Discontinuous seam carving for video retargeting
本文对应的基础算法是图像/视频缩放领域的经典算法-seam-carving 方法,关于该方法的知识是阅读本文的基础,相关的paper如下:
- 【SIGGRAPH】07-Seam carving for content-aware image resizing
- 【SIGGRAPH】08-Improved Seam Carving for Video Retargeting
这篇论文的主要创新点是提出了一种新的能量函数,在此能量函数的基础上,应用经典seam carving 算法对视频的每一帧进行缩放,该能量函数需要同时保持时间和空间一致性。
void SeamCarver::calculateTempral(Mat& newEnergy, vector<uint> seam) {
// we know the seam, and we should compute the new energy term according to the seam
vector<int> seamVal(energy.cols - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < energy.rows;++i) {
seamVal.resize(energy.cols - 1);
uint pos = seam[i];
// first get the temporal row
for (int m = 0; m < energy.cols-1;++m){
if (m<pos) {
seamVal[m] = energy.at<uint32_t>(i, m);
else {
seamVal[m] = energy.at<uint32_t>(i, m + 1);
for (int j = 0; j < energy.cols;++j){
//left and right
// not contain left
int totalEnergy = 0;
//left and right
//left first
for (int l = 0; l < j;l++) {
totalEnergy += abs(static_cast<int>(energy.at<uint32_t>(i, l) - seamVal[l]));
//right second
for (int l = j + 1; l < energy.cols;++l) {
totalEnergy += abs(static_cast<int>(energy.at<uint32_t>(i, l) - seamVal[l - 1]));
newEnergy.at<uint32_t>(i, j) = totalEnergy*0.2;
我们使用newEnergy来存储对应于每一个像素的 total cost,这里根据论文的方法,首先计算出temporal cost。
video retargeting的另一核心问题就是空间一致性的保持,在论文中,作者认为每一个像素的删除,对于整体spatial coherence的保持是可以通过计算得出的,这里,我们同样基于前一帧的seam,作为我们进行处理的基准,来计算像素的spatial coherence cost:
void SeamCarver::calculateSpatial(Mat &newEnergy, vector<uint> seam) {
// horizontal and vertical cost
// horizontal first
for (int i = 0; i < energy.rows; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < energy.cols; ++j) {
int totalEnergy = 0;
//we calculate the horizontal first
if (j==0&&(j+2)<energy.cols) {// two factors - border pixel
int before = energy.at<uint32_t>(i, j) - energy.at<uint32_t>(i, j + 1);
int after = energy.at<uint32_t>(i, j + 1) - energy.at<uint32_t>(i, j + 2);
// so we can get the abs of the two values
int minus = abs(abs(before) - abs(after));
// so we add the minus to the totoalEnergy
totalEnergy += minus;
} else if(j+1<energy.cols){ // three factors - interior pixel
int firstVal = energy.at<uint32_t>(i, j - 1) - energy.at<uint32_t>(i, j);
int secondVal = energy.at<uint32_t>(i, j)- energy.at<uint32_t>(i, j + 1);
int before = abs(firstVal) + abs(secondVal);
int after = energy.at<uint32_t>(i, j - 1) - energy.at<uint32_t>(i, j + 1);
int minus = abs(abs(before) - abs(after));
// so we add the minus to the totoalEnergy
totalEnergy += minus;
//we calculate the vertical second
//11 pixels according to the paper
//the paper is not clear enough about the vertical cost, we use the seam to calculate
int verticalEnergy = 0;
if (i+1<energy.rows) {
uint pos = seam[i + 1]; // we get the seam pixel for the i+1 row
//search 11 pixels
int distance = abs((int)pos - j);
if (distance>11){ // we assign it infinite val
verticalEnergy = INFINVAL;
else { // we calculate the verticalEnergy of the pixel, two cases
// the pos == j
if (j==pos) {
verticalEnergy = 0;
//we need define the GV operation and GD operation first
else if (j>pos) { // first case j>pos
int firstEnergy = 0;
for (int m = pos; m < j;m++) {
firstEnergy += abs(g_v(i, m) - g_d_first(i, m));
for (int m = pos + 1; m <= j;m++) {
firstEnergy += abs(g_v(i, m) - g_d_first(i, m-1));
verticalEnergy += firstEnergy;
else { // second case j<pos similar to the first
int secEnergy = 0;
for (int m = j; m < pos;m++) {
secEnergy += abs(g_v(i, m) - g_d_sec(i, m));
for (int m = j + 1; m <= pos; m++) {
secEnergy += abs(g_v(i, m) - g_d_sec(i, m - 1));
verticalEnergy += secEnergy;
// so we compute the vertical energy
totalEnergy += verticalEnergy;
// so we get all spatial energy involved, then we assign it to the Mat
newEnergy.at<uint32_t>(i, j) += 0.8*totalEnergy;
spatial coherence的计算是本文的核心内容,对于这一部分,论文作者比较模棱两可,一些关键思想在文章中没有体现,根据代码的实验检测,本文的方法应该是正确的处理。