protocol buffer编码原理,让你理解pb是如何实现的



message Test1 {
  optional int32 a = 1;


08 96 01


Base 128 Varints

为了理解pb的编码,你要先理解varints,varints是一个用一个或更多字节来序列化整型的方法。数值越小占用的字节数越少。varint的每一个字节(除了最后一个字节),都有最重要的位(msb)集(has the most significant bit (msb) set)。这表示后面还有更多的字节,即流未结束。每个字节的低7位用来存储以7位为一组的数字的两个补码表示,权值低的在前,相当于小端字节序(The lower 7 bits of each byte are used to store the two's complement representation of the number in groups of 7 bits, least significant group first.)


0000 0001


1010 1100 0000 0010


1010 1100 0000 0010
→ 010 1100  000 0010


000 0010  010 1100
→  000 0010 ++ 010 1100
→  100101100
→  256 + 32 + 8 + 4 = 300



当对消息进行编码时,键和值被连接到一个字节流中。当消息被解码时,解析器需要能够跳过它不认识的字段。通过这种方式,可以在不破坏我们不了解的旧程序的情况下将新字段添加到消息中。为此,wire-format消息中每个键值对的“键”实际上是两个值——.proto文件中的字段号,加上一个wire type,该类型提供的信息刚好可以找到以下值的长度。在大多数语言实现中,这个键被称为标记。

可用的wire type如下:

TypeMeaningUsed For
0Varintint32, int64, uint32, uint64, sint32, sint64, bool, enum
164-bitfixed64, sfixed64, double
2Length-delimitedstring, bytes, embedded messages, packed repeated fields
3Start groupgroups (deprecated)
4End groupgroups (deprecated)
532-bitfixed32, sfixed32, float

流消息中的每个键都是一个varint,其值为(field_number << 3) | wire_type——换句话说,数字的最后三位存储了wire type。


000 1000

 您使用最后3位获得wire type(0),然后右移3位得到字段号(1),现在您知道字段号是1,下面的值是一个varint类型。使用上一节的varint解码知识,您可以看到接下来的两个字节存储值150。

96 01 = 1001 0110  0000 0001
       → 000 0001  ++  001 0110 (drop the msb and reverse the groups of 7 bits)
       → 10010110
       → 128 + 16 + 4 + 2 = 150

这就是08 96 01解码成150的过程。



正如您在前一节中看到的,所有wire type为0的pb类型都被编码为varint。然而,在编码负数时,带符号的int类型(sint32和sint64)和“标准”int类型(int32和int64)之间有一个重要的区别。如果使用int32或int64作为负数的类型,得到的varint总是10字节长——实际上,它被当作一个非常大的无符号整数。如果您使用其中一种带符号的类型,得到的varint将使用ZigZag,这将大大提高效率。


Signed OriginalEncoded As


(n << 1) ^ (n >> 31) 这是sint32类型
(n << 1) ^ (n >> 63) 这是64位版本

注意,第二个移位(n >> 31)部分是算术移位。换句话说,移位的结果要么是一个全部为0的数(如果n是正数),要么是一个全部为1的数(如果n是负数)。

当解析sint32或sint64时,它的值被解码回原始的签名版本。(When the sint32 or sint64 is parsed, its value is decoded back to the original, signed version)


非varint数字类型很简单——double和fixed64都有wire type为1,这告诉解析器期望一个固定的64位数据块;类似地,float和fixed32也有wire type 5,这告诉它期望是32位。在这两种情况下,值都是以小端字节顺序存储的。


wire type为2(以长度分隔)意味着该值是varint编码的长度,后跟指定的数据字节数。

message Test2 {
  optional string b = 2;

设置b的值为 "testing" :

12 07 74 65 73 74 69 6e 67

红色部分是testing的UTF8的编码,键是 0x12可以得出字段号 = 2, 类型 = 2。值中的varint 长度是7 ,我们在它后面找到了7个字节,也就是红色部分。

 Embedded Messages


message Test3 {
  optional Test1 c = 3;


1a 03 08 96 01

正如您所看到的,最后三个字节与我们的第一个示例(08 96 01)完全相同,它们的前面是数字3——嵌入式消息的处理方式与字符串完全相同(wire type = 2)。


Optional And Repeated Elements

If a proto2 message definition has repeated elements (without the [packed=true] option), the encoded message has zero or more key-value pairs with the same field number. These repeated values do not have to appear consecutively; they may be interleaved with other fields. The order of the elements with respect to each other is preserved when parsing, though the ordering with respect to other fields is lost. In proto3, repeated fields use packed encoding, which you can read about below.

