
Hashcat 是一款密码爆破神器,信息安全必备工具之一,特此写篇文章记录总结之,以备不时之需,同时也可能帮助到看到本本文的网友。


Hashcat 是世界上最快的密码破解程序,是一个支持多平台、多算法的开源的分布式工具。

官方:hashcat - advanced password recovery

Github:GitHub - hashcat/hashcat: World's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility




# 安装hashcat
brew install hashcat

# 查看版本
hashcat --version


Kali Linux 内置 Hashcat,在 Deepin Linux 和 Ubuntu Linux 下可以直接使用 APT 来安装:


apt update && apt install hashcat

# 查看版本
hashcat --version

也可以手动解压运行二进制文件 Releases · hashcat/hashcat · GitHub 下载最新版压缩包:


# 解压
tar zxvf hashcat-
cd hashcat-5.1.0

# 根据自己的平台执行对应的二进制文件


Releases · hashcat/hashcat · GitHub 下载最新版压缩包,解压根据自己的平台运行 hashcat64.exe 或者 hashcat32.exe


-m 破解 hash 类型

指定要破解的 hash 类型,后面跟 hash 类型对应的数字,具体类型详见下表:


- [ Hash modes ] -

      # | Name                                             | Category
    900 | MD4                                              | Raw Hash
      0 | MD5                                              | Raw Hash
   5100 | Half MD5                                         | Raw Hash
    100 | SHA1                                             | Raw Hash
   1300 | SHA2-224                                         | Raw Hash
   1400 | SHA2-256                                         | Raw Hash
  10800 | SHA2-384                                         | Raw Hash
   1700 | SHA2-512                                         | Raw Hash
  17300 | SHA3-224                                         | Raw Hash
  17400 | SHA3-256                                         | Raw Hash
  17500 | SHA3-384                                         | Raw Hash
  17600 | SHA3-512                                         | Raw Hash
  17700 | Keccak-224                                       | Raw Hash
  17800 | Keccak-256                                       | Raw Hash
  17900 | Keccak-384                                       | Raw Hash
  18000 | Keccak-512                                       | Raw Hash
    600 | BLAKE2b-512                                      | Raw Hash
  10100 | SipHash                                          | Raw Hash
   6000 | RIPEMD-160                                       | Raw Hash
   6100 | Whirlpool                                        | Raw Hash
   6900 | GOST R 34.11-94                                  | Raw Hash
  11700 | GOST R 34.11-2012 (Streebog) 256-bit, big-endian | Raw Hash
  11800 | GOST R 34.11-2012 (Streebog) 512-bit, big-endian | Raw Hash
     10 | md5($pass.$salt)                                 | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
     20 | md5($salt.$pass)                                 | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
     30 | md5(utf16le($pass).$salt)                        | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
     40 | md5($salt.utf16le($pass))                        | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   3800 | md5($salt.$pass.$salt)                           | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   3710 | md5($salt.md5($pass))                            | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   4010 | md5($salt.md5($salt.$pass))                      | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   4110 | md5($salt.md5($pass.$salt))                      | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   2600 | md5(md5($pass))                                  | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   3910 | md5(md5($pass).md5($salt))                       | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   4300 | md5(strtoupper(md5($pass)))                      | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   4400 | md5(sha1($pass))                                 | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
    110 | sha1($pass.$salt)                                | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
    120 | sha1($salt.$pass)                                | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
    130 | sha1(utf16le($pass).$salt)                       | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
    140 | sha1($salt.utf16le($pass))                       | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   4500 | sha1(sha1($pass))                                | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   4520 | sha1($salt.sha1($pass))                          | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   4700 | sha1(md5($pass))                                 | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   4900 | sha1($salt.$pass.$salt)                          | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
  14400 | sha1(CX)                                         | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   1410 | sha256($pass.$salt)                              | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   1420 | sha256($salt.$pass)                              | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   1430 | sha256(utf16le($pass).$salt)                     | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   1440 | sha256($salt.utf16le($pass))                     | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   1710 | sha512($pass.$salt)                              | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   1720 | sha512($salt.$pass)                              | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   1730 | sha512(utf16le($pass).$salt)                     | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
   1740 | sha512($salt.utf16le($pass))                     | Raw Hash, Salted and/or Iterated
     50 | HMAC-MD5 (key = $pass)                           | Raw Hash, Authenticated
     60 | HMAC-MD5 (key = $salt)                           | Raw Hash, Authenticated
    150 | HMAC-SHA1 (key = $pass)                          | Raw Hash, Authenticated
    160 | HMAC-SHA1 (key = $salt)                          | Raw Hash, Authenticated
   1450 | HMAC-SHA256 (key = $pass)                        | Raw Hash, Authenticated
   1460 | HMAC-SHA256 (key = $salt)                        | Raw Hash, Authenticated
   1750 | HMAC-SHA512 (key = $pass)                        | Raw Hash, Authenticated
   1760 | HMAC-SHA512 (key = $salt)                        | Raw Hash, Authenticated
  11750 | HMAC-Streebog-256 (key = $pass), big-endian      | Raw Hash, Authenticated
  11760 | HMAC-Streebog-256 (key = $salt), big-endian      | Raw Hash, Authenticated
  11850 | HMAC-Streebog-512 (key = $pass), big-endian      | Raw Hash, Authenticated
