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原创 matlab code snippet #3

%%% bloomberg: intraday tickVALUE_TRADE=1;VALUE_BESTBID=31;VALUE_BESTASK=32;c=bloomberg;% value_type,timestamp,price,sizeraw=fetch(c,'NIX1 Index', 'TIMESERIES','11/15/2011');I =

2011-11-17 17:17:22 931

原创 C# frequently use code snippet

// popup message modeless dialog static void PopUpMsg(string msg) { TextBox editBox = new TextBox(); editBox.ReadOnly = true; editBox.Multiline = tr

2011-10-27 21:16:00 687

原创 Network Interceptor

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Net;using System.Net.Sockets;namespace

2011-10-11 22:49:10 661

原创 C# concise asynchronous TcpClient

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Net.Sockets;using System.Diagnostics;n

2011-10-03 15:35:15 670

原创 C# asynchronous TcpListener

MyConnection.csusing System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Net.Sockets;using Syste

2011-10-02 15:40:04 1063

原创 LINQ join and CSV read/write

class Customer { public int ID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } } class Order { publ

2011-09-30 18:35:42 800

原创 Linq in action notes (5 lang features required for LINQ)

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;namespace LinqInAction{ class ProcessData {

2011-09-29 22:34:41 511

原创 Frequently used code snippet

/////////////////////////////////////////////// define c++ class properties/////////////////////////////////////////////#define CLAS

2011-09-26 14:24:40 493

原创 Matlab tips 2

%% plot multi curve shared with same date list in X axisccylist={'USDEUR Curncy', 'USDJPY Curncy', 'USDCAD Curncy', 'USDCHF Curncy', 'USDG

2011-07-29 11:07:32 799

原创 EMA & MACD calculation

function [result] = myema(data, period)count=size(data,1);if(period count)    error('Period element count.\n');end;result=nan(count,1);sf=

2011-07-16 13:10:55 890

原创 Covariance Matrix

Excel x y mean(x) mean(y) XA:x-mean(x) YA:y-mean(y) XA*YA sum(XA*YA) COV:sum(XA*YA)/(COUNT-1) 4 2 4.1 2.08 -0.1 -0.0

2011-07-14 14:12:51 687

原创 calculate standard deviation single pass

var=sum((X(i)-mean)^2)/(N-1)sum((X(i)-mean)^2)=sum(X(i)^2 - 2*X(i)*mean + mean^2)=sum(X(i)^2) - 2*sum(X(i))*mean + N*mean^2because sum(X(i)) = N*mean, so we get=sum(X(i)^2) - 2*N*mea

2011-06-04 09:43:00 786

原创 Matlab useful tips

A([1 2 3]) % [] as a set of subscriptsx=[1 2 3] % [] as vertcatx=[1;2;3] % [] as horzcat1) define variablex=52) list all variableswho/whos3) clear all variablesclear4) size() function5)What does y(:,1

2011-06-03 18:17:00 1381

原创 Concurrent list with condition variable

Concurrent list with condition variable

2011-04-29 12:07:00 853

原创 VC2010 lambda sample

VC2010 lambda sample

2011-04-27 16:23:00 853

原创 ptrmap (std::map extension to store pinter)

ptrmap (std::map extension to store pinter)

2011-04-21 16:49:00 682

原创 asio-MFC integration

asio-MFC integration

2011-03-09 16:19:00 943

原创 figure out windows message queue size

figure out windows message queue size

2011-03-09 14:05:00 1219

原创 CareerCup.Cracking.the.Technical.Interview summaries

CareerCup.Cracking.the.Technical.Interview summaries

2011-03-09 14:04:00 941

原创 C++ debug tips

C++ debug tips

2011-03-03 21:18:00 678

原创 Create Ocx control CLIENT Application step by step (VS 2008)

Create Ocx control CLIENT Application step by step (VS 2008)

2011-02-26 09:44:00 874

原创 Create Ocx control step by step (VS 2008)

Create Ocx control step by step (VS 2008)

2011-02-26 09:29:00 715

转载 [转贴] 使用PostThreadMessage (Using CWinThread)

[转贴] 使用PostThreadMessage (Using CWinThread)

2011-02-25 22:40:00 1014

转载 [转贴]使用PostThreadMessage在Win32线程间传递消息


2011-02-25 22:23:00 837

原创 Boost Asio multi-threaded blocking server/client

Boost Asio multi-threaded blocking server/client

2011-01-20 23:19:00 1974 1

原创 Perl common usage

Perl common usage

2011-01-20 18:51:00 883

原创 Simple multi-thread worker

Simple multi-thread worker

2011-01-14 14:25:00 702

原创 HeapSort implementation (Introduction to Algorithms)

HeapSort implementation (Introduction to Algorithms)

2011-01-10 14:11:00 807

原创 Quick sort implementation (Introduction to Algorithms)

Quick sort implementation (Introduction to Algorithms)

2011-01-10 00:17:00 700

原创 popular container with stringstream

popular container with stringstream

2011-01-09 16:20:00 445

转载 为什么要用 enable_shared_from_this ?

为什么要用 enable_shared_from_this ?

2011-01-09 00:02:00 2361

原创 Break the infinity thread loop using boost::this_thread::interruption_point()

Break the infinity thread loop using boost::this_thread::interruption_point()

2011-01-08 21:51:00 1853

原创 Install boost on Windows for Visual C++

Install boost on Windows for Visual C++

2011-01-06 00:46:00 709

转载 佛經介紹 (佛教起信与入门)

> 佛經介紹

2010-12-29 14:36:00 2868

原创 Technical questions

Technical questions

2010-12-18 14:36:00 618

原创 Effective STL & C++ STL tutorial summaries

Effective STL & C++ STL tutorial summaries

2010-12-18 14:33:00 792

原创 Effective C++ v3 summaries

Effective C++ v3 summaries

2010-12-18 14:30:00 846

原创 C# download yahoo stock quote


2010-12-15 13:53:00 839

原创 string replace C version

string replace C version

2010-09-15 19:44:00 554



2010-08-04 19:30:00 713



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