


启动空白的MainActivity,并 add 碎片DispatchFragment
DispatchFragment包含一个ViewPager,且ViewPager默认加载 3ViewPagerChildFragment

// >>> MainActivity 附加 DispatchFragment
// Step 1: 这一步的 commit 去哪儿了?

> BackStackRecord实现了 Runnable 接口,以便于 Handler传递消息;
> 当 BackStackRecord(FragmentTransaction)提交执行,并被真正异步执行时触发。
// Step 2: 执行附加
 Run: BackStackEntry{2f4c96a #0}
 Bump nesting in BackStackEntry{2f4c96a #0} by 1
// DispatchFragment附加次数为1次;
 Bump nesting of DispatchFragment{9943e5b id=0x7f0c0050} to 1
 add: DispatchFragment{9943e5b id=0x7f0c0050}
 Allocated fragment index DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
//  Step 3: 状态管理
 moveto CREATED: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
 moveto ACTIVITY_CREATED: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
 moveto STARTED: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
 moveto RESUMED: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
// !!! 为什么此处ViewPager不是初始化2个,而是1个呢???;
 moveto CREATED: ViewPagerChildFragment{8b95e46 id=0x7f0c0051}

// >>> DispatchFragment 附加 ViewPagerChildFragment
// Step 1: 提交事务
 Commit: BackStackEntry{1caa807}
 = mName=null mIndex=-1 mCommitted=false
 = Operations:
 =  Op #0: ADD ViewPagerChildFragment{8b95e46 id=0x7f0c0051}
 =  Op #1: ADD ViewPagerChildFragment{ee5dd34 id=0x7f0c0051}
// Step 2: 执行附加
 Run: BackStackEntry{1caa807}
 add: ViewPagerChildFragment{8b95e46 id=0x7f0c0051}
 Allocated fragment index ViewPagerChildFragment{8b95e46 #0 id=0x7f0c0051}
 add: ViewPagerChildFragment{ee5dd34 id=0x7f0c0051}
 Allocated fragment index ViewPagerChildFragment{ee5dd34 #1 id=0x7f0c0051}
 // Step 3: 状态管理
 moveto ACTIVITY_CREATED: ViewPagerChildFragment{8b95e46 #0 id=0x7f0c0051}
 moveto STARTED: ViewPagerChildFragment{8b95e46 #0 id=0x7f0c0051}
 moveto RESUMED: ViewPagerChildFragment{8b95e46 #0 id=0x7f0c0051}
 moveto CREATED: ViewPagerChildFragment{ee5dd34 #1 id=0x7f0c0051}
 moveto ACTIVITY_CREATED: ViewPagerChildFragment{ee5dd34 #1 id=0x7f0c0051}
 moveto STARTED: ViewPagerChildFragment{ee5dd34 #1 id=0x7f0c0051}
 moveto RESUMED: ViewPagerChildFragment{ee5dd34 #1 id=0x7f0c0051}


// FragmentManager.class
void bumpBackStackNesting(int amt) {
        if (!mAddToBackStack) {
        # > 通过 amt{1,-1} 指令,操作内嵌在回退栈的对象(实际为 Op)
        # > 1 代表入栈 ; -1 代表出栈;
        # > Bump nesting in BackStackEntry{2f4c96a #0} by 1
        # > 当前附加中的BackStackEntry要执行的 amt 命令为入栈;
        if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Bump nesting in " + this
                + " by " + amt);
        Op op = mHead;
        while (op != null) {
            if (op.fragment != null) {
                op.fragment.mBackStackNesting += amt;
                # > 当前附加在 op.fragment 的附加次数;
                if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Bump nesting of "
                        + op.fragment + " to " + op.fragment.mBackStackNesting);
            if (op.removed != null) {
                for (int i=op.removed.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
                    Fragment r = op.removed.get(i);
                    r.mBackStackNesting += amt;
                    # > 当前附加在 op.fragment 的附加次数;
                    if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Bump nesting of "
                            + r + " to " + r.mBackStackNesting);
            op =;


DetailFragment replace DispatchFragment所附加的

// Step 1: 
Commit: BackStackEntry{50f64d4}
=   mName=null mIndex=-1 mCommitted=false
=   Operations:
=     Op #0: REPLACE DetailFragment{83eb67d id=0x7f0c0050}
Setting back stack index 1 to BackStackEntry{50f64d4}

// Step 2: 
=Run: BackStackEntry{50f64d4 #1}
=Bump nesting in BackStackEntry{50f64d4 #1} by 1
=Bump nesting of DetailFragment{83eb67d id=0x7f0c0050} to 1
=OP_REPLACE: adding=DetailFragment{83eb67d id=0x7f0c0050} old=DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
// !!! 注意 DispatchFragment 此处 nest = 2
=Bump nesting of DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050} to 2

// Step 3: 
remove: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050} nesting=2
movefrom RESUMED: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
movefrom RESUMED: ViewPagerChildFragment{7094009 #0 id=0x7f0c0051}
movefrom RESUMED: ViewPagerChildFragment{edec42f #1 id=0x7f0c0051}
movefrom STARTED: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
movefrom STARTED: ViewPagerChildFragment{7094009 #0 id=0x7f0c0051}
movefrom STARTED: ViewPagerChildFragment{edec42f #1 id=0x7f0c0051}
movefrom STOPPED: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
movefrom STOPPED: ViewPagerChildFragment{7094009 #0 id=0x7f0c0051}
movefrom STOPPED: ViewPagerChildFragment{edec42f #1 id=0x7f0c0051}
movefrom ACTIVITY_CREATED: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
movefrom ACTIVITY_CREATED: ViewPagerChildFragment{7094009 #0 id=0x7f0c0051}
movefrom ACTIVITY_CREATED: ViewPagerChildFragment{edec42f #1 id=0x7f0c0051}

add: DetailFragment{83eb67d id=0x7f0c0050}
Allocated fragment index DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050}
moveto CREATED: DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050}
moveto ACTIVITY_CREATED: DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050}
moveto STARTED: DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050}
moveto RESUMED: DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050}



