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原创 java获取前台参数的几种方式
一、第一种@RequestMapping("/updateHumanInfo")public void updateHumanInfo(HttpServletRequest request) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(""); BufferedReader reader = null; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(request.
2020-08-04 10:27:02 1123
原创 integer数据比较
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Integer i = 50; Integer j = 50; System.out.println(i==j); Integer a = 500; Integer b = 500; System.out.println(a==b); }}...
2018-12-20 08:51:57 427
原创 long自动转为float类型
long占用8个字节,float占用4个字节,但是在运算中long可以自动转为float1、long的取值范围没有float大,因为他们存储方式不同2、因为存储方式的不同,因此发生转换时可能会丢失精度public class Convert{ public static void main(String[] args){ long b = 1234567890123L;...
2018-11-29 10:15:32 4498
原创 类型自动转换问题
public class Convert{ public static void main(String[] args){ byte b = 5; b = b + 5; System.out.println(b); }}这里报错这是由于java的整型默认为int类型,因此这里5是int,byte和int进行运算,byte自动转化为int,因此b...
2018-11-29 10:00:43 405
原创 1.What are the prerequisites for performing flashback transactions? (Choose all that apply)
1.What are the prerequisites for performing flashback transactions? (Choose all that apply)
2016-08-22 11:02:00 1496
原创 188.You receive complaints from users regarding the high waiting time for their transactions. On inv
188.You receive complaints from users regarding the high waiting time for their transactions. Oninvestigation, you find that some users are not committing their transactions though they are notperforming any activity for a long time. As a result, SQL sta
2016-08-16 11:57:39 903
原创 187.Which two statements describe good practices for an application developer to reduce locking conf
187.Which two statements describe good practices for an application developer to reduce lockingconflicts in Oracle database? (Choose two.)
2016-08-16 11:56:47 802
原创 186.User A executes the following command to drop a large table in your database: SQL> DROP TABLE tr
186.User A executes the following command to drop a large table in your database:SQL> DROP TABLE trans;While the drop table operation is in progress, user B executes the following command on the same table:SQL> DELETE FROM trans WHERE tr_type='SL';Whic
2016-08-16 11:56:12 1261
原创 185.User SCOTT executes the following command on the EMP table but has not issued COMMIT, ROLLBACK,
185.User SCOTT executes the following command on the EMP table but has not issued COMMIT,ROLLBACK, or any data definition language (DDL) command:SQL> SELECT ename FROM emp WHERE job='CLERK' FOR UPDATE OF empno;SCOTT has opened another session to work wi
2016-08-16 11:54:31 727
原创 184.You suspect unauthorized data manipulation language (DML) operations on a particular table. You
184.You suspect unauthorized data manipulation language (DML) operations on a particular table. Youwant to track users who are performing the transactions and the values used in the transactions. You alsoplan to transfer these values to another table for
2016-08-16 11:54:04 588
原创 183.The HR user creates a stand-alone procedure as follows and grants the EXECUTE privilege on the p
183.The HR user creates a stand-alone procedure as follows and grants the EXECUTE privilege on theprocedure to many database users:
2016-08-16 11:53:35 1145
原创 182.Which two statements are true regarding a PL/SQL package body? (Choose two.)
182.Which two statements are true regarding a PL/SQL package body? (Choose two.)
2016-08-16 11:53:08 1597
原创 181.View the Exhibit and examine the PL/SQL package and procedure.
181.View the Exhibit and examine the PL/SQL package and procedure.
2016-08-16 11:52:36 776
原创 180.User SCOTT wants to perform a bulk insert operation in the EMP_DEP table. SCOTT receives the fol
180.User SCOTT wants to perform a bulk insert operation in the EMP_DEP table. SCOTT receives thefollowing error after the INSERT statement is issued and few rows are inserted:INSERT INTO EMP_DEP (emp_id,name,salary,dep_name,mgr_id)*ERROR at line 1:ORA
2016-08-09 05:50:17 1018
原创 179.The TRANS_SUMMARY table contains product-wise transaction details that get updated with every tr
179.The TRANS_SUMMARY table contains product-wise transaction details that get updated with everytransaction in the system. Each row has cumulative transaction details of a single product and everyproduct is identified by a product code, which is the pri
2016-08-08 23:21:16 1347
原创 178.All the database users are presently connected to the database instance and working. The HR user
178.All the database users are presently connected to the database instance and working. The HR userhas opened three database sessions and executed the following command in one of his sessions:SQL> UPDATE persons SET ccode='U031' WHERE ccode='U029';123
2016-08-08 23:07:52 920
原创 177.Which three statements are correct about temporary tables? (Choose three.)
177.Which three statements are correct about temporary tables? (Choose three.)
2016-08-08 23:06:43 1734
原创 176.You executed this command to create a temporary table: SQL> CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE report
176.You executed this command to create a temporary table:SQL> CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE report_work_area ( startdate DATE, enddate DATE, class CHAR(20)) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS;Which statement is true about the rows inserted into the REPORT
2016-08-08 22:43:20 1398
原创 175.What can you achieve by implementing reverse key index?
175.What can you achieve by implementing reverse key index?
2016-08-08 22:37:58 1118
原创 174.Which two statements are true regarding B-tree index? (Choose two.)
174.Which two statements are true regarding B-tree index? (Choose two.)
2016-08-08 22:37:31 974
原创 173.Which statement describes the effect on an index, when the indexed column for the rows is update
173.Which statement describes the effect on an index, when the indexed column for the rows is updatedin the base table?
