





    public static boolean isOdd(int i) {
        return i % 2 == 1;

    public static bool isOdd(int i) {
        return i % 2 == 1;


C# Language Specification 14.7.3
The result of x % y is the value produced by x – (x / y) * y.
x % y的结果是由x - (x / y) * y所产生的值。

  因此 -1 % 2 = -1 - (-1 / 2) * 2 = -1 - 0 = -1。
    public static bool isOdd(int i) {
        return i % 2 != 0;

Java: System.out.println(2.00 - 1.10);

C#: System.Console.WriteLine(2.00 - 1.10);


Java 0.8999999999999999
C# 0.9


  IL_0000:  ldc.r8     0.89999999999999991
  IL_0009:  call       void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(float64)

decimal d1 = 2.00M;
decimal d2 = 1.10M;
System.Console.WriteLine(d1 - d2);
decimal num1 = new decimal(200, 0, 0, false, 2);
decimal num2 = new decimal(110, 0, 0, false, 2);
Console.WriteLine((decimal) (num1 - num2));


        final long MICROS_PER_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000;
        final long MILLIS_PER_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;

        System.out.println(MICROS_PER_DAY / MILLIS_PER_DAY);

        const long MICROS_PER_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000;
        const long MILLIS_PER_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;

        System.Console.WriteLine(MICROS_PER_DAY / MILLIS_PER_DAY);


Java 5
C# 5

  不难识破,24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000所参与运算的都是Int32类型的,结果也自然是Int32类型的,然后再做一个隐式类型转换。所以实际上MICROS_PER_DAY溢出了,得到了一个非预期的结果。但并非无规律可循。24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000 = 0x141DD76000,(int)0x141DD76000 = 0x1DD76000,0x1DD76000 / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) ≈ 5.79,(long)5.79 = 5。解决办法是在参加运算的数中添加至少一个“L”,比如const long MICROS_PER_DAY = 24L * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000;

Java: System.out.println(Long.toHexString(0x100000000L + 0xcafebabe));
C#:  System.Console.WriteLine("{0:x}", 0x100000000L + 0xcafebabe);

Java cafebabe
C# 1cafebabe

Java Language Specification 3.10.1
The largest positive hexadecimal and octal literals of type int are 0x7fffffff and 017777777777, respectively, which equal 2147483647 (2^31-1). The most negative hexadecimal and octal literals of type int are 0x80000000 and 020000000000, respectively, each of which represents the decimal value -2147483648 (-2^31).
最大的正16进制和8进制int形常数分别是0x7fffffff和017777777777,也就是2147483647 (2^31-1)。最小的负16进制和8进制int形常数分别是0x80000000和020000000000,也就是十进制值-2147483648 (-2^31)。

C# Language Specification
The type of an integer literal is determined as follows:
· If the literal has no suffix, it has the first of these types in which its value can be represented: int, uint, long, ulong.
· If the literal is suffixed by U or u, it has the first of these types in which its value can be represented: uint, ulong.
· If the literal is suffixed by L or l, it has the first of these types in which its value can be represented: long, ulong.
· If the literal is suffixed by UL, Ul, uL, ul, LU, Lu, lU, or lu, it is of type ulong.
If the value represented by an integer literal is outside the range of the ulong type, a compile-time error occurs.
[Note: As a matter of style, it is suggested that “L” be used instead of “l” when writing literals of type long, since it is easy to confuse the letter “l” with the digit “1”. end note]
·如果这个常数没有后缀,它的类型是在int, uint, long, ulong中第一个它的值能够被表示的类型。
·如果这个常数的后缀是U或u,它的类型是uint, ulong中第一个它的值能够被表示的类型。
·如果这个常数的后缀是L或l,它的类型是long, ulong中第一个它的值能够被表示的类型。


Java Language Specification 5.1.2 Widening Primitive Conversion
A widening conversion of a signed integer value to an integral type T simply sign-extends the two's-complement representation of the integer value to fill the wider format.



