bugzilla安装完成后,在浏览器中提示:You don't have permission to access /bugzilla/index.cgi on this server,在网上查了好久,终于在一个国外的帖子中找到解决问题的办法。
You have selinux enabled and the contexts aren't set correctly on the
Bugzilla files. Type "getenforce" to see if selinux is enabled. The
quick test is to type "setenforce 0" to turn off selinux and see if that
fixes it. If so, you should fix the contexts so that it works correctly
with selinux enabled. You can use "ls -lZ" on a directory to view the
current context information. Compare it to the contexts used by
apache's cgi-bin directory. That's what Bugzilla needs. You can set it
with "chcon -R context-info /path/to/bugzilla", replacing context-info
with what was displayed for the cgi-bin directory.
最新推荐文章于 2018-09-25 15:30:00 发布