CORE Computer Science Journal Rankings

CORE Computer Science Journal Rankings

ACM Transactions on AlgorithmsA+
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code OptimizationA+
ACM Transactions on Computer SystemsA+
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human InteractionA+
ACM Transactions on Database SystemsA+
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing SystemsA+
ACM Transactions on GraphicsA+
ACM Transactions on Information and System SecurityA+
ACM Transactions on Information SystemsA+
ACM Transactions on Internet TechnologyA+
ACM Transactions on Mathematical SoftwareA+
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems(was LOPLAS)A+
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and MethodologyA+
Artificial IntelligenceA+
Cognitive ScienceA+
Computational ComplexityA+
Computational LinguisticsA+
Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryA+
Fuzzy Sets and SystemsA+
Human-Computer InteractionA+
IEEE NetworkA+
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated CircuitsA+
IEEE Transactions on ComputersA+
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary ComputationA+
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsA+
IEEE Transactions on Image ProcessingA+
IEEE Transactions on Information TheoryA+
IEEE Transactions on Mobile ComputingA+
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed SystemsA+
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine IntelligenceA+
IEEE Transactions on Software EngineeringA+
IEEE Transactions on Wireless CommunicationsA+
International Journal of Computer VisionA+
Journal of Artificial Intelligence ReasoningA+
Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent SystemsA+
Journal of Computer and System SciencesA+
Journal of CryptologyA+
Journal of Management Information SystemsA+
Journal of Parallel and Distributed ComputingA+
Journal of Philosophical LogicA+
Journal of the ACMA+
Journal of the Association for Information SystemsA+
Journal of the Operational Research SocietyA+
Machine LearningA+
Management Information Systems QuarterlyA+
Management ScienceA+
Network: Computation in Neural SystemsA+
Neural ComputationA+
Neural NetworksA+
Numerische MathematikA+
Pattern RecognitionA+
Quantum Information and ComputationA+
SIAM Journal on ComputingA+
The VLDB Journal: The International Journal on Very Large DatabasesA+
User ModellingA+
ACM Transactions on Computational LogicA
ACM Transactions on the WebA
ACTA InformaticaA
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial IntelligenceA
Annals of Operations ResearchA
Applied Mathematics and ComputationA
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent SystemsA
Computational Geometry Theory and ApplicationA
Computational IntelligenceA
Computer JournalA
Computer Networks - The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking (previously "Computer Networks and ISDN)A
Computer Research and DevelopmentA
Computer Science EducationA
Computer Speech & LanguageA
Computer Supported Cooperative WorkA
Computers and EducationA
Computers and Operations ResearchA
Computers in Biology and MedicineA
Computers in IndustryA
Computing in Science and EngineeringA
Concurrency and Computation-Practice and ExperienceA
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic TheoryA
Data and Knowledge EngineeringA
Decision SciencesA
Decision Support SystemsA
Digital CreativityA
Distributed and Parallel DatabasesA
Distributed ComputingA
Empirical Software EngineeringA
European Journal of Information SystemsA
European Journal of Operational ResearchA
Evolutionary ComputationA
Expert Systems with ApplicationsA
Formal Aspects of ComputingA
Formal MethodsA
Formal Methods in System DesignA
Future Generation Computer SystemsA
IBM Journal of Research and DevelopmentA
IBM Systems JournalA
IEEE Internet ComputingA
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of CommunicationsA
IEEE Pervasive ComputingA
IEEE SoftwareA
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video TechnologyA
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems IA
IEEE Transactions on CommunicationsA
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data EngineeringA
IEEE Transactions on MultimediaA
IEEE Transactions on Neural NetworksA
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer GraphicsA
IEEE/ACM Transactions on NetworkingA
Information and ComputationA
Information RetrievalA
Information Systems ResearchA
INFORMS Journal on ComputingA
Integration- the VLSI JournalA
International Journal of Human-Computer StudiesA
International Journal of Parallel ProgrammingA
Journal of AlgorithmsA
Journal of Applied Non-Classical LogicA
Journal of Artificial Intelligence ResearchA
