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原创 <LeetCode OJ> 328. Odd Even Linked List

328. Odd Even Linked ListMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 9271 Total Submissions: 24497 Difficulty: EasyGiven a singly linked list, group all odd nodes together followed b

2016-01-30 16:38:44 1831

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 287. Find the Duplicate Number

1). 使用快慢指针法,若链表中有环,可以得到两指针的交点M2). 记链表的头节点为H,环的起点为E

2016-01-27 09:53:52 1627 1

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 327. Count of Range Sum

327. Count of Range SumMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 93 Total Submissions: 316 Difficulty: Hard给定一个整数数组nums,返回该数组某个"范围内的和"在 [ lower,upper ] 之间的总数量Given an integer array

2016-01-26 15:28:31 2604

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 52. N-Queens II

52. N-Queens IIMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 39648 Total Submissions: 103862 Difficulty: HardFollow up for N-Queens problem.Now, instead outputting board configuratio

2016-01-26 11:12:57 1620 1

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 125. Valid Palindrome

125. Valid PalindromeMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 85331 Total Submissions: 369741 Difficulty: Easy给定一个字符串,判断是否为回文字符串,只需考虑字母和数字,忽略空格。注意:空字符串算作回文字符串。Given a string, de

2016-01-25 21:41:00 1132

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 43. Multiply Strings

43. Multiply StringsMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 51859 Total Submissions: 231017 Difficulty: Medium以字符串的形式给定两个数字,返回相乘的结果,注意:结果也是字符串,因为数字可能很大Given two numbers represent

2016-01-24 21:25:00 2217

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 238. Product of Array Except Self

238. Product of Array Except SelfMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 31438 Total Submissions: 77077 Difficulty: Medium给定一个数组nums,且其长度大于1,返回一个数组output,此数组output[i]等于除掉nums[i]外所有

2016-01-24 19:38:38 1030

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 144 / 145 / 94 Binary Tree (Pre & In & Post) order Traversal

在此之前回顾前序遍历和中序遍历:1,前序遍历:基本规则,总是先访问根节点在左节点,在右节点递归解法:class Solution {public: vector result; vector preorderTraversal(TreeNode* root) { if(root){ result.push_back(root

2016-01-24 10:51:37 1792

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 215. Kth Largest Element in an Array

215. Kth Largest Element in an ArrayMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 38315 Total Submissions: 123284 Difficulty: Medium在一个未排序的数组中找到第k大的元素,注意此言的第k大就是排序后的第k大的数,注意:给定k总是安全有效的

2016-01-23 17:09:31 1248

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 230. Kth Smallest Element in a BST

230. Kth Smallest Element in a BSTMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 32753 Total Submissions: 93019 Difficulty: Medium给定一个二叉搜索树,写一个函数找到二叉树中第k小的值Given a binary search tree, w

2016-01-22 22:07:58 1294

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 101. Symmetric Tree

101. Symmetric TreeMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 90196 Total Submissions: 273390 Difficulty: EasyGiven a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmet

2016-01-22 16:48:19 1435

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 22. Generate Parentheses

22. Generate ParenthesesMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 74274 Total Submissions: 211279 Difficulty: MediumGiven n pairs of parentheses, write a function to generate all c

2016-01-21 20:28:42 1265

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 169. Majority Element

169. Majority ElementMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 87072 Total Submissions: 222273 Difficulty: EasyGiven an array of size n, find the majority element. The majority ele

2016-01-19 15:01:02 1195

原创 <九度 OJ>题目1545:奇怪的连通图

题目描述:已知一个无向带权图,求最小整数k。使仅使用权值小于等于k的边,节点1可以与节点n连通。输入:输入包含多组测试用例,每组测试用例的开头为一个整数n(1 接下去m行,描述图上边的信息,包括三个整数,a(1 输出:输出为一个整数k,若找不到一个整数满足条件,则输出-1。样例输入:3 31 3 51

2016-01-18 15:27:09 1390

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 123. / 188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (III / IV)

123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IIIMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 49478 Total Submissions: 195107 Difficulty: HardSay you have an array for which the ith element is

