


Option Explicit

Private Type POINTAPI

    X   As Long
    Y   As Long

End Type

Private Type RECT

    Left   As Long
    Top   As Long
    Right   As Long
    Bottom   As Long

End Type

'Windows   declarations
Private Declare Function SetCapture Lib "user32 " (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function ClipCursor Lib "user32 " (lpRect As Any) As Long

Private Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib "user32 " () As Long

Private Declare Function GetWindowRect _
                Lib "user32 " (ByVal hwnd As Long, _
                               lpRect As RECT) As Long

Private Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32 " (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long

Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32 " (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function ReleaseDC _
                Lib "user32 " (ByVal hwnd As Long, _
                               ByVal hdc As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function SelectObject _
                Lib "gdi32 " (ByVal hdc As Long, _
                              ByVal hObject As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32 " (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetStockObject Lib "gdi32 " (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function CreatePen _
                Lib "gdi32 " (ByVal nPenStyle As Long, _
                              ByVal nWidth As Long, _
                              ByVal crColor As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function SetROP2 _
                Lib "gdi32 " (ByVal hdc As Long, _
                              ByVal nDrawMode As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function Rectangle _
                Lib "gdi32 " (ByVal hdc As Long, _
                              ByVal X1 As Long, _
                              ByVal Y1 As Long, _
                              ByVal X2 As Long, _
                              ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long

Private Const NULL_BRUSH = 5

Private Const PS_SOLID = 0

Private Const R2_NOT = 6

Enum ControlState

    StateNothing = 0

End Enum

Private m_CurrCtl     As Control

Private m_DragState   As ControlState

Private m_DragHandle  As Integer

Private m_DragRect    As New CRect

Private m_DragPoint   As POINTAPI

Private m_bDesignMode As Boolean

Private Sub Form_Load()
    DragInit         'Initialize   drag   code

End Sub

Private Sub mnuMode_Click()
    mnuModeDesign.Checked = m_bDesignMode

End Sub

Private Sub mnuModeDesign_Click()
    m_bDesignMode = Not m_bDesignMode

    If Not m_bDesignMode Then

    End If

End Sub

Private Sub mnuModeExit_Click()
    Unload Me

End Sub

'===========================   Sample   controls   ===========================
'To   drag   a   control,   simply   call   the   DragBegin   function   with
'the   control   to   be   dragged

Private Sub Label1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, _
                             Shift As Integer, _
                             X As Single, _
                             Y As Single)

    If Button = vbLeftButton And m_bDesignMode Then
        DragBegin Label1

    End If

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    If Button = vbLeftButton And m_bDesignMode Then
        DragBegin Text1

    End If

End Sub

Private Sub List1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    If Button = vbLeftButton And m_bDesignMode Then
        DragBegin List1

    End If

End Sub

Private Sub Image1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, _
                             Shift As Integer, _
                             X As Single, _
                             Y As Single)

    If Button = vbLeftButton And m_bDesignMode Then
        DragBegin Image1

    End If

End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, _
                               Shift As Integer, _
                               X As Single, _
                               Y As Single)

    If Button = vbLeftButton And m_bDesignMode Then
        DragBegin Picture1

    End If

End Sub

'==========================   Dragging   Code   ================================

'Initialization   --   Do   not   call   more   than   once
Private Sub DragInit()

    Dim i As Integer, xHandle       As Single, yHandle       As Single

    'Use   black   Picture   box   controls   for   8   sizing   handles
    'Calculate   size   of   each   handle
    xHandle = 5 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
    yHandle = 5 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY

    'Load   array   of   handles   until   we   have   8
    For i = 0 To 7

        If i <> 0 Then
            Load picHandle(i)

        End If

        picHandle(i).Width = xHandle
        picHandle(i).Height = yHandle
        'Must   be   in   front   of   other   controls
    Next i

    'Set   mousepointers   for   each   sizing   handle
    picHandle(0).MousePointer = vbSizeNWSE
    picHandle(1).MousePointer = vbSizeNS
    picHandle(2).MousePointer = vbSizeNESW
    picHandle(3).MousePointer = vbSizeWE
    picHandle(4).MousePointer = vbSizeNWSE
    picHandle(5).MousePointer = vbSizeNS
    picHandle(6).MousePointer = vbSizeNESW
    picHandle(7).MousePointer = vbSizeWE
    'Initialize   current   control
    Set m_CurrCtl = Nothing

End Sub

'Drags   the   specified   control
Private Sub DragBegin(ctl As Control)

