistence API (JPA) 与 Hibernate 的简单易学和易于理解的课程
课程英文名:Java Persistence Hibernate and JPA Fundamentals






在本课程结束时,您将在使用 Hibernate 的 Java 持久性方面打下坚实的基础
对象/关系映射、查询、缓存、性能和并发的基础知识和一些高级 JPA 特性
一级和二级缓存的基础知识、N+1 选择问题和批量获取、乐观锁定和版本控制
使用 JPQL 和 Criteria API (JPA) 查询数据库的基础知识
使用 Hibernate 实现 Java 持久性的一些最佳实践

📁 31-Java Persistence Hibernate and JPA Fundamentals/
├─📄 31-打开获取解压密码-【中英双语】Java Persistence Hibernate 和 JPA 基础教程.html
├─📁 [Tutsgalaxy.com] - Java Persistence Hibernate and JPA Fundamentals/
│ ├─📁 1. About this Course/
│ │ ├─📄 1. Introduction.mp4
│ │ └─📄 1. Introduction.srt
│ ├─📁 2. Understanding objectrelational persistence/
│ │ ├─📄 1. Object Persistence.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 1. Object Persistence.srt
│ │ ├─📄 2. Relational Database.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 2. Relational Database.srt
│ │ ├─📄 3. Object Model and Relational Model.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 3. Object Model and Relational Model.srt
│ │ ├─📄 4. Object Relational Impedance Mismatch.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 4. Object Relational Impedance Mismatch.srt
│ │ ├─📄 5. Object Relational Mapping.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 5. Object Relational Mapping.srt
│ │ ├─📄 6. Installing MySQL.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 6. Installing MySQL.srt
│ │ ├─📄 7. Installing Eclipse IDE.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 7. Installing Eclipse IDE.srt
│ │ ├─📄 8. Lab - Object Relational Mapping.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 8. Lab - Object Relational Mapping.srt
│ │ ├─📄 9. Lab Exercise - Object Relational Mapping.html
│ │ ├─📄 9.1 ObjectRelationalMapping.zip.zip
│ │ └─📄 9.2 Required JAR Files For The Entire Course.zip.zip
│ ├─📁 3. Getting Started with Hibernate and JPA Annotations/
│ │ ├─📄 1. What is Hibernate.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 1. What is Hibernate.srt
│ │ ├─📄 2. Hello World with Hibernate and JPA Annotations.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 2. Hello World with Hibernate and JPA Annotations.srt
│ │ ├─📄 3. Lab - Hello World with Hibernate and JPA Annotations.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 3. Lab - Hello World with Hibernate and JPA Annotations.srt
│ │ ├─📄 4. Lab Exercise - Hello World with Hibernate and JPA Annotations.html
│ │ ├─📄 4.1 Hello World with Hibernate and JPA Annotations v4.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 4.2 Note for Hibernate 5 Users.pdf.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 5. Logging.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 5. Logging.srt
│ │ ├─📄 6. Lab Exercise - Logging.html
│ │ ├─📄 6.1 Logging.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 7. Manipulating Objects.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 7. Manipulating Objects.srt
│ │ ├─📄 8. Lab Exercise - Manipulating Objects.html
│ │ └─📄 8.1 ManipulatingObjects.zip.zip
│ ├─📁 4. Mapping Concepts/
│ │ ├─📄 1. Aggregation and Composition.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 1. Aggregation and Composition.srt
│ │ ├─📄 10. Lab Exercise - One-To-Many Relationship.html
│ │ ├─📄 10.1 OneToManyRelationship.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 11. One-To-One Relationship.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 11. One-To-One Relationship.srt
│ │ ├─📄 12. Lab Exercise - One-To-One Relationship.html
│ │ ├─📄 12.1 OneToOneRelationshipv2.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 13. Many-To-Many Relationship.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 13. Many-To-Many Relationship.srt
│ │ ├─📄 14. Lab Exercise - Many-To-Many Relationship.html
│ │ ├─📄 14.1 ManyToManyRelationship.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 15. Mapping Enums.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 15. Mapping Enums.srt
│ │ ├─📄 16. Lab Exercise - Mapping Enums.html
│ │ ├─📄 16.1 Mapping_Enumsv2.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 17. Mapping Collections of Value Types.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 17. Mapping Collections of Value Types.srt
│ │ ├─📄 18. Lab Exercise - Mapping Collections of Value Types.html
│ │ ├─📄 18.1 MappingCollectionsofValueTypes.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 19. Composite Keys.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 19. Composite Keys.srt
│ │ ├─📄 2. Entities and Value Types.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 2. Entities and Value Types.srt
│ │ ├─📄 20. Lab Exercise - Composite Keys.html
│ │ ├─📄 20.1 CompositeKey.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 3. Component Mapping.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 3. Component Mapping.srt
│ │ ├─📄 4. Lab Exercise - Component Mapping.html
│ │ ├─📄 4.1 ComponentMapping.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 5. Mapping Associations.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 5. Mapping Associations.srt
