




Oracle® Database Deinstallation Tool for Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters 的Oracle ®数据库拆除工具Oracle集群和Oracle实时应用集群
10 g Release 2 (10.2) for UNIX and Microsoft Windows 10政第2版( 10.2 )为UNIX和Microsoft Windows
B31071-01 B31071 - 01


Oracle® Database的Oracle ®数据库

Deinstallation Tool for Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters拆除工具Oracle集群和Oracle实时应用集群

10 g Release 2 (10.2) for UNIX and Microsoft Windows 10政第2版( 10.2 ) 为UNIX和Microsoft Windows

B31071-01 B31071 - 01

May 2006 2006年5月

Use the information in this document to run the Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters deinstallation tool.使用此文档中的信息来运行Oracle集群和Oracle实时应用集群拆除工具。 This document contains the following topics:本文件中包含了以下议题:

1 Deinstallation Tool for Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters 1拆除工具Oracle集群和Oracle实时应用集群

The clusterdeconfig tool removes and deconfigures all of the software and shared files that are associated with an Oracle Clusterware or Oracle RAC Database installation.删除的clusterdeconfig工具和deconfigures的所有软件和共享文件,这些文件与一个Oracle集群或Oracle集群数据库的安装。 The clusterdeconfig tool removes the software and shared files from all of the nodes in a cluster.删除的clusterdeconfig工具软件和共享文件的所有节点群集。

Use the clusterdeconfig tool to prepare a cluster to reinstall Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Database software after a successful or failed installation.使用clusterdeconfig工具来准备重新安装一组Oracle集群和Oracle数据库软件后,成功或失败的安装。 The tool removes software, clusterware and database files, and the global configuration across all of the nodes in a cluster environment that could hinder a subsequent installation.该工具删除软件,集群和数据库文件,并在全球配置的所有节点群集环境可能妨碍随后的安装。 On Windows-based systems, the tool removes Windows Registry entries.基于Windows的系统上,该工具删除Windows注册表条目。 The clusterdeconfig tool also removes Oracle Clusterware that was installed to support Oracle RAC or to provide failover capabilities for third-party software.该工具还删除clusterdeconfig Oracle集群已安装的Oracle真正应用集群支持或提供故障恢复功能的第三方软件。

The clusterdeconfig tool restores your cluster to its state prior to the installation, enabling you to perform a new installation.该clusterdeconfig工具还原您的群集其国家之前的安装,让您以执行新的安装。 You can also use Oracle Cluster Verification Utility (CVU) to determine the cause of any problems that may have occurred during an installation so that you can correct the errors.您也可以使用Oracle集群验证实用程序( CVU ) ,以确定是什么原因造成的任何问题,这些问题可能发生在安装,让您可以改正错误。

The clusterdeconfig tool will not remove third-party software that depends on Oracle Clusterware.该clusterdeconfig工具不会删除第三方软件取决于Oracle集群。 In addition, the clusterdeconfig tool does not warn you about third-party software dependencies on Oracle Clusterware or Oracle Database homes prior to removing the respective homes.此外, clusterdeconfig工具不警告您第三方软件依赖于Oracle集群或Oracle数据库的家园之前,消除各自的家园。

See Also:另见:

Running Cluster Verification Utility for more information about using CVU 运行集群验证实用程序的更多信息,如需使用CVU

The following sections explain how to use the clusterdeconfig tool to remove Oracle Clusterware and Oracle RAC databases from your environment.以下各节说明如何使用clusterdeconfig工具删除Oracle集群和Oracle真正应用集群数据库从您的环境。 This includes any processes or services, software, files, and system settings that were created or altered as part of an installation:这包括任何程序或服务,软件,文件和系统设置中创建或更改的一部分安装:

1.1 Deciding When to Use clusterdeconfig 1.1决定何时使用clusterdeconfig

Use the clusterdeconfig tool to remove installed components in the following situations:使用clusterdeconfig工具删除安装的组件在下列情况下:

