GL_BC_PACKETS是跟预算控制有关的主要的表,对于一个账户来说有三种余额类型:A,E,B -最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!& J. F4 k( F( _
表中ACTUAL_FLAG主要表示影响的是账户的那种类型的余额 & t+ ]% x0 I. Q! O, h% E$ H" m% [* D/ z7 ]0 G& E, W
资金保留流程在表gl_bc_packets中插入记录,并且ACTUAL_FLAG,过账程序把这条记录删掉。 bbs.erp100.com8 G4 b9 @9 i4 F/ T
2 {( e" z( l6 t  [; q- B; u
) j& q2 /; u. V* U  K: {6 r5 xbbs.erp100.coma.输入一张发票,并且分配行金额为100
$ d8 S& w; e) p1 ?bbs.erp100.comb.验证这张发票。资金保留流程会在gl_bc_packets表中创建一条记录,并且ACTUAL_FLAG='E' - D" Z. Z) S9 X7 r7 H" {
c.执行传送至总帐的程序,这个过程在gl_interface创建了一条日记帐的记录(actual_flag=A),并且je_bach_id= null. 这个时候,保留款余额就为0了,实际余额就是100。实际的余额在gl_bc_packets中登记,不单单是在gl_balances表中
  ]# X6 T2 M1 D-最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值! d.执行日记帐导入过程,这个过程会创建一个实际的日记帐输入,金额为100
% l0 G5 e- F: v$ gbbs.erp100.come.执行日记帐过账,删除了gl_bc_packets表中的相应的内容

3 A2 g3 l* l6 c-最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!1. A need to make a correction on a journal that has been created from a sub ledger. These transactions cannot be updated in the Journal form because the funds reservation was done in the sub ledger. These journals cannot be updated without some SQL updates and deletes to be performed. The purpose is that if any correction needs to be done it should come from the source. This keeps your sub ledger and General Ledger in balance. However, there is from time to time a need to have a correction made in the General Ledger for one of these types of journals. -最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!% a$ s$ ~/ q6 Y2 b  `8 n$ w

! _3 q& b$ f  f# V8 z2. Transactions are stuck in the GL_BC_PACKETS table with a JE_BATCH_ID –1 From time to time there may be records in the gl_bc_packets table that have a je_batch_id = -1. There are a few reasons why this condition could happen. Records from payables were stuck in gl_bc_packets during Payables transfer to GL. Sometimes it is all related to a certain transaction date. All rows for detail accounts had je_batch_id = -1 and je_batch_id = null for summary accounts. This can happen if a user had created GL batch after correcting stuck rows in gl_interface.
1 U/ b5 `+ B+ [: f) {! Q/
+ c$ B  D( q* H3 D3. Orphan lines left in the GL_BC_PACKETS table after a user has deleted a manual journal from the form. This will leave the rows in the GL_BC_PACKETS table causing an orphan record. The correct procedure would be to post the journal. Reverse the journal and then post the reversal. If a journal is deleted the rows in the GL_BC_PACKETS and GL_BC_PACKET_ARRIVAL_ORDER table are orphaned. The deletion process does not clear the table of the matching rows. H8 t  ]3 l- Y  g9 [9 [

5 }- F1 q6 Z# rErp100论坛4. Very old records from very old periods are left in the GL_BC_PACKETS and GL_BC_PACKET_ARRIVAL_ORDER table that have not been deleted for some reason and the records are too old to complete a root cause. This can happen because of some customization or custom triggers that might have been in place at some time.
& Z6 L/ a( l( Z4 {' |7 ]
# |. v8 z2 l  s7 m3 ^( U0 o" Pbbs.erp100.com5. Journal posting process has gotten hung up on a journal that has funds reservations completed. Usually this type of problem is cause by a disruption in the concurrent manager.
- R; }  @6 @( m2 Q# T8 1 [6 D; w# b  X$ u$ @* {4 q1 [
6. Funds reservations have gotten hung up during the reservation process. This can happen if there is a disconnection from the applications while funds reservation process is being performed.
0 {! m9 W. S# P/ IERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶 -最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!7 P2 u* h- l/ I* _7 U: k. w0 A. C
7. Encumbrance lines remain in the GL_BC_PACKETS table with an account_type of ‘E’ and the customer is a Federal Customer. Erp100论坛6 P+ g0 F. {' n' ]% ^) ?' E

8 `% i' o& R8 c2 gErp100论坛8. Encumbrance lines remain in the GL_BC_PACKETS table with an account_type of ‘A’ and the customer is using encumbrance accounting and should not have any account_types of ‘A’ left in the table.
! e* a, I; i4 /% ^-最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值! -最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!* n1 P9 A7 s" O/ }8 Z
9. Users have turn encumbrance accounting on and off which should NOT be done once encumbrance accounting is turn on. This causes negative encumbrances in the General Ledger. 2 @  J' |- v1 x6 h! g! B1 |  N9 }8 H3 w0 k- l
10. If a user has made any corrections to a journal in the applications through the Journals->Import->Correct. This may leave corrupted rows in the gl_bc_packets table. 7 E* m0 g2 v, @1 Z4 T/ ~( w$ y  n

2 x1 z8 d! f" M. q9 D/ oERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶11. Program – Create Journals created journals for encumbrances and actual.! ^2 o  /4 |" F$ w5 M
, g; n1 Z$ S! J/ [+ V
12. ERROR12 in journal entry posting form. 5 H4 R" Y: A6 }2 _
Erp100论坛4 O" /) M. B0 c$ _* /. @: Y- d- e
13. An account that was used in a sub ledger while entering in transactions has been disabled or end dated and journal import or the posting fails because of this end dated/disabled account combination or end dated/disabled segment value.
) w1 }- ^; ?- E1 Z" i
& L5 |; y, E4 N1 Z. X2 f5 sErp100论坛14. Grant Management System (GMS) Funds Checking (GMSFCUPB) NOT POPULATING THE GL_BC_PACKETS TABLE CORRECTLY FROM GMS
0 b; p8 q8 L$ `: _6 r# D$ w) |2 B; V' K
6 C' S5 f0 t( b, Z) C-最专业的ERP社区,帮助你在ERP行业实现价值!15. JOURNAL COMING FROM AP ARE CHECKING FUNDS AGAIN IN GL. The packet_id that is in the gl_je_batches does not match the packet_id in gl_bc_packets table for the same transactions.
& m5 d: w6 E, W1 B! W/ d% | 9 F, w7 S0 u; N5 f6 S7 [7 t0 [: Q2 g/ w$ W
16. FUNDS RESERVATION DOES NOT FAIL WHEN TWO INVOICES WERE VALIDATED AT SAME TIME - Creates duplicate rows in the gl_bc_packets table. The source of the transactions is from the inventory sub ledger.
5 ~0 {* I) U+ f0 B+ q& o8 P ERP, SAP, Oracle ERP,用友,金蝶+ N  {$ g; B1 e$ G+ K7 L$ a% ~% i4 {, V: e
17. BUDGETARY CONTROLS CREATED JOURNALS ENCUMBRANCES AND ACTUAL. The issue was that Auto Post running for multiple sources, such as Payables and Purchasing, etc., while the Create Journals was starting to submit for both Actual and Encumbrance journals in Auto Posted. Actual and Encumbrance journals should not be set up to be ran through Auto Post at the same time
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