Journal of Automated ReasoningA
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer SciencesA
Journal of Computational IntelligenceA
Journal of Database ManagementA
Journal of Functional and Logic ProgrammingA
Journal of Functional ProgrammingA
Journal of HeuristicsA
Journal of Logic and Algebraic ProgrammingA
Journal of Logic and ComputationA
Journal of Machine Learning ResearchA
Journal of Network and Computer ApplicationsA
Journal of Network and Systems ManagementA
Journal of Programming LanguagesA
Journal of Symbolic ComputationA
Journal of Systems and SoftwareA
Knowledge Engineering ReviewA
Management Informations Systems Quarterly DiscoveryA
Microprocessors and MicrosystemsA
Multimedia SystemsA
Natural Language EngineeringA
Parallel ComputingA
Performance EvaluationA
Real-Time SystemsA
Research on Language and ComputationA
Science of Computer ProgrammingA
SIAM Journal on Scientific ComputingA
Speech CommunicationA
Statistics and ComputingA
Studia LogicaA
Theoretical Computer ScienceA
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (was Journal of Logic Programming)A
User Modeling and User-Adapted InteractionA
VLSI DesignA
World Wide WebA
ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information ProcessingB
ACM Transactions on Speech and Language ProcessingB
Advances in ComputersB
AI CommunicationsB
Applied Artificial IntelligenceB
Applied IntelligenceB
Australasian Journal of Information SystemsB
Automated Software EngineeringB
Autonomous Robots JournalB
Behaviour and Information TechnologyB
Communications of the Association of Information SystemsB
Computational Statistics and Data AnalysisB
Computer CommunicationsB
Computer Languages: An International JournalB
Computer Vision and Image UnderstandingB
Computers & ChemistryB
Concurrent Engineering: Research and ApplicationsB
Connection ScienceB
Cybernetics and Systems: An International JournalB
Database for Advances in Information SystemsB
Distributed Systems EngineeringB
Electronic MarketsB
Fundamenta InformaticaeB
IEEE Computer Graphics and ApplicationsB
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BiomedicineB
IEEE Transactions on ReliabilityB
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and HumansB
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: CyberneticsB
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and ReviewB
Image and Vision ComputingB
Information and ManagementB
Information and OrganisationB
Information and Software TechnologyB
Information Processing & ManagementB
Information Processing LettersB
Information SciencesB
Information SystemsB
Information Systems JournalB
Information Technology and ManagementB
Information Technology and PeopleB
Intelligent Data AnalysisB
Interacting with ComputersB
International Journal of Approximate ReasoningB
International Journal of Computational Geometry and ApplicationsB
International Journal of Cooperative Information SystemsB
International Journal of Foundations of Computer ScienceB
International Journal of General SystemsB
International Journal of Geographical Information ScienceB
International Journal of High Performance Computing ApplicationsB
International Journal of Human Computer InteractionB
International Journal of Intelligent SystemsB
International Journal of Knowledge ManagementB
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering SystemsB
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial IntelligenceB
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge EngineeringB
International Journal of Wireless Information NetworksB
Journal of AIS(?)B
Journal of Applied Non-Classical LogicsB
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and LawB
Journal of Cognitive Systems ResearchB
Journal of Computer Information SystemsB
Journal of Computer Science and TechnologyB
Journal of Electronic Commerce ResearchB
Journal of Embeded ComputingB
Journal of End User ComputingB
Journal of Environmental Modelling and SoftwareB
Journal of Graph Algorithms and ApplicationsB
Journal of Information ScienceB
Journal of Information SystemsB
Journal of Information TechnologyB
Journal of Intelligent Information SystemsB
Journal of Intelligent SystemsB
Journal of Knowledge Management Theory and PracticeB
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and VisionB
Journal of Object-Oriented ProgrammingB
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic CommerceB
Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology(was Australian Computer Journal)B
Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and PracticeB
Journal of Software Maintenance: Research and PracticeB
Journal of Strategic Information SystemsB
Journal of SupercomputingB
