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原创 Level 400 Performance tuning

PART 1 :sort in memory or sort split to tempdb, memory allocationSET STATISTICS TIME ONGOmonitor activitySELECT num_of_reads, num_of_bytes_read,num_of_writes,num_of_bytess_writtenFROM sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats(db_id('tempdb'),1)Memory pres

2010-11-28 22:32:00 257

原创 Troubleshooting Locking Facts

1. SP_WHO2sp_who2 returnsSPID --> which is the process under considerationBLK --> if it has a value represents the SPID of the blocking processEx. SPID =10 BLK=51 --> Process 10 is being blocked by process 51DBCC INPUTBUFFER(SPID) - tell us what is t

2010-11-04 11:00:00 208

转载 Using Performance Monitor To Identify SQL Server Hardware Bottlenecks

<br />http://archive.databasepronews.com/databasepronews-51-20041207UsingPerformanceMonitortoIdentifySQLServerHardwareBottlenecks.html<br /> <br />The best place to start your SQL Serverperformance audit is to begin with the Performance Monitor (System

2010-10-26 22:45:00 247

原创 ActiveMQ Connection visualisation

http://activemq.apache.org/visualisation.htmlStep 1 : Add plugin into activemq.xml               Step 2: Run AcitveMQServerStep 3: Get "connection.dot" file under "

2011-06-12 20:31:00 605

原创 Json Transforming

http://constc.blogspot.com/2008/10/css-for-json.htmlhttp://goessner.net/articles/jsont/ Json Transforming

2011-06-03 10:34:00 360

原创 note

<br />The Journal consists of a rolling log of messages and commands (such astransactional boundaries and message deletions) stored in data files of acertain length. When the maximum length of the currently used data file hasbeen reached a new data f

2011-06-01 20:08:00 366

原创 Reference

<br />http://rantdriven.com/post/ActiveMQ-via-C-sharp-and-dotnet-using-ApacheNMS-Part-1.aspx

2011-05-31 21:01:00 270

原创 ActiveMQ - old Message cleanup/archive

<br />http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/activemq-database-cleanup-td2346636.html<br />does activemq delete consumed / expired messages from the database on <br />its own or should i have a job deleting old messages running in the <br />background? <br

2011-05-30 18:28:00 440

原创 ActiveMQ Wrapper: Error - Unable to execute Java command

<br /><br />Error:<br /> <br />STATUS | wrapper  | 2011/05/30 13:57:09 | ActiveMQ installed.<br />STATUS | wrapper  | 2011/05/30 13:57:25 | --> Wrapper Started as Service<br />STATUS | wrapper  | 2011/05/30 13:57:26 | Launching a JVM...<br />FATAL  | wrapp

2011-05-30 14:05:00 933

原创 Oracle AQ reference

<br /><br /> <br />http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/oracle/bipack/ch05_01.htm<br /> <br />Oracle Advance Queue or Advanced Queuing from .NET <br /> <br />http://www.codeproject.com/KB/database/aqlib.aspx<br /> <br /> PPT<br />http://www.google.com.sg/url?sa=t

2011-05-30 00:58:00 271

转载 ActiveMQ and SQL Server

<br /><br />http://remark.wordpress.com/2007/07/19/activemq-and-sql-server/<br />At first, when I tried to use SQL Server (2000) with ActiveMQ there was an error. The error was:Failed to acquire lock: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Line 1

2011-05-29 14:24:00 270

原创 Couple Solutions to Transfer Data Between Database

<br />1 Solution: Import/Export (Using SSIS,bulk insert )<br /> <br /> <br />2 Replication Service (e.g: Snapshot Replication : Using BCP)<br /> <br />Workflow: drop the table and recreate and then bulk copy in the data. The level of locking you will see w

2011-05-29 12:15:00 193

原创 Error

<br />Error occurred during initialization of VM java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError : java/lang/Object<br /> <br /> <br />Solution:<br /> <br />1) copy the rt.jar from your jdk/jre/lib directory to your jre/lib directory.