  • You have encountered errors during or after installing Oracle Database software on a cluster and you want to re-attempt an installation.您所遇到的错误期间或之后安装Oracle数据库软件的一组和您要重新尝试安装。

  • Your installation stopped because of a hardware or operating system failure.您的安装停止,因为硬件或操作系统故障。

  • You have stopped an installation and do not know how to restart it.您已停止安装和不知道如何重新启动它。 In such cases, use the clusterdeconfig tool to remove the partially installed product and restart your installation.在这种情况下,使用clusterdeconfig工具删除部分安装的产品,并重新启动安装。

  • You have researched all of the problems with your existing installation using CVU or by examining the installation log files and cannot determine the cause of a problem.您研究的所有问题与您现有的安装使用CVU或通过检查安装日志文件,无法确定是什么原因造成的问题。

You can also use clusterdeconfig after you have successfully installed Oracle Database software to remove the database software from all of the nodes.您也可以使用clusterdeconfig后,您已经成功安装Oracle数据库软件,数据库软件移除所有的节点。 You might do this, for example, in an educational environment in which students practice installing Oracle Database software.您可能做到这一点,例如,在一个教育环境,使学生实践安装Oracle数据库软件。


The clusterdeconfig tool can only remove Oracle Database components from cluster nodes that are active.该clusterdeconfig工具只能删除Oracle数据库组件群集节点是活跃。 If you run the clusterdeconfig tool and one or more of your cluster nodes are inactive, then you must re-run the tool when those nodes are active to complete the deconfiguration of your cluster.如果您运行clusterdeconfig工具,您的一个或多个群集节点无效,那么您必须重新运行该工具时,这些节点都积极完成deconfiguration您的群集。

For instructions about how to add and delete individual nodes, refer to the chapters about adding and deleting nodes in the Oracle Database Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide .有关如何添加和删除个别节点,请参阅章节有关添加和删除节点的Oracle数据库Oracle集群和Oracle实时应用集群管理和部署指南

1.2 Usage Guidelines for clusterdeconfig 1.2使用指南clusterdeconfig

Depending on the software that you want to deinstall, plan your deinstallation so that the components are deinstalled in the correct order.根据不同的软件要卸载,计划你的拆除,使元件deinstalled以正确的顺序。 In other words, because of dependencies among the Oracle Clusterware and the Oracle Database software components, you must deinstall the components in a specific order as follows:换句话说,因为相依的Oracle集群和Oracle数据库的软件组件,您必须卸载组件在特定的顺序如下:

  • Deinstall all Oracle Database homes that do not include ASM software.卸载所有的Oracle数据库的家园,不包括学会软件。

  • Deinstall the Oracle Database home that includes ASM software, if you have one.卸载Oracle数据库主页,其中包括学会的软件,如果你有一个。

  • Deinstall the Oracle Clusterware home.卸载的Oracle集群回家。

You can optionally deinstall third-party software that depended on the Oracle Clusterware.您可以选择卸载第三方软件依赖于Oracle集群。


If you attempt to run the clusterdeconfig tool to deinstall Oracle Clusterware without first removing the related Oracle Database homes, then the clusterdeconfig tool reports an error instead of a warning.如果您尝试运行clusterdeconfig工具卸载Oracle集群首先消除有关Oracle数据库的家园,那么clusterdeconfig的错误报告工具,而不是一个警告。 The tool performs the deinstallation only after your confirmation.该工具执行拆除您的确认后才能。 In addition, the clusterdeconfig tool does not detect third-party software that uses Oracle Clusterware and will not warn you if third-party software exists on the cluster.此外, clusterdeconfig工具无法检测的第三方软件,使用Oracle集群,也不会向您发出警告,如果第三方软件上存在的群集。


The clusterdeconfig tool does not remove LDAP entries.该clusterdeconfig工具不会删除的LDAP条目。

1.3 Starting the clusterdeconfig Tool 3月1日启动clusterdeconfig工具

Complete these steps before you start the deinstallation:完成这些步骤,然后再开始的拆除:

