Displaying Webform submission data in Drupal Views

Although Webform module comes with limited integration to expose the submitted data in Views, it lacks the fine control to make View by Webform field as rows and columns. There is a workaround to achieve this though which I would like to briefly run through in this blog.

Webform MySQL Views together with Data and Schema modules with a patch to Webform MySQL Views from issue  #889306: Allow the designation of a primary key for MySQL views makes this feasible.

Webform MySQL Views, as the name implies, allow us to create MySQL view from Drupal, leveraging the Data module which counts on Schema module.

Data module wraps a bundle of sub-modules, among them Data Search provides Views Integration and Data Admin UI for accessing its administrative pages.

Once the mentioned modules are enabled. You can see a sub-menu "MySQL Views" under Administration » Content » Webforms. Tick the Webform node whose fields are needed in Views. This form is only meant to create MySQL view.

Now the next step is to make the Data module adopt this view so it would be recognized by Views module. For the same open the admin page at Administration » Structure » Data tables (or /admin/structure/data/adopt). Select the view from "Orphaned Tables" list and hit "Adopt" button.



Now apply the patch from #889306: Allow the designation of a primary key for MySQL views. This can be added to any of your custom modules. You will have to change the {yourcustommodule}_views_data_alter(&$views) hook implementation to match your module's code. 

function {yourcustommodule}_views_data_alter(&$views) {
  // name of the database view
  $dbview_name = 'voting_results';
  $pseudo_pk = 'item_id';
  _mysql_views_designate_primarykey($dbview_name, $pseudo_pk, $views);
  // name of the database view
  $dbview_name = '_tmp_voting_AARGH';
  $pseudo_pk = 'item_id';
  _mysql_views_designate_primarykey($dbview_name, $pseudo_pk, $views);

Typically $dbview_name would be webform_views_mywebform (depends on webform name) and $pseudo_pk would be sid. You will have to repeat this depends on no. of Webform nodes to be made available to use with Views.

Clear cache so that your new hook impelementation would be known to Drupal core and Data shall be able to let use our webform node view as base table for Views. 

Now create a new Drupal View, needless to say, still from Administration » Structure » Views » Add new view. Under show you should be able to see a new base table adopted by Data. 

Now you could see separate Fields, Filter and Sort criteria available per field in Webform. 

In case, you find that a field is not properly handled by View, you can change the handler(s) from Administration » Structure » Data tables » Data table. In my case, DateTime field was not properly handled by default, I had to change the handlers to fix the same.

Would like to see Webform comes with a native solution to achieve this in upcoming releases. Have a thought or question? Post it in the comment below to discuss.

基于SSM框架的智能家政保洁预约系统,是一个旨在提高家政保洁服务预约效率和管理水平的平台。该系统通过集成现代信息技术,为家政公司、家政服务人员和消费者提供了一个便捷的在线预约和管理系统。 系统的主要功能包括: 1. **用户管理**:允许消费者注册、登录,并管理他们的个人资料和预约历史。 2. **家政人员管理**:家政服务人员可以注册并更新自己的个人信息、服务类别和服务时间。 3. **服务预约**:消费者可以浏览不同的家政服务选项,选择合适的服务人员,并在线预约服务。 4. **订单管理**:系统支持订单的创建、跟踪和管理,包括订单的确认、完成和评价。 5. **评价系统**:消费者可以在家政服务完成后对服务进行评价,帮助提高服务质量和透明度。 6. **后台管理**:管理员可以管理用户、家政人员信息、服务类别、预约订单以及处理用户反馈。 系统采用Java语言开发,使用MySQL数据库进行数据存储,通过B/S架构实现用户与服务的在线交互。系统设计考虑了不同用户角色的需求,包括管理员、家政服务人员和普通用户,每个角色都有相应的权限和功能。此外,系统还采用了软件组件化、精化体系结构、分离逻辑和数据等方法,以便于未来的系统升级和维护。 智能家政保洁预约系统通过提供一个集中的平台,不仅方便了消费者的预约和管理,也为家政服务人员提供了一个展示和推广自己服务的机会。同时,系统的后台管理功能为家政公司提供了强大的数据支持和决策辅助,有助于提高服务质量和管理效率。该系统的设计与实现,标志着家政保洁服务向现代化和网络化的转型,为管理决策和控制提供保障,是行业发展中的重要里程碑。
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