2016-08-08 22:36:30 692
原创 172.The session of user SCOTT receives the following error after executing an UPDATE command on the
172.The session of user SCOTT receives the following error after executing an UPDATE command onthe EMP table:ERROR at line 1:ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resourceOn investigation, you find that a session opened by user JIM has a trans
2016-08-08 22:36:03 757
原创 171.View the Exhibit and examine the command used to create the ZONEDATA table.
171.View the Exhibit and examine the command used to create the ZONEDATA table.
2016-08-08 22:35:14 899
原创 170.A constraint in a table is defined with the INITIALLY IMMEDIATE clause. You executed the ALTER T
170.A constraint in a table is defined with the INITIALLY IMMEDIATE clause. You executed the ALTERTABLE command with the ENABLE VALIDATE option to enable the constraint that was disabled.What are the two effects of this command? (Choose two.)
2016-08-08 22:03:32 1326
原创 169.You have two tables with referential integrity enforced between them. You need to insert data to
169.You have two tables with referential integrity enforced between them. You need to insert data to thechild table first because it is going to be a long transaction and data for the parent table will be available ina later stage, which can be inserted
2016-08-08 22:02:56 711
原创 168.You execute this command to drop the ITEM table, which has the primary key referred in the ORDER
168.You execute this command to drop the ITEM table, which has the primary key referred in the ORDERtable:SQL> DROP TABLE scott.item CASCADE CONSTRAINTS PURGE;Which two statements are true about the effect of the command? (Choose two.)
2016-08-07 18:19:57 1281 5
原创 167.Which three descriptions are correct about the effects of the TRUNCATE command on a table? (Choo
167.Which three descriptions are correct about the effects of the TRUNCATE command on a table?(Choose three.)
2016-08-07 18:08:43 784 6
原创 166.View the Exhibit and examine the setting for a table. Which statement is true about the PCTFR
166.View the Exhibit and examine the setting for a table.Which statement is true about the PCTFREE setting for the table?
2016-08-07 18:03:53 861 2
原创 165.You have an ORDERS table with the following structure:
165.You have an ORDERS table with the following structure:Name Null? Type----------- -------- ----------OID NUMBER(6)ODATE DATE CCODE NUMBER(6) OAMT NUMBER(10,2)The table has d
2016-08-07 17:55:15 1173 4
原创 164.Examine the command that is used to create a table: SQL> CREATE TABLE orders( oid NUMBER(6) PRI
164.Examine the command that is used to create a table:SQL> CREATE TABLE orders( oid NUMBER(6) PRIMARY KEY, odate DATE, ccode NUMBER(6), oamt NUMBER(10,2)) TABLESPACE users;Which two statements are true about the effect of the above command? (Cho
2016-08-07 17:45:53 1364 6
原创 163.You want to access employee details contained in flat files as part of the EMPLOYEE table. You p
163.You want to access employee details contained in flat files as part of the EMPLOYEE table. You planto add a new column to the EMPLOYEE table to achieve this.Which data type would you use for the new column?
2016-08-07 17:18:49 1630
原创 162.You created a profile APP_USER and assigned it to the users. After a month, you decide to drop t
162.You created a profile APP_USER and assigned it to the users. After a month, you decide to drop theprofile.Some user sessions are currently connected to the database instance and are using the APP_USERprofile. This command is used to drop the profile
2016-08-07 17:10:52 969
原创 161.In your database instance, the user sessions are connected to the database server from the remot
161.In your database instance, the user sessions are connected to the database server from the remotemachines. You want to achieve the following for these users:1: The user account must be locked after four unsuccessful login attempts.2: The user must b
2016-08-07 16:57:46 1151
原创 160.View the Exhibit to observe the roles assigned to the SLP_REP user. Which statement is true a
160.View the Exhibit to observe the roles assigned to the SLP_REP user.Which statement is true about the assignment of the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role to the SLP_REPuser?
2016-08-07 16:22:15 753
原创 159.View the Exhibit and examine the user information.
159.View the Exhibit and examine the user information.The user has been granted CONNECT and RESOURCE roles and no individual system privileges. TheSL_REP user executes this command to create a table:SQL> CREATE TABLE orders( oid number(6), oda
2016-08-07 16:12:32 756 1
原创 158.You want to create a role to meet these requirements: 1: The role is to be protected from unauth
158.You want to create a role to meet these requirements:1: The role is to be protected from unauthorized usage.2: The password of the role is not to be embedded in the application source code or stored in a table.Which method would you use to restrict
2016-08-07 15:18:14 1461 1
原创 157.Examine the commands executed in the following sequence: 1: SQL> CREATE ROLE mgrrole; 2: SQL> G
157.Examine the commands executed in the following sequence:1: SQL> CREATE ROLE mgrrole;2: SQL> GRANT create user,select any table,connect,resource TO mgrrole;3: SQL> GRANT select,update ON sh.sales TO mgrrole;4: SQL> CREATE ROLE ceo IDENTIFIED BY bos
2016-08-07 13:23:55 635
原创 156.Examine the following steps performed on a database instance: 1: The DBA grants the CREATE TABL
156.Examine the following steps performed on a database instance:1: The DBA grants the CREATE TABLE system privilege to the SKD user with ADMIN OPTION.2: The SKD user creates a table.3: The SKD user grants the CREATE TABLE system privilege to the HR us
2016-08-07 13:11:13 1018
原创 155.The user HR owns the EMP table. The user HR grants privileges to the user SCOTT by using this co
155.The user HR owns the EMP table. The user HR grants privileges to the user SCOTT by using thiscommand:SQL> GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON emp TO scott WITH GRANT OPTION;The user SCOTT executes this command to grant privileges to the user JIM:SQL> GRA
2016-08-07 07:16:47 1136
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