

Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP) fully support the client side use of the Microsoft Passport authentication protocol. This topic provides an overview of the transactions involved in Passport authentication and how to handle them.


Note  In WinHTTP 5.1, Passport authentication is disabled by default.
注意 WinHTTP5.1中,身份认证默认是禁用的。

Passport  1.4


Passport is a core component of the Microsoft .NET building block services. It enables businesses to develop and offer distributed Web services across a wide range of applications and enables its members to use one sign-in name and password at all participating Web sites.

身份认证是Microsoft .NET构建模块的核心组件。它使得跨度很大的应用程序和成员通过使用一个注册名和密码实现分布式web服务这种业务得到发展。

WinHTTP provides platform support for Microsoft Passport 1.4 by implementing the client-side protocol for Passport 1.4 authentication. It frees applications from the details of interacting with the Passport infrastructure and the Stored User Names and Passwords in Windows XP. This abstraction makes using Passport no different from a developer's perspective than using traditional authentication schemes like Basic or Digest.

WinHTTP通过实现客户端1.4版的认证协议提供了一个支持Microsoft Passport 1.4的平台。这就把应用程序从实现认证内部结构和存储的WindowsXP用户名和密码解放出来。这中抽象使得开发者在使用身份认证就如同使用basic或digest等方式一样简单。

Windows XP:  The HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Passport\NumRegistrationRuns registry keyidentifies the number of times the Passport Authentication Wizard is displayed when PassPort authentication is required. If the value for this key is set to a number greater than 5, the wizard is not displayed

Windows XP:  HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Passport\NumRegistrationRuns注册键值标明进行身份认证时身份认证向导会显示多少次。如果这个值被设置成大于5的值,向导就不会再运行。

The following sections describe the transactions involved in Passport authentication from the point of view of a client application. For server-side Passport development, see the Passport SDK Documentation Overview.



When a client requests a resource on a server that requires Passport authentication, the server checks the request for the presence oftickets. If a valid ticket is sent with the request, the server responds with the requested resource. If theticket does not exist on the client, the server responds with a 302 status code. The response includes the challenge header, "WWW-Authenticate: Passport1.4". Clients that are not using Passport can follow the redirection to the Passport login server. More advanced clients typically contact the Passport nexus to determine the location of the Passport login server.

当客户请求服务器资源需要身份认证时,服务器就检查请求里有没有票据,如果一个有效的票据和请求一起发送了,服务器就会响应请求资源。如果客户端票据不存在,服务器回应302状态码。响应的包含挑战头部,"WWW-Authenticate: Passport1.4"。没有使用票据的客户端会被导向导身份认证服务器。更加先进的客户端通常联系凭证联系来确定身份认证服务器。

Note   Central to the Microsoft Passport network is the Passport Nexus, which facilitates synchronization of Passport participant sites to assure that each site has the latest details on network configuration and other issues. Each Passport component (Passport Manager, Login servers, Update servers, and so on) periodically communicates with the Nexus to retrieve the information it needs to locate, and properly communicate with, the other components in the Passport network. This information is retrieved as an XML document called a Component Configuration Document, or CCD.
注意 微软身份认证网络的中心是身份认证节点,这个节点通过同步认证各参与网站来确保每个站点拥有最新网络配置信息和其他信息。每个身份认证组件(身份认证管理,登录服务器,升级服务器等等)定期与身份认证节点通信来获取需要定位的信息,通信后,其他身份认证组件。这些信息以XML文档形式获取。叫做CCD。

The following image shows the initial request to a Passport affiliate.

Image shows the initial request to a Passport affiliate.


A Passport login server handles all requests for tickets for any resource in a Passport domain authority. Before a request can be authenticated using Passport, the client application must contact the login server to obtain the appropriatetickets.


When a client requests tickets from a Passport login server, the login server typically responds with a 401 status code to indicate that user credentials must be provided. When these credentials are provided, the login server responds with thetickets required to access the specified resource on the server that contains the originally requested resource. The login server can also redirect the client to another server that can provide the requested resource.


Image shows a client ticket request to a Passport login server.


When the client has the tickets that correspond to a given server, those tickets are included with all requests to that server. If thetickets have not been modified since they were retrieved from the Passport login server, and thetickets are valid for the resource server, the resource server sends a response that includes both the requested resource and cookies that indicate that the user is authenticated for future requests.


The additional cookies in the response are intended to speed the authentication process. Additional requests in the same session for resources on servers in the same Passport Domain Authority all include these additional cookies. Credentials do not need to be sent to the login server again until the cookies expire.


Image shows an authenticated request to the Passport login server.


Passport authentication in WinHTTP is very similar to other authentication schemes. SeeAuthentication in WinHTTP for an overview of authentication in WinHTTP.

WinHTTP的身份认证非常想其他认证机制。查看Authentication in WinHTTP来对WinHTTP认证进行总览。

In WinHTTP 5.1, Passport authentication is disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled withWinHttpSetOption before use.