2016-01-17 17:32:30 1752

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 206. Reverse Linked List

206. Reverse Linked ListMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 74536 Total Submissions: 200484 Difficulty: EasyReverse a singly linked list.click to show more hints.Hint:A

2016-01-17 14:47:18 1949

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 234. Palindrome Linked List

234. Palindrome Linked ListMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 33856 Total Submissions: 129644 Difficulty: EasyGiven a singly linked list, determine if it is a palindrome.F

2016-01-17 12:18:33 1243

原创 <九度 OJ>题目1112:拦截导弹

题目描述:某国为了防御敌国的导弹袭击,开发出一种导弹拦截系统。但是这种导弹拦截系统有一个缺陷:虽然它的第一发炮弹能够到达任意的高度,但是以后每一发炮弹都不能高于前一发的高度。某天,雷达捕捉到敌国的导弹来袭,并观测到导弹依次飞来的高度,请计算这套系统最多能拦截多少导弹。拦截来袭导弹时,必须按来袭导弹袭击的时间顺序,不允许先拦截后面的导弹,再拦截前面的导弹。 输入:每组

2016-01-16 14:53:26 3482

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 75. Sort Color


2016-01-15 22:02:59 1242

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 121. /122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock(I / II)

121. Best Time to Buy and Sell StockMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 81473 Total Submissions: 234230 Difficulty: MediumSay you have an array for which the ith element is t

2016-01-15 16:12:35 2169

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 69 / 367 Sqrt(x) / Valid Perfect Square

69. Sqrt(x)My SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 79525 Total Submissions: 325488 Difficulty: MediumImplement int sqrt(int x).Compute and return the square root of x.Sub

2016-01-14 22:23:44 1607

原创 <九度 OJ>题目1028:继续畅通工程

题目描述:    省政府“畅通工程”的目标是使全省任何两个村庄间都可以实现公路交通(但不一定有直接的公路相连,只要能间接通过公路可达即可)。现得到城镇道路统计表,表中列出了任意两城镇间修建道路的费用,以及该道路是否已经修通的状态。现请你编写程序,计算出全省畅通需要的最低成本。输入:    测试输入包含若干测试用例。每个测试用例的第1行给出村庄数目N ( 1    当N为

2016-01-14 15:16:54 1428 1

原创 <九度 OJ>题目1061:成绩排序(多关键字排序)

题目描述:    有N个学生的数据,将学生数据按成绩高低排序,如果成绩相同则按姓名字符的字母序排序,如果姓名的字母序也相同则按照学生的年龄排序,并输出N个学生排序后的信息。输入:    测试数据有多组,每组输入第一行有一个整数N(N    每个学生的数据包括姓名(长度不超过100的字符串)、年龄(整形数)、成绩(小于等于100的正数)。输出:

2016-01-14 10:00:13 4108 3

原创 <九度 OJ>题目1012:畅通工程

题目描述:    某省调查城镇交通状况,得到现有城镇道路统计表,表中列出了每条道路直接连通的城镇。省政府“畅通工程”的目标是使全省任何两个城镇间都可以实现交通(但不一定有直接的道路相连,只要互相间接通过道路可达即可)。问最少还需要建设多少条道路?输入:    测试输入包含若干测试用例。每个测试用例的第1行给出两个正整数,分别是城镇数目N (     注意:两个城市之

2016-01-14 09:49:21 1775 1

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 179. Largest Number

179. Largest NumberMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 37152 Total Submissions: 208760 Difficulty: MediumGiven a list of non negative integers, arrange them such that they fo

2016-01-13 16:40:00 1324

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 141 / 142 Linked List Cycle(I / II)

141. Linked List CycleMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 88665 Total Submissions: 241622 Difficulty: MediumGiven a linked list, determine if it has a cycle in it.Follow up

2016-01-12 22:07:05 2827

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 26 / 80 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array(I / II)

26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted ArrayMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 104150 Total Submissions: 322188 Difficulty: EasyGiven a sorted array, remove the duplicates in pla

