Ranorex Vs. Selenium

When companies evaluate test automation tools for web testing they are often facing a similar question: What's the difference between Ranorex and Selenium? Though the larger question is: Why should you pay for a commercial tool instead of using a free one? At first glance, both tools are facing the same challenges when automating a web application, but it is very important to understand further aspects when comparing both tools.

Test Automation Tool Comparison

Setup and Configuration

Testers typically are not familiar with setting up a development environment, but Selenium generally requires a good understanding about software development to configure both the Selenium IDE and the Selenium Server.
Ranorex Studio instead is easy to install through a step-by-step wizard and provides everything you need within a single IDE allowing you to get started within minutes.

Low Entry Barrier

As a tester you're always asked to deliver testing results and reports to management, regardless of whether they are generated from a manual or automated test run. Creating a powerful test automation framework based on reusability on keywords, data driven testing or test maintenance is nothing you can build up within a day with Selenium.
Ranorex Studio and Ranorex Recorder help you to generate quick results by considering these important aspects at the same time from the first day. Learn more about achieving instant productivity in a short time with Ranorex's Test Automation Tools.

Technology Support

While Ranorex supports the testing of Desktop, Web and Mobile Applications, Selenium is limited to just testing web applications only. In addition some web applications include non HTML/HTML5 components like Flash, embedded Java or MS Silverlight controls, which Selenium may not be able to recognize.
Ranorex supports all of these technologies, even when these technologies are mixed with standard HTML pages. Learn more about the Supported Web Technologies.

Object Identification

Having a robust object identification mechanism is essential to be successful with your test automation project. From a technical point of view, both tools use a similar approach to address UI elements on a web page. An Xpath expression is used by Selenium and Ranorex to navigate through an HTML object tree. Within Selenium you can only use the Xpath on the code level with the result that you'd have to maintain your test scripts in case of changes on the UI level of your web application.
Ranorex offers a dedicated UI element repository to arrange and organize all UI elements needed during automation. Additionally, the Ranorex Spy tool simplifies creating and editing Xpath expressions using a dedicated path editor. Although using Xpath on a code level is possible with Ranorex as well, the visual nature of using the Ranorex UI repository elements instead helps to keep your code clean and easy to read. Learn more about the Object Repository.

Dynamic IDs

Another growing challenge for Selenium users is to address UI elements (like input tags) exposed dynamic identifiers, making them difficult to identify and not allowing for good repeatability of recognizing objects. The reason for that is many web developers make use of web development kits instead of developing everything from scratch.
Ranorex faces that challenge by offering different rule sets for all well-known web UI frameworks like GWT, etc. These rules automatically recognize the use of 3rd party frameworks when working with Ranorex Recorder or Ranorex Spy tool. These solutions build robust Xpath expressions that are reliable and repeatable. Learn more about Automated Testing and Dynamic IDs.


What's the main reason for letting testers all around the globe think negatively about record & playback? Test Maintenance is the primary reason. No one is interested in adapting scripts or code every time the application under test changes. This is the case when working with tools like Selenium Recorder generating scripts only.
Ranorex Recorder instead generates a table of actions combined with the Ranorex UI element repository. The object identification is always separated from the automated test steps. The recorded actions can easily be modified or extended without writing any line of code. In addition, the Ranorex Recorder automatically reuses elements from the repository which have already been created during a previous recording session. Learn more about the Test Recorder.

Out-Of-The Box Abstractions - Modularization/Reusability

When you want to design a test automation framework with Selenium you have to implement the same methodologies as developers are constructing on code level. You need strong knowledge of object-oriented programming principles.
Conversely, the Ranorex Studio IDE provides click & go functionality from the very beginning to ensure reusability of test actions and UI elements with a team of different technical skill-levels. Learn more about Easy Test Automation.

Easy to Execute - for Every One

With Selenium it is not as easy as with Ranorex to execute tests, because test suites don't result in an executable file.
With Ranorex it does not matter whether you want to execute a complete suite of tests or just a single test case. Ranorex Studio always generates an executable file allowing everyone (testers, developers, managers, CI-Servers, TM-Tools, Scheduling Tools etc.) the ability not only to execute Ranorex tests, but also to review the results quickly in a separate report file. Learn more about Easy Test Execution.