WinHTTP handles many of the transaction details internally for Passport authentication. During the initial request, the server responds with a 302 status code when authentication is necessary. The 302 status code actually indicates a redirection and is part of the Passport protocol for backwards compatibility. WinHTTP hides the 302 status code and contacts the Passport nexus, and then the login server. The WinHTTP application is notified of the 401 status code sent by the login server to request user credentials. To the application, however, it appears as if the 401 status originates from the server from which the resource was requested. In this way, the WinHTTP application is unaware of interactions with other servers, and it can handle Passport authentication with the same code that handles other authentication schemes.


Typically, a WinHTTP application responds to a 401 status code by supplying authentication credentials. When credentials are supplied withWinHttpSetCredentials or SetCredentials for passport authentication, the credentials are actually being sent to the login server, not to the server indicated in the request.


However, when responding to a 407 status code, a WinHTTP application must use WinHttpSetOption to provide proxy credentials, rather than WinHttpSetCredentials. Because WinHttpSetOption is a less secure way to supply credentials, it should normally be avoided.


Once retrieved, tickets are managed internally and are automatically sent to applicable servers in future requests.


Note  WinHTTP enables you to disable automatic redirection by calling the WinHttpSetOption function for the WINHTTP_OPTION_DISABLE_FEATURE flag and specifying a value of WINHTTP_DISABLE_REDIRECTS. Disabling redirection does not interfere with the redirection that WinHTTP handles internally for Passport transactions.
注意 WinHTTP使你能够通过 使用WinHttpSetOption函数关闭自动重定向功能,只要设置 WINHTTP_OPTION_DISABLE_FEATURE标志并且指定 WINHTTP_DISABLE_REDIRECTS的值,关闭重定向。关闭重定向不会干扰WinHTTP在身份认证时的内部处理。

WinHTTP can successfully complete the Passport authentication even if an application disables auto redirection. However, after the Passportauthentication is complete, an implicit redirect must occur from the Passportlogin server URL back to the original URL. This redirect is not triggered bya 302 HTTP response, but is implicit in the Passport protocol.


WinHTTPhandles this implicit redirect specially. If an application has disabledautomatic redirection, WinHTTP requires that the application give WinHTTP"permission" to redirect automatically in this special case.


In order to have WinHTTP redirect back to the original URL afterauthentication, the application must register a callback function usingWinHttpSetStatusCallback. WinHTTP can then notify the application with aWINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_REDIRECT callback, which allows the application to cancel the redirect. An application does not need to provide any functionality in the callback function; registration of the callback is sufficientto enable WinHTTP to follow this special-case redirect.


TheERROR_WINHTTP_LOGIN_FAILURE message is generated if a callback function is not setby the application.


Passport Cobranding


Unlike traditional authentication schemes supported by WinHTTP, Passport can be extensivelycobranded. Upon receiving a 401 status code that indicates a challenge, an application can retrieve thecobranding graphic and text. Retrieve a URL for the cobranding graphic by callingWinHttpQueryOption with the WINHTTP_OPTION_PASSPORT_COBRANDING_URL flag. Retrieve thecobranding text by calling WinHttpQueryOption with the WINHTTP_OPTION_PASSPORT_COBRANDING_TEXT flag. These items can be used to customize a credential-gathering dialog.


Stored User Names and Passwords


Windows XP introduced the concept of Stored User Names and Passwords. If a user's Passport credentials are saved through thePassport Registration Wizard or the standard Credential Dialog, it is saved in the Stored User Names and Passwords. When using WinHTTP on Windows XP or later, WinHTTP automatically uses the credentials in the Stored User Names and Passwords if credentials are not explicitly set. This is similar to the support of default logon credentials for NTLM/Kerberos. However, use of default Passport credentials is not subject to the automatic logon policy settings.

Windows XP引入了存储的用户名和密码这一概念。如果用户通过密码注册向导存储或通过标准凭证对话框存储,它就会把存在存储的用户名和密码中。当在Windows XP+上使用WinHTTP时,WindowsHTTP会自动使用存储的凭证(除非显式地禁用)。这和NTLM/Kerberos中的自动登录比较像。不过,使用默认的密码凭证不守自动登录策略影响。

Disabling Passport Authentication


Some applications might require the ability to disable Passport authentication. For example, when a Passport affiliate responds with the initial 302 status code, it might be preferable to follow the indicated redirection and render the HTML Passport authentication page rather than allowing WinHTTP to handle the authentication internally.Passport authentication is disabled in WinHTTP by calling theWinHttpSetOption function with the WINHTTP_OPTION_CONFIGURE_PASSPORT_AUTH option and passing the value WINHTTP_DISABLE_PASSPORT_AUTH. It can later be re-enabled with WINHTTP_ENABLE_PASSPORT_AUTH.


Passport authentication cannot be disabled when using the WinHttpRequest object.


As noted earlier in this section, Passport authentication is disabled by default in WinHTTP 5.1, and must be explicitly enabled withWinHttpSetOption before use.