    Dim rc As RECT

    'Hide   any   visible   handles
    ShowHandles False
    'Save   reference   to   control   being   dragged
    Set m_CurrCtl = ctl
    'Store   initial   mouse   position
    GetCursorPos m_DragPoint
    'Save   control   position   (in   screen   coordinates)
    'Note:   control   might   not   have   a   window   handle
    m_DragRect.SetRectToCtrl m_CurrCtl
    m_DragRect.TwipsToScreen m_CurrCtl
    'Make   initial   mouse   position   relative   to   control
    m_DragPoint.X = m_DragPoint.X - m_DragRect.Left
    m_DragPoint.Y = m_DragPoint.Y - m_DragRect.Top
    'Force   redraw   of   form   without   sizing   handles
    'before   drawing   dragging   rectangle
    'Show   dragging   rectangle
    'Indicate   dragging   under   way
    m_DragState = StateDragging
    'In   order   to   detect   mouse   movement   over   any   part   of   the   form,
    'we   set   the   mouse   capture   to   the   form   and   will   process   mouse
    'movement   from   the   applicable   form   events
    ReleaseCapture     'This   appears   needed   before   calling   SetCapture
    SetCapture hwnd
    'Limit   cursor   movement   within   form
    GetWindowRect hwnd, rc
    ClipCursor rc

End Sub

'Clears   any   current   drag   mode   and   hides   sizing   handles
Private Sub DragEnd()
    Set m_CurrCtl = Nothing
    ShowHandles False
    m_DragState = StateNothing

End Sub

'Because   some   lightweight   controls   do   not   have   a   MouseDown   event,
'when   we   get   a   MouseDown   event   on   a   form,   we   do   a   scan   of   the
'Controls   collection   to   see   if   any   lightweight   controls   are   under
'the   mouse.   Note   that   this   code   does   not   work   for   controls   within
'containers.   Also,   if   no   control   is   under   the   mouse,   then   we
'remove   the   sizing   handles   and   clear   the   current   control.
Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    Dim i As Integer

    If Button = vbLeftButton And m_bDesignMode Then

        'Hit   test   over   light-weight   (non-windowed)   controls
        For i = 0 To (Controls.Count - 1)

            'Check   for   visible,   non-menu   controls
            '[Note   1]
            'If   any   of   the   sizing   handle   controls   are   under   the   mouse
            'pointer,   then   they   must   not   be   visible   or   else   they   would
            'have   already   intercepted   the   MouseDown   event.
            '[Note   2]
            'This   code   will   fail   if   you   have   a   control   such   as   the
            'Timer   control   which   has   no   Visible   property.   You   will
            'either   need   to   make   sure   your   form   has   no   such   controls
            'or   add   code   to   handle   them.
            If Not TypeOf Controls(i) Is Menu And Controls(i).Visible Then
                m_DragRect.SetRectToCtrl Controls(i)

                If m_DragRect.PtInRect(X, Y) Then
                    DragBegin Controls(i)
                    Exit Sub

                End If

            End If

        Next i

        'No   control   is   active
        Set m_CurrCtl = Nothing
        'Hide   sizing   handles
        ShowHandles False

    End If

End Sub

'To   handle   all   mouse   message   anywhere   on   the   form,   we   set   the   mouse
'capture   to   the   form.   Mouse   movement   is   processed   here
Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    Dim nWidth As Single, nHeight       As Single

    Dim pt     As POINTAPI

    If m_DragState = StateDragging Then
        'Save   dimensions   before   modifying   rectangle
        nWidth = m_DragRect.Right - m_DragRect.Left
        nHeight = m_DragRect.Bottom - m_DragRect.Top
        'Get   current   mouse   position   in   screen   coordinates
        GetCursorPos pt
        'Hide   existing   rectangle
        'Update   drag   rectangle   coordinates
        m_DragRect.Left = pt.X - m_DragPoint.X
        m_DragRect.Top = pt.Y - m_DragPoint.Y
        m_DragRect.Right = m_DragRect.Left + nWidth
        m_DragRect.Bottom = m_DragRect.Top + nHeight
        'Draw   new   rectangle
    ElseIf m_DragState = StateSizing Then
        'Get   current   mouse   position   in   screen   coordinates
        GetCursorPos pt
        'Hide   existing   rectangle

        'Action   depends   on   handle   being   dragged
        Select Case m_DragHandle

            Case 0
                m_DragRect.Left = pt.X
                m_DragRect.Top = pt.Y

