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2009-01-16 21:19:00 390

原创 Spring DM Server,bundle,Tiles2

准备写一篇Spring dm Server上的osgi bundle开发,和web应用中配置使用Tiles2的文章

2009-01-14 23:24:00 507

转载 Web-DispatcherServletUrlPatterns

在MANIFEST.MF文件中指定了Web-DispatcherServletUrlPatterns时千万要注意它的规则,首先它必须是符合servlet的url-pattern的,其规则如下:    在web.xml文件中,以下语法用于定义映射:    1.以”/’开头和以”/*”结尾的是用来做路径映射的。    2.以前缀”*.”开头的是用来做扩展映射的。    3.“/” 是用来定义def

2009-01-13 14:27:00 599

转载 A Look Inside JBoss Cache

So I was asked a number of times as to why I didn’t put in anyshameless plugs for JBoss Cache - the project I lead - when I wrote mylast article at DZone on distributed caching and parallelism, an

2009-01-13 09:15:00 1809

原创 缩写

ASF:Application Service FrameworkESB:企业服务总线SCA:Service Component ArchitectureSDO:服务数据对象WSIF:Web Service Invocation FrameworkWSDL:Web Service Description Language

2009-01-10 20:09:00 449

原创 SCA编程模式三种方式的异步调用


2009-01-10 19:55:00 712

原创 lazy式的调用服务


2009-01-10 17:45:00 512

转载 SLF4J介绍

SLF4J介绍 作者:终南   li.zhongnan@hotmail.com> SLF4J不是具体的日志解决方案,它只服务于各种各样的日志系统。按照官方的说法,SLF4J是一个用于日志系统的简单Facade,允许最终用户在部署其应用时使用其所希望的日志系统。实际上,SLF4J所提供的核心API是一些接口以及一个LoggerFactory的工厂类。从某种程度

2009-01-09 16:57:00 1421

转载 使用Slf4j取代Apache Common-Logging编写日志

Apache Common-Logging是广泛使用的Java日志门面库。我以前一直都使用它和log4j编写日志。Apache Common-Logging通过动态查找的机制,在程序运行时自动找出真正使用的日志库。Apache Common-Logging一直都运作得很好。直到最近,我写OSGI插件时,它不能工作了。原因是Apache Common-Logging使用了ClassLoa

2009-01-09 16:49:00 800

转载 Log4J日志管理类使用详解

Log4J日志管理类使用详解一、前言: log4j是一个开放源码项目,是广泛使用的以Java编写的日志记录包。由于log4j出色的表现,当时在log4j完成时,log4j开发组织曾建议sun在jdk1.4中用log4j取代jdk1.4的日志工具类,但当时jdk1.4已接近完成,所以sun拒绝使用log4j,当在java开发中实际使用最多的还是log4j,人们遗忘了sun的日志工具类

2009-01-09 16:34:00 644

转载 基于OSGI的Cache组件的实现

Author:Wenchu.cenwc 岑文初Date:2007-3-13Email:wenchu.cenwc@alibaba-inc.com 源起:       平台新架构一个core module作为Loader Module,然后再启动系统级的Modules,最后是业务级的Modules。       OSGI中文意思是开放服务网关接口,是规范性的接口规范定义。而Ecli

2009-01-09 15:54:00 701

转载 JBoss创始人Marc Fleury

1998年,在硅谷SUN公司的SAP实验室,一个年轻人正坐在电脑前面思考,然后写着什么东西。不,他没有在写程序,他在写辞呈。他正在做出人生的一个重大决定:他要辞掉在SUN的这份工作,投身到open source的开发。旁边好多朋友在劝他,这样的做法是"moving down the food chain"(应该是丢掉铁饭碗的意思),这是他整个职业生涯的下坡路。但是这个年轻人却义无反顾地微笑着,眼睛

2009-01-08 13:14:00 496

原创 WebApplicationContext

The WebApplicationContext is an interface that extends the ApplicationContext interface in the Spring framework. This interface is used to provide the configu

2009-01-07 15:50:00 561

原创 Filter,Dispatcher

Filter:A filter is a reusable piece of code that can transform the content of HTTP requests,responses, and header information. Filters do not generally create a response orrespond to a request as serv

2009-01-07 10:30:00 506

Understanding Formal Methods

This book is aimed at all those who are rightly puzzled by the complex and controversial panorama of formal methods. It is unique as to its completeness and its compromise between rigorous exposition of underlying mathematical theories and concrete explanations of the implementation of techniques using actual tools. One of its essential merits is to be an up-to-date presentation of the best currently available techniques, in a field where one could easily mistakenly choose an antiquated and rigid technology, or take the risk of a research prototype with an unknown lifespan.


Handbook of Model Checking

With 32 technical articles and 76 authors, this handbook represents a full postgraduate course in Model Checking. If a reader can verify that he or she has read and studied every article, then Springer should certainly award that reader a Master’s Degree inModel Checking! Departments in Computer Science everywhere will certainly welcome access to this major resource. Model Checking has become a major area of research and development both for hardware and software verification owing to many factors. First, the improved speed and capacity of computers in recent times have made all kinds of problem solving both practical and efficient. Moreover, in the area of Model Checking the methods of design of models have contributed to the best formulation of problems. Then we have seen SAT solvers gain unexpected and truly remarkable efficiency improvements—despite theoretical limitations. Additionally, the methodology of Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) has contributed to finding excellent ways to pose and solve problems. Uses of temporal logic and data-flow-analysis techniques have also made model checking more naturally efficient. All these contributions have helped solve the ever-present “state explosion problem.” The urgency to make greater strides has increased because new applications in such diverse areas as health care, transportation, security, and robotics require work in the field to achieve greater scale, expressivity, and automation. I would definitely recommend new Ph.D. candidates look seriously into going into research in this field, because success in Model Checking can directly lead to future success in many other activities in Computer Science. Finally, the recent tragic loss of Helmut Veith has been a dreadful blow to his family, friends, colleagues, and students. Let’s take up the flag in his honor to help promote and expand the field in which he was poised to become a recognized world leader. Carnegie Mellon University Dana S. Scott Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley


Yaron Minsky, Anil Madhavapeddy, and Jason Hickey

Programming languages matter. They affect the reliability, security, and efficiency of the code you write, as well as how easy it is to read, refactor, and extend. The languages you know can also change how you think, influencing the way you design software even when you’re not using them. We wrote this book because we believe in the importance of programming languages, and that OCaml in particular is an important language to learn. The three of us have been using OCaml in our academic and professional lives for over 15 years, and in that time we’ve come to see it as a secret weapon for building complex software systems. This book aims to make this secret weapon available to a wider audience, by providing a clear guide to what you need to know to use OCaml effectively in the real world. What makes OCaml special is that it occupies a sweet spot in the space of programming language designs. It provides a combination of efficiency, expressiveness and practicality that is matched by no other language. That is in large part because OCaml is an elegant combination of a few key language features that have been developed over the last 40 years.


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惠普打印机Laserjet p2015系列用户指南


使用jboss cache 作为pojo cache

使用jboss cache 作为pojo cache中文翻译版 满江红翻译团队



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