Journal of Systems ArchitectureB
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and TechnologyB
Journal of Universal Computer ScienceB
Journal of Visualization and Computer AnimationB
Knowledge and Information SystemsB
Knowledge-Based SystemsB
Logic Journal of the IGPLB
Machine TranslationB
Machine Vision and ApplicationsB
Minds and MachinesB
Mobile Networks and ApplicationsB
Neural Processing LettersB
New Generation ComputingB
Parallel Algorithms and ApplicationsB
Pattern Analysis and ApplicationsB
Pattern Recognition LettersB
Personal and Ubiquitous ComputingB
Proceedings of the IEEEB
Robotics and Autonomous SystemsB
Scandanavian Journal of ISB
Software Concepts and ToolsB
Software Practice and ExperienceB
Software Testing, Verification and ReliabilityB
Systems and Control LettersB
Theory of Computing SystemsB
Expert SystemsU
Journal of Information Technology Theory and ApplicationsU
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systemsnew
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Web Computingnew
International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systemsnew
Journal of Decision Systemsnew
Pervasive and Mobile Computingnew
ACIS International Journal of Computer & Information ScienceU
ACM Letters on Programming Languages and SystemsU
ACM Transactions on Applied PerceptionU
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from DataU
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer SimulationU
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and ApplicationsU
ACM Transactions on Sensor NetworksU
ACM Transactions on StorageU
ACM/IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and BioinformaticsU
ACTA Automatica SinicaU
Advanced RoboticsU
Advances in Neural Information Processing SystemsU
AI in EngineeringU
AISB QuarterlyU
Annals of Cases on Information Technology Applications and Management in OrganizationsU
Applied Soft ComputingU
Ars CombinatoriaU
Artificial Intelligence and Law (Journal Articles)U
Artificial Intelligence ReviewU
Asian Journal of Information TechnologyU
Australasian Journal of CombinatoricsU
Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing SystemsU
Business Process Management JournalU
C++ Report - The International Authority On C++ DevelopmentU
Cahiers GUTenbergU
Chinese Journal of Advanced Software ResearchU
Cognitive Science QuarterlyU
Complex SystemsU
Complexity international: An electronic journal of complex systems researchU
Computer Graphics Forum The International Journal of the Eurographics AssociationU
Computer Languages Systems and StructuresU
Computer Simulations in BiomedicineU
Computer Standards & InterfacesU
Computer Systems Europe: for specifiers and integratorsU
Computer Systems: Science & EngineeringU
Computers & GraphicsU
Computers & Industrial EngineeringU
Computers and Mathematics with ApplicationsU
Computers and SecurityU
Computing and Informatics JournalU
Congressus NumerantiumU
Control and CyberneticsU
DESIDOC Bulletin of Information TechnologyU
Designs, Codes and CryptographyU
Discrete Applied MathematicsU
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and ApplicationsU
Discrete MathematicsU
Electronic Commerce Research and ApplicationsU
Electronic Journal of CombinatoricsU
Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing CountriesU
Electronic Transactions on Artificial IntelligenceU
Failure and Lessons Learned in Information Technology ManagementU
Health Informatics JournalU
Higher-Order and Symbolic ComputationU
IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital TechniquesU
IEE Proceedings - SoftwareU
IEEE ComputerU
IEEE Dependable and Secure ComputingU
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and SecurityU
IEEE Transactions on RoboticsU
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration SystemsU
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer SciencesU
IEICE Transactions on Information and SystemsU
Image ProcessingU
Implementation of Quantum ComputationU
In Silico BiologyU
Informatica: An International Journal of Computing and InformaticsU
Informatics in Health Care AustraliaU
Information Management and Computer SecurityU
Information Research-An International Electronic JournalU
Information Society: An International JournalU
Information Systems Control JournalU
Information Systems Frontiers: A Journal of Research and InnovationU
Information Technology Thoery and ApplicationsU
Integrated Computer-Aided EngineeringU
International Journal for Computers and Their ApplicationsU
International Journal of Computational Intelligence and ApplicationsU
International Journal of Computer MathematicsU
International Journal of Computer Systems Science & EngineeringU
