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原创 如何实现JComboBox+JButton生成类似IE前进後退按钮

<br />如何实现JComboBox+JButton生成类似IE前进後退按钮

2010-10-03 23:52:00 504

原创 Ext stroe.on

  var poNum ="4444444444444";  textFieldStore.on(load,function(_store, _records, _options){       poNum = _records[0].get(poNum);      //Ext.MessageBox.alert(poNum);    });   Ext.MessageBox.alert(

2008-11-20 16:55:00 491

原创 Extjs中的textField

在 Ext.form.FormPanel  上的 Ext.form.TextField 问题如下: 如下代码:   1.初始化问题: var textValue; var textField2 = new Ext.form.TextField({  fieldLabel :PO#,  name       : poNum,  width      :162,  va

2008-11-19 16:36:00 700


本程序支持以下功能(基于libssh2函数库, Visual C++/MFC框架开发) 1,批量执行命令 2,自定义线程池 3,关闭防火墙, selinux 4,自动对时 5,服务裁剪 6,批量建信任 7,修改主机名 8,文件批量上传 9,文件批量下载 10,免键盘登录putty《已集成无需另安装》 11,免键盘登录winscp《已集成无需另安装》 12,定义了cmd | text | line | return四种工作模式组合使用可方便扩展其它功能,简单几行命令即可替代原来繁琐的逻辑判断操作。




















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MyEclipse2014 + SQLserver2008 jeecg3.0.5版本

MyEclipse2014 + SQLserver2008 jeecg3.5.0版本,是在JEECG团队发布非maven版本的基础上改迁移完成的,所有技术为JEECG团队的技术。由于这里上转限制了包的大小,所在分开上传。



