
ABAP_DOCU_DOWNLOAD - Download ABAP documentationin HTML format.

ARFC_GET_TID - will return the IP addressof the terminal in hex.  

BAL_* -All function modules used for SAP's application logging can be found here.

BP_EVENT_RAISE -Trigger an event from ABAP/4 program

BP_JOBLOG_READ -Fetch job log executions

CLOI_PUT_SIGN_IN_FRONT - Place the negative signafter a number.  SAP default is place the negative sign after the number.

CLPB_EXPORT -Export a text table to the clipboard (on presentation server)

CLPB_IMPORT - Import a Text Table fromthe Clipboard (on presentation server)

COMMIT_TEXT -To load long text into SAP

CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT - converts any number into a string fill with zeroes-right


input = 123

output = 0000000000000...000000000000123

CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT - converts any number with zeroes-right into asimple integer<o:p></o:p>


input = 00000000000123

output = 123

CONVERT_OTF - Convert SAP documents (SAPScript) to othertypes.















DATE_GET_WEEK - will return the week that adate is in.

DATE_CHECK_PLAUSIBILITY - Check to see if a date isin a valid format for SAP.  Works well when validating dates being passedin from other systems.

DOWNLOAD -download a file to the presentation server (PC)

DYNP_VALUES_READ - Read the values from adynpro.  This function can be used to read the values from a report'sselection screen too (Another example).

DYNP_VALUES_UPDATE - Similar to DYNP_VALUES_READ, this function will allow the updating of fields on a dynpro. Very useful when you want to change a field based on the value entered foranother field.

ENQUE_SLEEP - Wait a specified period oftime before continuing processing.

ENQUEUE_ESFUNCTION - Lock an abap program sothat it cannot be executed.  Set the parameters as follows:

SRTF2 = 0
SRTF = (your report name)

Please note that you should not useSY-REPID to pass your report name to the function.  The value of SY-REPIDwill change as it is being passed to the function module, and will no longerhold the value of the calling report.

EPS_GET_FILE_ATTRIBUTES - Pass in a filename and a path, and will return attributes for thefile

EPS_GET_DIRECTORY_LISTING -return a list of filenames from a local or network drive

F4_DATE - displays a calendar in apopup window and allows user to choose a date, or it can be displayed readonly.

F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_EXAMPLE - documents the different reasons to use a search help exit, and showshow it is done.

FILENAME_GET -popup to get a filename from a user, returns blank filename if user selectscancel

FTP_CONNECT - Open a connection (and login) to an FTP server

FTP_COMMAND - Execute a command on theFTP server

FTP_DISCONNECT - Close the connection (andlog off) the FTP server

FORMAT_MESSAGE - Takes a message id andnumber, and puts it into a variable. Works better than WRITE_MESSAGE, sincesome messages use $ as a place holder, and WRITE_MESSAGE does not accommadatethat, it only replaces the ampersands (&) in the message.

GET_GLOBAL_SYMBOLS - Returns a list of all tables, select options, texts, etc for aprogram.  Even includes the text definitions for the selection screen

GET_INCLUDETAB - Returns a list of allINCLUDES in a program

G_SET_GET_ALL_VALUES -Fetch values from a set.

Function Group GRAP is now obsolete. SAPrecommends using functions in function group SFES instead. Below is an overviewof the changes.

GUI_CREATE_DIRECTORY - Create a directory on thepresentation server 

GUI_DELETE_FILE - Replaces WS_FILE_DELETE.Delete a file on the presentation server 

GUI_DOWNLOAD - Replaces WS_DOWNLOAD. Download table from the app server to presentation server

GUI_EXEC - Replaces WS_EXECUTE. Start a File or Program Asynchronously with WinExec

GUI_GET_DESKTOP_INFO - Replaces WS_QUERY. DeliversInformation About the Desktop (client)

GUI_REMOVE_DIRECTORY - Delete a directory on thepresentation server 

GUI_RUN - Start a File or ProgramAsynchronously with ShellExecute 

GUI_UPLOAD - Replaces WS_UPLOAD. Upoad file from presentation server to the app server

HELP_START - Display help fora field.  Useful for doing AT SELECTION SCREEN ON VALUE REQUEST for thosefields that do not provide F4 help at the DDIC level.