2011-05-25 20:02:00 214

原创 How to enhance your code using design pattern? =>CHANGE POINT

<br /> <br />Project: filesplitter <br /> <br />Additional Requirement:<br />1.Add process bar<br />2.As Componet<br />3.Able to process big files (it is hard to read 100MB from disk once)<br /> <br />Code Enhancement:<br />1.split user presentation level

2011-05-17 23:59:00 174

转载 什么时候使用代理 - delegation

<br /> <br />http://hi.baidu.com/luminji/blog/item/558323d98072492b11df9b9f.html<br /><br /><br /><br />当我们要调用某个方法,但是我们只知道这个方法该长什么样子而不知道具体从哪里获得的时候,就是使用委托的时候。  <br />From envykok: e.g.: 异步调用, 你不知道什么时候会发生,什么时候会返回信息,或者事件,你不知道什么时候用户点击按钮<br /><br />所以实际的项目通常都是1

2011-05-16 01:06:00 227

原创 Desgin Pattern : Strategy

Problem: hard to expand and changeif...else if... else if...switch...case...case...Approch to achive Run time dynamic load dll>>virtual method (protected)>>delegation>>reflection===>Strategydelegation: once fulfil input parameter and return v

2011-05-16 00:35:00 186

原创 ActiveMQ NMS - Queue And Topic

Storage in Queue & Topic Messages for Queues and Topics are stored slightly differently, and match delivery semantics for the point-to-point and publish/subscribe message domains. Storage of Queues are straightforward, they are basically stored in firs

2011-05-16 00:33:00 582

转载 Another use for the Default Trace: Mapping Temporary Tables to Sessions

<br />http://sqlblog.com/blogs/jonathan_kehayias/archive/2009/09/29/what-session-created-that-object-in-tempdb.aspxThe random ramblings and rantings of frazzled SQL Server DBAAnother use for the Default Trace: Mapping Temporary Tables to Sessions<br />Here

2011-05-13 01:22:00 198

原创 First Project - ActiveMQ in Windows

Step 1: Donwload/Install/Run ActiveMQ 5.X releasehttp://activemq.apache.org/getting-started.htmlStep 2: Dowload Apache.NMS API DLL && Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ DLLhttp://activemq.apache.org/nms/download.htmlStep 3: ADD Apache.NMS API DLL && Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ D

2011-05-11 18:43:00 358

原创 Message System

Database Table Queue vs Message Systemhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/255794/queues-against-tables-in-messaging-systemsIf you are building a single system which is already using a database, you don't have very high performance throughput requirements an

2011-05-10 00:38:00 454

转载 How does the slave replicate

<br />http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrReplicationHow does the slave replicate?<br /> <br />The master is totally unaware of the slaves. The slave continuously keeps polling the master (depending on the 'pollInterval' parameter) to check the current i

2011-04-29 01:12:00 157

转载 segments_* and segments.gen files in Lucene

From Book: LuceneInAction2ndEdition-rw-rw-rw- 1 mike users 12327579 Feb 29 05:29 _2.fdt-rw-rw-rw- 1 mike users 6400 Feb 29 05:29 _2.fdx-rw-rw-rw- 1 mike users 33 Feb 29 05:29 _2.fnm-rw-rw-rw- 1 mike users 1036074 Feb 29 05:29 _2.frq-rw-rw-rw- 1 mik

2011-04-29 00:45:00 227

原创 Update schema.xml without restart Apache Server

<br />Use Reload:<br /> <br />http://wiki.apache.org/solr/CoreAdmin#RELOAD<br /> <br />Step 1 : Change core2 schema.xml<br /> <br />Step 2 : Reload core2<br /> <br />http://localhost:8080/solr/admin/cores?action=reLOAD&core=core2

2011-04-29 00:11:00 170

原创 Update a core with previous version without restart server

<br />Backgournd: we have two core2 in one solr instance, now we are going to rollback core2 to previous version.<br /> <br /> <br />SOLUTION 1 : Reload - core2 will not have any down time<br /> <br />1. Remove 'segments**' file from core2 index folder

2011-04-29 00:04:00 184

原创 Delta-import in Solr

http://wiki.apache.org/solr/DataImportHandler#CommandsNOTE:Each table contains an additional column last_modifiedof timestamp type. You may want to download the database again since it has been updated recently. We use this timestamp field to determi

2011-04-28 00:06:00 472

原创 Load Balance + Fault Tolerance with Solr 3.1

SolrCloudhttp://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrCloudBUT : SolrCloud is currently under development!!!!!!!!!!ZooKeeperIntegrationhttp://wiki.apache.org/solr/ZooKeeperIntegrationBUT: it will be in Solr4.0 THEN HOW!!!!!!!!!!!http://wiki.apache.org/solr/LBHttpSolrSe