  11860 | HMAC-Streebog-512 (key = $salt), big-endian      | Raw Hash, Authenticated
  14000 | DES (PT = $salt, key = $pass)                    | Raw Cipher, Known-Plaintext attack
  14100 | 3DES (PT = $salt, key = $pass)                   | Raw Cipher, Known-Plaintext attack
  14900 | Skip32 (PT = $salt, key = $pass)                 | Raw Cipher, Known-Plaintext attack
  15400 | ChaCha20                                         | Raw Cipher, Known-Plaintext attack
    400 | phpass                                           | Generic KDF
   8900 | scrypt                                           | Generic KDF
  11900 | PBKDF2-HMAC-MD5                                  | Generic KDF
  12000 | PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1                                 | Generic KDF
  10900 | PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256                               | Generic KDF
  12100 | PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512                               | Generic KDF
     23 | Skype                                            | Network Protocols
   2500 | WPA-EAPOL-PBKDF2                                 | Network Protocols
   2501 | WPA-EAPOL-PMK                                    | Network Protocols
  16800 | WPA-PMKID-PBKDF2                                 | Network Protocols
  16801 | WPA-PMKID-PMK                                    | Network Protocols
   4800 | iSCSI CHAP authentication, MD5(CHAP)             | Network Protocols
   5300 | IKE-PSK MD5                                      | Network Protocols
   5400 | IKE-PSK SHA1                                     | Network Protocols
   5500 | NetNTLMv1                                        | Network Protocols
   5500 | NetNTLMv1+ESS                                    | Network Protocols
   5600 | NetNTLMv2                                        | Network Protocols
   7300 | IPMI2 RAKP HMAC-SHA1                             | Network Protocols
   7500 | Kerberos 5 AS-REQ Pre-Auth etype 23              | Network Protocols
   8300 | DNSSEC (NSEC3)                                   | Network Protocols
  10200 | CRAM-MD5                                         | Network Protocols
  11100 | PostgreSQL CRAM (MD5)                            | Network Protocols
  11200 | MySQL CRAM (SHA1)                                | Network Protocols
  11400 | SIP digest authentication (MD5)                  | Network Protocols
  13100 | Kerberos 5 TGS-REP etype 23                      | Network Protocols
  16100 | TACACS+                                          | Network Protocols
  16500 | JWT (JSON Web Token)                             | Network Protocols
  18200 | Kerberos 5 AS-REP etype 23                       | Network Protocols
    121 | SMF (Simple Machines Forum) > v1.1               | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
    400 | phpBB3 (MD5)                                     | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
   2611 | vBulletin < v3.8.5                               | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
   2711 | vBulletin >= v3.8.5                              | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
   2811 | MyBB 1.2+                                        | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
   2811 | IPB2+ (Invision Power Board)                     | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
   8400 | WBB3 (Woltlab Burning Board)                     | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
     11 | Joomla < 2.5.18                                  | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
    400 | Joomla >= 2.5.18 (MD5)                           | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
    400 | WordPress (MD5)                                  | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
   2612 | PHPS                                             | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
   7900 | Drupal7                                          | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
     21 | osCommerce                                       | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
     21 | xt:Commerce                                      | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
  11000 | PrestaShop                                       | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
    124 | Django (SHA-1)                                   | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
  10000 | Django (PBKDF2-SHA256)                           | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
  16000 | Tripcode                                         | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
   3711 | MediaWiki B type                                 | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
  13900 | OpenCart                                         | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
   4521 | Redmine                                          | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
   4522 | PunBB                                            | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
  12001 | Atlassian (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1)                     | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce, Frameworks
     12 | PostgreSQL                                       | Database Server
    131 | MSSQL (2000)                                     | Database Server
    132 | MSSQL (2005)                                     | Database Server
   1731 | MSSQL (2012, 2014)                               | Database Server
    200 | MySQL323                                         | Database Server
    300 | MySQL4.1/MySQL5                                  | Database Server
   3100 | Oracle H: Type (Oracle 7+)                       | Database Server
    112 | Oracle S: Type (Oracle 11+)                      | Database Server
  12300 | Oracle T: Type (Oracle 12+)                      | Database Server
   8000 | Sybase ASE                                       | Database Server
    141 | Episerver 6.x < .NET 4                           | HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
   1441 | Episerver 6.x >= .NET 4                          | HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
   1600 | Apache $apr1$ MD5, md5apr1, MD5 (APR)            | HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
  12600 | ColdFusion 10+                                   | HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