            Case 1
                m_DragRect.Top = pt.Y

            Case 2
                m_DragRect.Right = pt.X
                m_DragRect.Top = pt.Y

            Case 3
                m_DragRect.Right = pt.X

            Case 4
                m_DragRect.Right = pt.X
                m_DragRect.Bottom = pt.Y

            Case 5
                m_DragRect.Bottom = pt.Y

            Case 6
                m_DragRect.Left = pt.X
                m_DragRect.Bottom = pt.Y

            Case 7
                m_DragRect.Left = pt.X

        End Select

        'Draw   new   rectangle

    End If

End Sub

'To   handle   all   mouse   message   anywhere   on   the   form,   we   set   the   mouse
'capture   to   the   form.   Mouse   up   is   processed   here
Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    If Button = vbLeftButton Then
        If m_DragState = StateDragging Or m_DragState = StateSizing Then
            'Hide   drag   rectangle
            'Move   control   to   new   location
            m_DragRect.ScreenToTwips m_CurrCtl
            m_DragRect.SetCtrlToRect m_CurrCtl
            'Restore   sizing   handles
            ShowHandles True
            'Free   mouse   movement
            ClipCursor ByVal 0&
            'Release   mouse   capture
            'Reset   drag   state
            m_DragState = StateNothing

        End If

    End If

End Sub

'Process   MouseDown   over   handles
Private Sub picHandle_MouseDown(Index As Integer, _
                                Button As Integer, _
                                Shift As Integer, _
                                X As Single, _
                                Y As Single)

    Dim i  As Integer

    Dim rc As RECT

    'Handles   should   only   be   visible   when   a   control   is   selected
    Debug.Assert (Not m_CurrCtl Is Nothing)
    'NOTE:   m_DragPoint   not   used   for   sizing
    'Save   control   position   in   screen   coordinates
    m_DragRect.SetRectToCtrl m_CurrCtl
    m_DragRect.TwipsToScreen m_CurrCtl
    'Track   index   handle
    m_DragHandle = Index
    'Hide   sizing   handles
    ShowHandles False
    'We   need   to   force   handles   to   hide   themselves   before   drawing   drag   rectangle
    'Indicate   sizing   is   under   way
    m_DragState = StateSizing
    'Show   sizing   rectangle
    'In   order   to   detect   mouse   movement   over   any   part   of   the   form,
    'we   set   the   mouse   capture   to   the   form   and   will   process   mouse
    'movement   from   the   applicable   form   events
    SetCapture hwnd
    'Limit   cursor   movement   within   form
    GetWindowRect hwnd, rc
    ClipCursor rc

End Sub

'Display   or   hide   the   sizing   handles   and   arrange   them   for   the   current   rectangld
Private Sub ShowHandles(Optional bShowHandles As Boolean = True)

    Dim i      As Integer

    Dim xFudge As Long, yFudge       As Long

    Dim nWidth As Long, nHeight       As Long

    If bShowHandles And Not m_CurrCtl Is Nothing Then

        With m_DragRect
            'Save   some   calculations   in   variables   for   speed
            nWidth = (picHandle(0).Width \ 2)
            nHeight = (picHandle(0).Height \ 2)
            xFudge = (0.5 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX)
            yFudge = (0.5 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY)
            'Top   Left
            picHandle(0).Move (.Left - nWidth) + xFudge, (.Top - nHeight) + yFudge
            'Bottom   right
            picHandle(4).Move (.Left + .Width) - nWidth - xFudge, .Top + .Height - nHeight - yFudge
            'Top   center
            picHandle(1).Move .Left + (.Width / 2) - nWidth, .Top - nHeight + yFudge
            'Bottom   center
            picHandle(5).Move .Left + (.Width / 2) - nWidth, .Top + .Height - nHeight - yFudge
            'Top   right
            picHandle(2).Move .Left + .Width - nWidth - xFudge, .Top - nHeight + yFudge
            'Bottom   left
            picHandle(6).Move .Left - nWidth + xFudge, .Top + .Height - nHeight - yFudge
            'Center   right
            picHandle(3).Move .Left + .Width - nWidth - xFudge, .Top + (.Height / 2) - nHeight
            'Center   left
            picHandle(7).Move .Left - nWidth + xFudge, .Top + (.Height / 2) - nHeight

        End With

    End If

    'Show   or   hide   each   handle
    For i = 0 To 7
        picHandle(i).Visible = bShowHandles
    Next i