HOLIDAY_GET - Provides a table of all the holidays based upon a Factory Calendar&/ Holiday Calendar.

HR_DISPLAY_BASIC_LIST - is an HR function, but canbe used for any data.  You pass it data, and column headers, and itprovides a table control with the ability to manipulate the data, and send itto Word or Excel. Also see the additional documentation here.

HR_GET_LEAVE_DATA - Get all leave information(includes leave entitlement, used holidays/paid out holidays) 

INIT_TEXT -To load long text into SAP

K_WERKS_OF_BUKRS_FIND - Return a list of all plantsfor a given company code.

LIST_TO_ASCII -convert an ABAP report (displayed on screen) from OTF to ASCII format LIST_FROM_MEMORY - Retrievesthe output of a report from memory when the report was executed using SUBMIT...EXPORTING LIST TO MEMORY. See also WRITE_LIST.

MONTH_NAMES_GET -It returns all the month and names in repective language.

MS_EXCEL_OLE_STANDARD_OLE -will build a file, and automatically start Excel

OTF_CONVERT - wraps several otherfunction modules.  Will convert OTF to ASCII or PDF

CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF -converts a OTF spool to PDF (i.e. Sapscript document)

CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF -convert abap spool output to PDF

POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_LOSS_OF_DATA -Create a dialog box in which you make a question whether the user wishes toperform a processing step with loss of data.

POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_STEP - Create a dialogbox in which you make a question whether the user wishes to perform the step.

POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_WITH_MESSAGE -Create a dialog box in which you inform the user about a specific decisionpoint during an action.

POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_WITH_VALUE -Create a dialog box in which you make a question whether the user wishes toperform a processing step with a particular object.

POPUP_TO_DECIDE -Provide user with several choices as radio buttons 

POPUP_TO_DECIDE_WITH_MESSAGE - Create a dialog box inwhich you inform the user about a specific decision point via a diagnosis text.

POPUP_TO_DISPLAY_TEXT -Create a dialog box in which you display a two-line message.

POPUP_TO_SELECT_MONTH - Popup to choose a month

POPUP_WITH_TABLE_DISPLAY -Provide a display of a table for user to select one, with the value of thetable line returned when selected.

PRICING - Return pricing conditionsin an internal table.  Use structure TCOMK for parameter COMM_HEAD_1, andstructure TCOMP for parameter COMM_ITEM_1, and set CALCULATION_TYPE to B. The pricing conditions will be returned in XOMV.  You must fill TCOMP, andTCOMK with the appropriate values before callling the function in order for itto work.

PROFILE_GET - Read an Entry in an INIFile on the frontend

PROFILE_SET - Write an Entry in an INIFile on the frontend

READ_TEXT -To load long text into SAP

REGISTRY_GET - Read an Entry from theRegistry

REGISTRY_SET - Set an entry in theRegistry

RFC_ABAP_INSTALL_AND_RUN - Runs an ABAP program that is stored in the table PROGRAM when theMODE = 'F'.  Table WRITES contains the ouput of the program. Allows you torun a program without having the source code in the target system.

RH_GET_ACTIVE_WF_PLVAR - Return the active HR Plan

RH_GET_DATE_DAYNAME - return the day based on thedate provied

RH_START_EXCEL_WITH_DATA -startsExcel with the contents of an internal table.  This function finds Excelin the desktop registry. It also uses a local PC working directory to save thefile (that's what the "W" value for data path flag does). Verytransparent to user!

RH_STRUC_GET -Returns all related org info

RP_CALC_DATE_IN_INTERVAL - Add/subtractyears/months/days from a date

RP_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTHS -Determine last day of month

RPY_DYNPRO_READ - Read dynpro, includingscreen flow

RPY_TRANSACTION_READ - Given a transaction, returnthe program and screen or given a program and screen, return the transactionsthat use the program and screen.

RS_COVERPAGE_SELECTIONS - Returns an internal tablethat contains a formatted list of all the selection parameters entered for a report. Table is ready to print out.

RS_REFRESH_FROM_SELECTOPTIONS -Get the current contents of selection screen

RS_SEND_MAIL_FOR_SPOOLLIST -Send message from ABAP/4 program to SAPoffice.

RS_VARIANT_CONTENTS -Returns the contents of the specified variant in a table.