2011-04-26 23:26:00 233

原创 Setup Replication in Solr

<br /> How does the slave replicate?<br /><br />http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrReplication<br /><br />The master is totally unaware of the slaves. The slave continuously keeps polling the master (depending on the 'pollInterval' parameter) to check the cur

2011-04-25 22:29:00 344

原创 Auditing in SQL Server 2005&2008

<br /><br />Audits on MS SQL Server 2008<br />http://www.sql-server-performance.com/articles/audit/2008_audit_intro_p1.aspx<br />**The Audit feature is supported only in Enterprise and Developer editions of SQL Server 2008<br /> <br />Introduction to Chang

2011-04-25 18:26:00 219

转载 Task Manager

<br />http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc938567.aspx<br /> <br />Table 5.5 Comparison of Process Data Supplied by Task Manager and System Monitor <br />Task Manager process measure<br /> Description<br />System Monitor process objec

2011-04-24 22:07:00 314

转载 LuceneManaging resource consumption: Lucene In Action 2 chapter 10

10.3 Managing resource consumption<br />Like all software, Lucene requires certain precious resources to get its job done. A computer has a limited supply<br />of things like disk storage, file descriptors and memory. Often Lucene must share these resour

2011-04-24 21:36:00 192

转载 Lucene Index Format: Lucene In Action 2 B.4 Inverted index

<br />Lucene uses a well-known index structure called an inverted index. Quite simply, and probably unsurprisingly, an inverted index is an inside-out arrangement of documents such that terms take center stage. Each term refers to the documents that contai

2011-04-24 20:32:00 305

原创 Solr Performance monitor2 - JMX + VisualVM

<br /> Java Management Extensions (JMX)<br />is a Java standard API for monitoring and managing applications and network services.<br />Step 1 : Starting Solr with JMX<br />In solrconfig.xml, the stanza <jmx/> needs to be uncommented to enable JMX support.

2011-04-23 22:02:00 218

原创 Lucene Core Index Class and Index Structure (tii,tis,frq,nrm...)

<br /> <br />Understanding the core indexing classes<br />As you saw in our Indexer class, you need the followingclasses to perform the<br />simplest indexing procedure:<br />■ IndexWriter<br />■ Directory<br />■ Analyzer<br />■ Document<br /> <br />■ Fi

2011-04-21 01:07:00 260

转载 Scaling Lucene and Solr

<br />Scaling Lucene and Solr<br />http://www.lucidimagination.com/Community/Hear-from-the-Experts/Articles/Scaling-Lucene-and-Solr#d0e105<br />While many Lucene/Solr applications will never outgrow a single,<br />well-configured machine, the fact is, more

2011-04-21 00:08:00 268

原创 SolrMeter

Benchmarking Solr<br /><br />http://wiki.apache.org/solr/BenchmarkingSolr<br /> <br />SolrMeter is a stress testing / performance benchmarking tool for Apache Solr installations. It is licensed under ASL and developed using JavaSE and Swing components, con

2011-04-20 23:35:00 298

转载 GCViewer, garbage collection and heap analysis tool - Solr

<br />http://www.tagtraum.com/gcviewer.html<br />http://christiansons.net/mike/blog/2009/01/gcviewer-garbage-collection-and-heap-analysis/<br /><br />One month ago I wrote about the benefits of using Java's built-in garbage collection logging.  With it,

2011-04-18 23:38:00 263

转载 Filter Query in Solr

<br />Filter Query Guidance<br />http://wiki.apache.org/solr/FilterQueryGuidance<br /> <br /> <br />http://khaidoan.wikidot.com/solr<br /><br />What is fq, and how is it different from q?<br />fq specifies an optional filtering query. The results of the qu

2011-04-18 00:48:00 753

原创 Reference

<br />Frequently Asked Questions for Replication Administrators<br /> <br />http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms151740.aspx

2011-04-17 22:11:00 154

转载 How to monitor the Health of SQL Server Replication

<br /><br />http://blogs.msdn.com/b/repltalk/archive/2010/09/20/how-to-monitor-the-health-of-sql-server-replication.aspx<br />Chris Skorlinski <br />Microsoft SQL Server Escalation Services<br />Today someone asked me how to “roll their own” SQL Replicatio

2011-04-17 21:42:00 221

原创 Lock in replication

<br />Lock during Create Publication <br /> <br />Normally, the Snapshot create publication script only needs to lock the table long enough to generate a Create Table script for the Distribution Agent to apply to the Subscriber.

2011-04-17 21:24:00 133

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