ERA 期刊 会议 评级 CORE

The ERA Journal Ranking Process

Since 2006, CORE has been engaged in an exercise to rank journals in which its members publish.  In late 2008, this was overtaken by an Australian Government exercise, the ERA (Excellence in Research for Australia).  The Australian Research Council (ARC) began a ranking exercise of all journals in which Australian researchers had published in 2003-2008.

These journals were allocated up to 3 Field of Research Codes.

They were also allocated a rank of A*, A, B or C.
Not ranked means a newish journal.

The full list of journals ranked by the ARC as of February 2010 may be found at

Ranking of Computing Journals

Computing journals are largely allocated to 08 codes.
The 08 journals have been extracted from the above list and are presented below sorted in various ways. The original ERA format has been preserved for each journal.

It should be noted that while CORE had substantial input into this process, it is not always responsible for the assigned rank, the allocated 08 code or the code order.  It has virtually no responsibility for other codes that may be attached to a journal.

It should also be noted that journals in 0806 were largely contributed and ranked by ACPHIS -

Journals in 0807 were largely contributed and ranked by

Updates to Rankings

The ERA journal ranking list is definitive until the ERA exercise in Australian Universities is completed.  There will be no changes until 2011 at the very earliest.

CORE is taking this opportunity to refine its metrics and update processes for journal rankings.  Details will be published on this site when they are available.

Lists of 08 Journals

1. Sorted alphabetically by full title
2. Sorted by rank, then alphabetically by title
3. Sorted by FoR code, then alphabetically by title
4. Sorted by rank, then by FoR code, then alphabetically by title
5. Sorted by FoR code, then by rank, then alphabetically by title.

It should be noted that in the case of the last 3 lists, the first 08xx code for a journal is the one used in the sort process.

CORE February 2010

The ERA Conference Ranking Exercise

Since 2006, following an initiative of ANU and NICTA, CORE has been engaged in an exercise to rank fully refereed conferences in which its members publish.  In January 2008, a list of such conferences was published. They were ranked A*, A, B, C.

In late 2008, this was overtaken by an Australian Government exercise, the ERA (Excellence in Research for Australia).  The Australian Research Council (ARC) began a ranking exercise of research outputs from Australian researchers from 2003-2008.  For most disciplines, just journals were permitted but for a few disciplines including ICT, it was agreed that conferences could be included.

These conferences were allocated one or two Field of Research Codes.

They were also allocated a rank of A, B, or C.
The ARC regard A conferences as equivalent to A* and A journals.

The full list of conferences ranked by the ARC as of February 2010 may be found at
Note this replaces the list released by the ARC in December 2009.

Ranking of Computing Conferences

Computing conferences are largely allocated to 08 codes.
The 08 conferences have been extracted from the above list and are presented below sorted in various ways. The original ERA format has been preserved for each conference.

It should be noted that while CORE had most of the input into this process, it is not always responsible for the assigned rank, the allocated 08 code or the code order.  It has no responsibility at all for other codes that may be attached to a conference.

It should also be noted that conferences in 0806 were largely contributed and ranked by ACPHIS -
By request from ALIA, no conferences were ranked in 0807.

Many people have asked for the old list of the conferences that were ranked A*.  That is also included here.  However, it must be noted that these conferences were ranked A* as of January 2008.  That ranking may have changed since.  There are also a few A ranked conferences that were not in any list in January 2008.  It is possible that one or two of these may be of A* status.

Updates to Rankings

The ERA conference ranking list is definitive until the ERA exercise in Australian Universities is completed.  There will be no changes until 2011 at the very earliest.

CORE is taking this opportunity to refine its metrics and update processes for conference rankings.  Details will be published on this site when they are available.

Lists of 08 Conferences

1. Sorted alphabetically by full title
2. Sorted alphabetically by acronym
3. Sorted by rank, then alphabetically by acronym
4. Sorted by FoR code, then alphabetically by acronym
5. Sorted by rank, then by FoR code, then alphabetically by acronym
6. Sorted by FoR code, then by rank, then alphabetically by acronym..

It should be noted that in the case of the last 3 lists, the first 08xx code for a conference is the one used in the sort process.

7.  The January 2008 A* list sorted alphabetically by acronym

CORE February 2010

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ERA是MATLAB中的一个函数,用于估计多通道信号的空间谱密度。它基于输入的数据、参考通道、窗口大小、重叠比率等参数来计算。引用和引用提供了关于函数参数的详细说明。 使用ERA函数时,首先需要提供包含响应数据的数组data,其维度为(nch,Ndata),其中nch是通道数,Ndata是数据的总长度。还需要提供参考通道的vector refch,其尺寸为(numref,1),其中numref是参考通道的数量。然后,可以指定窗口大小、窗口数、窗口之间的重叠比率、采样频率等参数。 在MATLAB中,可以通过调用NExTFERA函数来使用ERA算法。函数的输入参数包括data、refch、window、N、p、fs、ncols、nrows、cut、shift和EMAC_option。其中,data和refch的定义与前面提到的一致,window是用于获取光谱密度的窗口大小,N是窗口数,p是窗口之间的重叠比率,fs是采样频率,ncols和nrows是Hankel矩阵的列数和行数,cut是截止值,shift是最后一行和列块中的移位值,EMAC_option是一个控制EMAC计算方式的参数。 通过调用NExTFERA函数,可以得到ERA的结果。具体的代码如下所示: [结果] = NExTFERA(data, refch, window, N, p, fs, ncols, nrows, cut, shift, EMAC_option)。其中,结果是存储ERA计算结果的变量。 请注意,以上是对ERA函数的简要介绍,更详细的信息和使用说明可以参考引用和引用中提供的文档和资源。


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