Professional Support Services

Every test automation project has its individual challenges. Selenium itself does not cost anything to download. Most people do not account for the technical limitations and maintenance costs when implementing this in a production environment.
Since Ranorex focuses on functional test automation only, the Ranorex support team is focused on assisting testers facing these every day automation challenges. In addition to the professional support provided by Ranorex directly, local partners can help you with consulting, training or mentoring on the implementation of your Ranorex test automation project. Learn more about Ranorex's Test Automation Support.


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Ranorex用户指南chm版本,主要包含: [Ranorex Studio - 布局] [课程 1: 开始] 准备录制用户动作 待测系统:KeePass 录制一个测试 分析录制步骤 执行测试 [课程 2: Ranorex 模块 - 测试动作] [课程 3: 数据驱动测试] 在录制中使用变量 在对象库中使用变量 创建测试数据 绑定变量和测试数据 绑定变量和参数 Invoking 动作: 选择 执行数据驱动测试 [课程4:Ranorex测试套件] 测试套件编辑器 模块组编辑器 一个测试套件和它的测试用例的通用结构 运行一个测试套件 不使用Ranorex Studio运行测试 测试套件设置 测试用例设置 在测试套件中使用数据 课程5:Ranorex Recorder 开始录制前 录制之后 录制过程中 回放和调试Action Recorder变量 自定义代码Action 其他编辑选项 基于图像的自动化 [课程6:Ranorex对象库映射UI] 适配一个已存在的对象库 添加库条目 等待UI元素 - 库超时 编辑RanoreXPath 库的拆分 对象库设置对话框 库条目的属性 [课程 7: 代码模块] 创建代码模块 在代码模块中使用对象库 在代码模块中访问屏幕快照 代码模块中使用变量 在测试用例中使用代码模块 课程8:报告 阅读Ranorex报告 报告级别 记录特定信息 更新自定义报告格式 创建一个自定义的报告模板 [课程 9: Ranorex Spy] 跟踪UI元素 RanoreXPath的编辑模式 创建Ranorex快照文件 Ranorex常规设置 [课程10: RanoreXPath编辑器] 何如访问高级RanoreXPath编辑器 高级编辑器的布局 树状试图部分 属性比较部分 比较的类型 关系操作符 适配器类型 可选的路径元素 定义变量 有动态功能的在线视图和离线视图 [代码示例] 在代码中使用对象库 使用对象库等待UI元素 建立Adapter来访问更多的属性和方法 为对象库元素建立一组Adapter 使用Validate类 强制一个测试用例失败 设置automation speed 访问测试用例和测试套件的上下文 高级代码示例 如何做基于图像的自动化 如何查找和比较图像 处理意外出现的对话框 [数据连接器] 管理数据源 数据连接器的类型 简单数据表 CSV文件 SQL连接器 Excel文件 调制向导 从命令行运行调制向导 Java AWT / Swing Adobe Flash / Flex Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Apple Safari Android iOS [在3.X项目测试套件中使用2.X的项目] 添加 2.X项目到3.X项目中 使用2.X录制模块 适配2.X数据驱动录制模块 使用2.X代码模块 关键变化 技术调制 Flash/Flex测试 java应用的测试 Qt测试 传统应用程序的测试 SAP应用程序的测试 一般故障排除 [RanoreXPath] [Ranorex UI适配器] Android测试 基础设施 开始 录制您的Andr​​oid测试 任意Android设备上运行测试 管理设备 故障排除 使用源代码调制 iOS测试 基础设施 开始 录制你的iOS测试 在任何iOS设备上运行你的测试 测试移动网站 [Web测试] [源码控制] 添加解决方案到源码控制系统中 从源码控制系统中check out解决方案 用Visual Stuido打开已经存在的Renorex TFS解决方案 用Ranorex打开已经存在的Visual Studio TFS解决方案 [Ranorex Studio IDE] 创建 构建 运行 增加新的项目 解决方案浏览器 调试 代码补全 代码转换 代码导航 代码生成 重构 [Visual Studio 集成] [系统需求] [64位平台] [远程运行Ranorex] [Ranorex的静默安装] [许可证] [常见问题解答]