│ │ ├─📄 6. Lab Exercise - Mapping Associations.html
│ │ ├─📄 6.1 MappingAssociations.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 7. Cascades.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 7. Cascades.srt
│ │ ├─📄 8. Lab Exercise - Cascades.html
│ │ ├─📄 8.1 Cascades.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 9. One-To-Many Relationship.mp4
│ │ └─📄 9. One-To-Many Relationship.srt
│ ├─📁 5. Getting Started with JPA/
│ │ ├─📄 1. What is JPA.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 1. What is JPA.srt
│ │ ├─📄 10. Lab Exercise - Lazy Fetching.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 10.1 LazyFetching.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 11. Equals and HashCode.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 11. Equals and HashCode.srt
│ │ ├─📄 12. Lab Exercise - Equals and HashCode.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 12.1 EqualsandHashCode.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 13. Query Language.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 13. Query Language.srt
│ │ ├─📄 14. Lab Exercise - Query Language.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 14.1 QueryLanguagev2.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 15. Inheritance Mapping and Polymorphic Queries.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 15. Inheritance Mapping and Polymorphic Queries.srt
│ │ ├─📄 16. Lab Exercise - Inheritance Mapping and Polymorphic Queries.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 16.1 InheritanceMappingandPolymorphicQueries.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 17. N + 1 Selects Problem.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 17. N + 1 Selects Problem.srt
│ │ ├─📄 18. Lab Exercise - N + 1 Selects Problem.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 18.1 N1SelectsProblem.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 19. Batch Fetching.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 19. Batch Fetching.srt
│ │ ├─📄 2. Hibernate as JPA Provider.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 2. Hibernate as JPA Provider.srt
│ │ ├─📄 20. Lab Exercise - Batch Fetching.html
│ │ ├─📄 20.1 BatchFetching.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 21. Merging Detached Objects.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 21. Merging Detached Objects.srt
│ │ ├─📄 22. Lab Exercise - Merging Detached Objects.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 22.1 MergingDetachedObjects.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 23. Optimistic Locking and Versioning.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 23. Optimistic Locking and Versioning.srt
│ │ ├─📄 24. Lab - Optimistic Locking and Versioning.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 24. Lab - Optimistic Locking and Versioning.srt
│ │ ├─📄 25. Lab Exercise - Optimistic Locking and Versioning.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 25.1 OptimisticLockingandVersioningv3.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 26. Isolation Rules.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 26. Isolation Rules.srt
│ │ ├─📄 27. Lab Exercise - Isolation Rules.html
│ │ ├─📄 27.1 IsolationRules.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 28. Caching and Object Identity.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 28. Caching and Object Identity.srt
│ │ ├─📄 29. Lab Exercise - Caching and Object Identity.html
│ │ ├─📄 29.1 CachingandObjectIdentity.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 3. Lab Exercise - Hibernate as JPA Provider.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 3.1 HibernateasJPAProvider.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 30. Second Level Caching.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 30. Second Level Caching.srt
│ │ ├─📄 31. Lab Exercise - Second Level Caching.html
│ │ ├─📄 31.1 SecondLevelCaching.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 4. Working with Objects.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 4. Working with Objects.srt
│ │ ├─📄 5. Lab Exercise - Working with Objects.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 5.1 WorkingwithObjects.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 6. Caching Objects.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 6. Caching Objects.srt
│ │ ├─📄 7. Lab Exercise - Caching Objects.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 7.1 CachingObjects.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 8. SQL Joins.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 8. SQL Joins.srt
│ │ ├─📄 9. Lazy Fetching.mp4
│ │ └─📄 9. Lazy Fetching.srt
│ └─📁 6. Best Practices/
│   ├─📄 1. Best Practices.mp4
│   └─📄 1. Best Practices.srt
└─📄 【中英双语】Java Persistence Hibernate 和 JPA 基础教程.zip