   1421 | hMailServer                                      | HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
    101 | nsldap, SHA-1(Base64), Netscape LDAP SHA         | HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
    111 | nsldaps, SSHA-1(Base64), Netscape LDAP SSHA      | HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
   1411 | SSHA-256(Base64), LDAP {SSHA256}                 | HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
   1711 | SSHA-512(Base64), LDAP {SSHA512}                 | HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
  16400 | CRAM-MD5 Dovecot                                 | HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
  15000 | FileZilla Server >= 0.9.55                       | FTP Server
  11500 | CRC32                                            | Checksums
   3000 | LM                                               | Operating Systems
   1000 | NTLM                                             | Operating Systems
   1100 | Domain Cached Credentials (DCC), MS Cache        | Operating Systems
   2100 | Domain Cached Credentials 2 (DCC2), MS Cache 2   | Operating Systems
  15300 | DPAPI masterkey file v1                          | Operating Systems
  15900 | DPAPI masterkey file v2                          | Operating Systems
  12800 | MS-AzureSync  PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256                 | Operating Systems
   1500 | descrypt, DES (Unix), Traditional DES            | Operating Systems
  12400 | BSDi Crypt, Extended DES                         | Operating Systems
    500 | md5crypt, MD5 (Unix), Cisco-IOS $1$ (MD5)        | Operating Systems
   3200 | bcrypt $2*$, Blowfish (Unix)                     | Operating Systems
   7400 | sha256crypt $5$, SHA256 (Unix)                   | Operating Systems
   1800 | sha512crypt $6$, SHA512 (Unix)                   | Operating Systems
    122 | macOS v10.4, MacOS v10.5, MacOS v10.6            | Operating Systems
   1722 | macOS v10.7                                      | Operating Systems
   7100 | macOS v10.8+ (PBKDF2-SHA512)                     | Operating Systems
   6300 | AIX {smd5}                                       | Operating Systems
   6700 | AIX {ssha1}                                      | Operating Systems
   6400 | AIX {ssha256}                                    | Operating Systems
   6500 | AIX {ssha512}                                    | Operating Systems
   2400 | Cisco-PIX MD5                                    | Operating Systems
   2410 | Cisco-ASA MD5                                    | Operating Systems
    500 | Cisco-IOS $1$ (MD5)                              | Operating Systems
   5700 | Cisco-IOS type 4 (SHA256)                        | Operating Systems
   9200 | Cisco-IOS $8$ (PBKDF2-SHA256)                    | Operating Systems
   9300 | Cisco-IOS $9$ (scrypt)                           | Operating Systems
     22 | Juniper NetScreen/SSG (ScreenOS)                 | Operating Systems
    501 | Juniper IVE                                      | Operating Systems
  15100 | Juniper/NetBSD sha1crypt                         | Operating Systems
   7000 | FortiGate (FortiOS)                              | Operating Systems
   5800 | Samsung Android Password/PIN                     | Operating Systems
  13800 | Windows Phone 8+ PIN/password                    | Operating Systems
   8100 | Citrix NetScaler                                 | Operating Systems
   8500 | RACF                                             | Operating Systems
   7200 | GRUB 2                                           | Operating Systems
   9900 | Radmin2                                          | Operating Systems
    125 | ArubaOS                                          | Operating Systems
   7700 | SAP CODVN B (BCODE)                              | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
   7701 | SAP CODVN B (BCODE) via RFC_READ_TABLE           | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
   7800 | SAP CODVN F/G (PASSCODE)                         | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
   7801 | SAP CODVN F/G (PASSCODE) via RFC_READ_TABLE      | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
  10300 | SAP CODVN H (PWDSALTEDHASH) iSSHA-1              | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
   8600 | Lotus Notes/Domino 5                             | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
   8700 | Lotus Notes/Domino 6                             | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
   9100 | Lotus Notes/Domino 8                             | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
    133 | PeopleSoft                                       | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
  13500 | PeopleSoft PS_TOKEN                              | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
  11600 | 7-Zip                                            | Archives
  12500 | RAR3-hp                                          | Archives
  13000 | RAR5                                             | Archives
  13200 | AxCrypt                                          | Archives
  13300 | AxCrypt in-memory SHA1                           | Archives
  13600 | WinZip                                           | Archives
  14700 | iTunes backup < 10.0                             | Backup
  14800 | iTunes backup >= 10.0                            | Backup
   62XY | TrueCrypt                                        | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
     X  | 1 = PBKDF2-HMAC-RIPEMD160                        | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
     X  | 2 = PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512                           | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
     X  | 3 = PBKDF2-HMAC-Whirlpool                        | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
     X  | 4 = PBKDF2-HMAC-RIPEMD160 + boot-mode            | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 1 = XTS  512 bit pure AES                        | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 1 = XTS  512 bit pure Serpent                    | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 1 = XTS  512 bit pure Twofish                    | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 2 = XTS 1024 bit pure AES                        | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 2 = XTS 1024 bit pure Serpent                    | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 2 = XTS 1024 bit pure Twofish                    | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 2 = XTS 1024 bit cascaded AES-Twofish            | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 2 = XTS 1024 bit cascaded Serpent-AES            | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 2 = XTS 1024 bit cascaded Twofish-Serpent        | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 3 = XTS 1536 bit all                             | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