2016-01-11 21:31:52 2019

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 58. Length of Last Word

58. Length of Last WordMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 78112 Total Submissions: 275441 Difficulty: EasyGiven a string s consists of upper/lower-case alphabets and empty s

2016-01-11 19:00:37 1230

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 112/113. Path Sum(I / II)

112. Path SumMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 85016 Total Submissions: 278387 Difficulty: EasyGiven a binary tree and a sum, determine if the tree has a root-to-leaf path

2016-01-11 11:31:55 1071

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 257. Binary Tree Paths

257. Binary Tree PathsMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 29282 Total Submissions: 113527 Difficulty: EasyGiven a binary tree, return all root-to-leaf paths.For example, gi

2016-01-10 21:43:57 2228

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 242. Valid Anagram

242. Valid AnagramMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 49981 Total Submissions: 125435 Difficulty: Easy给定两个字符串s和t,写一个函数判断是否t是通过移位得到的sGiven two strings s and t, write a functio

2016-01-10 19:42:18 1629

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

219. Contains Duplicate IIMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 40529 Total Submissions: 142658 Difficulty: Easy有一个数组和一个整数,如果数组中两个相同的元素(分别在数组中i和j的位置),如果判断是否|i-j|Given an array

2016-01-09 22:49:26 1220

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 47/46 Permutations (II / I)

47. Permutations IIMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 57990 Total Submissions: 215694 Difficulty: MediumGiven a collection of numbers that might contain duplicates, return a

2016-01-09 21:03:16 1551

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 2. Add Two Numbers

2. Add Two NumbersMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 119449 Total Submissions: 539866 Difficulty: MediumYou are given two linked lists representing two non-negative numbers.

2016-01-09 16:38:21 1258

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 326. Power of Three

326. Power of ThreeMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 1159 Total Submissions: 3275 Difficulty: Easy判断给定整数是否是3的某次方。Given an integer, write a function to determine if it is a

2016-01-08 22:44:49 11588 4

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 62. / 63. Unique Paths(I / II)

63. Unique Paths IIMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 55136 Total Submissions: 191949 Difficulty: MediumFollow up for "Unique Paths":紧接着上一题“唯一路劲”,现在考虑有一些障碍在网格中,无法到达,请重新计算到达目

2016-01-08 22:05:28 2527

原创 <九度 OJ>题目1526:朋友圈

题目描述:假如已知有n个人和m对好友关系(存于数字r)。如果两个人是直接或间接的好友(好友的好友的好友...),则认为他们属于同一个朋友圈,请写程序求出这n个人里一共有多少个朋友圈。Total Accepted: 72806 Total Submissions: 209143 Difficulty: Medium一个机器人定位在m行n列的网格中的最左上角,定义它为“开始”位置,这个机器人可以移动,每次要么往下移动一步,要么往右移动一步,为了能达到终点,有

2016-01-08 16:48:47 1361

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 83. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List

83. Remove Duplicates from Sorted ListMy SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 94387 Total Submissions: 264227 Difficulty: Easy题目意思:现在有一个已经排好顺序的链表,删除所有重复的节点,使每个节点都只出现一次!Given a

2016-01-08 15:28:25 1356

原创 <LeetCode OJ> 28. Implement strStr()

28. Implement strStr()My SubmissionsQuestionTotal Accepted: 85665 Total Submissions: 360485 Difficulty: EasyImplement strStr().题目意思:找到needle字符串在haystack字符串中第一次出现的下标,返回即可。Re

2016-01-08 09:31:17 1251

原创 数字图像处理,基于小波变换的图像对比度增强算法

小波变换下的图像对比度增强技术实质上是通过小波变换把图像信号分解成不同子带,针对不同子带应用不同的算法来增强不同频率范围内的图像分量,突出不同尺度下的近似和细节,从而达到增强图像层次感的目的。       根据小波的多分辨率分析原理将图像进行多级二维离散小波变换,可以将图像分解成图像近似信号的低频子带和图像细节信号的高频子带。其中,图像中大部分的噪声和一些边缘细节都属于高频子带,而低频

2016-01-07 17:20:43 28069 4


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