RZL_SLEEP -Hang the current application from <st1:time w:st="on" hour="13" minute="0">1</st1:time>to 5 seconds.

RZL_SUBMIT -Submit a remote report.

RZL_READ_DIR_LOCAL -Read a directory on the Application Server

RZL_READ_DIR - If the server name is leftblank, it reads a directory from local presentation server, otherwise it readsthe directory of the remote server

RZL_READ_FILE - Read a file from thepresentation server if no server name is given, or read file from remoteserver. Very useful to avoid authority checks that occur doing an OPENDATASET. This function using a SAP C program to read the data.

RZL_WRITE_FILE_LOCAL - Saves table to thepresentation server (not PC). Does not use OPEN DATASET, so itdoes not suffer from authority checks!

SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR - Display a progress bar onthe SAP GUI, and give the user some idea of what is happening

SAVE_TEXT -To load long text into SAP

SCROLLING_IN_TABLE -Ifyou are coding a module pool and using a table-control, you can use thisfunction SCROLLING_IN_TABLE to handle any scrolling.(provided by Paul Kjaer)

SD_DATETIME_DIFFERENCE - Give the difference in Days and Time for 2dates        

SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 - Send a document as part ofan email. The documentation is better than normal for this function, so pleaseread it.

SO_SPLIT_FILE_AND_PATH -Split a fully pathed filename into a filename and a path.

SO_SPOOL_READ -Fetch printer spool according to the spool number informed.

SO_WIND_SPOOL_LIST -Browse printer spool numbers according to user informed.

SX_OBJECT_CONVERT_OTF_PDF - Conversion From OTF to PDF(SAPScript conversion)

SX_OBJECT_CONVERT_OTF_PRT - Conversion From OTF to PrinterFormat (SAPScript conversion)

SX_OBJECT_CONVERT_OTF_RAW - Conversion From OTF to ASCII(SAPScript conversion)

SXPG_CALL_SYSTEM -  you can check theuser's authorization for the specified command and run the command. The commandruns on the host system on which the function module is executed. The functionmodule is RFC-capable. It can therefore be run on the host system at which auser happens to be active or on another designated host system at which an R/3server is active.

SXPG_COMMAND_LIST_GET - Select a list of externalOS command definitions.

SXPG_COMMAND_DEFINITION_GET - Read the definition of asingle external OS command from the R/3 System's database.

SXPG_COMMAND_CHECK - Check whether the user isauthorized to execute the specified command on the target host system with thespecified arguments.

SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE - Check a user'sauthorization to use a command, as in SXPG_COMMAND_CHECK. If the authorization check is successful, then execute the commandon the target host system.

TERMINAL_ID_GET -Return the terminal id

TH_DELETE_USER - Logoff a user. Similar results to using SM04.

TH_ENVIRONMENT - Get the UNIX environment

TH_POPUP -Display a popup system message on a specific users screen.

TH_REMOTE_TRANSACTION - Run a transaction on aremote server. Optionally provide BDC data to be used in the transaction

TH_USER_INFO - Give information about thecurrent user (sessions, workstation logged in from, etc)

TH_USER_LIST - Show which users are loggedinto an app server

UNIT_CONVERSION_SIMPLE -convert weights from one UOM to another. <o:p></o:p>

UPLOAD -upload a file to the presentation server (PC)

UPLOAD_FILES - Will load one or more filesfrom app or presentation server

WRITE_LIST -Usefulfor writing out the list contents that result from the function LIST_FROM_MEMORY.<o:p></o:p>

WS_DOWNLOAD -Save Internal Table as File on the Presentation Server <o:p></o:p>

WS_EXCEL -Start EXCEL on the PC <o:p></o:p>

WS_EXECUTE -execute a program on a windows PC <o:p></o:p>

WS_FILE_DELETE -Delete File at the Frontend <o:p></o:p>

WS_FILENAME_GET -Call File Selector <o:p></o:p>

WS_MSG -Create a dialog box in which you display an one-line message. <o:p></o:p>

WS_UPLOAD - Load Files fromthe Presentation Server to Internal ABAP Tables <o:p></o:p>

WS_VOLUME_GET -Get the label from a frontend device. <o:p></o:p>

WWW_LIST_TO_HTML   - After running a report, call this function toconvert the list output to HTML.
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