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Beginning Hibernate, 3rd Edition

如果对Hibernate有兴趣的同学, 我想这本书还是可以帮到你许多的. 当想, 本书是英文版, 需要些英语底子.


Java Reflection in Action

Java Reflection in Action is unique in presenting a clear account of all the cool things you can do with reflection, and at the same time pro- viding the sound conceptual basis that developers need to create advanced applications. The book includes careful explanations of sometimes perplexing programming techniques along with enough background to understand how to extend and vary them. This book overcomes reflection’s reputation as a mysterious and esoteric philo- sophical pursuit, or as a set of messy error-prone coding tricks. As reflection becomes increasingly common and useful in all sorts of applications, it is great to finally have a book that features disci- plined yet still creative and fun software engineering practices based on reflection. Even occasional users will immediately adopt the book’s patterns and idioms to solve common problems. Many of the examples can be directly adapted for customized solutions in diverse areas such as XML processing, automated software testing, and pro- gram analysis tools. Readers will also find underlying rationales for code performing introspection, proxies, class loading, and so on, that are often seen but not often explained well in everyday Java pro- grams. And even experts will find new ideas and well-thought out advice for using some of the more subtle aspects of reflection.


Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook

When you work with a computer, you can do several things at once. You can hear music while you edit a document in a word processor and read your e-mail. This can be done because your operating system allows the concurrency of tasks. Concurrent programming is about the elements and mechanisms a platform offers to have multiple tasks or programs running at once and communicate with each other to exchange data or to synchronize with each other. Java is a concurrent platform and offers a lot of classes to execute concurrent tasks inside a Java program. With each version, Java increases the functionalities offered to programmers to facilitate the development of concurrent programs. This book covers the most important and useful mechanisms included in Version 7 of the Java concurrency API, so you will be able to use them directly in your applications, which are as follows: f f t e n . d u o l Basic thread management w.codec w w Thread synchronization mechanisms f f Thread creation and management delegation with executors f f Fork/Join framework to enhance the performance of your application f f Data structures for concurrent programs f f Adapting the default behavior of some concurrency classes to your needs f f Testing Java concurrency applications f f What this book covers Chapter 1, Thread Management will teach the readers how to make basic operations with threads. Creation, execution, and status management of the threads are explained through basic examples. Chapter 2, Basic Thread Synchronization will teach the readers to use the low-level Java mechanisms to synchronize a code. Locks and the synchronized keyword are explained in detail. Chapter 3, Thread Synchronization Utilities will teach the readers to use the high-level utilities of Java to manage the synchronization between the threads in Java. It includes an explanation of how to use the new Java 7 Phaser class to synchronize tasks divided into phases. Chapter 4, Thread Executors will teach the readers to delegate the thread management to executors. They allow running, managing, and getting the results of concurrent tasks. Chapter 5, Fork/Join Framework will teach the readers to use the new Java 7 Fork/Join framework. It’s a special kind of executor oriented to execute tasks that will be divided into smaller ones using the divide and conquer technique. Chapter 6, Concurrent Collections will teach the readers to how to use some concurrent data structures provided by the Java language. These data structures must be used in concurrent programs to avoid the use of synchronized blocks of code in their implementation. Chapter 7, Customizing Concurrency Classes will teach the readers how to adapt some of the most useful classes of the Java concurrency API to their needs. Chapter 8, Testing Concurrent Applications will teach the readers how to obtain information about the status of some of the most useful structures of the Java 7 concurrency API. The readers will also learn how to use some free tools to debug concurrent applications, such as the Eclipse, NetBeans IDE, or FindBugs applications to detect possible bugs on their applications.


Eclipse AspectJ: Aspect-Oriented Programming

Aspect-oriented software design (ASOD), which follows the Java philosophy of "write once, run anywhere", is a new way of thinking about program construction. It is a rapidly growing and evolving programming methodology that some feel may eventually replace object-orientation as the dominant programming paradigm. The first public release of the AspectJ programming language was in 1998 and has been gaining momentum ever since. This book is an introduction to AOP with AspectJ and Eclipse and shows how to create a productive AO development environment by using the AspectJ Development Tools for Eclipse (AJDT). Tools have an important role to play in learning aspect-orientation (AO) and Eclipse tools help Java developers better understand AOP. In fact the growing interest in AOP can be attributed to the better available tools and this book teaches the reader everything they need to understand AOP and apply it successfully to their own projects.



1、全书结合具体的实例,以独特的风格细致介绍了每种技术的运用方法和适用场合,并且对常见的总是做了特别提示。 2、语言明朗流畅。内容前后贯通.技术循序渐进。





Oracle PL/SQL Programming

学习PL/SQL的上上之选,言简意赅,易于理解,内容全而丰富,好的学习材料。 不过,本电子书是英文版本,要想看清看透看懂此书,一定的英语基础免不了,但值得一看。


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