  1. On UNIX-based systems, connect as the oracle user who performed the installation of the Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Database home that you are deinstalling.在UNIX系统,连接的甲骨文用户谁完成安装的Oracle集群和Oracle数据库的主页,您deinstalling 。 On Windows-based systems, connect as a user who is a member of the Administrator group.基于Windows的系统上,连接的用户谁是会员的管理员组。

  2. Confirm that the connected user has equivalence on all of the nodes in the cluster.确认连接用户等价的所有节点的群集。 Your platform-specific installation guide explains how to configure user equivalence.您的平台的具体安装指南介绍了如何配置用户等效。

To begin the deinstallation tool, connect to one of the nodes in your cluster that contains the installation that you want to remove.开始拆除工具,连接到一个节点群集包含安装您想要移除。 You can connect to the node directly or you can connect from a client.可以连接到的节点,也可以直接从客户端连接。 Open a command line interface and enter the following command:打开一个命令行界面,然后输入以下命令:

 clusterdeconfig clusterdeconfig 

The output from this command displays the required and optional parameters.的输出显示此命令需要和可选参数。 You can also use the -help or -h option to obtain more information about the clusterdeconfig tool commands and their use.您也可以使用-help-h选项以获取更多信息clusterdeconfig命令和工具的使用。

1.4 Performing Post-Deinstallation Tasks 1.4表演后拆除任务

Examine the log file to see the results of the clusterdeconfig tool processing.检查日志文件以查看结果clusterdeconfig工具处理。 The log file is on the cluster node on which you ran the tool in the clusterdeconfig_path/logs directory on UNIX-based systems and in clusterdeconfig_path/logs on Windows-based systems.该日志文件的群集节点上运行的工具clusterdeconfig_path/logs目录基于UNIX系统和clusterdeconfig_path/logs基于Windows的系统上。

If any nodes were inactive at the time that you ran the clusterdeconfig tool, then you will need to re-run the tool when these nodes are active.如果任何节点都无效时,您运行clusterdeconfig的工具,那么您将需要重新运行该工具时,这些节点活跃。 Until you do this, you will not have completely removed the Oracle Clusterware and Oracle RAC software.直到你做到这一点,您将无法完全消除了Oracle集群和Oracle真正应用集群软件。 Further attempts to reinstall the software could fail.进一步试图重新安装软件可能会失败。

1.5 Running Cluster Verification Utility 1.5运行集群验证实用程序

You can run Cluster Verification Utility (CVU) from your installation media or by downloading CVU to determine what may have caused errors during a previous Oracle Clusterware or Oracle Database installation.您可以运行集群验证实用程序( CVU )从您的安装媒体或下载CVU确定可能造成的错误,在以往的Oracle集群或Oracle数据库的安装。 You can also run CVU on a cluster that you have already deconfigured with the clusterdeconfig tool to prepare for another Oracle Database software installation.您也可以运行CVU群集上您已经deconfigured与clusterdeconfig工具准备另一Oracle数据库软件的安装。

To run CVU from the installation media, perform the following steps:要运行CVU从安装媒体,请执行下列步骤:

On UNIX-based systems:在UNIX系统:

  1. Identify the mount point for the Oracle Clusterware installation media.确定挂载点的Oracle集群安装媒体。 In the following examples, the mount point is /dev/dvdrom .在下面的例子中,挂载点是的/dev/dvdrom dev /dev/dvdrom

  2. Identify the nodes that CVU should check for cluster readiness.确定节点CVU应检查组准备。 In the following examples, the cluster nodes are node1 , node2 , and node3 .在以下示例中,群集节点是node1node2node3

  3. For a summary report, run the following command:一个简要报告,请运行以下命令:

     /dev/dvdrom/crs/Disk1/cluvfy/runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n / dev/dvdrom/crs/Disk1/cluvfy/runcluvfy.sh阶段前crsinst氮 
      node1,node2,node3 node1 , node2 , node3 
  4. For a detailed report, run the following command with the verbose option:一份详细的报告,请运行以下命令的详细选项:

