Openstack command

OpenStack Commands Cheat Sheet

I have found most of the OpenStack commands to be fairly intuitive. However, there are some commands that do not follow a standard syntax and there are far too many commands and command line switches to remember everything. In addition, Googling around for specific commands can be time consuming.

This will be an ever growing list of OpenStack commands for the various OpenStack Projects.

Monitor OpenStack Service Logs

Here is a quick and dirty way to watch the necessary logs on the controller or compute nodes.


Controller logs:

tail -f /var/log/{ceilometer,cinder,glance,keystone,mysql,neutron,nova,openvswitch,rabbitmq}/*.log /var/log/syslog

Compute logs:

tail -f /var/log/{ceilometer,neutron,nova,openvswitch}/*.log /var/log/syslog


Controller logs:

tail -f /var/log/{ceilometer,cinder,glance,keystone,mysql,neutron,nova,openvswitch,rabbitmq}/*.log /var/log/messages

Compute logs:

tail -f /var/log/{ceilometer,neutron,nova,openvswitch}/*.log /var/log/messages


See Status of Keystone Services

keystone service-list

List All Keystone Endpoints

keystone endpoint-list


List Current Glance Images

glance image-list

Upload Images to Glance

glance image-create --name <IMAGE-NAME> --is-public <true OR false> --container-format <CONTAINER-FORMAT> --disk-format <DISK-FORMAT> --copy-from <URI>

Example 1, upload the cirros-0.3.2-x86_64 cloud image:

glance image-create --name cirros-0.3.2-x86_64 --is-public true --container-format bare --disk-format qcow2 --copy-from

Example 2, upload the ubuntu-server-12.04 cloud image:

glance image-create --name ubuntu-server-12.04 --is-public true --container-format bare --disk-format qcow2 --copy-from

Example 3, upload the centos-6.5 cloud image:

glance image-create --name centos-6.5-x86_64 --is-public true --container-format bare --disk-format qcow2 --copy-from


See Status of Nova Services

nova service-list

List Current Nova Instances

nova list

Boot an Instance

Boot an instance assigned to a particular Neutron Network:

nova boot <INSTANCE-NAME> --image <GLANCE-IMAGE-ID> --flavor <FLAVOR-ID> --security-groups <SEC-GROUP-1,SEC-GROUP-2> --key-name <SSH-KEY-NAME> --nic net-id=<NET-ID> --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY-ZONE-NAME>

Boot an instance assigned to a particular Neutron Port:

nova boot <INSTANCE-NAME> --image <GLANCE-IMAGE-ID> --flavor <FLAVOR-ID> --security-groups <SEC-GROUP-1,SEC-GROUP-2> --key-name <SSH-KEY-NAME> --nic port-id=<PORT-ID> --availability-zone <AVAILABILITY-ZONE-NAME>

Create a Flavor


For example, create a new flavor called m1.custom with an ID of 6, 512 MB of RAM, 5 GB of root disk space, and 1 vCPU:

nova flavor-create m1.custom 6 512 5 1

Create Nova Security Group

This command is only used if you are using nova-network.

nova secgroup-create <NAME> <DESCRIPTION>

Add Rules to Nova Security Group

These command is only used if you are using nova-network.


Example 1, add a rule to the default Nova Security Group to allow SSH access to instances:

nova secgroup-add-rule default tcp 22 22

Example 2, to add a rule to the default Nova Security Group Rule to allow ICMP communication to instances:

nova secgroup-add-rule default icmp -1 -1

Apply Nova Security Group to Instance

This command is only used if you are using nova-network.

nova add-secgroup <NOVA-ID> <SECURITY-GROUP-ID>

Create Nova Key SSH Pair

nova keypair-add --pub_key <SSH-PUBLIC-KEY-FILE-NAME> <NAME-OF-KEY>

Create Nova Floating IP Pool

nova-manage floating create <SUBNET-NAME> <NAME-OF-POOL>

Create Host Aggregate With Availability Zone

nova aggregate-create <HOST-AGG-NAME> <AVAIL-ZONE-NAME>

Add Compute Host to Host Aggregate

nova aggregate-add-host <HOST-AGG-ID> <COMPUTE-HOST-NAME>

Live Migrate an Instance

If your compute hosts use shared storage:

nova live-migration <INSTANCE-ID> <COMPUTE-HOST-ID>

If your compute hosts do not use shared storage:

nova live-migration --block-migrate <INSTANCE-ID> <COMPUTE-HOST-ID>

Attach Cinder Volume to Instance

Before running this command, you will need to have already created a Cinder Volume.