   8800 | Android FDE <= 4.3                               | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  12900 | Android FDE (Samsung DEK)                        | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  12200 | eCryptfs                                         | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  137XY | VeraCrypt                                        | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
     X  | 1 = PBKDF2-HMAC-RIPEMD160                        | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
     X  | 2 = PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512                           | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
     X  | 3 = PBKDF2-HMAC-Whirlpool                        | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
     X  | 4 = PBKDF2-HMAC-RIPEMD160 + boot-mode            | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
     X  | 5 = PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256                           | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
     X  | 6 = PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 + boot-mode               | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
     X  | 7 = PBKDF2-HMAC-Streebog-512                     | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 1 = XTS  512 bit pure AES                        | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 1 = XTS  512 bit pure Serpent                    | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 1 = XTS  512 bit pure Twofish                    | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 1 = XTS  512 bit pure Camellia                   | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 1 = XTS  512 bit pure Kuznyechik                 | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 2 = XTS 1024 bit pure AES                        | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 2 = XTS 1024 bit pure Serpent                    | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 2 = XTS 1024 bit pure Twofish                    | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 2 = XTS 1024 bit pure Camellia                   | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 2 = XTS 1024 bit pure Kuznyechik                 | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 2 = XTS 1024 bit cascaded AES-Twofish            | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 2 = XTS 1024 bit cascaded Camellia-Kuznyechik    | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 2 = XTS 1024 bit cascaded Camellia-Serpent       | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 2 = XTS 1024 bit cascaded Kuznyechik-AES         | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 2 = XTS 1024 bit cascaded Kuznyechik-Twofish     | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 2 = XTS 1024 bit cascaded Serpent-AES            | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 2 = XTS 1024 bit cascaded Twofish-Serpent        | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
      Y | 3 = XTS 1536 bit all                             | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  14600 | LUKS                                             | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  16700 | FileVault 2                                      | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  18300 | Apple File System (APFS)                         | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
   9700 | MS Office <= 2003 $0/$1, MD5 + RC4               | Documents
   9710 | MS Office <= 2003 $0/$1, MD5 + RC4, collider #1  | Documents
   9720 | MS Office <= 2003 $0/$1, MD5 + RC4, collider #2  | Documents
   9800 | MS Office <= 2003 $3/$4, SHA1 + RC4              | Documents
   9810 | MS Office <= 2003 $3, SHA1 + RC4, collider #1    | Documents
   9820 | MS Office <= 2003 $3, SHA1 + RC4, collider #2    | Documents
   9400 | MS Office 2007                                   | Documents
   9500 | MS Office 2010                                   | Documents
   9600 | MS Office 2013                                   | Documents
  10400 | PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4)                    | Documents
  10410 | PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4), collider #1       | Documents
  10420 | PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4), collider #2       | Documents
  10500 | PDF 1.4 - 1.6 (Acrobat 5 - 8)                    | Documents
  10600 | PDF 1.7 Level 3 (Acrobat 9)                      | Documents
  10700 | PDF 1.7 Level 8 (Acrobat 10 - 11)                | Documents
  16200 | Apple Secure Notes                               | Documents
   9000 | Password Safe v2                                 | Password Managers
   5200 | Password Safe v3                                 | Password Managers
   6800 | LastPass + LastPass sniffed                      | Password Managers
   6600 | 1Password, agilekeychain                         | Password Managers
   8200 | 1Password, cloudkeychain                         | Password Managers
  11300 | Bitcoin/Litecoin wallet.dat                      | Password Managers
  12700 | Blockchain, My Wallet                            | Password Managers
  15200 | Blockchain, My Wallet, V2                        | Password Managers
  16600 | Electrum Wallet (Salt-Type 1-3)                  | Password Managers
  13400 | KeePass 1 (AES/Twofish) and KeePass 2 (AES)      | Password Managers
  15500 | JKS Java Key Store Private Keys (SHA1)           | Password Managers
  15600 | Ethereum Wallet, PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256              | Password Managers
  15700 | Ethereum Wallet, SCRYPT                          | Password Managers
  16300 | Ethereum Pre-Sale Wallet, PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256     | Password Managers
  16900 | Ansible Vault                                    | Password Managers
  18100 | TOTP (HMAC-SHA1)                                 | One-Time Passwords
  99999 | Plaintext                                        | Plaintext

