SharpDevelop——Doozer List


Doozer List

This file was generated by the tool 'BuildAddinDocumentation'. It is based on SharpDevelop


Creates object instances by invocating a type's parameterless constructor via System.Reflection.

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.Core.ClassDoozer


class: requiredThe fully qualified type name of the class to create an instace of.

Usage: Everywhere where objects are expected.
Returns: Any kind of object.


Creates code completion bindings that manage code completion for one language.

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.SharpDevelop.DefaultEditor.Gui.Editor.CodeCompletionBindingDoozer


class: requiredName of the ICodeCompletionBinding class (normally deriving from DefaultCodeCompletionBinding).
extensions: optionalList of semicolon-separated entries of the file extensions handled by the binding. If no extensions attribute is specified, the binding is activated in all files.

Usage: Only in /AddIns/DefaultTextEditor/CodeCompletion
Returns: The ICodeCompletionBinding class specified with the 'class' attribute, or a wrapper that lazy-loads the actual class when it is used in a file with the specified extension.


Creates debuggers.

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.Core.DebuggerDoozer


class: requiredName of the IDebugger class.
supportsStart: optionalSpecifies if the debugger supports the 'Start' command. Default: true
supportsStartWithoutDebugger: optionalSpecifies if the debugger supports the 'StartWithoutDebugger' command. Default: true
supportsStop: optionalSpecifies if the debugger supports the 'Stop' (kill running process) command. Default: true
supportsStepping: optionalSpecifies if the debugger supports stepping. Default: false
supportsExecutionControl: optionalSpecifies if the debugger supports execution control (break, resume). Default: false

Usage: Only in /SharpDevelop/Services/DebuggerService/Debugger
Returns: An DebuggerDescriptor object that exposes the attributes and the IDebugger object (lazy-loading).


Creates DefaultDialogPanelDescriptor objects that are used in option dialogs.

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.Core.DialogPanelDoozer


class: Name of the IDialogPanel class. Optional if the page has subpages.
label: requiredCaption of the dialog panel.

Children: In the SharpDevelop options, option pages can have subpages by specifying them as children in the AddInTree.
Usage: In /SharpDevelop/BackendBindings/ProjectOptions/ and /SharpDevelop/Dialogs/OptionsDialog
Returns: A DefaultDialogPanelDescriptor object.


Creates path names using a relative to the folder containing the addin file.

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.Core.DirectoryDoozer


path: requiredPath relative to the directory which contains the .addin file defining the codon.

Usage: Where directory paths to a folder inside the addin directory are expected, e.g. /SharpDevelop/BackendBindings/Templates
Returns: A string containing the full path name.


Creates DisplayBindingDescriptor objects. Primary display bindings can provide editors for additional file types (like the ResourceEditor), secondary display bindings can add tabs to existing display bindings (like the form designer).

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.Core.DisplayBindingDoozer


class: requiredName of the IDisplayBinding or ISecondaryDisplayBinding class.
type: optionalType of the display binding (either "Primary" or "Secondary"). Default: "Primary".
fileNamePattern: optionalRegular expression that specifies the file names for which the display binding will be used. Example: "/.res(x|ources)$"
languagePattern: optionalRegular expression that specifies the language for which the display binding will be used. Only used for primary display bindings. Example: "/Resource Files$"

Usage: Only in /SharpDevelop/Workbench/DisplayBindings
Returns: An DisplayBindingDescriptor object that wraps either a IDisplayBinding or a ISecondaryDisplayBinding object.

Example: Primary display binding: Resource editor

            <Path name = "/SharpDevelop/Workbench/DisplayBindings">
              <DisplayBinding id    = "ResourceEditor"
                              class = "ResourceEditor.ResourceEditorDisplayBinding"
                              insertbefore    = "Text"
                              fileNamePattern = "/.res(x|ources)___FCKpd___0quot;
                              languagePattern = "^ResourceFiles___FCKpd___0quot;/>


Example: Secondary display binding: Form designer

            <Path name = "/SharpDevelop/Workbench/DisplayBindings">
              <DisplayBinding id  = "FormsDesigner"
                              type  = "Secondary"
                              class = "ICSharpCode.FormsDesigner.FormsDesignerSecondaryDisplayBinding"
                              fileNamePattern = "/.(cs|vb)___FCKpd___1quot; />



Creates IEditAction objects for the text editor.