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Advanced GUI Code Example This code example demonstrates how to create an advanced graphical user interface (GUI) in PowerBuilder, using native PowerBuilder objects as well as third-party controls implemented using the PowerBuilder Native Interface (PBNI). This application consists of a workspace containing a standard PowerBuilder (Win32) target. The target contains three PBLs: advguisample.pbl, advguicontrols.pbl, and advguiobjects.pbl. This application contains examples of the following types of objects:  Button List Bar  Shortcut Bar  Static Text Control  Tab Strip  Toolbar Strip  XP List Bar Information on how to use each control is provided below. Button List Bar Usage Add the following library to your application library list: advguicontrols.pbl Place u_cst_buttonlistbar from advguicontrols.pbl on your window. Distribution You need to distribute the canvas.pbx PowerBuilder extension file with your application Functions of_additem (string as_text, string as_image) - Add an item to the list of_setsize (integer ai_size) - Set button size - for 16x16 pass SMALL - for 24x24 pass MEDIUM - for 32x32 pass LARGE - for 48x48 pass XLARGE of_selectbutton (long al_selected) of_selectbutton (string as_text) - Select a button by index or text of_setenabled (long al_index, boolean ab_enabled) of_setenabled (string as_text, boolean ab_enabled) - Set buttons enabled property by index or text of_gettext (long al_index) - Get Button text by index of_setscrollspeed (long al_speed) - Set the speed that the object scrolls at. Events ue_selectionchanged ( oldindex, newindex ) - Occurs when an item is selected. ShortcutBar Usage Add the following library to your application library list: advguicontrols.pbl Place u_cst_shortcutbar from advguicontrols.pbl on your window. Distribution You need to distribute the canvas.pbx PowerBuilder extension file with your application Functions of_selectitem (string as_text) of_selectitem (long al_item) - Selects an item by text or index of_hideitem (string as_text) of_hideitem (long al_item) - Hide item by text or index of_showitem (string as_text) of_showitem (long al_item) - Show item by text or index of_additem (dragobject a_object, string as_text, string as_image) - Adds an object to the control. of_setini (string as_ini) - Specify the ini or registry entry that will store user settings of_hideall () - Hide all items of_showall () - Show all items of_displayheaderimage (boolean ab_switch) - Display image in header (True display, False do not display) of_setstyle (integer ai_style) - Set the shortcut bar style (XP, VISTAEMBOSSED, VISTAORIGINAL, VISTAGLASS, CUSTOM) of_setshadowtext (boolean ab_switch) - Display shadow text (TRUE display, False do not display) of_setpattern (long al_pattern) - Set the shortcut bar pattern (NOPATTERN, SOLIDCIRCLE, HOLLOWCIRCLE, SOLIDSQUARE, HOLLOWSQUARE, STAR, WAVE, BAR, DIAMOND) of_displayclosebutton (boolean ab_display) - Display close button on shortcut items (TRUE display, False do not display) of_setenabled (long al_item, boolean ab_enabled) of_setenabled (string as_text, boolean ab_enabled) - Enable a shortcut item by text or index Events ue_selectionchanged ( string as_text, string as_image ) - Occurs when an items is selected. StaticText Usage Add the following library to your application library list: advguicontrols.pbl Place u_cst_statictext from advguicontrols.pbl on your window. You can set properties from the IDE. If you need to set properties at run time, use the corrisponding object function. For example: of_Text(...) of_AlignLeft() of_AlignRight() etc. Distribution You need to distribute the canvas.pbx PowerBuilder extension file with your application Functions of_italic (boolean ab_italic) of_bold (boolean ab_bold) of_underline (boolean ab_underline) of_strikeout (boolean ab_strikeout) of_escapement (long al_escapement) of_ellipsis (boolean ab_ellipsis) of_wrap (boolean ab_wrap) of_alignleft () of_aligncenter () of_alignright () of_valigntop () of_valigncenter () of_valignbottom () of_backcolor (long al_color) of_backcolor2 (long al_color) of_vgradient (boolean ab_vgradient) of_hgradient (boolean ab_hgradient) of_transparent (boolean ab_transparent) of_text (string as_text) of_fontname (string as_font) of_fontsize (long al_size) of_fontcolor (long al_color) Events None TabStrip Usage Add the following library to your application library list: advguicontrol.pbl Place u_cst_tabcontrol from advguicontrols.pbl on your window. If you are going to use images in the of_OpenTab function you need to add the images to the controls image list. This is done using the of_AddImage function: For example: of_AddImage('custom001!') //Image index 1 of_AddImage('custom002!') //Image index 2 of_AddImage('custom003!') //Image index 3 of_OpenTab(iuo_1, 'Tab1', 1) of_OpenTab(iuo_2, 'Tab2', 2) of_OpenTab(iuo_3, 'Tab3', 3) Distribution You need to distribute the canvas.pbx PowerBuilder extension file with your application Functions of_selecttab (long al_selected) of_selecttab (dragobject ad_object) - Selects tab based on index or object of_addimage (string as_image) - Add an image to the tab controls image list - Returns image index of_setstyle (long al_style) - Set tab style (REGULAR, EXCEL, VS2005) of_settabposition (long al_position) - Sets the tab position (TOP, BOTTOM) of_setenabled (long al_index, boolean ab_switch) of_setenabled (dragobject ad_object, boolean ab_switch) - Enables or