nova volume-attach <INSTANCE-ID> <CINDER-VOLUME-ID> <DEVICE (use auto)>

Create and Boot an Instance from a Cinder Volume

Before running this command, you will need to have already created a Cinder Volume from a Glance Image.

nova boot --flavor <FLAVOR-ID> --block_device_mapping vda=<CINDER-VOLUME-ID>:::0 <INSTANCE-NAME>

Create and Boot an Instance from a Cinder Volume Snapshot

Before running this command, you will have to have already created a Cinder Volume Snapshot:

nova boot --flavor <FLAVOR-ID> --block_device_mapping vda=<CINDER-SNAPSHOT-ID>:snap::0 <INSTANCE-NAME>

Reset the State of an Instance

If an instance gets stuck in a delete state, the instance state can be reset then deleted:

nova reset-state <INSTANCE-ID>

nova delete <INSTANCE-ID>

You can also use the active command line switch to force an instance back into an active state:

nova reset-state --active <INSTANCE-ID>

Get Direct URL to Instance Console Using novnc

nova get-vnc-console <INSTANCE-ID> novnc

Get Direct URL to Instance Console Using xvpvnc

nova get-vnc-console <INSTANCE-ID> xvpvnc


See Status of Cinder Services

cinder service-list

List Current Cinder Volumes

cinder list

Create Cinder Volume

cinder create --display-name <CINDER-IMAGE-DISPLAY-NAME> <SIZE-IN-GB>

Create Cinder Volume from Glance Image

cinder create --image-id <GLANCE-IMAGE-ID> --display-name <CINDER-IMAGE-DISPLAY-NAME> <SIZE-IN-GB>

Create Snapshot of Cinder Volume

cinder snapshot-create --display-name <SNAPSHOT-DISPLAY-NAME> <CINDER-VOLUME-ID>

If the Cinder Volume is not available, i.e. it is currently attached to an instance, you must pass the force flag:

cinder snapshot-create --display-name <SNAPSHOT-DISPLAY-NAME> <CINDER-VOLUME-ID> --force True


See Status of Neutron Services

neutron agent-list

List Current Neutron Networks

neutron net-list

List Current Neutron Subnets

neutron subnet-list

Rename Neutron Network

neutron net-update <CURRENT-NET-NAME> --name <NEW-NET-NAME>

Rename Neutron Subnet

neutron subnet-update <CURRENT-SUBNET-NAME> --name <NEW-SUBNET-NAME>

Create Neutron Security Group

neutron security-group-create <SEC-GROUP-NAME>

Add Rules to Neutron Security Group

neutron security-group-rule-create --direction <ingress OR egress> --ethertype <IPv4 or IPv6> --protocol <PROTOCOL> --port-range-min <PORT-NUMBER> --port-range-max <PORT-NUMBER> <SEC-GROUP-NAME>

Example 1, add a rule to the default Neutron Security Group to allow SSH access to instances:

neutron security-group-rule-create --direction ingress --ethertype IPv4 --protocol tcp --port-range-min 22 --port-range-max 22 default

Example 2, add a rule to the default Neutron Security Group to allow ICMP communication to instances:

neutron security-group-rule-create --direction ingress --ethertype IPv4 --protocol icmp default

Create a Neutron Tenant Network

neutron net-create <NET-NAME>

neutron subnet-create --name <SUBNET-NAME> <NET-NAME> <SUBNET-CIDR>

Create a Neutron Provider Network

neutron net-create <NET-NAME> --provider:physical_network=<LABEL-PHYS-INTERFACE> --provider:network_type=<flat or vlan> --shared --router:external=True

neutron subnet-create --name <SUBNET-NAME> <NET-NAME> <SUBNET-CIDR>  --gateway <GATEWAY-IP> --allocation-pool start=<STARTING-IP>,end=<ENDING-IP> --dns-nameservers list=true <DNS-IP-SPACE SEPARATED>

Create a Neutron Router

neutron router-create <ROUTER-NAME>

Set Default Gateway on a Neutron Router

neutron router-gateway-set <ROUTER-NAME> <NET-NAME>

Attach a Tenant Network to a Neutron Router

neutron router-interface-add <ROUTER-NAME> <SUBNET-NAME>

Create a Neutron Floating IP Pool

If you need N number of floating IP addresses, run this command N number of times:

neutron floatingip-create <NET-NAME>

Assign a Neutron Floating IP Address to an Instances

neutron floatingip-associate <FLOATING-IP-ID> <NEUTRON-PORT-ID>

Create a Neutron Port with a Fixed IP Address

neutron port-create <NET-NAME> --fixed-ip ip_address=<IP-ADDRESS>
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