-a 破解模式



- [ Attack Modes ] -

  # | Mode
  0 | Straight                # 直接字典破解
  1 | Combination             # 组合破解
  3 | Brute-force             # 掩码暴力破解
  6 | Hybrid Wordlist + Mask  # 字典+掩码破解
  7 | Hybrid Mask + Wordlist  # 掩码+字典破解


启用增量破解模式,让 hashcat 在指定的密码长度范围内执行破解


密码最小长度,后面直接等于一个整数即可,配置 increment 模式一起使用


密码最大长度,后面直接等于一个整数即可,配置 increment 模式一起使用




删除已被破解成功的 hash


忽略 hash 文件中的指定的用户名,在破解 Linux 系统用户密码 hash 会用到


不在 potfile 中记录破解成功的 hash


--opencl-info 显示有关检测到的 OpenCL 平台 / 设备的信息,如果有一块好的显卡的话破解速度会快很多。

我的 MacBook 检测到了 3 个设备,分别是 CPU、核显和独显


# sqlsec @ com in ~ [14:42:33] C:130
$ hashcat -I
hashcat (v5.1.0) starting...

OpenCL Info:

Platform ID #1
  Vendor  : Apple
  Name    : Apple
  Version : OpenCL 1.2 (Sep  5 2019 21:59:08)

  Device ID #1
    Type           : CPU
    Vendor ID      : 4
    Vendor         : Intel
    Name           : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
    Version        : OpenCL 1.2
    Processor(s)   : 12
    Clock          : 2600
    Memory         : 4096/16384 MB allocatable
    OpenCL Version : OpenCL C 1.2
    Driver Version : 1.1

  Device ID #2
    Type           : GPU
    Vendor ID      : 2147483648
    Vendor         : Intel Inc.
    Name           : Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630
    Version        : OpenCL 1.2
    Processor(s)   : 24
    Clock          : 1150
    Memory         : 384/1536 MB allocatable
    OpenCL Version : OpenCL C 1.2
    Driver Version : 1.2(Sep 25 2019 21:33:26)

  Device ID #3
    Type           : GPU
    Vendor ID      : 1
    Vendor         : AMD
    Name           : AMD Radeon Pro 555X Compute Engine
    Version        : OpenCL 1.2
    Processor(s)   : 12
    Clock          : 300
    Memory         : 1024/4096 MB allocatable
    OpenCL Version : OpenCL C 1.2
    Driver Version : 1.2 (Sep 25 2019 21:23:46)

使用 clinfo 命令也可以看到你的设备的 OpenCL 相关信息:


# Linux 安装 clinfo
apt install clinfo

# macOS 安装 clinfo
brew install clinfo

# 查询 OpenCL 设备相关信息
clinfo |grep 'Device Type'



--outfile 指定破解成功后的 hash 及所对应的明文密码的存放位置


--optimized-kernel-enable 启用优化的内核(限制密码长度)


--opencl-devices 指定 opencl 的设备,我这里支持的设备列表如下:


* Device #1: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz, skipped.
* Device #2: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630, 384/1536 MB allocatable, 24MCU
* Device #3: AMD Radeon Pro 555X Compute Engine, 1024/4096 MB allocatable, 12MCU


--opencl-device-types 指定 opencl 的设备类型,Hashcat 支持如下设备类型:


