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转载 Change Window7 to XP style

http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/456c463bbc1d140a583144cf.html1.在任务栏上右键 -> 工具栏 -> 新建工具栏。2.在文件夹里面输入这个路径,然后按回车: %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch3.在任务栏上空

2012-02-04 01:37:32 520

原创 webkit to Chromium/load/rtsp/dns

a.webkit to chromium to webkitResourceLoaderAndroid to chromium// for file1.ResourceLoaderAndroid::start2.WebUrlLoader::start (convert "ResourceRequest" to "WebRequest")3.WebUrlLoaderClient::s

2012-02-02 23:42:12 1752

原创 Polymorphism

Polymorphism happens as program is running , when the type of the parameter passed in is different from it's definition(usually defined as a parent class  pass a subclass), and we will call the parame

2012-01-31 21:46:54 539

原创 Mouse click flow chat

2012-01-27 19:47:55 516

原创 wml

for VC1.WebKitLibraries\win\tools\vsprops    FeatureDefines.vspropsName="ENABLE_WML"Value="ENABLE_WML"PerformEnvironmentSet="true"/>2.WebCoreDerivedSource.cppremove#include "WMLEle

2012-01-22 22:37:02 1084 1

原创 receive data to parse

1. receive data to parsea .for chromium stackWebUrlLoaderClient::didReceiveDataResourceLoader::didReceiveDataMainResourceLoader::didReceiveDataResourceLoader::didReceiveDataMainResourceLoa

2012-01-17 22:26:26 2330

原创 Sensor (draft)


2012-01-17 22:03:21 764

转载 synchronized

概述  synchronized 关键字,代表这个方法加锁,相当于不管哪一个线程A每次运行到这个方法时,都要检查有没有其它正在用这个方法的线程B(或者C D等),有的话要等正在使用这个方法的线程B(或者C D)运行完这个方法后再运行此线程A,没有的话,直接运行 它包括两种用法:synchronized 方法和 synchronized 块。1. synchronized 方法:

2012-01-11 23:24:21 390

原创 c++ const friend

class COperator{public:int m_x;COperator(){printf("COperator default constructors\n");}//RefPtr& operator=(const PassRefPtr&);COperator(const COperator& src){m_x = src.m_x;printf("COperator copy

2012-01-10 22:08:01 842

原创 ListView Display

How can adapter display the content of the listview.1.AbsListView.java protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { ....... final View child = obtainVie

2012-01-09 23:18:45 1046

原创 Android Font

FontSet1.FontCache.cppFontPlatformData* FontCache::getCachedFontPlatformData( const FontDescription& fontDescription, const AtomicString& familyName, bool checkingAlternateName){

2012-01-08 14:00:56 5723 1

原创 Render classes and Render to Attach

DOM's attach will call dom node's createRender to display.When will attach be called? 1.For TextElementa.HTMLTreeBuilder::processToken()b.HTMLTreeBuilder::processCharacterc.HTMLTreeBuilder::

2012-01-07 20:25:51 746


1. generate keyKeyRSA.javaimport java.io.*;import java.security.*;import javax.crypto.*;import javax.crypto.spec.*;/*** Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003* Company: * @autho

2012-01-05 21:53:44 1313

原创 java MD5/DES

1. MD5/SHA/SHA-256/SHA-384/SHA-512VertifyMD5.javaimport java.security.MessageDigest;import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;//import bouncycastle.*;//import org.bouncycastle.jce.provide

2012-01-05 21:48:25 1250

原创 skia image lib

1.SkImage decoded procedureSkImageDecoder.DecodeMemory/SkImageDecoder.DecodeFileSkImageDecoder.DecodeStreamSkImageDecoder.decodeSkImageDecoder.onDecodeSkJPEGImageDecoder.onDecode(SkImageDeco

2012-01-04 21:05:51 2193

原创 so into apk

1. use given .soa. make lib dir under the app's dirb.copy your libXX.so into the dir.c.modify the Android.mkadd "COCAL_JNI_SHARED_LIBRARIES :=libXX" LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)include $(CLEAR

