KXT305 Mobile & Ubiquitous Computing

Edit Submission: Programming Assignment (Attempt 1 )

Due Date: 17 October 2008 11:59 PM

Type: Work individually

Grading Criteria: out of 15

Status: In Progress (Attempt 1)


The objective of this assignment is to demonstrate familiarity with the J2ME high level user interface and the generic communications framework.

To do this you must develop J2ME code that will allow two (2) users to play a simple game over a datagram based (UDP) network. This will require two (2) MIDlets to be written [one for each player – see the next page for the game definition] but the exact design is up to you.

Your code should include (at least): Alert, Textbox, List and Ticker plus the necessary communications code. Refer to the files given in tutorials 7 and 8 for a foundation upon which to build (i.e. you can reuse the code in your assignment)

Your testing should be done with at least two different phone SDKs using the Eclipse/Nokia IDE. You should test by running two emulated ‘phones’ on the same PC. Use the IP address localhost and any port numbers > 1024 to identify the MIDlets.

Where possible, your solution should follow the guidelines mentioned in the lectures regarding J2ME and the design of applications for small screen devices.

Deliverables: [To be submitted electronically through MyLO]

·    Code Source

o    the Eclipse project [all necessary files]

·    A written report outlining:

·    A description of the source files and their operation.

o   [These should include instructions for the intended users]

·    A justification of your design including an evaluation of the positive and negative aspects of your solution.

·    Evidence of testing.

Assessment will be based on the following:

·    Specification and design of your game

·    Demonstration of features

·    Working program [as tested on Eclipse] and evidence of testing

·    Sensible comments in the code

·    Design evaluation

·    Originality

The Game:

In the jungle there are three types of creature: The Hyena, the Lion and the Rhino

The Rhino can stomp on (and kill) the Lion but when confronted by the Hyena it will die laughing. The Lion can catch and eat Hyenas but always runs away (in defeat) when they see a Rhino. Hyenas, therefore, aren’t afraid of Rhinos but are seriously scared of Lions. When similar creatures meet they are quite friendly with each other.

The game is played between two mobile devices. One device must contact the other and offer to play a game. This offer may be accepted or rejected. If the offer is accepted then the two players will pick an animal. When the choices have been made they exchange their choices and each device works out who won – whose animal beat the other – or whether there was a draw (similar choices).

When one game is completed the program should start over again (without needing to send the offer) unless one user cancels.

Feel free to improvise around this game’s theme but remember to demonstrate the different screens.

Your design should include the message exchanges implemented in your program and show how they drive the game.

The questions:

1. Describe the CSMA/CA medium access protocol

2. Describe three weaknesses in the WEP security scheme

3. Describe the WPA security scheme as used by an enterprise.

4. Explain the terms Specific Absorption rate (SAR) and power density.

5. How is SAR measured and what problems could be encountered in taking these measurements?






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