1 | CPU
2 | GPU
3 | FPGA, DSP, Co-Processor

一般常用 -D 2 指定 GPU 破解


-m, --hash-typeNumHash-type, see references below-m 1000
-a, --attack-modeNumAttack-mode, see references below-a 3
-V, --versionPrint version
-h, --helpPrint help
--quietSuppress output
--hex-charsetAssume charset is given in hex
--hex-saltAssume salt is given in hex
--hex-wordlistAssume words in wordlist are given in hex
--forceIgnore warnings
--statusEnable automatic update of the status screen
--status-timerNumSets seconds between status screen updates to X--status-timer=1
--stdin-timeout-abortNumAbort if there is no input from stdin for X seconds--stdin-timeout-abort=300
--machine-readableDisplay the status view in a machine-readable format
--keep-guessingKeep guessing the hash after it has been cracked
--self-test-disableDisable self-test functionality on startup
--loopbackAdd new plains to induct directory
--markov-hcstat2FileSpecify hcstat2 file to use--markov-hcstat2=my.hcstat2
--markov-disableDisables markov-chains, emulates classic brute-force
--markov-classicEnables classic markov-chains, no per-position
-t, --markov-thresholdNumThreshold X when to stop accepting new markov-chains-t 50
--runtimeNumAbort session after X seconds of runtime--runtime=10
--sessionStrDefine specific session name--session=mysession
--restoreRestore session from –session
--restore-disableDo not write restore file
--restore-file-pathFileSpecific path to restore file--restore-file-path=x.restore
-o, --outfileFileDefine outfile for recovered hash-o outfile.txt
--outfile-formatNumDefine outfile-format X for recovered hash--outfile-format=7
--outfile-autohex-disableDisable the use of $HEX[] in output plains
--outfile-check-timerNumSets seconds between outfile checks to X--outfile-check=30
--wordlist-autohex-disableDisable the conversion of $HEX[] from the wordlist
-p, --separatorCharSeparator char for hashlists and outfile-p :
--stdoutDo not crack a hash, instead print candidates only
--showCompare hashlist with potfile; show cracked hashes
--leftCompare hashlist with potfile; show uncracked hashes
--usernameEnable ignoring of usernames in hashfile
--removeEnable removal of hashes once they are cracked
--remove-timerNumUpdate input hash file each X seconds--remove-timer=30
--potfile-disableDo not write potfile
--potfile-pathFileSpecific path to potfile--potfile-path=my.pot
--encoding-fromCodeForce internal wordlist encoding from X--encoding-from=iso-8859-15
--encoding-toCodeForce internal wordlist encoding to X--encoding-to=utf-32le
--debug-modeNumDefines the debug mode (hybrid only by using rules)--debug-mode=4
--debug-fileFileOutput file for debugging rules--debug-file=good.log
--induction-dirDirSpecify the induction directory to use for loopback--induction=inducts
--outfile-check-dirDirSpecify the outfile directory to monitor for plains--outfile-check-dir=x
--logfile-disableDisable the logfile
--hccapx-message-pairNumLoad only message pairs from hccapx matching X--hccapx-message-pair=2
--nonce-error-correctionsNumThe BF size range to replace AP’s nonce last bytes--nonce-error-corrections=16
--keyboard-layout-mappingFileKeyboard layout mapping table for special hash-modes--keyb=german.hckmap
--truecrypt-keyfilesFileKeyfiles to use, separated with commas--truecrypt-keyf=x.png
--veracrypt-keyfilesFileKeyfiles to use, separated with commas--veracrypt-keyf=x.txt
--veracrypt-pimNumVeraCrypt personal iterations multiplier--veracrypt-pim=1000
-b, --benchmarkRun benchmark of selected hash-modes
--benchmark-allRun benchmark of all hash-modes (requires -b)
--speed-onlyReturn expected speed of the attack, then quit
--progress-onlyReturn ideal progress step size and time to process
-c, --segment-sizeNumSets size in MB to cache from the wordfile to X-c 32
--bitmap-minNumSets minimum bits allowed for bitmaps to X--bitmap-min=24
--bitmap-maxNumSets maximum bits allowed for bitmaps to X--bitmap-max=24
--cpu-affinityStrLocks to CPU devices, separated with commas--cpu-affinity=1,2,3
--example-hashesShow an example hash for each hash-mode
-I, --opencl-infoShow info about detected OpenCL platforms/devices-I
--opencl-platformsStrOpenCL platforms to use, separated with commas--opencl-platforms=2
-d, --opencl-devicesStrOpenCL devices to use, separated with commas-d 1
-D, --opencl-device-typesStrOpenCL device-types to use, separated with commas-D 1
--opencl-vector-widthNumManually override OpenCL vector-width to X--opencl-vector=4
-O, --optimized-kernel-enableEnable optimized kernels (limits password length)
-w, --workload-profileNumEnable a specific workload profile, see pool below-w 3
-n, --kernel-accelNumManual workload tuning, set outerloop step size to X-n 64
-u, --kernel-loopsNumManual workload tuning, set innerloop step size to X-u 256
-T, --kernel-threadsNumManual workload tuning, set thread count to X-T 64
--spin-dampNumUse CPU for device synchronization, in percent--spin-damp=50
--hwmon-disableDisable temperature and fanspeed reads and triggers
--hwmon-temp-abortNumAbort if temperature reaches X degrees Celsius--hwmon-temp-abort=100
--scrypt-tmtoNumManually override TMTO value for scrypt to X--scrypt-tmto=3
-s, --skipNumSkip X words from the start-s 1000000
-l, --limitNumLimit X words from the start + skipped words-l 1000000
--keyspaceShow keyspace base:mod values and quit
-j, --rule-leftRuleSingle rule applied to each word from left wordlist-j ‘c’
-k, --rule-rightRuleSingle rule applied to each word from right wordlist-k ‘^-‘
-r, --rules-fileFileMultiple rules applied to each word from wordlists-r rules/best64.rule
-g, --generate-rulesNumGenerate X random rules-g 10000
--generate-rules-func-minNumForce min X functions per rule
--generate-rules-func-maxNumForce max X functions per rule
--generate-rules-seedNumForce RNG seed set to X
-1, --custom-charset1CSUser-defined charset ?1-1 ?l?d?u
-i, --incrementEnable mask increment mode
--increment-minNumStart mask incrementing at X--increment-min=4
--increment-maxNumStop mask incrementing at X--increment-max=8
-S, --slow-candidatesEnable slower (but advanced) candidate generators
--brain-serverEnable brain server
-z, --brain-clientEnable brain client, activates -S
--brain-client-featuresNumDefine brain client features, see below--brain-client-features=3
--brain-hostStrBrain server host (IP or domain)--brain-host=
--brain-portPortBrain server port--brain-port=13743
--brain-passwordStrBrain server authentication password--brain-password=bZfhCvGUSjRq
--brain-sessionHexOverrides automatically calculated brain session--brain-session=0x2ae611db
--brain-session-whitelistHexAllow given sessions only, separated with commas--brain-session-whitelist=0x2ae611db