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.SharpDevelop.DefaultEditor.Codons.EditActionDoozer


keys: requiredComma-separated list of keyboard shortcuts that activate the edit action. E.g. "Control|C,Control|Insert"
class: requiredName of the IEditAction class.

Usage: Only in /AddIns/DefaultTextEditor/EditActions
Returns: An IEditAction object.


Creates file filter entries for OpenFileDialogs or SaveFileDialogs.

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.Core.FileFilterDoozer


name: requiredThe name of the file filter entry.
extensions: requiredThe extensions associated with this file filter entry.

Usage: Only in /SharpDevelop/Workbench/FileFilter
Returns: String in the format "name|extensions".


Creates associations between file types or node types in the project browser and icons in the resource service.

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.Core.IconDoozer


resource: requiredThe name of a bitmap resource in the resource service.
language: This attribute is specified when a project icon association should be created. It specifies the language of the project types that use the icon.
extensions: This attribute is specified when a file icon association should be created. It specifies the semicolon-separated list of file types that use the icon.

Usage: Only in /Workspace/Icons
Returns: An IconDescriptor object that exposes the attributes.


Includes one or multiple items from another location in the addin tree. You can use the attribute "item" (to include a single item) OR the attribute "path" (to include all items from the target path).

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.Core.IncludeDoozer


item: When this attribute is used, the include doozer builds the item that is at the addin tree location specified by this attribute.
path: When this attribute is used, the include doozer builds all items inside the path addin tree location specified by this attribute and returns an IBuildItemsModifier which includes all items in the output list.

Usage: Everywhere
Returns: Any object, depending on the included codon(s).


Creates LanguageBindingDescriptor objects for the project service.

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.Core.LanguageBindingDoozer


guid: requiredProject type GUID of the project used by MsBuild.
supportedextensions: requiredSemicolon-separated list of file extensions that are compilable files in the project. (e.g. ".boo")
projectfileextension: requiredFile extension of project files. (e.g. ".booproj")
class: requiredName of the ILanguageBinding class.

Usage: Only in /SharpDevelop/Workbench/LanguageBindings
Returns: An LanguageBindingDescriptor object that wraps the ILanguageBinding object.


Creates menu items from a location in the addin tree.

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.Core.MenuItemDoozer


label: requiredLabel of the menu item.
type: optionalThis attribute must be one of these values: Separator, CheckBox, Item=Command, Menu (=with subitems), Builder (=class implementing ISubmenuBuilder). Default: Command.
loadclasslazy: optionalOnly for the type "Item"/"Command". When set to false, the command class is loaded immediately instead of the usual lazy-loading.
icon: optionalIcon of the menu item.
class: optionalCommand class that is run when item is clicked.
link: optionalOnly for the type "Item"/"Command". Opens a webpage instead of running a command when clicking the item.
shortcut: optionalShortcut that activates the command (e.g. "Control|S").

Children: If "type" is "Menu", the item can have sub-menuitems.
Usage: Any menu strip paths or context menu paths, e.g. /SharpDevelop/Workbench/MainMenu
Returns: Any ToolStrip* object, depending on the type attribute.
Conditions: Conditions are handled by the item, "Exclude" maps to "Visible = false", "Disable" to "Enabled = false"


Creates PadDescriptor objects for SharpDevelop pads.

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.Core.PadDoozer


class: requiredIPadContent class that is loaded when the pad content is shown for the first time.
title: requiredTitle of the pad that is shown in the user interface. Should be a resource string, e.g. "${res:AddIns.HtmlHelp2.Contents}"
icon: optionalSpecifies the name of the icon resource used for the pad. Pad icon resources must be registered with the ResourceService before the workbench is loaded!
category: optionalCategory of the pad. It is possible to create menu items that automatically contain show commands for all pads in a certain category. Pads in the category "Main" will show up in the "View" menu, the category "Tools" in the "View -> Tools" menu, the category "Debugger" in the "View -> Debugger" menu.
shortcut: optionalShortcut that activates the 'Show pad' command (e.g. "Control|Alt|T").