2012-01-04 20:47:01 1556

原创 Webkit JNI study notes

JNI entrance1.WebCoreJniOnLoad.cpp,EXPORT jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved){    JSC::Bindings::setJavaVM(vm); .....    const RegistrationMethod* method = gWebCoreRegMethods;

2012-01-01 23:46:08 1678 1

原创 Plugin file and functions

Plugin files 1. Npapi.h declaration of NPP_XXX and NPN_XXX, also NPP and NPStream in external/webkit/webcore/bridge/Npapi.h 2.Npfunctions.h declaration function pointer of NPP_XXX

2012-01-01 17:33:48 1139

原创 module and macro in Android.mk

There are many things in Android.mk especially  jni's makefile.here are some key information in the make file.a.  target namewhat's the code's target name is defined in "LOCAL_MODULE"for exa

2012-01-01 16:05:53 1755

原创 find string in file (need to be improved)

maybe it will be useful when we want to find a variable in a directory.target=$1traversal(){    cd "$1"    for x in *    do       if [ -f $x ]      then        #echo $x        grep $target

2011-12-29 23:37:01 648

原创 Plugin create

PluginView creation How is the plugin initialized? it's begin with the PluginView's creation1.PluginView.create()PassRefPtr PluginView::create(Frame* parentFrame, const IntSize& size

2011-12-27 22:33:30 1471

原创 CTS command

1.start one packagestart --plan CTS -p android.webkit2.start one planstart --plan CTS -p android.webkit.cts.WebChromeClientTest3.start one casestart --plan CTS -t android.webkit.cts.Cach

2011-12-27 21:36:54 663

原创 Webkit Download files

1. WebView.loadUrl......2.bool MainResourceLoader::loadNow(ResourceRequest& r)3.m_handle = ResourceHandle::create(m_frame->loader()->networkingContext(), r, this, false, true);....network.

2011-12-27 21:29:28 2038

原创 get processid and threadid

We want to get the linux  process id and the thread id from java.Actually there will be no directly way, because we don't know the mechanism that dalvik, at least now.but i'v got a method to get i

2011-12-18 22:33:26 2862 1

转载 get linux thread id

first a thread program sample#include #include #include static int i = 0;void *threadfunc(void* pId){ int j = *(int*)pId; while(1){ printf("thread %d,%d\n", *(int*)pId,j++

2011-12-17 18:03:18 9232 1

原创 backtrace

There is a linux-only solution to print the stack frame the the  thread.There are some important thingsa. inline functions have no stack framesb.static functions have no stack framesc.the stac

2011-12-16 00:05:37 1131 1

原创 watchthread

useful if we need to watch the status of a thread.import android.os.Message;import android.os.Handler;import android.os.MessageQueue;import android.os.Looper;import java.util.ArrayList;import

2011-12-15 20:56:25 1804 1

原创 Webkit Timer study notes

Timer Class and Timer start1.TimerBaseBase class for timer . has function "start", "stop" and so forth.2.TimerTimer is subclass of TimerBase, it's also Class template." TimerFiredClass" is

2011-12-15 00:03:27 2461

原创 study notes

1. Browser's threadThere are two threads in Browser's application.One is the UI thread, the activity's thread, and the other is the WebCoreThread.No matter how many tabs you open, there is still

2011-12-11 14:57:16 875

原创 little endian and big endian

There three type of address order in computer1. address order for variablesthere maybe many varaibles in the program, and whose address is higher and whose is lower?general thinking it should in

2011-12-04 16:30:58 1068

转载 adapter proxy facade pattern

fromhttp://apps.hi.baidu.com/share/detail/42263668Decorator Adapter Proxy Bridge Facade设计模式 区别 Decorator模式与Adapter模式,Bridge模式的区别 :有关Adapter模式和Builder模式的介绍,请参考下面2篇文章:设计模式之Adapter -

2011-12-03 20:56:13 1322

原创 ways of getting size to machine size

Sometimes we need to get a structure or something's size in machine's word-length.But there is one key point, that's if there are some extra that less than one word-length, it also need one word-len

2011-12-03 14:17:45 669

原创 Android Hander and Message

I have talk about Handler in an article before. http://blog.csdn.net/elfylin/article/details/6085042.Here mainly i want to discuss something between Hander and Message.1. Message  has some  fr

