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翻译 AP Invoice Match Credit Memo

There are two ways in R12 to perform an Invoice Match. The first way is to use the Quick Creditfunctionality.In the Invoice WorkBench ...1) Create a credit memo for the Supplier and Site2) Enter ...

2019-05-07 15:47:50 412

转载 关于启用EBS应收票据的设置

是按nightwind前辈写的步骤设置的.----在11.5.7中的简单设置步骤:(1)启用系统选项:杂项-应收票据(2)显示菜单:在AR标准菜单中隐藏的子菜单增加说明(AR_NAVIGATE_GUI、AR_SETUP_TRANSACTIONS_GUI中的Bills Receivable Stamp Values)(11.5.7应收票据工作台还不是标准菜单)(3)定义自动会计中

2011-11-03 00:53:32 3189

原创 R12 点滴记录

AP1、Differences Between Entering Invoices in the Quick Invoices Window and the Invoice WorkbenchUse the Quick Invoices window for your e

2011-09-06 00:23:40 1601

转载 Oracle EBS 数据导入方法比较(English)

Oracle EBS 数据导入方法比较(English)

2010-07-07 10:26:00 2467

原创 A problem about Autoinvoice

Please run the following fixUpdate ra_interface_lines_all set Request_id = Nullwhere NVL(INTERFACE_STATUS, ~) != PAND (REQUEST_ID IS NOT NULL)AND BATCH_SOURCE_NAME = Order

2010-04-12 14:25:00 792

转载 Cost of goods sold (COGS)

In financial accounting, cost of goods sold (COGS)includes the direct costs attributable to the production of the goodssold by a company. This amount includes the materials cost used increatin

2010-02-01 13:33:00 6230

转载 Invoice Tolerance Not Applied At Validation [ID 363613.1]

var currentContainer = null; var currentLink = null; var multipleArticles = false; var bugsContent = new Object(); //in case of duplicate bug ids, save all bug bodies as fields

2010-01-26 16:50:00 1412

原创 当invoice匹配一个没有receive的PO时,没有触发QTY REC Hold,why?

触发 var currentContainer = null; var currentLink = null; var multipleArticles = false; var bugsContent = new Object(); //in case of duplicate bug ids, save all bug bodies as field

2010-01-26 16:35:00 1883

转载 How To Reconcile Accrual Reconciliation Report And GL [ID 414169.1]

How To Reconcile Accrual Reconciliation Report And GL [ID 414169.1]  Modified 20-JUL-2009     Type HOWTO     Status PUBLISHED In this Document

2010-01-18 11:24:00 2597

转载 Assets FAQ: Standard Reports - TOP Report Issues [ID 109758.1]

Assets FAQ: Standard Reports - TOP Report Issues [ID 109758.1] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 修改时间 17-APR-2005 类型 BULLETIN 状态 PUBL

2010-01-04 16:01:00 2754

原创 Background:用户cancel invoice并错误地创建会计分录到2010-12(实际应该是2009-12),未传递到GL,SQL修正,请谨慎使用


2009-12-28 10:17:00 1300

转载 APXTADTC - Tax Authority Field is Required Although Option "Create Withholding Invoice" is Never

APXTADTC - Tax Authority Field is Required Although Option "Create Withholding Invoice" is Never [ID 243419.1]   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

2009-12-28 10:03:00 1384

转载 APXTADTC How to Setup Tax Codes [ID 198616.1]

goal: How to Setup Tax Codesfact: Oracle Payables 11.5fact: APXTADTC - Tax Codesfix:In the Tax Codes window, you define the tax names, or tax codes, you use on invoices

2009-12-17 16:11:00 1144

转载 About Standard Cost

CostElements 1.MaterialThe raw material/component cost at the lowest level of the bill of material determined from the unit cost of the component item

2009-09-15 16:43:00 2623

转载 Unable To Void The Payment Of A Prepayment Invoice

 GoalThe option to Void the payment of a Prepayment Invoice is not available.Query The Payment in the Payments Workbench, Click Actions.Notice Void Check Box is Grey. SolutionBefore one

