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原创 程序员为什么要写博客?

首先,我是一名码农。 好吧,这是我的第一篇博文。 从很久这前我就想着要开一个博客,写上我对学习技术以来的点点滴滴。可是一直以来,都因为这样或那样的原因,而未能实施。而今,终于下定决心,写下我的第一篇博文。 什么是博客? 首先,我或者我们应该知道,什么是博客,什么是博文。 Blog 全名Web log,中文意思是“网络日志”,后来缩写为Blog。它是继Email、BBS、IM之后出现的

2013-07-27 15:44:58 814


英文原版 Preface 1 Chapter 1: Activities 5 Introduction 5 Declaring an activity 6 Starting a new activity with an intent object 10 Switching between activities 14 Returning a result from an activity 17 Storing an activity's state 20 Storing persistent activity data 24 Managing the activity lifecycle 27 Chapter 2: Layouts 33 Introduction 33 Declaring a layout 34 Applying a relative layout 37 Applying a table layout 40 Using ListViews and ListAdapters 42 Applying gravity and weight 45 Controlling layout during runtime 48 Optimizing for tablets and multiple screens 50 Dividing the screen into fragments 53 Running 3.0 and higher applications on older platforms 58 Chapter 3: Widgets 61 Introduction 61 Inserting a widget into a layout 62 Adding images to widgets 64 Creating a widget at runtime 68 Applying a style 70 ii Table of Contents Turning a style into a theme 73 Using a platform style or theme 76 Creating a custom component 78 Chapter 4: Menus 81 Introduction 81 Creating and inflating an options menu 82 Designing Android compliant menu icons 86 Building a context sensitive menu 88 Handling menu selections 91 Building menu groups of checkable items 94 Applying shortcut keys and submenus 97 Chapter 5: Data and Security 101 Introduction 101 Using internal storage for private data 102 Storing public data on external storage 104 Creating a SQLite database 107 Sharing multimedia files across applications with Content Providers 110 Defining and enforcing permissions 112 Providing backup functionality 115 Chapter 6: Detecting User Activity 119 Introduction 119 Reading a device's orientation 120 Measuring motion with the accelerometer 122 Listing available sensors 127 Recognizing a touch event 128 Detecting multi-touch elements 132 Recognizing gestures 134 Handling multi-touch gestures 136 Controlling on screen keyboards 139 Chapter 7: Notifying the User 145 Introduction 145 Displaying an alert dialog 146 Displaying a progress dialog 150 Customizing a dialog 152 Making a Toast 154 Notifying the user with the status bar 157 Using the Notifcation.Builder class 161 iii Table of Contents Chapter 8: Graphics and Animation 163 Introduction 163 Adding graphics to the ImageView class 164 Rotating an image with a matrix 167 Using ShapeDrawable and Paint 171 Drawing with a Canvas 173 Using tween animations 176 Animating with Honeycomb APIs 180 Creating stop frame animations 183 Working with OpenGL 186 Chapter 9: Multimedia 191 Introduction 191 Playing an audio file from within an application 192 Playing back video from external memory 195 Playing multiple sounds with a SoundPool 198 Recording audio 200 Recording video 202 Capturing photos with the camera 204 Chapter 10: Telephony, Networks, and the Web 209 Introduction 209 Initiating a phone call 210 Listening for phone events 212 Sending SMS messages 215 Monitoring SMS messages 218 Connecting to WiFi 220 Connecting Bluetooth devices 223 Including web content 225 Chapter 11: GPS, Locations, and Maps 229 Introduction 229 Detecting a device's location 230 Listening for location changes 232 Setting up Google Maps 235 Zooming in on a MapView 238 Setting a map's location with a GeoPoint 241 Marking a location on a map with an overlay 243 Index 247



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