     /dev/dvdrom/crs/Disk1/cluvfy/runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n / dev/dvdrom/crs/Disk1/cluvfy/runcluvfy.sh阶段前crsinst氮 
      node1,node2,node3 -verbose node1 , node2 , node3 -详细 

On Windows-based systems:基于Windows的系统上:

  1. Identify the mount point for the Oracle Clusterware installation media.确定挂载点的Oracle集群安装媒体。 In the following examples, the mount point is the stage directory on your C: drive.在下面的例子中,挂载点是阶段目录您C:驱动器。

  2. Identify the nodes that CVU should check for cluster readiness.确定节点CVU应检查组准备。 In the following examples, the cluster nodes are node1, node2, and node3.在以下示例中,群集节点是node1 , node2和node3 。

  3. For a summary report, run the following command:一个简要报告,请运行以下命令:

     C:/> stage/clusterware/cluvfy/runcluvfy.bat stage -pre crsinst -n ç : / “阶段/集群/ cluvfy / runcluvfy.bat阶段前crsinst氮 
      node1,node2,node3 node1 , node2 , node3 
  4. For a detailed report, run the following command with the verbose option:一份详细的报告,请运行以下命令的详细选项:

     C:/> stage/clusterware/cluvfy/runcluvfy.bat stage -pre crsinst -n ç : / “阶段/集群/ cluvfy / runcluvfy.bat阶段前crsinst氮 
      node1,node2,node3 -verbose node1 , node2 , node3 -详细 

To run CVU from an installed version of the utility, run the following command at an operating system prompt, where option_list contains one or more options as described in Appendix A, "Troubleshooting," of the Oracle Database Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide :要运行CVU从安装版本的实用工具,请运行以下命令在操作系统提示符处,在那里option_list包含一个或多个选项作为附录A所述, “故障排除”的Oracle数据库Oracle集群和Oracle实时应用集群管理和部署指南

 cluvfy option_list cluvfy option_list 

2 Documentation Accessibility 2文件无障碍

Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community.我们的目标是让甲骨文的产品,服务和支持性文件获取,具有良好的可用性,向残疾人社会。 To that end, our documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive technology.为此目的,我们的文件包括功能,使信息提供给用户的辅助技术。 This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community.此文件可在HTML格式,并包含标记,便利残疾人社会。 Accessibility standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers.普及标准将继续随着时间的推移,甲骨文公司正积极地同其他市场领先的技术供应商,以解决技术上的障碍,使我们的文件,可以使用我们所有的客户。 For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at欲了解更多信息,请访问甲骨文无障碍计划网站


Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation无障碍的代码范例文件

Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document.屏幕阅读器可能并不总是正确读取的代码示例在本文件中。 The conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text that consists solely of a bracket or brace.该公约要求编写代码关闭括号应该会出现在其他空行;然而,一些屏幕阅读器可能并不总是读一行文字,由单纯的一个支架或支撑。

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This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations that Oracle does not own or control.此文件可能包含指向网站的其他公司或组织,甲骨文并不拥有或控制。 Oracle neither evaluates nor makes any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.甲骨文公司没有作出任何评价,也没有陈述的机会就这些网站。

TTY Access to Oracle Support Services聋人访问Oracle支持服务

Oracle provides dedicated Text Telephone (TTY) access to Oracle Support Services within the United States of America 24 hours a day, seven days a week.甲骨文公司提供专用文字电话(聋人)访问Oracle支持服务美利坚合众国一天24小时,每周七天。 For TTY support, call 800.446.2398.为聋人支持,呼吁800.446.2398 。

Deinstallation Tool for Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters, 10 g Release 2 (10.2) for UNIX and Microsoft Windows拆除工具Oracle集群和Oracle实时应用集群, 一十克第2版( 10.2 )为UNIX和Microsoft Windows

B31071-01 B31071 - 01

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