VisualAssist X v10.4.1649.0 Crack
VisualAssist X v10.4.1649.0的key,目前是最新的了.当然我自己在用了.
Infragistics NetAdvantage 2008 CLR35 序列号
Infragistics NetAdvantage 2008 CLR35 序列号,我已经用了.
ActionScript 3.0 cookbook 中文简体完整版
ActionScript 3.0 cookbook 中文简体完整版 作者:常青
RL重写,静态地址映射, URL重写组件
Software License Agreement<br>Copyright ?2004-2007 by Denis Bauer.<br><br>Permission is granted to anyone to use this software, in source or object <br>code form, on any computer system, and to modify, compile, decompile, run, <br>and redistribute it to anyone else, subject to the following restrictions: <br><br>The author makes no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, about <br>the suitability of this software for any purpose.<br><br>The author accepts no liability of any kind for damages or other consequences <br>of the use of this software, even if they arise from defects in the software.<br><br>The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by explicit <br>claim or by omission.<br><br>Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented <br>as being the original software. Altered versions may be distributed in packages <br>under other licenses (such as the GNU license). <br><br>If you find this software useful, it would be nice if you let me know about <br>it (, and nicer still if you send me modifications <br>that you are willing to share. However, you are not required to do so.<br>
Software License Agreement<br>Copyright ?2003-2007 by Denis Bauer.<br><br>Permission is granted to anyone to use this software, in source or object <br>code form, on any computer system, and to modify, compile, decompile, run, <br>and redistribute it to anyone else, subject to the following restrictions: <br><br>The author makes no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, about <br>the suitability of this software for any purpose.<br><br>The author accepts no liability of any kind for damages or other consequences <br>of the use of this software, even if they arise from defects in the software.<br><br>The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by explicit <br>claim or by omission.<br><br>Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented <br>as being the original software. Altered versions may be distributed in packages <br>under other licenses (such as the GNU license). <br><br>If you find this software useful, it would be nice if you let me know about <br>it (, and nicer still if you send me modifications <br>that you are willing to share. However, you are not required to do so.
程序完全开源,功能扩展更方便<br>NetCMS是基于ASP.NET2.0开发的网站内容管理系统,程序完全开源,没有任何文件加密, 不需要注册任何组件,完全开源方便您二次开发。<br><br>模板与程序分离,标签调用,支持DIV+CSS,批量设置属性,让模板制作更简单<br>全新“网站模板与网站程序完全分离”的概念,具有强大的标签加样式的个性化组合,自定义标签、自定义表单、JS管理加JS模型(自定义JS,系统JS)的灵活应用,支持不同频道、栏目、内容页、专题等应用不同的模板,随时能编辑、修改和更换网站界面,系统集成类同Macromedia Dreamweaver一样简单的可视模板编辑方式,可批量设置属性,模板标签全面支持目前最受欢迎的DIV+CSS格式,支持批量绑定模板,完全做到轻松换肤。<br><br>自定义频道<br>用户可根据自己的需要自定义数据表,自定义字段,从而组合出新的频道如房产,招聘等,每个频道都可以拥有独立的表,彻底减轻了数据库的压力。自定义字段的内容录入可支持HTML可视化编辑,方便前后台数据录入界面的排版布局,扩展出更多的特殊效果。<br><br>自定义表单<br>自定义表单功能支持时间限制、用户组权限控制、奖励扣除金币、附件上传、验证码等功能,轻松实现订单预订,问卷调查等效果。<br><br>自定义标签<br>您可以基于此功能,轻松编程SQL语句,实现任意数据任意调用,相关链接可根据关联条件查询。<br><br>支持动态访问和静态发布<br>整站程序支持全静态HTML文件生成,可将站点首页、频道首页、各栏目及每个内容页都生成静态HTML文件,这样不仅可以减轻服务器的负载提高搜索收录率,同时也可以实现内容收费和访问权限控制。多种生成文件命名形式可供选择,自定义文件存放路径,您可以随心所欲的设置要生成的扩展名,一切更可能的根据您的喜好DIY。动态访问可支持伪静态,增强Url友好性,方便搜索引擎的收录。<br><br>自定义菜单、快捷方式,维护变的更轻松<br>支持用户按自己使用习惯添加,修改菜单,设置快捷方式,让网站维护变的更轻松。<br><br>支持数据库字段替换功能,在线执行SQL语句,数据备份和恢复功能<br>系统具有强大的数据库字段替换功能;强大的在线执行SQL语句功能;强大的数据备份和恢复功能,可以在线备份、恢复、压缩数据库。 <br>