End Sub

'Draw   drag   rectangle.   The   API   is   used   for   efficiency   and   also
'because   drag   rectangle   must   be   drawn   on   the   screen   DC   in
'order   to   appear   on   top   of   all   controls
Private Sub DrawDragRect()

    Dim hPen      As Long, hOldPen       As Long

    Dim hBrush    As Long, hOldBrush       As Long

    Dim hScreenDC As Long, nDrawMode       As Long

    'Get   DC   of   entire   screen   in   order   to
    'draw   on   top   of   all   controls
    hScreenDC = GetDC(0)
    'Select   GDI   object
    hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, 0)
    hOldPen = SelectObject(hScreenDC, hPen)
    hBrush = GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH)
    hOldBrush = SelectObject(hScreenDC, hBrush)
    nDrawMode = SetROP2(hScreenDC, R2_NOT)
    'Draw   rectangle
    Rectangle hScreenDC, m_DragRect.Left, m_DragRect.Top, m_DragRect.Right, m_DragRect.Bottom
    'Restore   DC
    SetROP2 hScreenDC, nDrawMode
    SelectObject hScreenDC, hOldBrush
    SelectObject hScreenDC, hOldPen
    ReleaseDC 0, hScreenDC
    'Delete   GDI   objects
    DeleteObject hPen

End Sub


Option Explicit

'Unfortunately,   a   fair   amount   of   additional   logic
'is   required   only   for   line   controls
#Const ADD_LINE_LOGIC = True

Private Type POINTAPI

    X   As Long
    Y   As Long

End Type

Private Type RECT

    Left   As Long
    Top   As Long
    Right   As Long
    Bottom   As Long

End Type

Private Declare Function ClientToScreen Lib "user32 " (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long

Private Declare Function ScreenToClient Lib "user32 " (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long

Private m_Rect     As RECT


    Private Const SWAP_NONE = &H0

    Private Const SWAP_X = &H1

    Private Const SWAP_Y = &H2

    Private m_fRectSwap     As Integer

#End If

Public Property Let Left(NewLeft As Long)
    m_Rect.Left = NewLeft

End Property

Public Property Get Left() As Long
    Left = m_Rect.Left

End Property

Public Property Let Top(NewTop As Long)
    m_Rect.Top = NewTop

End Property

Public Property Get Top() As Long
    Top = m_Rect.Top

End Property

Public Property Let Right(NewRight As Long)
    m_Rect.Right = NewRight

End Property

Public Property Get Right() As Long
    Right = m_Rect.Right

End Property

Public Property Let Bottom(NewBottom As Long)
    m_Rect.Bottom = NewBottom

End Property

Public Property Get Bottom() As Long
    Bottom = m_Rect.Bottom

End Property

Public Property Let Width(NewWidth As Long)
    m_Rect.Right = m_Rect.Left + NewWidth

End Property

Public Property Get Width() As Long
    Width = m_Rect.Right - m_Rect.Left

End Property

Public Property Let Height(NewHeight As Long)
    m_Rect.Bottom = m_Rect.Top + NewHeight

End Property

Public Property Get Height() As Long
    Height = m_Rect.Bottom - m_Rect.Top

End Property

Public Sub SetRectToCtrl(ctl As Control)


        'Reset   swap   flags
        m_fRectSwap = SWAP_NONE

        If TypeOf ctl Is Line Then
            m_Rect.Left = ctl.X1
            m_Rect.Top = ctl.Y1
            m_Rect.Right = ctl.X2
            m_Rect.Bottom = ctl.Y2

            'Need   valid   rect   for   hit   testing   but
            'must   swap   back   in   SetCtrlToRect
            If m_Rect.Left > m_Rect.Right Then
                m_fRectSwap = m_fRectSwap Or SWAP_X

            End If

            If m_Rect.Top > m_Rect.Bottom Then
                m_fRectSwap = m_fRectSwap Or SWAP_Y

            End If

            'Normalize   if   needed
            If m_fRectSwap <> SWAP_NONE Then

            End If

            m_Rect.Left = ctl.Left
            m_Rect.Top = ctl.Top
            m_Rect.Right = ctl.Left + ctl.Width
            m_Rect.Bottom = ctl.Top + ctl.Height

        End If


        m_Rect.Left = ctl.Left
        m_Rect.Top = ctl.Top
        m_Rect.Right = ctl.Left + ctl.Width
        m_Rect.Bottom = ctl.Top + ctl.Height

    #End If

End Sub

Public Sub SetCtrlToRect(ctl As Control)