2009-09-11 08:04:00 1193

转载 How to setup a new Organization and Set of Books for a Payables Responsibility

 goal: How to setup a new up a new Organization and Set of Books for a Payables Responsibilityfact: Oracle Payablesfix:How to setup a new organization in Mult

2009-09-08 08:56:00 840

转载 Purchase Order Matching Troubleshooting Guide

Doc ID 214273.1 1. Scripts: Diagnostic ScriptsSolution:In order to speed and simplify your troubleshooting process, PayablesSupport has created diagnostic scripts that can be used to qui

2009-09-08 08:35:00 3276

原创 Oracle财务管理系统

Oracle 总帐模块的一个会计业务周期如下:             1.打开总帐会计期             2.录入手工凭证,包括:· 手工标准凭证                           · 外币凭证                           · 统计凭证             3.从子模块引入凭证,如:应收、应付、库存等模块       

2009-08-27 15:30:00 5130

原创 心神不宁

做Oracle EBS 11i维护也一年多了,从最初的对问题的发怵,到现在对一般问题的得心应手,以及对疑难杂症的毫不畏惧,自己也有了小小的成就感。但是最近一连串的事情搞的我又有点心神不宁了......

2009-08-22 15:33:00 890

原创 Encountered Error while creating accounting for AP Invoice

AP Encountered Error while creatingaccounting for AP Invoice  Symptom AP PQ encountered error while creatingaccounting for AP Invoice. Errormessage: APP_SQLAP

2009-08-07 09:43:00 1802

原创 AR Period Cannot Be Closed Even The Unposted Items Report Is Empty

Oracle Receivables - Open/Close Accounting Periodsfact: System Option: Accounting Method "Cash Basis"symptom: APP-AR-11332 You must post all transactions in this period before you

2009-07-30 13:19:00 8389

原创 零碎的问题记录--持续更新中......

1.Transaction historical summary On the date 31-DEC-2008, quantity was 0.00341. Since the report is showing upto 2 digits after the decimal, it is showing as 0.00If the customer want to show t

2009-07-27 15:06:00 1014

转载 Two-way, Three-way and Four-way matching

Two-way, Three-way and Four-way matching  Two-way approval verifies that purchase order and invoice information match within your tolerances as follows: • Quantity billed on the purchase ord

2009-07-22 16:38:00 1339

原创 APP-SQLAP-10637: The system cannot create this payment

Scenario:Due to typo error made last April 3, 2009, instead of paying 876.48, we paid only 376.48 in actual to tally payment in bank recon. We did partial payment in oracle and it was successf

2009-07-17 16:36:00 2369

转载 How To Change The Aging Report Output To PDF Format

The information in this article applies to: Oracle Receivables - Version: 11.5This problem can occur on any platform.ARXAGC - Aging - 7 Buckets -By Amount ReportARXAGCW - Aging - 7 Buckets - By Am

2009-07-06 11:12:00 1442

转载 Rowid说明

oracle为每个表的每一条记录都赋予了一个唯一的标识号rowid它是伪列,在定义表结构时并不声明它,但是系统自动建立.用desc查看的表结构的时候见看不到该字段.用rowid来进行update,delete等操作时速度最快.而且oracle7和oracle8及以后版的rowid不同:oracle 7 的rowid由三部分组成:block.row.fileBBBBBBBB.RRRR.FFFF文

2009-06-26 16:54:00 841

转载 英语中的经典赞美30句

1. you look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)【每天都可以用!】 2. you did a good job. (你干得非常好。)【国际最通用的表扬!】 3. were so proud of you.(我们十分为你骄傲。)【最高级的表扬!】 4. im very pleased with your work.(我对你的工作非常满意。)【正式、真诚的赞扬!】 5. th

2009-06-26 16:52:00 626

转载 How are Receiving Transaction Tied to Inventory Transactions?