Passport Configuration Overrides Used for Testing


WinHTTP relies on the configuration information it downloads from the passport nexus server to support Passport 1.4 authentication. By default this secure (SSL) server is, and the configuration resource is rdr/pprdr.asp, which is known as the "live" passport configuration. The format of the information is a custom HTTP header "PassportURLs", followed by comma delimited attribute-value pairs.


For example, "" returns the following configuration information:



The parts that are relevant to WinHTTP are DARealm, DALogin, and ConfigVersion. For performance reasons, they are cached for the lifetime of a WinHTTP session. These three values can be overridden by applications that are required to work with another passport infrastructure other than the "live" production setup by changing the appropriate registry settings under

和WinHTTP相关的是DARealm, DALogin, and ConfigVersion.出于性能方面考虑,它们会在会话过程中被缓存。通过修改注册表以下键值,这三个值可以被应用程序重写为使用其它身份认证的程序而不是使用实时应用。

               Internet Settings
                     Passport Test
LoginServerRealm (REG_SZ)    For example:
LoginServerUrl (REG_SZ)      For example:
ConfigVersion (REG_DWORD)    For example: 10

If LoginServerUrl is present in the registry, WinHTTP does not contact the nexus server for other configuration values. In this case, LoginServerRealm and ConfigVersion should also be set through the registry to correct values.

如果LoginServerUrl已经存在于注册表,WinHTTP不会根据配置信息与节点服务器交互。在这种情况下LoginServerRealm 和 ConfigVersion键值对就应该被正确设置。

An application may, for testing purposes, be required to download passport configuration from a private nexus server. This can be done by overriding two registry values under


               Internet Settings
                     Passport Test
NexusHost (REG_SZ)    e.g.
NexusObj(REG_SZ)      e.g. config/passport.asp

Related topics

Authentication in WinHTTP
WinHTTP提供以下功能: WinHttpAddRequestHeaders 向HTTP请求句柄添加一个或多个HTTP请求标头。 WinHttpCheckPlatform 确定WinHTTP是否支持当前平台。 WinHttpCloseHandle 关闭单个 HINTERNET句柄。 WinHttpConnect 指定HTTP请求的初始目标服务器。 WinHttpCrackUrl 将URL分为其组成部分,例如主机名和路径。 WinHttpCreateProxyResolver 创建WinHttpGetProxyForUrlEx使用的句柄。 WinHttpCreateUrl 从组件部分创建URL,例如主机名和路径。 WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl 查找代理自动配置(PAC)文件的URL。此功能报告PAC文件的URL,但不下载该文件。 WinHttpFreeProxyResult 释放从以前的调用WinHttpGetProxyResult检索的数据。 WinHttpGetDefaultProxyConfiguration 从注册表检索默认的WinHTTP代理配置。 WinHTTPGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser 获取当前用户的Internet Explorer(IE)代理配置。 WinHttpGetProxyForUrl 检索指定URL的代理信息。 WinHttpGetProxyForUrlEx 检索指定URL的代理信息。 WinHttpGetProxyResult 检索到调用的结果WinHttpGetProxyForUrlEx。 WinHttpOpen 初始化应用程序对WinHTTP功能的使用。 WinHttpOpenRequest 创建HTTP请求句柄。 WinHttpQueryAuthSchemes 返回服务器支持的授权方案。 WinHttpQueryDataAvailable 返回可立即与读取数据的字节数 WinHttpReadData。 WinHttpQueryHeaders 检索与HTTP请求相关联的头信息。 WinHttpQueryOption 在指定的句柄上查询Internet选项。 WinHttpReadData 从WinHttpOpenRequest函数打开的句柄读取数据 。 WinHttpReceiveResponse 结束由WinHttpSendRequest启动的HTTP请求 。 WinHttpResetAutoProxy 重置自动代理。 WinHttpSendRequest 将指定的请求发送到HTTP服务器。 WinHttpSetCredentials 将所需的授权凭证传递给服务器。 WinHttpSetDefaultProxyConfiguration 在注册表设置默认的WinHTTP代理配置。 WinHttpSetOption 设置Internet选项。 WinHttpSetStatusCallback 设置WinHTTP可以在操作过程进行调用的回调函数。 WinHttpSetTimeouts 设置涉及HTTP事务的各种超时。 WinHttpTimeFromSystemTime 根据HTTP版本1.0规范格式化日期和时间。 WinHttpTimeToSystemTime 获取HTTP时间/日期字符串并将其转换为 SYSTEMTIME结构。 WinHttpWriteData 将请求数据写入HTTP服务器。 WinHttpWebSocketClose 关闭WebSocket连接。 WinHttpWebSocketCompleteUpgrade 完成由WinHttpSendRequest启动的WebSocket握手。 WinHttpWebSocketQueryCloseStatus 获取服务器发送的关闭状态。 WinHttpWebSocketReceive 从WebSocket连接接收数据。 WinHttpWebSocketSend 通过WebSocket连接发送数据。 WinHttpWebSocketShutdown 向WebSocket连接发送关闭框架




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