2011-12-03 00:26:38 3629

原创 C LOG function

Usually we need log to debug our program, usually in log format.Here is a simple but usful log file for C/C++ function.#include #include #include "string.h"int LOGL(char * filename, const cha

2011-12-02 21:42:54 2035

原创 Java Thread Synchronization

There needn't singal or semaphore to sychronize thread.Since every class in java inherit from the object class, and object implemented the wait() and notify() interface.So we can use every object

2011-11-28 22:07:05 1227

原创 Webkit create frame and loadurl

1. Creating Frame in android, it begins in "WebCoreFrameBridge.cpp",CreateFrame()static void CreateFrame(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jobject javaview,  jobject jAssetManager, jobje

2011-11-27 15:05:58 2773 1

原创 Download Manager notes

steps1.onDownloadStartNoStream   2.3 in BrowserActivity.onDownloadStartNoStream, 3.2 in Controller to DownloadHandler.onDownloadStartNoStream.2.in onDownloadStartNoStream  check sdcard  ge

2011-11-23 22:55:17 1707

原创 linux disk command

1 mounted disk informationthere are three files to record the mounted disk informationa、/etc/fstab$cat /etc/fstab# /etc/fstab: static file systeminformation.## Use 'blkid'to print the un

2011-11-09 23:24:26 941

原创 mount a new disk for ubuntu

1 find all the disk on the computer.$sudo fdisk -lDisk /dev/sdb: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders, total 976773168 sectorsUnits = sectors of 1 * 512

2011-11-09 23:14:04 1657

原创 Design Pattern

Studying notes(to be continued).Catalog:1.Creational Patternsa.Abstract Factoryb.Builderc.Factory Methodd.Prototypee.Singleton2.Structual Patternsa.Adapterb.Bridgec.Composite

2011-11-06 22:22:29 557


卸载vmware的神器 提示 vmware已经安装,安装程序又找不到,可以用这个卸载。





Android apk 反编译工具 dex2jar-0.0.7-SNAPSHOT

Android 反编译工具,可以把apk的资源导出生产文件夹,也可以把资源重新修改,再编译成apk






1、Basic Concepts 2、Standardization 3、Short Message Service 4、Enhanced Messaging Service 5、Multimedia Messaging Service: Service and Architecture 6、Multimedia Messaging Service, Transactions Flows References


android 文件浏览器

改写filelist,显示文件列表 从根目录显示


GNU makefile 中文手册

别的不说了 学习makefile最全的资料了


Android 线程

 Android底层Binder System在binding-time会从该进程的Thread pool里启动一个线程来执行SDK-Service的Binder接口对象(如myBinder)。  执行myActivity对象的线程与myBinder对象的线程会同步(Synchronize),让myActivity开发者觉得IPC远程呼叫、跨进程的两个线程,就如同单一线程一般。


gcc 和makefile 详解

GNU Make 的主要工作是读进一个文本文件, makefile 。这个文件里主要是有关哪些文件 (‘target’目的文件)是从哪些别的 文件(‘dependencies’依靠文件)中产 生的,用什么命令 来进行 这个产生过程。 gcc/g++在执行编译工作的时候,总共需要4步   1.预处理,生成.i的文件[预处理器cpp]   2.将预处理后的文件不转换成汇编语言,生成文件.s[编译器egcs]   3.有汇编变为目标代码(机器代码)生成.o的文件[汇编器as]   4.连接目标代码,生成可执行程序[链接器ld]   [参数详解]


linux C函数库

chm格式的,函数查询,比较实用。 支持索引和分类查找,是linux以及C开发必备资料。


水仙花数narcissus number

水仙花数计算,比如153=pow(1,3)+pow(5,3)+pow(3,3) 支持N位的水仙花数计算



非枚举法求最大公约数和最小公倍数 支持2个数以上求值,可应用于通分





c 更改文件修改日期

C语言实现,遍历一个文件夹,并且将修改该文件夹所有文件的修改日期为最近2月。 只有一个文件,在VC下编译通过。如有需求,请自己修改。 调用_findfirst、_findnext,纯C递归实现 大家只要修改里面的changeFiletime函数就可以自己定制功能。



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