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转载 【git】Git更新本地冲突
解决git更新本地冲突,commit your changes or stash them before you can merge。
2023-10-23 17:13:21 126
转载 【git】本地Git repo与GitHub关联
2023-10-07 23:53:43 276
转载 【css】css中大于(>)、加号(+)、取代符号(~)
container p 会影响到container这个div底下所有的p元素,而因为 > 只会影响到直接的子元素,所以例子中container底下直接接触到的p元素只有test 1 和 test 4,所以只有这两个元素效果改变了。由于跟div同层级又直接位于div后方的只有test 3,所以只有test 3受到了css影响。元素,因此除了test 3,test 4也会受到css的影响。取代符号(~)是会影响到。
2023-08-03 16:01:37 776
转载 【Anaconda】在Anaconda里建立Python虚拟环境
Set up virtual environment for Python using Anaconda
2022-08-10 14:22:19 4606
转载 【Python】函数比较 split() os.path.split() os.path.splitext()
split() os.path.splitext() os.path.split()函数用法
2022-07-20 10:11:02 125
转载 【Python】Add header to dataframe | Change column names of dataframe
Add a Header Row to a Pandas DataFrame (3 methods)Change Column Names of DataFrame (3 methods)
2022-05-26 12:08:55 352 1
转载 【error solved】‘utf-8‘ codec can‘t decode bytes in position XX-XX: invalid continuation byte
报错内容: ‘utf-8’ codec can’t decode bytes in position XX: invalid continuation byte报错原因:解析器遇到了无法解码(decode)的字符解决方法:可以尝试不同的转换器 或者 直接将无法解析的字符ignoredf = pd.read_csv('../data/filename.csv', encoding_errors = 'ignore')...
2022-04-29 14:25:57 5431
转载 【Python】get all the files under the specific directory
需求:需要对一系列的csv文件进行合并方法:将文件都放在一个文件夹下,然后读取该文件夹下的所有文件,批量处理import osimport pandas as pd# get the current absolute pathos.gecwd()# change the path to the directory of files need to editpath = 'c:\\Users\\username\\filepath'os.chdir(path)# get all the
2022-04-27 14:31:19 97
转载 【error solved】Error tokenizing data. C error: Expected 1 fields in line XX, saw XX
报错内容:Error tokenizing data. C error: Expected 1 fields in line XX, saw XX报错原因:CSV的分隔符设置异常 / 存储的时候格式有问题解决方法:方法一通过csv库进行读取,再遍历,再进行合并保存 (文件不大的情况下可用),太大转置的时候RAM会hangimport pandas as pdimport csv path = 'file_absolute_path/filename.csv'test = pd.DataFra
2022-04-27 12:10:20 5455 1
转载 【error solved】AttributeError: module ‘time‘ has no attribute ‘clock‘
报错源码:import time# active the time clockstart = time.clock()# here is the code need to test running time# calculate the time between start and endend = time.clock()print('运行时间 : %s 秒' %(end-start))报错内容:AttributeError module ‘time’ has no attribut
2022-04-27 11:41:34 301
原创 【Pandas】chunksize分块处理大型csv文件
– 错误的操作导致保存了1TB以上的csv,要对csv重新读取处理,直接使用read_csv()不带任何参数,会把RAM撑爆。– 所以使用chunksize:不一次性将文件读入内存(RAM)中,而是分多次。官方示例: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/io.html#io-chunkingimport pandas as pdimport timestart = time.perf_counter() # calcula
2022-04-27 11:21:01 2429
原创 【Pandas】根据column计算rows的次数,用groupby
retrun a Series, to get row counts per group is by calling .size() :df.groupby(['col_name']).size()retrun a DataFrame (instead of a Series) :df.groupby(['col_name']).size().reset_index(name='counts')Ref: stackoverflow: Get statistics for each group (
2022-04-27 10:04:46 2445
原创 【error solved】Pandas DataFrame.to_csv raising IOError: No such file or directory
报错的意思是, 没有对应的文件夹。可能是在上一步操作的时候把路径指定了?os.chdir(path)用了网上的方法,先判断是否文件夹存在,如果不存在,就先创建对应的文件夹。import osoutname = 'filename.csv'outdir = './dir'if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir)fullname = os.path.join(outdir, outname)df.to_csv(fullname)还是
2022-04-27 09:46:00 479
原创 【Python】Open jupyter notebook through cmd
从cmd打开jupyter notebookWindows 10 - 'jupyter' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch fileWindows 10 - ‘jupyter’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file$ python -m pip in
2021-09-27 15:37:14 422
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