 ? | Charset
 l | abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz          # 小写字母 a-z
 d | 0123456789                          # 数字 0-9
 h | 0123456789abcdef                    # 数字 + abcdef
 H | 0123456789ABCDEF                    # 数字 + ABCDEF
 s |  !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~   # 特殊字符    
 a | ?l?u?d?s                            # 键盘上所有可见的字符
 b | 0x00 - 0xff                         # 可能是用来匹配像空格这种密码的



--custom-charset1 [chars]等价于 -1
--custom-charset2 [chars]等价于 -2
--custom-charset3 [chars]等价于 -3
--custom-charset4 [chars]等价于 -4

在掩码中用 ?1?2?3?4 来表示



--custom-charset1 abcd123456!@-+

此时?1 就表示 abcd123456!@-+


--custom-charset2 ?l?d

此时?2 就表示 ?l?d 即 ?h 数字 + 小写字母:


-3 abcdef -4 123456 

此时 ?3?3?3?3?4?4?4?4 就表示为前四位可能是 abcdef,后四位可能是 123456





hashcat -a 0 -m 0 '5416d7cd6ef195a0f7622a9c56b55e84' hashpass.txt -o success.txt




INFO: All hashes found in potfile! Use --show to display them.

这表明在之前该密码已经被我们破解成功了,Hashcat 故不再显示出来,可以在后面添加参数 --show 来显示密码:


hashcat -a 0 -m 0 'cbc8f5435c87e13c5d14e6ce92358d68' hashpass.txt --show

Hashcat 存放已经成功破解的密码文件位置为:~/.hashcat/hashcat.potfile




# 删除之前破解成功的记录
rm ~/.hashcat/hashcat.potfile

# hash.txt为要破解的密码 hashpass.txt为字典 导出破解的结果到success.txt 并从hash.txt删除掉破解成功的
hashcat -a 0 -m 0 hash.txt hashpass.txt -o success.txt --remove




hashcat -a 1 -m 0 '5416d7cd6ef195a0f7622a9c56b55e84' hashpass1.txt hashpass1.txt

字典 + 掩码破解


echo -n admin888 |openssl md5

破解 admin888 的 MD5 值:


hashcat -a 6 -m 0 '7fef6171469e80d32c0559f88b377245' hashpass.txt -O

掩码 + 字典破解


hashcat -a 7 -m 0 '7fef6171469e80d32c0559f88b377245' 'admi?l?d?d?d' hashpass.txt  -O


8 位 MD5 加密的数字破解

对 23323323 进行 MD5 加密:


$ echo -n 23323323 |openssl md5

使用 Hashcat 来进行破解:


hashcat -a 3 -m 0 --force '5a745e31dbbd93f4c86d1ef82281688b' '?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d' -O