        If TypeOf ctl Is Line Then

            'Restore   normalized   rectangle   if   needed
            If m_fRectSwap And SWAP_X Then
                ctl.X1 = m_Rect.Right
                ctl.X2 = m_Rect.Left
                ctl.X1 = m_Rect.Left
                ctl.X2 = m_Rect.Right

            End If

            If m_fRectSwap And SWAP_Y Then
                ctl.Y1 = m_Rect.Bottom
                ctl.Y2 = m_Rect.Top
                ctl.Y1 = m_Rect.Top
                ctl.Y2 = m_Rect.Bottom

            End If

            'Force   to   valid   rectangle
            'Force   to   valid   rectangle
            ctl.Move m_Rect.Left, m_Rect.Top, Width, Height

        End If


        'Force   to   valid   rectangle
        ctl.Move m_Rect.Left, m_Rect.Top, Width, Height

    #End If

End Sub

Public Sub ScreenToTwips(ctl As Object)

    Dim pt As POINTAPI

    pt.X = m_Rect.Left
    pt.Y = m_Rect.Top
    ScreenToClient ctl.Parent.hwnd, pt
    m_Rect.Left = pt.X * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
    m_Rect.Top = pt.Y * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
    pt.X = m_Rect.Right
    pt.Y = m_Rect.Bottom
    ScreenToClient ctl.Parent.hwnd, pt
    m_Rect.Right = pt.X * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
    m_Rect.Bottom = pt.Y * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX

End Sub

Public Sub TwipsToScreen(ctl As Object)

    Dim pt As POINTAPI

    pt.X = m_Rect.Left / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
    pt.Y = m_Rect.Top / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
    ClientToScreen ctl.Parent.hwnd, pt
    m_Rect.Left = pt.X
    m_Rect.Top = pt.Y
    pt.X = m_Rect.Right / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
    pt.Y = m_Rect.Bottom / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
    ClientToScreen ctl.Parent.hwnd, pt
    m_Rect.Right = pt.X
    m_Rect.Bottom = pt.Y

End Sub

Public Sub NormalizeRect()

    Dim nTemp As Long

    If m_Rect.Left > m_Rect.Right Then
        nTemp = m_Rect.Right
        m_Rect.Right = m_Rect.Left
        m_Rect.Left = nTemp

    End If

    If m_Rect.Top > m_Rect.Bottom Then
        nTemp = m_Rect.Bottom
        m_Rect.Bottom = m_Rect.Top
        m_Rect.Top = nTemp

    End If

End Sub

Public Function PtInRect(X As Single, Y As Single) As Integer

    If X >= m_Rect.Left And X < m_Rect.Right And Y >= m_Rect.Top And Y < m_Rect.Bottom Then
        PtInRect = True
        PtInRect = False

    End If

End Function

作用是在运行时刻自动对其它可视控件进行动态的位置/大小调整.这个控件实现的功能和VB.Net的窗体布局功能类似.比如你的窗体中有一个DBGrid控件,占了很大一部分,下边有几个按钮 现在需要窗体的大小可调,以使DBGrid可以看到更多的数据,这样的话,窗体上的控件就都需要调整,不然只有窗体变化,而控件不动的话就达不到预期效果,而且很难看.原来的方式是在窗口的Resize事件中添加调整控件大小/位置的代码,这样做的话比较麻烦,要自己手动去计算宽度/偏移,然后将这些代码写死在程序中,以后增加控件或者调整布局都需要重新计算/修改代码,不利于维护. 有了这个控件就方便多了,Resize事件中一行代码不用写,只需将这个控件拖动到窗体上,然后设置被调整控件的Tag属性,在运行时刻就可以进行调整了.VB6ResizerLib 2.0 版本新增分隔条控件,运行时可动态调整.同时修改了1.x版本中控件在退出程序前不会被释放及其导致的一系列问题.VB6ResizerLib 2.2 修正了2.0版本中使用DesignTimeInit模式的时候可能会导致VB崩溃的问题.使用说明:启动VB程序,打开一个工程.按Ctrl+T打开部件对话框.找到并选中VB6ResizerLib后点击确定.将工具箱中新出现的VB6Resizer控件拖动到窗体上即可.被调整控件需要使用Tag属性定义调整规则,方式如下:H-调整控件自身高度.W-调整空间自身宽度.T-调整控件与容器顶部距离.L-调整控件与容器左侧距离.例如―HW‖表示自动调整高度和宽度.TL的优先级高于HW,如果Tag同时包含T和H,则仅T有效.




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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