// Step 1:
popFromBackStack: BackStackEntry{50f64d4 #1}
=   mName=null mIndex=1 mCommitted=true
=   Operations:
=     Op #0: REPLACE DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050}
// 注意此处 Removed DispatchFragment;对应上面的 nest = 2;
=       Removed: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}

// Step 2:
Bump nesting in BackStackEntry{50f64d4 #1} by -1
Bump nesting of DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050} to 0
Bump nesting of DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050} to 1

// Step 3:
remove: DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050} nesting=0
movefrom RESUMED: DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050}
movefrom STARTED: DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050}
movefrom STOPPED: DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050}
movefrom ACTIVITY_CREATED: DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050}
movefrom CREATED: DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050}
Freeing fragment index DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050}

add: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
moveto ACTIVITY_CREATED: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
moveto ACTIVITY_CREATED: ViewPagerChildFragment{7094009 #0 id=0x7f0c0051}
moveto ACTIVITY_CREATED: ViewPagerChildFragment{edec42f #1 id=0x7f0c0051}
moveto STARTED: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
moveto STARTED: ViewPagerChildFragment{7094009 #0 id=0x7f0c0051}
moveto STARTED: ViewPagerChildFragment{edec42f #1 id=0x7f0c0051}
moveto RESUMED: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
moveto RESUMED: ViewPagerChildFragment{7094009 #0 id=0x7f0c0051}
moveto RESUMED: ViewPagerChildFragment{edec42f #1 id=0x7f0c0051}
Freeing back stack index 1



Freeing fragment index ViewPagerChildFragment{47621c3 #2 id=0x7f0c0051}
// Step 1:
Commit: BackStackEntry{3f27a6c}
=   mName=null mIndex=-1 mCommitted=false
=   Operations:
=     Op #0: ADD ViewPagerChildFragment{b133835 id=0x7f0c0051}

// Step 2:
Run: BackStackEntry{3f27a6c}
add: ViewPagerChildFragment{b133835 id=0x7f0c0051}
Allocated fragment index ViewPagerChildFragment{b133835 #2 id=0x7f0c0051}

// Step 3:
moveto CREATED: ViewPagerChildFragment{b133835 #2 id=0x7f0c0051}
moveto ACTIVITY_CREATED: ViewPagerChildFragment{b133835 #2 id=0x7f0c0051}
moveto STARTED: ViewPagerChildFragment{b133835 #2 id=0x7f0c0051}
moveto RESUMED: ViewPagerChildFragment{b133835 #2 id=0x7f0c0051}

DispatchFragment 使用了2次?

// DispatchFragment nest 的次数 = 1
Run: BackStackEntry{2f4c96a #0}
Bump nesting in BackStackEntry{2f4c96a #0} by 1
###Bump nesting of DispatchFragment{9943e5b id=0x7f0c0050} to 1
add: DispatchFragment{9943e5b id=0x7f0c0050}
Allocated fragment index DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
moveto CREATED: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
moveto ACTIVITY_CREATED: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
moveto STARTED: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
moveto RESUMED: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
moveto CREATED: ViewPagerChildFragment{7094009 id=0x7f0c0051}
// 省略部分日志
Commit: BackStackEntry{50f64d4}
 mName=null mIndex=-1 mCommitted=false
    Op #0: REPLACE DetailFragment{83eb67d id=0x7f0c0050}
 Setting back stack index 1 to BackStackEntry{50f64d4}
 Run: BackStackEntry{50f64d4 #1}
 Bump nesting in BackStackEntry{50f64d4 #1} by 1
 Bump nesting of DetailFragment{83eb67d id=0x7f0c0050} to 1
 OP_REPLACE: adding=DetailFragment{83eb67d id=0x7f0c0050} old=DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
### Bump nesting of DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050} to 2

popFromBackStack: BackStackEntry{50f64d4 #1}
  mName=null mIndex=1 mCommitted=true
    Op #0: REPLACE DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050}
      Removed: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
Bump nesting in BackStackEntry{50f64d4 #1} by -1
Bump nesting of DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050} to 0
###Bump nesting of DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050} to 1
remove: DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050} nesting=0
movefrom RESUMED: DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050}
movefrom STARTED: DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050}
movefrom STOPPED: DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050}
movefrom ACTIVITY_CREATED: DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050}
movefrom CREATED: DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050}
Freeing fragment index DetailFragment{83eb67d #1 id=0x7f0c0050}
add: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
moveto ACTIVITY_CREATED: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
moveto ACTIVITY_CREATED: ViewPagerChildFragment{7094009 #0 id=0x7f0c0051}
moveto ACTIVITY_CREATED: ViewPagerChildFragment{edec42f #1 id=0x7f0c0051}
moveto STARTED: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
moveto STARTED: ViewPagerChildFragment{7094009 #0 id=0x7f0c0051}
moveto STARTED: ViewPagerChildFragment{edec42f #1 id=0x7f0c0051}
moveto RESUMED: DispatchFragment{9943e5b #0 id=0x7f0c0050}
moveto RESUMED: ViewPagerChildFragment{7094009 #0 id=0x7f0c0051}
moveto RESUMED: ViewPagerChildFragment{edec42f #1 id=0x7f0c0051}
Freeing back stack index 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