8 位 MD5 加密的大小写字母破解


$ echo -n PassWord |openssl md5

使用 Hashcat 来进行破解:


hashcat -a 3 -m 0 -1 '?l?u' --force  'a9d402bfcde5792a8b531b3a82669585' '?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1' -O

这里面定义了个自定义规则 -1,此时 ?1 就表示 ?l?u,即大小写字母。

5-7 位 MD5 加密的大小写字母 + 数字破解

Admin88 的 MD5 值为 2792e40d60bac94b4b163b93566e65a9


hashcat -a 3 -m 0 -1 '?l?u?d' --force  '2792e40d60bac94b4b163b93566e65a9' --increment --increment-min 5 --increment-max 7 '?1?1?1?1?1?1?1' -O

这里面定义了个自定义规则 -1,此时 ?1 就表示 ?l?u?d,即大小写字母 + 数字。

admin 开头 10 位 MD5 加密的大小写字母 + 数字破解

admin23323 的 MD5 值为 a9991129897a44e0d1c2855c3d7dccc4


hashcat -a 3 -m 0 -1 '?l?u?d' --force  'a9991129897a44e0d1c2855c3d7dccc4' 'admin?1?1?1?1?1' -O


查看 MySQL 的密码:


mysql> select Password from mysql.user;
| Password                                  |
| *81F5E21E35407D884A6CD4A731AEBFB6AF209E1B |
| *81F5E21E35407D884A6CD4A731AEBFB6AF209E1B |
| *81F5E21E35407D884A6CD4A731AEBFB6AF209E1B |
| *81F5E21E35407D884A6CD4A731AEBFB6AF209E1B |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)



hashcat -a 0 -m 300 --force '81F5E21E35407D884A6CD4A731AEBFB6AF209E1B' hashpass.txt -O

Linux /etc/shadow sha512crypt $6$, SHA512 (Unix)

查看 /etc/shadow 密码文件:


root@kali-linux:~# cat /etc/shadow

可以看到 root 是有密码的,前面使用的是 $6 表面 hash 的加密方式为:sha512crypt $6$, SHA512 (Unix)


# 掩码破解root密码 不在potfile中记录破解成功的hash 指定设备2(核显)来跑密码 并开启优化
hashcat -a 3 -m 1800 --force  '$6$4ojiBMDPrehqrLkX$d2T7Cn8LKkLk4SDXgCh1IEqjhnsUekXaNUXSxiZIwUTndSqyd.9sEcu80sX9DuEHGmHOeoMev2O0ACYtjMett1' '?l?l?l?l' -O -d 2 --potfile-disable

# 掩码破解root密码 忽略用户名 不在potfile中记录破解成功的hash 指定设备2(核显)来跑密码 并开启优化
hashcat -a 3 -m 1800 --force  'root:$6$4ojiBMDPrehqrLkX$d2T7Cn8LKkLk4SDXgCh1IEqjhnsUekXaNUXSxiZIwUTndSqyd.9sEcu80sX9DuEHGmHOeoMev2O0ACYtjMett1' '?l?l?l?l' -O -d 2 --username --potfile-disable 

macOS 下自带的 CPU 和独显无法破解,这里国光本人手动切换了 -d 2 用核显才成功跑出来:


字典破解 Windows LM Hash


hashcat -a 0 -m 3000 --force '921988ba001dc8e14a3b108f3fa6cb6d' password.txt

字典破解 Windows NTLM Hash


hashcat -a 0 -m 1000 --force 'e19ccf75ee54e06b06a5907af13cef42' password.txt


该功能目前有点坑,现在本地测试还没有顺利成功过,留在这边待以后完善,2021 年了依然没有填这个坑,未来不知道会不会补上…..

–brain-serverEnable brain server启用主服务器
-z, –brain-clientEnable brain client, activates -S启用分布式客户端
–brain-client-featuresNumDefine brain client features, see below定义客户端功能–brain-client-features=3
–brain-hostStrBrain server host (IP or domain)主服务器的 IP 或者域–brain-host=
–brain-portPortBrain server port主服务器端口–brain-port=13743
–brain-passwordStrBrain server authentication password主服务器的认证密码–brain-password=e8acfc7280c48009
–brain-sessionHexOverrides automatically calculated brain session自动覆盖已经计算的主会话–brain-session=0x2ae611db
–brain-session-whitelistHexAllow given sessions only, separated with commas仅允许给定的对话,以逗号分隔–brain-session-whitelist=0x2ae611db



- [ Brain Client Features ] -

  # | Features
  1 | Send hashed passwords                       # 发送已破解的密码
  2 | Send attack positions                       # 发送已破解的位置
  3 | Send hashed passwords and attack positions  # 发送已破解的密码和已破解的位置





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