For any non-repeated fields in proto3, or optional fields in proto2, the encoded message may or may not have a key-value pair with that field number.

Normally, an encoded message would never have more than one instance of a non-repeated field. However, parsers are expected to handle the case in which they do. For numeric types and strings, if the same field appears multiple times, the parser accepts the last value it sees. For embedded message fields, the parser merges multiple instances of the same field, as if with the Message::MergeFrom method – that is, all singular scalar fields in the latter instance replace those in the former, singular embedded messages are merged, and repeated fields are concatenated. The effect of these rules is that parsing the concatenation of two encoded messages produces exactly the same result as if you had parsed the two messages separately and merged the resulting objects. That is, this:


MyMessage message; message.ParseFromString(str1 + str2);

is equivalent to this:


MyMessage message, message2; message.ParseFromString(str1); message2.ParseFromString(str2); message.MergeFrom(message2);

This property is occasionally useful, as it allows you to merge two messages even if you do not know their types.

Packed Repeated Fields

Version 2.1.0 introduced packed repeated fields, which in proto2 are declared like repeated fields but with the special [packed=true] option. In proto3, repeated fields of scalar numeric types are packed by default. These function like repeated fields, but are encoded differently. A packed repeated field containing zero elements does not appear in the encoded message. Otherwise, all of the elements of the field are packed into a single key-value pair with wire type 2 (length-delimited). Each element is encoded the same way it would be normally, except without a key preceding it.

For example, imagine you have the message type:


message Test4 { repeated int32 d = 4 [packed=true]; }

Now let's say you construct a Test4, providing the values 3, 270, and 86942 for the repeated field d. Then, the encoded form would be:


22 // key (field number 4, wire type 2) 06 // payload size (6 bytes) 03 // first element (varint 3) 8E 02 // second element (varint 270) 9E A7 05 // third element (varint 86942)

Only repeated fields of primitive numeric types (types which use the varint, 32-bit, or 64-bit wire types) can be declared "packed".

Note that although there's usually no reason to encode more than one key-value pair for a packed repeated field, encoders must be prepared to accept multiple key-value pairs. In this case, the payloads should be concatenated. Each pair must contain a whole number of elements.

Protocol buffer parsers must be able to parse repeated fields that were compiled as packed as if they were not packed, and vice versa. This permits adding [packed=true] to existing fields in a forward- and backward-compatible way.

Field Order

Field numbers may be used in any order in a .proto file. The order chosen has no effect on how the messages are serialized.

When a message is serialized, there is no guaranteed order for how its known or unknown fields should be written. Serialization order is an implementation detail and the details of any particular implementation may change in the future. Therefore, protocol buffer parsers must be able to parse fields in any order.


  • Do not assume the byte output of a serialized message is stable. This is especially true for messages with transitive bytes fields representing other serialized protocol buffer messages.
  • By default, repeated invocations of serialization methods on the same protocol buffer message instance may not return the same byte output; i.e. the default serialization is not deterministic.
    • Deterministic serialization only guarantees the same byte output for a particular binary. The byte output may change across different versions of the binary.
  • The following checks may fail for a protocol buffer message instance foo.
    • foo.SerializeAsString() == foo.SerializeAsString()
    • Hash(foo.SerializeAsString()) == Hash(foo.SerializeAsString())
    • CRC(foo.SerializeAsString()) == CRC(foo.SerializeAsString())
    • FingerPrint(foo.SerializeAsString()) == FingerPrint(foo.SerializeAsString())
  • Here're a few example scenarios where logically equivalent protocol buffer messages foo and bar may serialize to different byte outputs.
    • bar is serialized by an old server that treats some fields as unknown.
    • bar is serialized by a server that is implemented in a different programming language and serializes fields in different order.
    • bar has a field that serializes in non-deterministic manner.
    • bar has a field that stores a serialized byte output of a protocol buffer message which is serialized differently.
    • bar is serialized by a new server that serializes fields in different order due to an implementation change.
    • Both foo and bar are concatenation of individual messages but with different order.






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