【中英双语】Java Persistence Hibernate 和 JPA 基础教程

关于 Java Persistence API (JPA) 与 Hibernate 的简单易学和易于理解的课程
课程英文名:Java Persistence Hibernate and JPA Fundamentals






在本课程结束时,您将在使用 Hibernate 的 Java 持久性方面打下坚实的基础
对象/关系映射、查询、缓存、性能和并发的基础知识和一些高级 JPA 特性
一级和二级缓存的基础知识、N+1 选择问题和批量获取、乐观锁定和版本控制
使用 JPQL 和 Criteria API (JPA) 查询数据库的基础知识
使用 Hibernate 实现 Java 持久性的一些最佳实践

📁 31-Java Persistence Hibernate and JPA Fundamentals/
├─📄 31-打开获取解压密码-【中英双语】Java Persistence Hibernate 和 JPA 基础教程.html
├─📁 [Tutsgalaxy.com] - Java Persistence Hibernate and JPA Fundamentals/
│ ├─📁 1. About this Course/
│ │ ├─📄 1. Introduction.mp4
│ │ └─📄 1. Introduction.srt
│ ├─📁 2. Understanding objectrelational persistence/
│ │ ├─📄 1. Object Persistence.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 1. Object Persistence.srt
│ │ ├─📄 2. Relational Database.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 2. Relational Database.srt
│ │ ├─📄 3. Object Model and Relational Model.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 3. Object Model and Relational Model.srt
│ │ ├─📄 4. Object Relational Impedance Mismatch.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 4. Object Relational Impedance Mismatch.srt
│ │ ├─📄 5. Object Relational Mapping.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 5. Object Relational Mapping.srt
│ │ ├─📄 6. Installing MySQL.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 6. Installing MySQL.srt
│ │ ├─📄 7. Installing Eclipse IDE.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 7. Installing Eclipse IDE.srt
│ │ ├─📄 8. Lab - Object Relational Mapping.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 8. Lab - Object Relational Mapping.srt
│ │ ├─📄 9. Lab Exercise - Object Relational Mapping.html
│ │ ├─📄 9.1 ObjectRelationalMapping.zip.zip
│ │ └─📄 9.2 Required JAR Files For The Entire Course.zip.zip
│ ├─📁 3. Getting Started with Hibernate and JPA Annotations/
│ │ ├─📄 1. What is Hibernate.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 1. What is Hibernate.srt
│ │ ├─📄 2. Hello World with Hibernate and JPA Annotations.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 2. Hello World with Hibernate and JPA Annotations.srt
│ │ ├─📄 3. Lab - Hello World with Hibernate and JPA Annotations.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 3. Lab - Hello World with Hibernate and JPA Annotations.srt
│ │ ├─📄 4. Lab Exercise - Hello World with Hibernate and JPA Annotations.html
│ │ ├─📄 4.1 Hello World with Hibernate and JPA Annotations v4.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 4.2 Note for Hibernate 5 Users.pdf.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 5. Logging.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 5. Logging.srt
│ │ ├─📄 6. Lab Exercise - Logging.html
│ │ ├─📄 6.1 Logging.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 7. Manipulating Objects.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 7. Manipulating Objects.srt
│ │ ├─📄 8. Lab Exercise - Manipulating Objects.html
│ │ └─📄 8.1 ManipulatingObjects.zip.zip
│ ├─📁 4. Mapping Concepts/
│ │ ├─📄 1. Aggregation and Composition.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 1. Aggregation and Composition.srt
│ │ ├─📄 10. Lab Exercise - One-To-Many Relationship.html
│ │ ├─📄 10.1 OneToManyRelationship.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 11. One-To-One Relationship.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 11. One-To-One Relationship.srt
│ │ ├─📄 12. Lab Exercise - One-To-One Relationship.html
│ │ ├─📄 12.1 OneToOneRelationshipv2.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 13. Many-To-Many Relationship.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 13. Many-To-Many Relationship.srt
│ │ ├─📄 14. Lab Exercise - Many-To-Many Relationship.html
│ │ ├─📄 14.1 ManyToManyRelationship.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 15. Mapping Enums.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 15. Mapping Enums.srt
│ │ ├─📄 16. Lab Exercise - Mapping Enums.html
│ │ ├─📄 16.1 Mapping_Enumsv2.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 17. Mapping Collections of Value Types.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 17. Mapping Collections of Value Types.srt
│ │ ├─📄 18. Lab Exercise - Mapping Collections of Value Types.html
│ │ ├─📄 18.1 MappingCollectionsofValueTypes.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 19. Composite Keys.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 19. Composite Keys.srt
│ │ ├─📄 2. Entities and Value Types.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 2. Entities and Value Types.srt
│ │ ├─📄 20. Lab Exercise - Composite Keys.html
│ │ ├─📄 20.1 CompositeKey.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 3. Component Mapping.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 3. Component Mapping.srt
│ │ ├─📄 4. Lab Exercise - Component Mapping.html