下面是针对这些UI自动化测试平台的功能特点、适用范围、使用难易程度、性能稳定性、开发语言、价格、推荐等级,是否支持UI自动化等等方面的调研分析: | 平台名称 | 功能特点 | 适用范围 | 使用难易程度 | 性能稳定性 | 开发语言 | 价格 | 推荐等级 | 是否支持UI自动化 | | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | | AI-TestOps | 可视化测试用例设计、自动化测试执行、持续集成、测试报告生成、自定义插件开发等 | 适用于Web、移动应用、桌面应用等各种类型的UI自动化测试 | 简单易用,可视化操作 | 性能稳定 | Java | 具体价格需要咨询客服 | 推荐 | 支持 | | WeTest | UI自动化测试、API测试、性能测试、安全测试、测试环境管理等 | 适用于Web、移动应用等各种类型的UI自动化测试 | 简单易用,可视化操作 | 性能稳定 | Java、Python、Ruby | 具体价格需要咨询客服 | 推荐 | 支持 | | Sonic | 支持多种测试类型,包括UI自动化测试、API测试、性能测试、安全测试等 | 适用于Web、移动应用等各种类型的UI自动化测试 | 简单易用,可视化操作 | 性能稳定 | Java、Python、Ruby | 具体价格需要咨询客服 | 推荐 | 支持 | | ATQ | 自动化测试、持续集成、测试报告生成等 | 适用于Web、移动应用等各种类型的UI自动化测试 | 简单易用,可视化操作 | 性能稳定 | Java、Python | 具体价格需要咨询客服 | 推荐 | 支持 | | CTest | 自动化测试、持续集成、测试报告生成等 | 适用于Web、移动应用等各种类型的UI自动化测试 | 简单易用,可视化操作 | 性能稳定 | Java | 具体价格需要咨询客服 | 推荐 | 支持 | | TestBird | 支持多种测试类型,包括UI自动化测试、API测试、性能测试、安全测试等 | 适用于Web、移动应用等各种类型的UI自动化测试 | 简单易用,可视化操作 | 性能稳定 | Java、Python、Ruby | 具体价格需要咨询客服 | 推荐 | 支持 | | 精灵云测 | 支持多种测试类型,包括UI自动化测试、API测试、性能测试、安全测试等 | 适用于Web、移动应用等各种类型的UI自动化测试 | 简单易用,可视化操作 | 性能稳定 | Java、Python、Ruby | 具体价格需要咨询客服 | 推荐 | 支持 | | TestComplete | UI自动化测试、功能测试、性能测试等 | 适用于Web、桌面应用等各种类型的UI自动化测试 | 简单易用,可视化操作 | 性能稳定 | JavaScript、Python | 具体价格需要咨询客服 | 推荐 | 支持 | | Ranorex | UI自动化测试、功能测试、性能测试等 | 适用于Web、桌面应用等各种类型的UI自动化测试 | 简单易用,可视化操作 | 性能稳定 | C# | 具体价格需要咨询客服 | 推荐 | 支持 | | Appium | UI自动化测试、API测试等 | 适用于移动应用的UI自动化测试 | 简单易用,支持多种编程语言 | 性能稳定 | Java、Python、Ruby | 免费 | 推荐 | 支持 | | Selenium | UI自动化测试 | 适用于Web应用的UI自动化测试 | 稍微有些难度,需要掌握编程知识 | 性能稳定 | Java、Python、Ruby、C# | 免费 | 推荐 | 支持 | 从上面的表格可以看出,这些UI自动化测试平台都支持UI自动化测试,但在其他方面有所差异。AI-TestOps、WeTest、Sonic、ATQ、CTest、TestBird、精灵云测等平台都支持多种测试类型,而TestComplete、Ranorex、Appium、Selenium等平台则更加专注于UI自动化测试。在使用难易程度上,Selenium相对于其他平台稍微有些难度,需要掌握编程知识。而在性能稳定性方面,这些平台都表现得不错。至于开发语言和价格方面,每个平台都有自己的特点,具体需要根据实际情况选择。 综上所述,如果需要进行UI自动化测试,建议选择支持UI自动化测试的平台,例如AI-TestOps、WeTest、Sonic、ATQ、CTest、TestBird、精灵云测、TestComplete、Ranorex、Appium、Selenium等平台。具体选择哪个平台,需要根据实际情况进行评估,选择最适合自己的平台。


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