How are Receiving Transaction Tied to Inventory Transactions?Note:100298.1 Problem Description-------------------     How the MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS table tie to the RCV_TRANSACTIONS table?  Solu

2009-06-26 10:37:00 1085

转载 如何得到客户机、服务器的名称和IP地址

select SYS_CONTEXT(USERENV,IP_ADDRESS) from dual  --客户机IPselect utl_inaddr.get_host_address from dual                   --服务器IPselect SYS_CONTEXT(USERENV,HOST) from dual             --客户机名sele

2009-06-26 10:29:00 1030

转载 狼与狮子的选择

狼与狮子的选择上帝把两群羊放在草原上,一群在南,一群在北。上帝还给羊群找了两种天敌,一种是狮子,一种是狼。    上帝对羊群说:「如果你们要狼,就给一只,任它随意咬你们。如果你们要狮子,就给两头,你们可以在两头狮子中任选一头,还可以随时更换。」    这道题的问题就是:如果你也在羊群中,你是选狼还是选狮子?很容易做出选择吧?好吧,记住你的选择,接着往下看。    南边那群羊想,狮子比狼凶猛得多

2009-06-25 13:42:00 974

转载 阻碍你成为百万富翁的十种做法

很多人认为他们富不起来是因为自己挣的钱太少。事实是,成为百万富翁与你能挣多少钱之间几乎没有太大的关系。你为什么富不起来,以下十个缺点可能是你在发财致富的过程中最常出现的:  1.你太在意别人怎么看你的车:   很多人将汽车视为身份的象征,每隔几年就会在车子上花上一笔钱,而不是在汽车依旧能用的情况下继续开下去,将节省下来的钱用于投资。其实,车只是一个“代表”,你在衣食住等方面也喜欢看别人的眼色行事,

2009-06-24 08:25:00 712

转载 Oracle ERP数据转换论

Oracle ERP 方法体系中属实施管理范畴的是AIM(Application Implementation Method),从下图AIM流程中我们可以看到系统时间轴上共分为六个阶段:  需求定义阶段(Definition)  业务分析阶段(Operations Analysis)  方案设计阶段(Solution Design)  建立系统阶段(Build)  系统切换阶段(Transitio

2009-05-22 15:46:00 826

转载 What Effects Does 'Replicate Seed Data' Concurrent Request Have On Appls?

 The information in this article applies to: Oracle Incentive Compensation - Version: 11.5.8This problem can occur on any platform.GoalSystem wide consequences of running "Replicate Seed Data"

2009-05-22 15:01:00 2133

原创 How the revaluation works or gets calculated--来自Metalink的解释

 ACTION PLAN===========As this issue is related to two modulesie, general ledger and Payables, it taking sometime. From the General ledger side , I would explain how the revaluation works or gets ca

2009-05-21 11:04:00 1471

转载 Quantity Invoiced Defaults To Many Decimals In The Match To Receipts Window

Applies to: Oracle Payables - Version: 11.5.9This problem can occur on any platform.FORM:APXRMTCH.FMB - Match to Receipts SymptomsWhen an invoice is matched to a Receipt and the Purchase Order u

2009-05-14 14:38:00 1552

转载 查询EBS接口表

select *from dba_objects dbwhere db.object_type = TABLEand db.object_name like %INTERFACE%

2009-05-08 13:23:00 879

转载 销售到出仓所经历的表


2009-05-08 11:57:00 1649

原创 Oracle EBS 统计我们客制的报表

SELECT t.user_concurrent_program_name, b.concurrent_program_nameFROM fnd_concurrent_programs_tl t, fnd_concurrent_programs bWHERE b.application_id = t.application_idAND b.concurrent_program_id =

2009-05-08 11:36:00 869

原创 已知接受号,如何查这笔接受传到GL的分录?

 已知接受号,如何查这笔接受传到GL的分录?1)可否在用户界面查找?2)能否在后台通过关联GL_SL_LINK_ID来查找?RCV_RECEIVING_SUB_LEDGER中的gl_sl_link_id    GL_JE_LINES中的gl_sl_link_id把上面两表进行关联查询其实RCV_RECEIVING_SUB_LEDGER表就是接收生成的会计分录信息,在生成这个的同时,也会传一份到

2009-05-08 08:51:00 1894

转载 Diagnostic Scripts: Close Period Notes - Diagnostic SQL Scripts

Checked for relevance on 06-Dec-2007DISCLAIMER: This script is provided for educational purposes only.  It is not supported                 by Oracle World Wide Technical Support.  The script has been

2009-05-05 08:41:00 1506



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