│ │ ├─📄 4.1 ComponentMapping.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 5. Mapping Associations.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 5. Mapping Associations.srt
│ │ ├─📄 6. Lab Exercise - Mapping Associations.html
│ │ ├─📄 6.1 MappingAssociations.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 7. Cascades.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 7. Cascades.srt
│ │ ├─📄 8. Lab Exercise - Cascades.html
│ │ ├─📄 8.1 Cascades.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 9. One-To-Many Relationship.mp4
│ │ └─📄 9. One-To-Many Relationship.srt
│ ├─📁 5. Getting Started with JPA/
│ │ ├─📄 1. What is JPA.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 1. What is JPA.srt
│ │ ├─📄 10. Lab Exercise - Lazy Fetching.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 10.1 LazyFetching.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 11. Equals and HashCode.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 11. Equals and HashCode.srt
│ │ ├─📄 12. Lab Exercise - Equals and HashCode.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 12.1 EqualsandHashCode.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 13. Query Language.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 13. Query Language.srt
│ │ ├─📄 14. Lab Exercise - Query Language.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 14.1 QueryLanguagev2.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 15. Inheritance Mapping and Polymorphic Queries.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 15. Inheritance Mapping and Polymorphic Queries.srt
│ │ ├─📄 16. Lab Exercise - Inheritance Mapping and Polymorphic Queries.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 16.1 InheritanceMappingandPolymorphicQueries.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 17. N + 1 Selects Problem.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 17. N + 1 Selects Problem.srt
│ │ ├─📄 18. Lab Exercise - N + 1 Selects Problem.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 18.1 N1SelectsProblem.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 19. Batch Fetching.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 19. Batch Fetching.srt
│ │ ├─📄 2. Hibernate as JPA Provider.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 2. Hibernate as JPA Provider.srt
│ │ ├─📄 20. Lab Exercise - Batch Fetching.html
│ │ ├─📄 20.1 BatchFetching.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 21. Merging Detached Objects.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 21. Merging Detached Objects.srt
│ │ ├─📄 22. Lab Exercise - Merging Detached Objects.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 22.1 MergingDetachedObjects.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 23. Optimistic Locking and Versioning.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 23. Optimistic Locking and Versioning.srt
│ │ ├─📄 24. Lab - Optimistic Locking and Versioning.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 24. Lab - Optimistic Locking and Versioning.srt
│ │ ├─📄 25. Lab Exercise - Optimistic Locking and Versioning.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 25.1 OptimisticLockingandVersioningv3.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 26. Isolation Rules.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 26. Isolation Rules.srt
│ │ ├─📄 27. Lab Exercise - Isolation Rules.html
│ │ ├─📄 27.1 IsolationRules.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 28. Caching and Object Identity.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 28. Caching and Object Identity.srt
│ │ ├─📄 29. Lab Exercise - Caching and Object Identity.html
│ │ ├─📄 29.1 CachingandObjectIdentity.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 3. Lab Exercise - Hibernate as JPA Provider.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 3.1 HibernateasJPAProvider.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 30. Second Level Caching.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 30. Second Level Caching.srt
│ │ ├─📄 31. Lab Exercise - Second Level Caching.html
│ │ ├─📄 31.1 SecondLevelCaching.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 4. Working with Objects.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 4. Working with Objects.srt
│ │ ├─📄 5. Lab Exercise - Working with Objects.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 5.1 WorkingwithObjects.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 6. Caching Objects.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 6. Caching Objects.srt
│ │ ├─📄 7. Lab Exercise - Caching Objects.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 7.1 CachingObjects.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 8. SQL Joins.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 8. SQL Joins.srt
│ │ ├─📄 9. Lazy Fetching.mp4
│ │ └─📄 9. Lazy Fetching.srt
│ └─📁 6. Best Practices/
│   ├─📄 1. Best Practices.mp4
│   └─📄 1. Best Practices.srt
└─📄 【中英双语】Java Persistence Hibernate 和 JPA 基础教程.zip

