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原创 Gym - 100384 Winter Programming School 2014, Kharkov The 23-d of the Fabruary 2014. (day 9), junior

Gym - 100384 Winter Programming School 2014, Kharkov The 23-d of the Fabruary 2014. (day 9), junior

2018-02-02 20:21:42 736 2

原创 hdu 6050 Function 想法题

FunctionProblem Description You are given a permutation a from 0 to n−1 and a permutation b from 0 to m−1.Define that the domain of function f is the set of integers from 0 to n−1, and the range of it

2017-07-29 10:30:44 332

原创 codeforces 156B Suspects 暴力

Suspectstime limit per test2 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output As Sherlock Holmes was investigating a crime, he identified n suspects. He knows fo

2017-03-10 17:07:46 780

原创 codeforces 26C Parquet 贪心 模拟

Parquettime limit per test2 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Once Bob decided to lay a parquet floor in his living room. The living room is of si

2017-03-10 16:54:48 423

原创 ZJNU 1903 Why Did the Cow Cross the Road III 树状数组

Why Did the Cow Cross the Road IIITime Limit: 3000MS Memory Limit: 3000K Total Submissions: 23 Accepted: 5 DescriptionThe layout of Farmer John’s farm is quite peculiar, with a large circu

2017-03-04 21:17:37 887

原创 ZJNU 1902 Why Did the Cow Cross the Road II dp

Why Did the Cow Cross the Road IITime Limit: 3000MS Memory Limit: 3000K Total Submissions: 30 Accepted: 10 DescriptionFarmer John raises N breeds of cows (1≤N≤1000), conveniently numbered

2017-03-04 20:53:21 347

原创 ZJNU 1901 Why Did the Cow Cross the Road bfs

Why Did the Cow Cross the RoadTime Limit: 3000MS Memory Limit: 3000K Total Submissions: 40 Accepted: 7 DescriptionWhy did the cow cross the road? Well, one reason is that Farmer John’s far

2017-03-04 20:43:01 593

原创 ZJNU 1900 Secret Cow Code 想法题 倒推

Secret Cow CodeTime Limit: 3000MS Memory Limit: 3000K Total Submissions: 65 Accepted: 18 DescriptionThe cows are experimenting with secret codes, and have devised a method for creating an

2017-03-04 20:32:49 608

原创 ZJNU 1898 Cow Dance Show 二分

Cow Dance ShowTime Limit: 3000MS Memory Limit: 3000K Total Submissions: 82 Accepted: 13 DescriptionAfter several months of rehearsal, the cows are just about ready to put on their annual d

2017-03-04 19:58:23 475

原创 SPOJ - IITWPC4F 线段树

Gopu and the Grid ProblemGopu is interested in the integer co-ordinates of the X-Y plane (0<=x,y<=100000). Each integer coordinate contain a lamp, initially all the lamps are in off mode. Flipping a la

2017-03-01 17:36:08 310

原创 ZJNU 1712 树状数组

VUDU Time Limit: 5000MS Memory Limit: 5000K Total Submissions: 63 Accepted: 23 DescriptionYoung Mirko has been buying voodoo dolls lately. Considering that he is very interested in the ch

2017-02-27 17:34:55 449

原创 codeforces 779D 二分

String Gametime limit per test2 seconds memory limit per test512 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Little Nastya has a hobby, she likes to remove some letters from word, to obtain

2017-02-26 22:23:35 341

原创 codeforces 607B 区间dp

Zumatime limit per test2 seconds memory limit per test512 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Genos recently installed the game Zuma on his phone. In Zuma there exists a line of n g

2017-02-25 15:57:05 507

原创 codeForces 509E 想法题

Pretty Songtime limit per test1 second memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output When Sasha was studying in the seventh grade, he started listening to music a lot

2017-02-25 15:44:39 399

原创 codeforces 777E 贪心

Hanoi Factorytime limit per test1 second memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Of course you have heard the famous task about Hanoi Towers, but did you know t

2017-02-25 15:14:59 1037

原创 codeforces 777D 水题 暴力

Cloud of Hashtagstime limit per test2 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Vasya is an administrator of a public page of organization “Mouse and keyb

2017-02-25 13:36:12 545

原创 codeforces 777C 想法题

Alyona and Spreadsheettime limit per test1 second memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output During the lesson small girl Alyona works with one famous spreadsheet

2017-02-25 13:24:30 1325

原创 codeforces 766C 数学

Molly’s Chemicals time limit per test2.5 seconds memory limit per test512 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Molly Hooper has n different kinds of chemicals arranged in a line. Ea

2017-02-24 15:18:26 483 1

原创 SPOJ - PUTNIK 区间dp

PUTNIK - PutnikChances are that you have probably already heard of the travelling salesman problem. If you have, then you are aware that it is an NP-hard problem because it lacks an efficient solution.

2017-02-23 17:51:04 308

原创 SPOJ Thor vs Frost Giants 数论

TBATTLE - Thor vs Frost GiantsThor is caught up in a fierce battle with Loki’s army. This army consists of frost giants that have magical powers with them. Their strength levels gets multiplied when th

2017-02-22 17:24:12 430

原创 SPOJ - UCV2013E 数学,逆元

Greedy WalkingReginald is an N-dimensional traveler who wants to return to Filipistonia’s Kingdom. He has an Obsessive-compulsive disorder in the way he travels so he can only do it following particula

2017-02-21 15:34:34 728

原创 SPOJ Antisymmetry 回文串manacher

AntisymmetryByteasar studies certain strings of zeroes and ones. Let S be such a string. By Sr we will denote the reversed (i.e., “read backwards”) string S, and by SI we will denote the string obtaine

2017-02-20 18:36:36 331

原创 SPOJ : Interesting Subset 想法题

INTSUB - Interesting SubsetYou are given a set X = {1, 2, 3, 4, … , 2n-1, 2n} where n is an integer. You have to find the number of interesting subsets of this set X.A subset of set X is interesting if

2017-02-19 16:48:10 551



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