International Journal of Computing and Engineering ManagementU
International Journal of Data Warehousing and MiningU
International Journal of Electronic CommerceU
International Journal of Embedded SystemsU
International Journal of Expert SystemsU
International Journal of Expert Systems with ApplicationsU
International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and SystemsU
International Journal of High Speed ComputingU
International Journal of Image and GraphicsU
International Journal of Information and SecurityU
International Journal of Information ManagementU
International Journal of Information SecurityU
International Journal of Information TechnologyU
International Journal of Management and SystemsU
International Journal of Management SystemsU
International Journal of Modelling and SimulationU
International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems and NetworksU
International Journal of Robotics ResearchU
International Journal of Systems ScienceU
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence ToolsU
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence ToolsU
Internet and Web Information SystemsU
IS Audit and Control JournalU
Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology JournalU
JITTA: An Information Systems JournalU
Journal of Advanced RoboticsU
Journal of Applied System StudiesU
Journal of Collaborative Computing (?CSCW)U
Journal of Combinational Theory: Series BU
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial ComputingU
Journal of Combinatorial Theory AU
Journal of Computation and MathematicsU
Journal of Computer SecurityU
Journal of Computing and InformationU
Journal of Decision Systems, Decision Support in the New MillenniumU
Journal of Decision Systems, Decision Systems in ActionU
Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and ApplicationsU
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial IntelligenceU
Journal of Global Information ManagementU
Journal of Global Information TechnologyU
Journal of Graph TheoryU
Journal of Graphics ToolsU
Journal of Informatics Education and ResearchU
Journal of Information and Knowledge ManagementU
Journal of Information Law & Technology (JILT)U
Journal of Information Systems EducationU
Journal of Information Systems ManagementU
Journal of Information Technology Cases and ApplicationsU
Journal of Information Technology EducationU
Journal of Integrated Design and Process ScienceU
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy SystemsU
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and ApplicationsU
Journal of Knowledge ManagementU
Journal of Law and Information ScienceU
Journal of Logic, Language, and InformationU
Journal of Management SystemsU
Journal of Network IndustriesU
Journal of Systems & Information TechnologyU
Journal of Systems IntegrationU
Journal of Telecommunications and Information TechnologyU
Journal of the American Society for Information ScienceU
Journal of the American Telemedicine AssociationU
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society: Special Issue on Software EngineeringU
Journal of Visual Languages and ComputingU
Journal on Data SemanticsU
Journal on Pervasive Computing and CommunicationsU
Journal on Software Testing, Verification and ReliabilityU
Linear Algebra and its ApplicationsU
Machine Graphics and VisionU
Malaysian Journal of Computer ScienceU
Mathematical and Computer ModellingU
Mathematical Modelling and Scientific ComputingU
Mathematical Modelling of SystemsU
Mathematics and Computers in SimulationU
Mathematics of ComputationU
Memory and CognitionU
Multimedia Tools and ApplicationsU
Network & Computer ApplicationsU
Neural Computing and ApplicationsU
New Zealand Journal of Applied Computing and Information TechnologyU
New Zealand Journal of ComputingU
Numerical AlgorithmsU
Object: Software, Databases and Networks (L'objet logical base de donnees reseaux)U
Open Systems and Information DynamicsU
Parallel Processing LettersU
Perl JournalU
Personal TechnologiesU
Proceedings of Computers and Digital TechniquesU
Product Focused Software Process ImprovementU
Programming and Computer SoftwareU
Public Key CryptographyU
Quantum Information ProcessingU
Real-Time ImagingU
Requirements EngineeringU
Selected areas in CryptographyU
Software Process NewsletterU
Software Quality JournalU
South African Computer JournalU
Telemedicine JournalU
The Australian Journal of CombinatoricsU
The Journal of Collaborative ComputingU
Theoretical Informatics and ApplicationsU
Videre: Journal of Computer Vision ResearchU
Visual Computer International Journal of Computer GraphicsU
Wireless Communications and Mobile ComputingU




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