【中英双语】Java Persistence Hibernate 和 JPA 基础教程

关于 Java Persistence API (JPA) 与 Hibernate 的简单易学和易于理解的课程
课程英文名:Java Persistence Hibernate and JPA Fundamentals






在本课程结束时,您将在使用 Hibernate 的 Java 持久性方面打下坚实的基础
对象/关系映射、查询、缓存、性能和并发的基础知识和一些高级 JPA 特性
一级和二级缓存的基础知识、N+1 选择问题和批量获取、乐观锁定和版本控制
使用 JPQL 和 Criteria API (JPA) 查询数据库的基础知识
使用 Hibernate 实现 Java 持久性的一些最佳实践

📁 31-Java Persistence Hibernate and JPA Fundamentals/
├─📄 31-打开获取解压密码-【中英双语】Java Persistence Hibernate 和 JPA 基础教程.html
├─📁 [Tutsgalaxy.com] - Java Persistence Hibernate and JPA Fundamentals/
│ ├─📁 1. About this Course/
│ │ ├─📄 1. Introduction.mp4
│ │ └─📄 1. Introduction.srt
│ ├─📁 2. Understanding objectrelational persistence/
│ │ ├─📄 1. Object Persistence.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 1. Object Persistence.srt
│ │ ├─📄 2. Relational Database.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 2. Relational Database.srt
│ │ ├─📄 3. Object Model and Relational Model.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 3. Object Model and Relational Model.srt
│ │ ├─📄 4. Object Relational Impedance Mismatch.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 4. Object Relational Impedance Mismatch.srt
│ │ ├─📄 5. Object Relational Mapping.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 5. Object Relational Mapping.srt
│ │ ├─📄 6. Installing MySQL.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 6. Installing MySQL.srt
│ │ ├─📄 7. Installing Eclipse IDE.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 7. Installing Eclipse IDE.srt
│ │ ├─📄 8. Lab - Object Relational Mapping.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 8. Lab - Object Relational Mapping.srt
│ │ ├─📄 9. Lab Exercise - Object Relational Mapping.html
│ │ ├─📄 9.1 ObjectRelationalMapping.zip.zip
│ │ └─📄 9.2 Required JAR Files For The Entire Course.zip.zip
│ ├─📁 3. Getting Started with Hibernate and JPA Annotations/
│ │ ├─📄 1. What is Hibernate.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 1. What is Hibernate.srt
│ │ ├─📄 2. Hello World with Hibernate and JPA Annotations.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 2. Hello World with Hibernate and JPA Annotations.srt
│ │ ├─📄 3. Lab - Hello World with Hibernate and JPA Annotations.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 3. Lab - Hello World with Hibernate and JPA Annotations.srt
│ │ ├─📄 4. Lab Exercise - Hello World with Hibernate and JPA Annotations.html
│ │ ├─📄 4.1 Hello World with Hibernate and JPA Annotations v4.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 4.2 Note for Hibernate 5 Users.pdf.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 5. Logging.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 5. Logging.srt
│ │ ├─📄 6. Lab Exercise - Logging.html
│ │ ├─📄 6.1 Logging.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 7. Manipulating Objects.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 7. Manipulating Objects.srt
│ │ ├─📄 8. Lab Exercise - Manipulating Objects.html
│ │ └─📄 8.1 ManipulatingObjects.zip.zip
│ ├─📁 4. Mapping Concepts/
│ │ ├─📄 1. Aggregation and Composition.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 1. Aggregation and Composition.srt
│ │ ├─📄 10. Lab Exercise - One-To-Many Relationship.html
│ │ ├─📄 10.1 OneToManyRelationship.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 11. One-To-One Relationship.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 11. One-To-One Relationship.srt
│ │ ├─📄 12. Lab Exercise - One-To-One Relationship.html
│ │ ├─📄 12.1 OneToOneRelationshipv2.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 13. Many-To-Many Relationship.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 13. Many-To-Many Relationship.srt
│ │ ├─📄 14. Lab Exercise - Many-To-Many Relationship.html
│ │ ├─📄 14.1 ManyToManyRelationship.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 15. Mapping Enums.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 15. Mapping Enums.srt
│ │ ├─📄 16. Lab Exercise - Mapping Enums.html
│ │ ├─📄 16.1 Mapping_Enumsv2.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 17. Mapping Collections of Value Types.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 17. Mapping Collections of Value Types.srt
│ │ ├─📄 18. Lab Exercise - Mapping Collections of Value Types.html
│ │ ├─📄 18.1 MappingCollectionsofValueTypes.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 19. Composite Keys.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 19. Composite Keys.srt
│ │ ├─📄 2. Entities and Value Types.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 2. Entities and Value Types.srt
│ │ ├─📄 20. Lab Exercise - Composite Keys.html
│ │ ├─📄 20.1 CompositeKey.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 3. Component Mapping.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 3. Component Mapping.srt
│ │ ├─📄 4. Lab Exercise - Component Mapping.html