Java: System.out.println((int) (char) (byte) -1);


         System.Console.WriteLine((int) (char) (byte) -1);


Java 65535
C# 255

 System.Console.WriteLine((int) (char) (sbyte) -1);

C# Language Specification 13.2.1
In a checked context, the conversion succeeds if the value of the source operand is within the range of the destination type, but throws a System.OverflowException if the value of the source operand is outside the range of the destination type. In an unchecked context, the conversion always succeeds, and proceeds as follows.
· If the source type is larger than the destination type, then the source value is truncated by discarding its “extra” most significant bits. The result is then treated as a value of the destination type.
· If the source type is smaller than the destination type, then the source value is either sign-extended or zero-extended so that it is the same size as the destination type. Sign-extension is used if the source type is signed; zero-extension is used if the source type is unsigned. The result
is then treated as a value of the destination type.
· If the source type is the same size as the destination type, then the source value is treated as a value of the destination type.

  试着自己理解一下C#中的(int) (char) (byte) -1,看看明白了没有。

6。 整数交换

        int x = 1984;
        int y = 2001;
        x ^= y ^= x ^= y;
        System.out.println("x = " + x + "; y = " + y);

        int x = 1984;
        int y = 2001;
        x ^= y ^= x ^= y;
        System.Console.WriteLine("x = " + x + "; y = " + y);


Java x = 0; y = 1984
C# x = 0; y = 1984



        char x = 'X';
        int i = 0;
        System.out.print(true  ? x : 0);
        System.out.print(false ? i : x);

        char x = 'X';
        int i = 0;
        System.Console.Write(true  ? x : 0);
        System.Console.Write(false ? i : x);


Java X88
C# 8888

Java Language Specification 15.25
The type of a conditional expression is determined as follows:
If the second and third operands have the same type (which may be the null type), then that is the type of the conditional expression.
If one of the second and third operands is of type boolean and the type of the other is of type Boolean, then the type of the conditional expression is boolean.
If one of the second and third operands is of the null type and the type of the other is a reference type, then the type of the conditional expression is that reference type.
Otherwise, if the second and third operands have types that are convertible (§5.1.8) to numeric types, then there are several cases:
If one of the operands is of type byte or Byte and the other is of type short or Short, then the type of the conditional expression is short.
If one of the operands is of type T where T is byte, short, or char, and the other operand is a constant expression of type int whose value is representable in type T, then the type of the conditional expression is T.
If one of the operands is of type Byte and the other operand is a constant expression of type int whose value is representable in type byte, then the type of the conditional expression is byte.
If one of the operands is of type Short and the other operand is a constant expression of type int whose value is representable in type short, then the type of the conditional expression is short.
If one of the operands is of type Character and the other operand is a constant expression of type int whose value is representable in type char, then the type of the conditional expression is char.
Otherwise, binary numeric promotion (§5.6.2) is applied to the operand types, and the type of the conditional expression is the promoted type of the second and third operands. Note that binary numeric promotion performs unboxing conversion (§5.1.8) and value set conversion (§5.1.13).
Otherwise, the second and third operands are of types S1 and S2 respectively. Let T1 be the type that results from applying boxing conversion to S1, and let T2 be the type that results from applying boxing conversion to S2. The type of the conditional expression is the result of applying capture conversion (§5.1.10) to lub(T1, T2) (§
  ·否则,二值数值提升(binary numeric promotion (§5.6.2),注)被应用到操作数类型上,条件表达式的类型是第二个和第三个操作数提升后的类型。注意二值数值提升执行拆箱转换和赋值转换(value set conversion (§5.1.13),注)。
·否则,第二个和第三个操作数分别是S1和S2类型。设T1为在S1上进行装箱操作的结果的类型,T2为在S2上进行装箱操作的结果的类型。条件表达式的类型是在lub(T1, T2)(§上应用捕捉转换(capture conversion (§5.1.10),注)的结果。

[注:如果你知道binary numeric promotion、value set conversion和capture conversion的准确/常用翻译请告诉我,谢谢!]

C# Language Specification 14.12
The second and third operands of the ?: operator control the type of the conditional expression. Let X and Y be the types of the second and third operands. Then,
· If X and Y are the same type, then this is the type of the conditional expression.
· Otherwise, if an implicit conversion (§13.1) exists from X to Y, but not from Y to X, then Y is the type of the conditional expression.
· Otherwise, if an implicit conversion (§13.1) exists from Y to X, but not from X to Y, then X is the type of the conditional expression.
· Otherwise, no expression type can be determined, and a compile-time error occurs.

评论 1




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