disables the tab by index or object of_isenabled (long al_index) of_isenabled (dragobject ad_object) - Returns the enable state of an item by index or object of_setvisible (long al_index, boolean ab_switch) of_setvisible (dragobject ad_object, boolean ab_switch) - Makes a tab visible or invisible by index or object of_isvisible (long al_index) of_isvisible (dragobject ad_object) - Returns the visible state of an item by index or object of_boldselected (boolean ab_bold) - Bolds the selected tab text (True bold, False don't bold) of_closetab (long al_index) of_closetab (dragobject ad_object) - Close a tab by index or object of_closeselectedtab () - Close the selected tab of_closealltabs () - Close all tabs of_getselectedtab () - Returns the index of the selected tab of_gettabcount () - Returns the number of open tabs of_getobject (long al_index) - Returns the object for tab index provided of_settext (long al_index, string as_text) of_settext (dragobject ad_object, string as_text) - Set tab text by index or object of_settextcolor (long al_index, Long al_color) of_settextcolor (dragobject ad_object, al_color) - Set tab text color by index or object of_settiptext (long al_index, string as_text) of_settiptext (dragobject ad_object, string as_text) - Set tabs tooltip text by index or object of_opentab (ref dragobject a_object, string as_text, long al_picindex) - Open a tab object of_gettext (long al_index) of_gettext (dragobject ad_object) - Get text for index or object of_gettiptext (long al_index) - Get text for index or object of_setimage (long al_index, long al_image) of_setimage (dragobject ad_object, long al_image) - Set tab image by index or object of_hideclosebutton () - Hide the close button of_showclosebutton () - Show the close button of_hidearrows () - Hide the arrow buttons of_showarrows () - Show the arrow buttons Events event type long selectionchanging ( long oldindex, long newindex ) - Occurs before a tab is selected. - Return 0 to prevent tab from changing - Return 1 to allow tab to change event selectionchanged ( long oldindex, long newindex ) - Occurs when a tab has changed event type long tabclosing ( long index ) - Occurs before a tab is closed - Return 0 to prevent the tab from closing - Return 1 to allow the tab to close event tabclosed ( long index ) Occurs when a tab has beeen closed Toolbar Strip Add the following library to your application library list: advguicontrols.pbl Place u_cst_toolbarstrip from advguicontrols.pbl on your window. Distribution You need to distribute the canvas.pbx PowerBuilder extension file with your application Functions of_additem (string as_text, string as_image) - Add a toolbar item to the strip of_addobject (string as_text, dragobject ado_object) - Add an object to the toolbar strip of_addseparator () - Add a separator to the toolbar strip of_displaytext (boolean ab_display) - Display text (True display, False do not display) of_displayborder (boolean ab_border) - Display border (True display, False do not display) of_setenabled (string as_item, boolean ab_switch) - Disable or enable a toolbar item (True enable, False, disable) of_setimage (string as_item, string as_image) - Set an items image of_getimage (string as_item) - Get an items image Events ue_buttonclicked ( string as_button ) - Triggered when a button item is clicked XPListBar Usage Add the following library to your application library list: advguicontrols.pbl Place u_cst_xplistbar from advguicontrols.pbl on your window. Distribution You need to distribute the canvas.pbx PowerBuilder extension file with your application Functions of_addgroup (string as_label, string as_picture, long al_style) of_addgroup (string as_label, string as_picture) - Add a group to the list bar. - Returns handle for the other of_Add... functions - Optional style argument allows you to set the group headers style - SPECIAL - ORIGINAL (default) - NOARROW of_addline (long al_parent) - Add a line to the specified group of_addlink (string as_label, string as_picture, long al_parent) - Add a link to the specified group - Links are clickable of_addlabel (string as_label, string as_picture, long al_parent) - Add a label to the specified group - Labels are not clickable of_addobject (ref dragobject a_object, string as_picture, long al_parent) - Add a PB object to the specified group of_collapseitem (long al_item) of_collapseitem (string as_item) - Collapse a group by index or name of_collapseall () - Collapse all groups of_expanditem (long al_item) of_expanditem (string as_item) - Expand a group by index or name of_expandall () - Expand all groups of_setsmoothexpand(boolean ab_smooth) - Sets the group expand and collapse style - Default is TRUE, smooth expand and collapse Events itemselected ( string as_group, string as_item ) - Triggered when a link item is clicked. Special Contributions The following was contributed by Serge Samson:  PB Objects in group functionality.  Group header styles.  Smooth expanding and collapsing. Acknowledgements The following people contributed to the creation and enhancement of this code example:  Gabriel Abulencia Dela Torre (Yeyi)  Roland Smith  Brad Wery  Serge Samson For more information For more information about using advanced GUI controls please visit: http://kodigo.sourceforge.net/ or https://advanced-gui-development.codexchange.sybase.com/



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详细的VB6.0 MSDN帮助文档

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