│ │ ├─📄 4.1 ComponentMapping.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 5. Mapping Associations.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 5. Mapping Associations.srt
│ │ ├─📄 6. Lab Exercise - Mapping Associations.html
│ │ ├─📄 6.1 MappingAssociations.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 7. Cascades.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 7. Cascades.srt
│ │ ├─📄 8. Lab Exercise - Cascades.html
│ │ ├─📄 8.1 Cascades.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 9. One-To-Many Relationship.mp4
│ │ └─📄 9. One-To-Many Relationship.srt
│ ├─📁 5. Getting Started with JPA/
│ │ ├─📄 1. What is JPA.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 1. What is JPA.srt
│ │ ├─📄 10. Lab Exercise - Lazy Fetching.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 10.1 LazyFetching.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 11. Equals and HashCode.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 11. Equals and HashCode.srt
│ │ ├─📄 12. Lab Exercise - Equals and HashCode.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 12.1 EqualsandHashCode.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 13. Query Language.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 13. Query Language.srt
│ │ ├─📄 14. Lab Exercise - Query Language.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 14.1 QueryLanguagev2.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 15. Inheritance Mapping and Polymorphic Queries.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 15. Inheritance Mapping and Polymorphic Queries.srt
│ │ ├─📄 16. Lab Exercise - Inheritance Mapping and Polymorphic Queries.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 16.1 InheritanceMappingandPolymorphicQueries.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 17. N + 1 Selects Problem.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 17. N + 1 Selects Problem.srt
│ │ ├─📄 18. Lab Exercise - N + 1 Selects Problem.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 18.1 N1SelectsProblem.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 19. Batch Fetching.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 19. Batch Fetching.srt
│ │ ├─📄 2. Hibernate as JPA Provider.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 2. Hibernate as JPA Provider.srt
│ │ ├─📄 20. Lab Exercise - Batch Fetching.html
│ │ ├─📄 20.1 BatchFetching.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 21. Merging Detached Objects.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 21. Merging Detached Objects.srt
│ │ ├─📄 22. Lab Exercise - Merging Detached Objects.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 22.1 MergingDetachedObjects.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 23. Optimistic Locking and Versioning.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 23. Optimistic Locking and Versioning.srt
│ │ ├─📄 24. Lab - Optimistic Locking and Versioning.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 24. Lab - Optimistic Locking and Versioning.srt
│ │ ├─📄 25. Lab Exercise - Optimistic Locking and Versioning.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 25.1 OptimisticLockingandVersioningv3.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 26. Isolation Rules.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 26. Isolation Rules.srt
│ │ ├─📄 27. Lab Exercise - Isolation Rules.html
│ │ ├─📄 27.1 IsolationRules.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 28. Caching and Object Identity.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 28. Caching and Object Identity.srt
│ │ ├─📄 29. Lab Exercise - Caching and Object Identity.html
│ │ ├─📄 29.1 CachingandObjectIdentity.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 3. Lab Exercise - Hibernate as JPA Provider.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 3.1 HibernateasJPAProvider.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 30. Second Level Caching.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 30. Second Level Caching.srt
│ │ ├─📄 31. Lab Exercise - Second Level Caching.html
│ │ ├─📄 31.1 SecondLevelCaching.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 4. Working with Objects.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 4. Working with Objects.srt
│ │ ├─📄 5. Lab Exercise - Working with Objects.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 5.1 WorkingwithObjects.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 6. Caching Objects.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 6. Caching Objects.srt
│ │ ├─📄 7. Lab Exercise - Caching Objects.pdf
│ │ ├─📄 7.1 CachingObjects.zip.zip
│ │ ├─📄 8. SQL Joins.mp4
│ │ ├─📄 8. SQL Joins.srt
│ │ ├─📄 9. Lazy Fetching.mp4
│ │ └─📄 9. Lazy Fetching.srt
│ └─📁 6. Best Practices/
│   ├─📄 1. Best Practices.mp4
│   └─📄 1. Best Practices.srt
└─📄 【中英双语】Java Persistence Hibernate 和 JPA 基础教程.zip

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