Usage: Only in /Workspace/Parser
Returns: An PadDescriptor object that wraps the IPadContent object.


Creates ParserDescriptor objects for the parsing service.

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.SharpDevelop.ParserDoozer


supportedextensions: Semicolon-separated list of file extensions for which the parser is used. (e.g. ".boo")
projectfileextension: File extension of project files. (e.g. ".booproj")
class: Name of the IParser class.

Usage: Only in /Workspace/Parser
Returns: An ParserDescriptor object that wraps the IParser object.


Creates RegistryDescriptor objects for the parsing service.

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.SharpDevelop.RegistryDoozer


class: Name of the ProjectContentRegistry class.

Usage: Only in /Workspace/ProjectContentRegistry
Returns: An RegistryDescriptor object that wraps a ProjectContentRegistry object.
Conditions: Conditions are handled by the item, the condition "caller" will be the project to which the references requiring the registry belong to. You should always use the <ProjectActive> condition to restrict the project type your registry is used for.


Creates browser scheme extensions that can intercept calls on one protocol.

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.SharpDevelop.BrowserDisplayBinding.SchemeExtensionDoozer


scheme: requiredSpecifies the name of the protocol the extension handles. (e.g. 'ms-help' or 'startpage')
class: requiredName of the ISchemeExtension class (normally deriving from DefaultSchemeExtension).

Usage: Only in /SharpDevelop/Views/Browser/SchemeExtensions
Returns: An SchemeExtensionDescriptor object that exposes the protocol name and ISchemeExtension object (lazy-loading).


Creates a string.

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.Core.StringDoozer


text: requiredThe string to return.

Returns: The string specified by 'text', passed through the StringParser.


Creates AddInTreeSyntaxMode objects that wrap a .xshd syntax mode stored as resource in the addin assembly.

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.SharpDevelop.DefaultEditor.Codons.SyntaxModeDoozer


name: requiredName of the language for which the syntax mode is used.
extensions: requiredSemicolon-separated list of file extensions for which the syntax mode is used.
resource: requiredFully qualified name of the resource file.

Usage: Only in /SharpDevelop/ViewContent/DefaultTextEditor/SyntaxModes
Returns: An AddInTreeSyntaxMode object that loads the resource from the addin assembly when its CreateTextReader method is called.


Creates IMSBuildAdditionalLogger objects that are only activated when a specific MSBuild task is running.

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.SharpDevelop.Project.TaskBoundAdditionalLoggerDoozer


class: requiredName of the IMSBuildAdditionalLogger class.
taskname: requiredSpecifies the name of the MSBuild task that must be running for this logger to be active.

Usage: Only in /SharpDevelop/MSBuildEngine/AdditionalLoggers
Returns: A IMSBuildAdditionalLogger object that lazy-loads the specified IMSBuildAdditionalLogger when the specified task is running.


            	id = "FxCopLogger"
            	taskname = "FxCop"
            	class = "ICSharpCode.CodeAnalysis.FxCopLogger"/>



Creates tool bar items from a location in the addin tree.

Doozer name: ICSharpCode.Core.ToolbarItemDoozer


label: optionalLabel of the tool bar item.
icon: optionalIcon of the tool bar item.
type: optionalThis attribute must be one of these values: Separator, CheckBox, Item, ComboBox, DropDownButton
loadclasslazy: optionalOnly for the type "Item". When set to false, the command class is loaded immediately instead of the usual lazy-loading.
tooltip: optionalTooltip of the tool bar item.
class: Command class that is run when item is clicked; or class that manages the ComboBox/DropDownButton. Required for everything except "Separator".

Usage: Any toolbar strip paths, e.g. /SharpDevelop/Workbench/ToolBar
Children: A drop down button has menu items as sub elements.
Returns: A ToolStrip* object, depending on the type attribute.
Conditions: Conditions are handled by the item, "Exclude" maps to "Visible = false", "Disable" to "Enabled = false"
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